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听力原文:M: Hi! Dr. Hyde?W: So, what seems to ha the problem today?M: Well, I just came in

听力原文:M: Hi! Dr. Hyde?

W: So, what seems to ha the problem today?

M: Well, I just came in for a check up and a dental cleaning.

W: Hum. Open up. Let's take a look.

M: Okay. Uh...

W: Hum. Wow! I've never seen one like this before. Let me try this.

M: Uhhh...Ouhhhh [Man screaming in pain].

W: Well, there is a major cavity in one of your wisdom teeth. Hasn't this given you any trouble?

M: Well, the tooth has been bothering me, and it sometimes hurts when I drink something cold. Does it look that bad?

W: Well, we're going to remove the decay, and then we'll either put a filling in, or if the decay is extensive, we can't repair it, we might have to put a crown on your tooth. Or as a last resort, we may have to extract the tooth.

M: Uh, well, that sounds painful!

W: Don't worry. I've done this once before. Nah, just relax.

M: Wait! Aren't you supposed to give me something to dull the pain?

W: Uh, Oh yeah. I almost forget. We can use a local anesthetic to minimize the discomfort you might feel. Or you can just grin and bear it.

M: Nah, nah, nah! Put me under! I can't stand pain, and I'd rather not be aware of what's going on. And, if I need a filling, can I get one that leeks like my other teeth?

W: If we can save the tooth with a filling, I recommend a high-strength silver alloy filling instead of a porcelain one. It'll probably last longer.

M: Okay, well, whatever. Let's get it over with.

W: Okay, pleasant dreams. Drill please.


A.He wanted to have a filling replaced.

B.He came in for a dental check up.

C.He came in for some dental advice.

D.He needed to have a tooth pulled.

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更多“听力原文:M: Hi! Dr. Hyde?W: So, wh…”相关的问题
听力原文:W: Hello?M: Hi, May, this is Bill Johns.W: Oh hi, Bill. You weren't in engineerin

听力原文:W: Hello?

M: Hi, May, this is Bill Johns.

W: Oh hi, Bill. You weren't in engineering class today, were you?

M: I have the flu. I was wondering if you could tell me what went on.

W: Actually we had an interesting class. Dr. Collin talked about a new type of fuel.

M: Oh, yeah?

W: Uh-hum. It's called DME.

M: Oh, I remember reading something about DME. It's mostly used in spray cans, right?

W: Right. DME doesn't destroy the ozone, so it's been environmentally friendly.

M: But doesn't DME pollute the air if it's burned in an engine?

W: Dr. Collin says something about its exhausts being clear, that it doesn't release as much pollutant as diesel fuel. And he mentioned something about DME being more efficient than other alternative fuels.

M: When will it replace diesel fuel?

W: Not for a while. It's not economical to mass produce.

M: Well, thanks for the information. I guess I won't need to borrow your notes.

W: Well, maybe you should look at them. We are having a test next week.

M: Okay, could you give them to Mike Andrews? I think he is in your psychology class. He is my roommate.

W: Sure. I hope you're feeling better soon.

M: Thanks. Me too. Bye!

W: Bye!


A.Dr. Collin.

B.Spray cans.

C.A new type of fuel.

D.A test.

听力原文:M: Hi Helen. What do you think of our class in children's literature? W: It looks

听力原文:M: Hi Helen. What do you think of our class in children's literature?

W: It looks pretty good. I was surprised to see you in there. Are you also majoring in elementary education?

M: No, I'm not. But as a psychology major, I can use this to fulfill the requirements in developmental psychology.

W: Have you finished the first assignment yet?

M: Not yet. I just got the book today. How about you?

W: I started this afternoon. It's great fun reading those wonderful children's stories by Dr. Hughes.

M: Dr. Hughes? I didn't remember seeing his name on the reading list.

W: His full name is Theodore Hughes Gazzel. That's how he is listed on the bibliography. Dr. Hughes is his pen name.

M: I love reading those stories as a child. It's been interesting now to read them from a different perspective. I guess they all give me a good idea on how children think.

W: Those stories are also great for class use.

M: How is that?

W: Well, take a typical Dr. Hughes' book like The Cat in a Hat. It has a controlled vocabulary of about only 200 words.

M: So, that means the children get a lot of practice, using a small number of words over and over.

W: Exactly. In fact, The Cat in a Hat is written primarily to show how a controlled vocabulary reading could also be interesting and fun.

M: Well, it sounds like it is also going to be interesting and fun. I'll get started on those readings tonight.

Questions 19 to 22 are based on the conversation you have just heard.

19. What is Helen's major field of study?

20. Why will the speakers be reading children's stories?

21. Who are Dr. Hughes and Theodore Gazzel?

22. When does the conversation probably take place?


A.American literature.

B.Elementary education.


D.Experimental medicine.

听力原文:W: Hello? May I speak to Bill Johns?M: Hi, Amy. This is Bill.W: Oh, hi, Bill. You

听力原文:W: Hello? May I speak to Bill Johns?

M: Hi, Amy. This is Bill.

W: Oh, hi, Bill. You weren't in engineering class today, were you?

M: No, I wasn't. (20)I have a flu. I was wondering if you could tell me what went on.

W: I'm sorry that you are ill. Actually we had an interesting class. (19)Dr. Collin talked about a new type of fuel.

M: Oh, yeah? Tell me more about it.

W: Uh-hum. It's called DME.

M: Oh, I remember reading something about DME. It's mostly used in spray cans, right?

W: Right. DME doesn't destroy the ozone, so it's been environmentally friendly.

M: But doesn't DME pollute the air if it's burned in an engine?

W: Dr. Collin says something about its exhausts being clear, that it doesn't release as much pollutants as diesel fuel. He mentioned something about DME being more efficient than other alternative fuels.

M: When will it replace diesel fuel?

W: Not for a while. It's not economical to mass-produce. But it may happen in the future. After all, time will tell.

M: Well, thanks for the information. (21)I guess I won't need to borrow your notes.

W: (21) Well, maybe you should look at them. We are having a test next week. You have to prepare for it.

M: Okay, could you give them to Mike Andrews? I think he is in your psychology class. He is my roommate.

W: Sure. I hope you're feeling better soon.

M: Thanks. Me too. Bye!


A.A more economical diesel fuel.

B.Characteristics of a new type of fuel.

C.Where a new energy source is located.

D.How to develop alternative energy sources.

听力原文:M: Hi, Helen, what do you think of our class in children's literature?W: It's pre

听力原文:M: Hi, Helen, what do you think of our class in children's literature?

W: It's pretty good. I was surprised to see you there. Are you also majoring in elementary education?

M: No, I'm not, but as a psychology major, I can use this to fulfill the requirement in developmental psychology.

W: Have you finished the first assignment yet?

M: Not yet. I just bought the books today. How about you?

W: I started this afternoon. It's great fun reading those wonderful children's stories by Dr. Seuss.

M: Dr. Seuss? I don't remember seeing his name on the reading list.

W: His full name is Theodor Seuss Geisel. That's how it's listed in the bibliography. Dr. Seuss is his pen name.

M: I loved reading those stories as a child. It'll be interesting to read them now from a different perspective. I guess it'll give me a good idea about how children think.

W: Those stories are also great for classroom use.

M: How is that?

W: Well, take a typical Dr. Seuss' book like The Cat in the Hat. It has a controlled vocabulary of only 200 words.

M: So that means the children get lots of practice in using a small number of words over and over.

W: Exactly. In fact, The Cat in the Hat was written primarily to show how a controlled vocabulary reader could also be interesting and fun.

M: Well, it sounds that all these courses are going to be interesting and fun. I think I'll get started on this reading list tonight.


A.Art history.

B.Elementary education.

C.American literature.


听力原文:M: Hello, you must be Lisa? Please come in, I am Harry Smith from Harvard.W: Hi,

听力原文:M: Hello, you must be Lisa? Please come in, I am Harry Smith from Harvard.

W: Hi, Dr. Smith, I am Lisa. Dr. Watts recommended me to come here.

M: It is a pleasure to be able to finally meet you! Dr. Watts has been telling me so many good things about you.

W: That's very flattering. But I am not sure that I deserve all of that praise!

M: Yes, of course you do! I have learned so much about you. It's so fresh to see a student who is so modest about her accomplishments. Now would you mind my telling you what type of help I will need with my project.

W: Sure.

M: I am basically looking for someone who can gather information regarding cultures which exist along the Amazon River.

W: Really? What a coincidence! That's the topic for my senior paper!

M: That's fabulous! Would you be available to do around 16- 20 hours of research each week? I'm currently on vacation, so I'll be staying in Southern California the next three months. Perhaps we could meet each week to review your findings.

W: That's great! I will be very happy to work with you.

M: Good, if you decide to take this short-term job, the university has agreed to provide 4 credit hours for your work in this position.

W: Really? Thank you so much! I'd like to start the work immediately!


A.Bemuse Dr. Watts recommended her to come.

B.Because Lisa was very modest.

C.Because Lisa has got a lot of praise from the teachers.

D.Because her teacher has praised her before Prof. Smith.

听力原文:W: Oh, hi, Daniel. (19) Are you going to the in-service gaining today?M: You bet.

听力原文:W: Oh, hi, Daniel. (19) Are you going to the in-service gaining today?

M: You bet. I missed the training session last month, so I have to be sure to make this one. Aren't you excited about the program?

W: Not really. (19)(20) Before I became a nurse I drove an ambulance and had a lot of emergency medical training. Practicing basic first aid techniques is a kind of boring for me.

M: Well I can understand that. But you know, it's amazing how quickly you get out of practice. (21) As nurses in a hospital, we have all the fancy equipment for medical emergencies-and plenty of doctors around, so we hardly ever get a chance to practice basic techniques. They're really easy to forget. And you know that practice makes perfect.

W: I can see your point, and it never hurts to review what you're already supposed to know. By the way, who's teaching the class this time?

M: Dr. Huston. She's the new emergency room physician.

W: Well, she certainly ought to know what she's talking about. I've heard she's a really good surgeon.

M: That's right. I've been taking care of some of the patients she worked on, and they all think highly of her.

W: When are you going to head over to the classroom?

M: Immediately. I'm just on my way there. Do you want to walk over together?

W: That sounds good to me. Let's go and prepare for the training.


A.At a dentist office.

B.In a school.

C.In an ambulance.

D.At a hospital.

听力原文:M: When can I make the earliest appointment with Dr. Johnson?W: Dr. Johnson has a

听力原文:M: When can I make the earliest appointment with Dr. Johnson?

W: Dr. Johnson has appointments on Monday and Tuesday mornings, Thursday and Friday afternoons, and he has a conference the whole day, Wednesday.

Q: When can the man meet Dr. Johnson at the earliest?


A.Monday morning

B.Monday afternoon.

C.Wednesday morning.

D.Friday afternoon.

听力原文:W: Oh, hi, Daniel.Are you going to the in-service gaining today?M: You bet. I mis

听力原文:W: Oh, hi, Daniel. Are you going to the in-service gaining today?

M: You bet. I missed the training session last month, so I have to be sure to make this one. Aren't you excited about the program?

W: Not really. Before I became a nurse I drove an ambulance and had a lot of emergency medical training. Practicing basic first aid techniques is a kind of boring for me.

M: Well I can understand that. But you know, it's amazing how quickly you get out of practice. As nurses in a hospital, we have all the fancy equipment for medical emergencies-and plenty of doctors around, so we hardly ever get a chance to practice basic techniques. They're really easy to forget. And you know that practice makes perfect.

W: I can see your point, and it never hurts to review what you're already supposed to know. By the way, who's teaching the class this time?

M: Dr. Huston. She's the new emergency room physician.

W: Well, she certainly ought to know what she's talking about. I've heard she's a really good surgeon.

M: That's right. I've been taking care of some of the patients she worked on, and they all think highly of her.

W: When are you going to head over to the classroom?

M: Immediately. I'm just on my way there. Do you want to walk over together?

W: That sounds good to me. Let's go and prepare for the training.


A.At a dentist office.

B.In a school.

C.In an ambulance.

D.At a hospital.

听力原文:M: Good morning. I have an appointment with Dr. Smith.W: Please have a seat. He'l

听力原文:M: Good morning. I have an appointment with Dr. Smith.

W: Please have a seat. He'll be with you in a few minutes.

Q: What does the woman mean?


A.He says nothing.

B.He was confused at the end.

C.The hero died in the car.

D.The hero married his sweetheart.

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