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A.Because they haven't seen each other for a long time.B.Because they can learn someth

A.Because they haven't seen each other for a long time.

B.Because they can learn something together.

C.Because they can claim more time of being together.

D.Because they have the same idea.

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更多“A.Because they haven't seen ea…”相关的问题
A.Because it is bad for their health.B.Because those people are lazy.C.Because those p

A.Because it is bad for their health.

B.Because those people are lazy.

C.Because those people maintain good habits.

D.Because those measures haven't changed people's bad habits permanently.

A.Because they are not special and have no individual features.B.Because their new fun

A.Because they are not special and have no individual features.

B.Because their new functions haven't been put into effect.

C.Because the woman doesn't like living near the campus.

D.Because the walls' sound insulation is very poor.

听力原文:M: I haven't seen Calvin lately.W: I wish I could say the same. He frequently dro

听力原文:M: I haven't seen Calvin lately.

W: I wish I could say the same. He frequently drops by just at Supper time. I couldn't be so angry if he called to warn us. But he always claims that he fogot our number.

Q: Why is the woman so angry at Calvin?


A.Because he forgot her phone number.

B.Because she hasn't seem him lately.

C.Because he never invites her to dinner.

D.Because he doesn't phone ahead before visiting.

听力原文:M: Hi, Kate. How are you getting on?W: Hey, what are you doing here? I didn't exp

听力原文:M: Hi, Kate. How are you getting on?

W: Hey, what are you doing here? I didn't expect you until later.

M: Well, I've already finished everything I had to do at work, so I thought I'd come back and help you. I know you've had a busy day.

W: I've had an extremely busy day, and it hasn't finished yet. Did you remember we've got Paul and Hannah for dinner tonight?

M: Yes, I did. Have you got everything you need?

W: Well, I've already done the shopping, but I haven't bought the wine yet.

M: Oh, I'll do that. Have you picked up the children yet?

W: No, I haven't done that yet. They're still at school.

M: OK, well, I'll get them when I buy the wine.

W: No, they've got their sports club, so they'll be there until about six. You're more important here. Have you collected the car from the garage yet? It should be ready by now.

M: No, I haven't. I'll go to the garage later. Now, what next?

W: Well, the kitchen is clean, but you could check the bathroom for me.

M: OK. Have you thrown away the pile of newspapers in the front room?

W: No, they're still lying on the table.

M: I'll take out the rubbish as well.

W: I've already done that. Now, I haven't started cooking yet, and it's getting late. When you've got the wine, can you lay the table? Here's the table cloth and knives and forks. And mend the television? It still doesn't work. Oh, and wrap up your mother's birthday present. It still needs wrapping paper. And turn on the heating. It's getting quite cold in here.

M: Oh dear, it's one of those days.


A.Because she invited her friends to have supper.

B.Because she did not finish everything she had to do.

C.Because she went shopping for a whole day.

D.Because no one can came to help her.

听力原文:W: What would you like to do then?M: Well, there's not much on TV, is there? Do y

听力原文:W: What would you like to do then?

M: Well, there's not much on TV, is there? Do you fancy a movie?

W: Fine, but I don't feel like going all the way into town. What is on locally?

M: Well, I rang the Criterion earlier and they've got Raw Deal--you remember we saw something about it on TV last week.

W: No, I don't fancy that. Too much blood and guts.

M: I agree. Oh, there's also A Room with a View. Why don't we go and see it?

W: We could, but I've seen it.

M: Well, so have I.

W: Sorry, I forgot.

M: But it was so good I'd like to see it again.

W: Oh, I would too, but not just yet. I only saw it a short while ago.

M: How about Crocodile Dundee 2?

W: Crocodile Dundee? Why didn't you say it earlier? I loved the first one.

M: It was all right. Still, I'd rather we went to that than any of the others. There's a performance at eight.

W: Eight! Well, then it's time we left.

M: Don't panic. That is when the performance begins. There will be adverts and trailers and things before the film actually start. Crocodile Dundee 2 won't start at least eight thirty. We've easily got an hour.

W: But I'm starving. I haven't eaten since lunchtime.

M: I haven't, either. Let's grab something on the way. A hamburger or something.

W: Right. I'll get my coat. Have you see the keys to my car?

M: Weren't they on the desk?


A.Because they have seen it on TV.

B.Because it has too much violence.

C.Because they want to see A Room with a View.

D.Because they haven't got enough time to get to the cinema.

听力原文:When friends come to visit us in the evening, they spend their time telling us th

听力原文: When friends come to visit us in the evening, they spend their time telling us that they are in a hurry and looking at their watches. It isn't that our friends are all busy, it is just that we haven't got a television. People think that we are very strange. "But what do you do in the evenings?" they are always asking. The answer is simple. Both my wife and I have hobbies. We certainly don't spend our evenings staring at the walls. My wife enjoys cooking and painting and often attends evening classes in foreign language. This is particularly useful as we always go abroad for our holidays. I collect stamps and am always busy with my collection. Both of us enjoy listening to music and playing chess(象棋)together.

Sometimes there are power cuts and we have no electricity in the house. This does not worry us as we just light candles and carry on with what we were doing before. Our friends are lost--no television! --so they don't know what to do. On such evenings our house is very full as they all come to us. They all have a good time. Instead of sitting in silence in front of the television, everybody talks and plays games. Yes, life is possible without television!


A.Because they are in a hurry.

B.Because they are strange.

C.Because they cannot watch TV.

D.Because they have other schedules.

听力原文:M: Hurry up, Kate. We'll be late.W: I am hurrying. I can't move any faster.M: It'

听力原文:M: Hurry up, Kate. We'll be late.

W: I am hurrying. I can't move any faster.

M: It's always the same. We can never get anywhere on time.

W: Right! I'm ready. Really, David, if you gave me some help around the house, we'd never have to hurry like this. I can't do everything, you know.

M: Well, we'd better be off. We're late already.

W: Oh, no! It's absolutely pouring. We can't go out in that. We'll be soaked.

M: Nonsense! Come on. It's only a shower. It won't last long.

W: A shower? That! It's set in for the night. I'm not going out in that.

M: Well, you've got your umbrella, haven't you? Use that. And anyway. it's only five minutes to the Johnsons' house.

W: It might just as well be five miles in that rain. And I haven't got my umbrella. I left it in the office.

M: That wasn't very clever of you, was it?

W: Well, we could use your umbrella, I suppose.

M: We can't. I left it on the train six weeks ago.

W: Oh, David, Really, you are impossible.

M: Well, we can't stand here all night. We're late enough as it is. Let's go.

W: I'm not going out in that. And that's final.

M: I'd better ring for a taxi then.

W: Yes. You'd better, hadn't you?


A.Because she hasn't got ready yet.

B.Because she is waiting for David.

C.Because she is waiting for a taxi to pick her up.

D.Because it is raining very hard and she doesn't have an umbrella.

听力原文:W: Jack, have you and Anne decided when you're going to get married?M: Next year,

听力原文:W: Jack, have you and Anne decided when you're going to get married?

M: Next year, we hope, Mom, but we are not sure about it. It is not easy to find a house.

W: Have you made any inquiries yet?

M: Yes. It's almost impossible to find an unfurnished house to rent. There are lots of furnished flats, but the rents are very high.

W: How much does it cost to buy a plot of land and build a house? Have you any idea?

M: I haven't a very definite idea. Between 30 and 40 thousand pounds at least. It's no use thinking about building a house.

W: And even if you had a house, there'd be the furniture, and all sorts of other things.

M: Yes, I know. Anne and 1 have been saving up. We've saved a few thousand pounds, and could buy furniture. But the house is still the problem.

W: What size of the house would you want, Jack?

M: Oh, quite a small one. A living room and a kitchen, two bedrooms and a bathroom.

W: Suppose your dad and I offer to help, Jack?

M: Oh, Mom! That would be wonderful! But do you mean it? Are you serious?

W: I think we could offer you some money. It's time you and Anne were married. Your father married before your age. Talk about it to Anne and find out where Anne would like to live--in the suburbs, or right out in the country.

M: Anne will be de. lighted, I'm sure. And we both like to build our house in the country. Thank you, Mom! We shan't have to spend weeks and weeks hunting house now.


A.Because they can't find a suitable unfurnished house.

B.Because they have to wait till they find a house with furniture.

C.Because they haven't saved enough money to buy furniture.

D.Because they are thinking about buying a house in the suburbs.

听力原文:I don't think there is anything wrong with your blood. The key to your problem is

听力原文: I don't think there is anything wrong with your blood. The key to your problem is that long sleep after dinner.

If you didn't sleep for hours during the early part of the evening, you would be more ready to sleep at bedtime, If you didn't nap after dinner, you would not want to stay up so late, and you would not feel the need to take a sleeping pill. The pill is still working in your system when you get up in the morning. This helps account for the fact that you feel tired all day.

You should get out of the habit of sleeping during the evening. Right after your evening meal, engage in some sort of physical activity--a sport such as bowling, perhaps. Or get together with friends for an evening of cards and conversation. Then go to bed at your usual time or a little earlier, and you should be able to get a good night's rest without taking a pill.

If you can get into the habit of spending your evenings this way, I am sure you will feel less fired during the day. At first it may be hard for you to go to sleep without taking a pill. If so, get up and watch television or do some jobs around your house until you feel sleepy. If you fall asleep and then wake up a few hours later, get up but do not take a sleeping pill. Read a while or listen to the radio, and get yourself a few hours' sleep that night, you will feel better in the morning than you usually feel after taking a pill. The next night you will be ready to sleep at an earlier hour.

The most important thing is to avoid taking that sleep right after dinner and avoid taking pills.


A.Because you get the habit of staying up late.

B.Because you haven't taken sleeping pills.

C.Because you sleep for hours after dinner.

D.Because you fail to do some exercises.

听力原文:W: Have you been to the new sports centre yet?M: I certainly have. I joined the f

听力原文:W: Have you been to the new sports centre yet?

M: I certainly have. I joined the fitness club on Monday and I met another squash player there. We're going for a game this evening.

W: I signed up for the aerobics class, but I haven't checked out their other facilities yet.

M: Go to their fruit juice bar. They do snacks too. The staff there are really friendly and you can meet other people who go to the sports centre.

W: Which snacks do you recommend? I suppose they must be really healthy—not the kind of food I usually see you eating!

M: That's true. I like the carrot cake best. By the way, they offer tennis classes at the centre. Didn't you say you were interested in learning?

W: Yes, I did. Are they expensive?

M: They're cheaper than I've seen anywhere else, mainly because they teach you in small groups, not individually. You can get individual coaching if you prefer.

W: I'm happy with a small group. I mean, I want to learn just to play for fun, not in any competitions or anything.

M: Why don't we go there together now, unless you've got something else on? We can have a little look around and you can buy me a nice healthy snack.

W: Well, I am free as it happens, but why should I buy you a nice healthy snack?

M: You did say last week that you thought I should try to eat a little more healthily.


A.Because she wants to keep fit.

B.Because the sports centre only offers aerobics classes for women.

C.Because that was the only class she knew about.

D.We are not told.

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