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Genetic Engineering Genetic engineering began when the DNA molecule (分子), the most basic

Genetic Engineering

Genetic engineering began when the DNA molecule (分子), the most basic unit of life, was first described in 1953 by James Watson and Francis Crick. An understanding of DNA led to the altering of normal cell reproduction. Experiments with altering human cells began in 1970. In one of the first ex- periments, patients were injected with a virus that would produce a life-saving enzyme, but their bodies would not accept it. In 1980 patients with a rare but fatal blood disease were injected with a pu- rified gene that was cloned through DNA technology. Another failure.

Genetic engineering got a legal boost (激励) in 1980. The U. S. Supreme Court said that a patent could be granted on a genetically engineered "oil-eating" bacterium (细菌). This bacterium would help clean up oil spills. The ruling encouraged companies to invent new life forms, and three important medical products were quickly developed.

Human interferon (干扰素)-a possible solution to some cancers and viral disease A newly engineered bac-terium produced hurnan interferon as a by-product. This new product reduced the cost of interferon.

Human growth hormone-for children whose bodies do not grow to normal height. An expensive growth hormone (荷尔蒙) was previously produced from human cadavers, but by changing the genetic make-up of the single-cell bacterium E. coli, and affordable growth hormone could be produced.

Human insulin (胰岛素)-for the treatment of diabetes. People with diabetes used to rely on a beef-or pork-based product until 1982. Now insulin can be manufactured by genetically altered bacteria.

Advances in genetic engineering have continued, though they constantly must be weighted against the safety of procedures. There is clearly much more to discover.

This passage is mainly about

A.the effects of altering cells

B.the human growth hormone

C.insulin resistance

D.U. S. Supreme Court rulings

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更多“Genetic Engineering Genetic en…”相关的问题
It can be inferred from this passage that ______.A.all the offspring have their mothers' g

It can be inferred from this passage that ______.

A.all the offspring have their mothers' genetic engineering

B.part of the offspring have their mothers' genetic engineering

C.none of the offspring have their mothers' genetic engineering

D.half of the offspring have their mothers' genetic engineering

Genetic engineering technology is helpful to improve people's health conditions.A.YB.NC.NG

Genetic engineering technology is helpful to improve people's health conditions.




What does the author think about the genetic engineering of pine trees?A.Time-consuming.B.

What does the author think about the genetic engineering of pine trees?




D.Technically impossible.

Genetic engineering and cloning technology __________ in meaning.A.overlapB.overflowC.prol

Genetic engineering and cloning technology __________ in meaning.





Genetic engineering, the process of splicing (连接) together DNA from different organisms

Genetic engineering, the process of splicing (连接)

together DNA from different organisms to create a preferred

type of plant or animal, is a relatively new development

in agriculture. The first successful experiment

was achieved in 1973. Despite of its recent emergence, 【S1】______

however, genetic engineering--particularly in the area of

agriculture--has proliferated swiftly. Few Americans can

now avoid genetically altered food altogether, but it's 【S2】______

estimated that modified ingredients are present in about two-thirds

of the foods in American supermarkets.

Supporters of genetic engineering have argued that

this application of science allows farmers to grow crops

more efficiently and to save money on pesticides and fertilizers.

Fewer chemicals, they say, will be benefit for 【S3】______

the environment and reduce health risks for farm workers.

Opponents of genetic engineering make the claim

that scientists are tampering (损害) with matters that

they know too little and essentially committing a crime 【S4】______

against nature. It's impossible, they maintain, for people

to see the possible consequences that genetic engineering 【S5】______

could wreak (带来) on the environment and on the

health of human beings. 【S6】______

Greenpeace activists objected on farmers' use of corn

that had been genetically modified to resist corn borers

(玉米螟)--pests that were costing farmers up to a billion 【S7】______

dollars a year in mined crops. No one admitted that

the genetic change had benefited the corn plants. But

how would it impact upon the rest of the environment?

Studies variously supported both sides of the argument 【S8】______

, and thus proved conclusive. However, the protest

cut to the heart of the genetic engineering controversy by 【S9】______

demonstrating what unprepared both the scientists and

their opponents were to gauge (测量, 评估) the long-term

effects of introducing changes into living beings.

Perhaps, like most forms of technological innovation, genetic

engineering will come to display both its benefits 【S10】______

and obvious drawbacks--many of which will be so apparent

until mankind has pursued the experiment for some



The overall effect of this passage is likely to make the reader feel ______.A.enthusiastic

The overall effect of this passage is likely to make the reader feel ______.

A.enthusiastic about biotechnology

B.very worry about genetic engineering

C.reluctant to try new plant combinations

D.alarmed about limitless experiment

For the first time in history, evolution has taken a backseat. There is an ongoing realiza
tion that human beings are capable of directly shaping their own evolution. As we case into the twenty-first century, we realize that genetic engineering is undoubtedly going to have a dramatic【C1】______on our lives. It seems that with genetic engineering, science has moved from【C2】______the natural world to redesigning it. Now we must ask ourselves【C3】______this influence will be for better or for worse. However, scientists remain【C4】______in their opinions. Some have【C5】______against the hazards of genetic engineering,【C6】______others have dismissed these perils as inconsequential. Lewis Wolpert, professor of biology at University College London, says, "There are no ethical【C7】______because you are not doing any【C8】______to anyone." And the gist of his statement is staunchly supported by James Watson, a Nobel Prize winner. "If we can make better human beings by knowing how to change【C9】______, why shouldn't we do it?" They are both extremely【C10】______of excuses that genetic engineering is a bad idea.【C11】______, two other prominent scientists have【C12】______their displeasure about genetic engineering. They have made no【C13】______of the rather strong and true feelings【C14】______genetic engineering. George Wald, Nobel Prize winning biologist wrote recombinant DNA technology【C15】______our society with unprecedented problems in the history of science. It places in human hands the【C16】______to redesign living organisms, the【C17】______of some three billion years of evolution. It is happening too fast. It【C18】______probably the largest ethical problem, for going【C19】______in this direction may be not only unwise but【C20】______.






It is clear that the findings of Dr. Arpad Pusztai ______.A.come in conflict with the gove

It is clear that the findings of Dr. Arpad Pusztai ______.

A.come in conflict with the government's GE food policies

B.provide strong support for Derek Burke's argument

C.justify the suppression of different voices concerning GE foods

D.resolve the genetic engineering debate once for all

It is clear that the findings of Dr. Arpad Pasztai ______.A.come in conflict with the gove

It is clear that the findings of Dr. Arpad Pasztai ______.

A.come in conflict with the government's GE food policies

B.provide strong support for Derek Burke's argument

C.justify the suppression of different voices concerning GE foods

D.resolve the genetic engineering debate once for all

If you go down to the woods today, you may meet high-tech trees genetically modified to sp
eed their growthor improve the quality of their wood. Genetically-engineered food crops have become increasingly common, albeit controversial. over the past ten years. But genetic engineering of trees has lagged behind.

Part of the reason is technical. Understanding. and then altering, the genes of a big pine tree are more complex than creating a better tomato. While tomatoes sprout happily, and rapidly, in the laboratory, growing a whole tree from a single, genetically altered cell in a test tube is a tricky process that takes years, not months. Moreover. little is known about tree genes. Some trees, such as pine trees. have a lot of DNA-roughly ten times as much as human. And, whereas the Human Genome Project is more than half-way throughits task of isolating and sequencing the estimated 100,00 genes in human cells. similar efforts to analyzetree genes are still just saplings (幼苗).

Given the large number of tree genes and the little that is known about them, tree engineers are starting with a search for genetic "markers". The first step is to isolate DNA from trees with desirable propertiessuch as insect resistance. The next step is to find stretches of DNA that show the presence of a particular gene. Then, when you mate two trees with different desirable properties, it is simple to check which offspring contain them all by looking for the genetic markers. Henry Amerson, at North Carolina State University, is using genetic markers to breed fungal resistance into southern pines. Billions of these are grown across America for pulp and paper, and outbreaks of disease are expensive. But not all individual trees are susceptible. Dr. Amerson’s group has found markers that distinguish fungus-resistant stock from disease-prone trees.Using traditional breeding techniques, they are introducing the resistance genes into pines on test sites in America.

Using generic markers speeds up old-fashioned breeding methods becauseyou no longer have to wait for the tree to grow up to see if it has the desiredtraits. But it is more a sophisticated form. of selective breeding. Now. however.interest in genetic tinkering (基因修补) is also gaining ground. To this end, Dr.Amerson and his colleagues are taking part in the Pine Gene Discovery Project. an initiative to identify and sequence the 50,000-odd genes in the pine tree&39;s genome. Knowing which gene does what should make it easier to know what to alter.


Compared with genetic engineering of food crops, genetic engineering of trees____________________.

A.began much later

B.has developed more slowly

C.is less useful

D.was less controversial

In recent years a new farming revolution has begun, one that involves the ()of life at a
fundamental level – the gene.The study of genetics has () a new industry called biotechnology.As the name suggests, it () biology and modem technology through such techniques as genetic engineering.Some of the new biotech companies specialize in agriculture and are working feverishly to ()seeds that give a high yield, that () diseases, drought and frost, and that reduce the need for () chemicals.If such goals could be achieved, it would be most ().But some have raised concerns about genetically engineered crops.

In nature, genetic diversity is created within certain ().A rose can be crossed with a different kind of rose, but a rose will never cross with a potato.Genetic engineering, () usually involves taking genes from one species and inserting them into another ()to transfer a desired characteristic.This could mean, for example, selecting a gene which leads to the production of a chemical with anti-freeze () from an artic fish, and inserting it into a potato or strawberry to make it frost-resistant(),then, biotechnology allows humans to()the genetic walls that separate species.

Like the green revolution,()some call the gene revolution contributes to the problem of genetic uniformity---some say even more so () geneticists can employ techniques such as cloning and () culture(培养), processes that produce perfectly () copies.Concerns about the erosion of biodiversity, therefore, remain.Genetically altered plants, however, raise new(), such as the effects that they may have on us and the environment.“We are flying blindly into a new ()of agricultural biotechnology with high hopes, few constraints, and little idea of the potential(),” said science writer Jeremy Rifkin.


2.A.got along withB.given rise toC.come up withD.lived up to







9.A.after allB.on the other handC.in any caD.as a rest

10.A.to the pointB.in no caseC.in an attemptD.with regard


12.A.In essenceB.In partC.In advanceD.In return









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