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We’ll take care of these children when you are away.()

A.take part in

B.talk with

C.play with

D.look after

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听力原文:M: Hi. Welcome to Heavenly Pies. May I take your order?W: Uh... yes. [23] I'd lik

听力原文:M: Hi. Welcome to Heavenly Pies. May I take your order?

W: Uh... yes. [23] I'd like the fried chicken steak.

M: Okay. Would you like fries, bread, or rice with your meal?

W: Umm. I'll take the rice.

M: Would you care for anything to drink?

W: Yeah. [23] I'll take a medium Sprite.

M: Okay. A medium Sprite. And what kind of dressing would you like with your salad? It comes with the fried steak.

W: [24] What dressings do you have?

M: We have French, Italian, blue cheese, and ranch.

W: Oh! Ranch, please.

M: Would you like anything else?

W: Well, I'd like to see your pie menu. That's tile main reason why I like to dine here.

M: Oh, I'm sorry, but we aren't serving pies today.

W: Huh?

M: Well, you see, Dave, [25] our baker, slipped on a banana peel back in our kitchen two days ago, and injured his back.

W: Oh, no.

M: He'll be out for at least two weeks. In the meantime, we're serving ice cream Sundaes instead. Sorry.

W: I'm sorry to hear that. I hope he gets better soon.


A.T-bone steak & beer.

B.Fried chicken steak & Sprite.

C.Boiled chicken & salad.

D.Roast beef & rice.

听力原文:W: What are the flowers for, Richard?M: Five years of happiness. Happy anniversar

听力原文:W: What are the flowers for, Richard?

M: Five years of happiness. Happy anniversary.

W: But our anniversary isn't until Saturday.

M: I couldn't wait. Besides, we are not going to be here Saturday.

W: Where are we going to be?

M: If you had your choice of all the places in the world, where would you choose to spend our anniversary?

W: The Watermill Inn. I loved that place when we went on our honeymoon.

M: Perfect! You picked the right place.

W: I don't understand.

M: You and I are going to spend a second honeymoon at the Watermill Inn.

W: Oh, Richard! That's wonderful, but...

M: No buts, absolutely not. The world's greatest grandmother, Mrs. Ellen Stewart, has agreed to take care of him for the weekend.

W: But isn't that too much to ask of your mother?

M: Too much? She loves taking care of Max.

W: But... I'll miss him.

M: Well, we'll phone every hour, and you can listen to him over the phone. Come on. Honey, it's time you and I had a romantic weekend alone together. We've earned it. What do you say?

W: It does sound tempting. You're right. We've earned it.

M: Great! I'll make a reservation fight now. Remember that wonderful little balcony where we had our meals... with a view of the Hudson River?

W: How could I forget?

M: My mom is available to baby-sit this weekend.

W: Well, OK. Check if they have a room.

M: I've already made arrangements. Right! You and I are going to have a wonderful, romantic weekend!


A.Two years.

B.Three years.

C.Five years.

D.Eight years.

听力原文:M: Hi. Welcome to Heavenly Pies. May I take your order?W: Uh... yes. [23]I'd like

听力原文:M: Hi. Welcome to Heavenly Pies. May I take your order?

W: Uh... yes. [23]I'd like the fried chicken steak.

M: Okay. Would you like fries, bread, or rice with your meal?

W: Umm. I'll take the rice.

M: Would you care for anything to drink?

W: Yeah. [23]I'll take a medium Sprite.

M: Okay. A medium Sprite. And what kind of dressing would you like with your salad? It comes with the fried steak.

W: [24]What dressings do you have?

M: We have French, Italian, blue cheese, and ranch.

W: Oh! Ranch, please.

M: Would you like anything else?

W: Well, I'd like to see your pie menu. That's the main reason why I like to dine here.

M: Oh, I'm sorry, but we aren't serving pies today.

W: Huh?

M: Well, you see, Dave, [25]our baker, slipped on a banana peel back in our kitchen two dgys ago,and injured his back.

W: Oh, no.

M: He'll be out for at least two weeks. In the meantime, we're serving ice cream sundaes instead. Sorry.

W: I'm sorry to hear that. I hope he gets better soon.


A.T-bone steak & beer.

B.Fried chicken steak & Sprite.

C.Boiled chicken & salad.

D.Roast beef & rice.

听力原文:M: (22)Honey, I think this spring is a good time for us to start looking.W: We sh

听力原文:M: (22)Honey, I think this spring is a good time for us to start looking.

W: We should plan to move out of here before July. I'm tired of living in apartments.

M: I know, dear. I am too. But we've just been too busy to look for a house.

W: We need to find a good realtor.

M: Not necessary. (23)If we use a realtor to find a house, it will be more expensive. Realtors always get a commission. If the realtor helps us find something, we have to pay him.

W: But doesn't a realtor help with the contract? I thought they take care of all the legal troubles. We're new in this country. We don't know all the laws of buying a house. And also, the realtor will inspect the house. He can tell us if the house has any problems.

M: Of course we need a home inspector. But we can hire an inspector on our own. (24)And as for the legal problems, I have friends. They can help us.

W: So how can we find a house if we don't have a realtor?

M: It takes a little more time. We have to check the ads in the paper. Probably also there are special real estate magazines with ads. Then we have to drive to the homes and look at them. It's best to find someone who is selling by himself.

W: Well, that will take a long time.

M: It is. But buying a house is very important; you can't be too careful.

W: (25)I want to look in the papers today. Maybe we can see something we like.

M: Alright. (25)I'll buy a newspaper when I go to the drug store.


A.House-buyer and house-seller.

B.House-buyer and realtor.

C.Husband and wife.


听力原文:M: The weather report predicts a big storm for tonight.Maybe your car windows sho

听力原文:M: The weather report predicts a big storm for tonight. Maybe your car windows should be rolled up.

W: Good idea. I'll go take care of it.

Q: What does the woman mean?


A.She's just washed her car.

B.She doesn't think it will rain.

C.She'll close the windows.

D.She'll put the car away.

听力原文:M: Could you help me please?W: Certainly, sir.M: I'm looking for something as a b

听力原文:M: Could you help me please?

W: Certainly, sir.

M: I'm looking for something as a birthday gift for my girlfriend.

W: Do you have anything special in mind?

M: I can't seem to think of anything.

W: OK. What about a nice scarf? We have some handsome scarves that just arrived.

M: Oh, no. I just gave her one for Christmas. She's never worn it. She doesn't like scarves. She would not speak to me again if I gave her another one.

W: I see. Perhaps, then, a nice necklace, a pair of bracelets, or a set of pins will do?

M: I don't know. I've never seen her wearing that kind of thing. She might not care for that either. Can you think of anything else?

W: I believe I have just the thing: a nice matched set of women's cosmetics: lotion, cologne, and lipsticks.

M: That does sound good. Just wrap it up and put this card in with it, please?

W: Sure, sir. It'll just take a few minutes.

M: All right, I'll wait.


A.To do some window-shopping.

B.To do some shopping with his girlfriend.

C.To buy a birthday present for his girlfriend.

D.To look for some gifts for his friends.

Foster CareWe generally think of childhood in terms of the nuclear family, Mom and dad, or

Foster Care

We generally think of childhood in terms of the nuclear family, Mom and dad, or just mom or just dad, takes care of their kids. But the reality is things don't always work out this way. For any number of reasons, parents sometimes end up in a situation where they can't take care of their children, either temporarily or permanently. What happens then?

Throughout history, the fate of these children has depended wholly on the goodwill of the community. In the past, if extended family, neighbors or strangers didn't step in as surrogate(代理) parents, parentless children would be turned out on the streets. Today, this sort of community childcare is institutionalized, but it still relies on the kindness and compassion of individual members of the community.

Foster Fundamentals

When parents are unable, unwilling or unfit to care for a child, the child must find a new home. In some cases, there is little or no chance a child can return to their parents' custody(监护), so they need a new permanent home. In 'other situations, children only need a temporary home until their parents' situation changes, In any ease, the children need somewhere to stay until a permanent home is possible.

Over the past hundred years, the trend in North America and Europe has shifted away from orphanages and towards foster homes. The underlying philosophy of foster care is that children are better off, emotionally and psycho-logically, in a home environment, with someone filling the role of a parent. The logic is that with one or more foster parents taking care of a smaller number of children, the child should have more of the attention and love they need to grow into healthy adults. Today, there are roughly half a million U.S. children in the foster care system.

Foster care and adoption both provide family environments for children who can't be with their biological parents, but it's important to understand that they are very different institutions. While foster parents are encouraged to connect emotionally with the children in their care, foster families are not meant to be permanent replacements for biological families. In most cases, the ultimate goal is to reunite children with their biological families, as soon as the family is able and fit. This could be as short as a few days or as long as a few years.

Failing family reunification, the ultimate goal is to find adoptive parents who will take on all the emotional and legal responsibilities of birth parents. In the eyes of the law, adopting a child is pretty much the same thing as giving birth to them. Fostering a child, on the other hand, doesn't give the foster parents any major authority over the child's life.

On occasion, foster parents will eventually adopt foster children in their care, but more often, the foster home is a means of returning the child to his or her birth parents or a stop on the way to another home. Unfortunately, many children end up bouncing from foster home to foster home, never finding a permanent family. In this regard, the foster care system is clearly imperfect, since it often adds more instability to a child's life.

The fundamental mission of the foster care system, then, is very simple. Actually putting it into action is another matter. Fester care involves a lot of hard work on the part of administrators, social workers, parents and, most importantly, foster children. In the next couple sections, we'll find out a little about life in this world.

The Organization

In the United States, foster care operates on the local level, rather than on the national level. The structure varies somewhat from state to state, as do the specific names for government agencies and programs, but most states follow the same general model.

In most eases, the state's division of social services, part of the state department of health a




听力原文:W: We should probably hit the road, It's going to take us two hours to drive home
. Otherwise, we couldn't make it before midnight.

M: You're right. I'll say goodbye to Michael and thank him for the treat.

Q: What can we infer from the conversation?


A.They are going to Michael's.

B.They are at Michael's.

C.They will go home by subway.

D.They will treat Michael.

听力原文:W:Can you take me to the Palace Restaurant quickly? I'm ten minutes late already.

M:I don't know. I'll try. It will take at least twenty minutes.

Q:What do we learn from the conversation?


A.She will reach the restaurant ten minutes late.

B.She has ten minutes to reach the restaurant.

C.He thinks he can reach the restaurant in ten minutes.

D.He thinks he can't arrive at the restaurant very soon.

听力原文:W: I was [19] working on a paper about the differences between women and men. I h
ave been thinking about it all these days, but no satisfactory results come out.

M: Ah, you may not realize you're working on a complicated philosophical issue.

W: I know exactly that men and women are different. They sometimes don't understand each other at all.

M: 1 agree. Men and women are interested in different topics when they are talking. Last weekend, John and I went to a ball game. When we're at the game, we talked about the players and what's going on in the game and nothing else. I think women wouldn't do that.

W: You bet! Yesterday, a friend and I sat at a caf6 and talked about nothing, and everything! Um…about my sister's new baby…and about when she could go back to work…and you know, who should take care of the baby… things like that.

M: When a woman talks with a man, [20] she'll often feel as though he wasn't really listening or that he wasn't really having a conversation, right?

W: Yeah, that sounds very familiar to me.

M: And I think a man doesn't understand what the woman really wants from him.

W: I guess he probably wonders "what's her point?", "where's this conversation going?"

M: To speak from experience, for a man, talking is generally more straightforward—it's about giving and getting facts. Men generally don't base their friendships on talking, but on doing—getting together with buddies, playing sports or hanging out.

W: Well, for me, [21] a best friend is someone I can be close with and talk to. I can talk with her in detail about everyday events in our lives. We share feelings and secrets. This offers a chance to better understand our world and ourselves.


A.Looking for a person to talk to.

B.Working on a troublemaking talking.

C.Trying to understand the two genders.

D.Trying to understand friendship between women.

听力原文:F: I'm afraid this is the only room in the hotel we have free at this time Sir. W
e weren't expecting you.

M: Oh, dear. I guess I'll take what I can get. Next time I'll be sure to call in advance and make a reservation.

Q: What can be inferred about the man?


A.He didn't call the hotel in advance.

B.He will leave immediately.

C.He refuses to take the room the hotel offers.

D.He dislikes the hotel.

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