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Anti - segregation is also one of the common themes of HR.A.YB.NC.NG

Anti - segregation is also one of the common themes of HR.




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听力原文:W: I heard there was a scene at the dinner last night.M: You're right. Nobody at

听力原文:W: I heard there was a scene at the dinner last night.

M: You're right. Nobody at the table could put up with Dr. Lawrence. He proposed that life would be much better in this country if we had a segregation policy.

Q: How did the other guests feel about Dr. Lawrence's suggestion?


A.. All of them disagreed with him.

B.Some of them disagreed with him.

C.There was no reaction.

D.There was no response.

听力原文:W: Jerry, last night we held a discussion ill that small room numbered 405 on the
third floor and you were so conspicuous by your absence.

M: Well, I made a mistake about the room number anti stayed in room 415 for an hour waiting.

Q: What can we learn about Jerry?


A.Jerry stayed in a room on the third floor for an hour.

B.Jerry was absent when the discussion was being held.

C.Nobody but the woman noticed that Jerry was absent.

D.Jerry did not leave room 405 until an hour had passed.

According to the passage, men who cross the sexual segregation line in the job market may
still are confronted with ______.

When Donald Olayer enrolled in nursing school nine years ago, his father took it hard. "He
re's my father, a steelworker, hearing about other steelworkers' sons who were becoming welders or getting football scholarships, "Mr. Olayer recalls. "The thought of his son becoming a nurse was too much."

Today, Mr. Olayer, a registered nurse trained as an anesthetist, earns about $ 30 000 a year at Jameson Memorial Hospital in New Castle, Pennsylvania. His father, he says, has "done an about face". Now he tells the guys he works with that their sons, who can't find jobs even after four years of college, should have become nurses.

That's not an unusual turnabout nowadays. Just as women have gained a footing in nearly every occupation once reserved for men, men can be found today working routinely in a wide variety of jobs once held nearly exclusively by women. The men are working as receptionists and flight attendants, servants, and even "Kelly girls".

The Urban Institute, a research group in Washington, recently estimated that the number of male secretaries rose 24% to 31 000 in 1978 from 25000 in 1972. The number of male telephone operators over the same span rose 38%, and the number of male nurses94 %. Labor experts expect the trend to continue.

For one thing, tightness in the job market seems to have given men an additional incentive to take jobs where they can find them. Although female-dominated office and service jobs for the most part rank lower in pay and status, "they're still there, "says June O'Neill, director of program and policy research at the institute. Traditionally male blue-collar jobs, meanwhile, aren't increasing at all.

At the same time, she says, "The outlooks of young people are different. "Younger men with less rigid views on what constitutes male or female work "may not feel there's such a stigma to working in a female-dominated field".

Although views have softened, men who cross the sexual segregation line in the job market may still face discrimination and ridicule. David Anderson, a 36-year-old former high school teacher, says he found secretarial work "a way out of teaching and into the business world". He had applied for work at 23 employment agencies for "management training jobs that didn't exist", and he discovered that "the best skill I had was being able to type 70 words a minute".

Mr. Anderson's boss was a woman. When she asked him to fetch coffee, the other secretaries' eyebrows went up. Sales executives who came in to see his boss, he says, "couldn't quite believe that I could and would type, take dictation, and answer the phones."

He took a job as a secretary to the marketing director of a New York publishing company. But he says he could feel "a lot of people wondering what I was doing there and if something was wrong with me".

Males sometimes find themselves mistaken for higher-status professionals. Anthony Shee, a flight attendant with U. S. Air Inc. , has been mistaken for a pilot. Mr. Anderson, the secretary, says he found himself being "treated in executive tones whenever I wore a suit".

In fact the men in traditional female jobs often move up the ladder fast. Mr. Anderson actually worked only seven months as a secretary. Then he got a higher-level, better-paying job as a placement counselor at an employment agency. "I got a lot of encouragement to advance, "he says, "including job tips from male executives who couldn't quite see me staying a secretary."

Experts say, for example, that while men make up only a small fraction of elementary school teachers, a disproportionate number of elementary principals are men. Barbara Bergmann, an economist at the University of Maryland who has studied sex segregation at work believes that's partly because of "sexism in the occupational structure" and partly because men have bee




听力原文:M: Miss, could you bring me a glass of beer anti a cake, please?W: Certainly, but

听力原文:M: Miss, could you bring me a glass of beer anti a cake, please?

W: Certainly, but we have to wait until the captain has turned off the fasten-seatbelt sign.

Q: Where does the conversation most likely take place?


A.In a restaurant.

B.In a bar.

C.On a jet.

D.On an oceanliner.

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What did Clotfelter's study reveal about the extracurricular activities?A.Most of them wer

What did Clotfelter's study reveal about the extracurricular activities?

A.Most of them were exclusive to white and rich students only.

B.They contributed to the forming of interracial friendships.

C.They didn't help eliminate racial segregation as expected.

D.They seemed to be neglected by American school districts.

How to Guess Your AgeIt seems to me that they are building staircases steeper than they us

How to Guess Your Age

It seems to me that they are building staircases steeper than they used to. The risers are higher, or there are more of them, or something. Maybe this is because it is so much farther today from the first to the second floor, but I've noticed it is getting harder to make two steps at a time any more. Nowadays it is all I can do to make one step at a time.

Another thing I' ye noticed is the small print they' re using lately. Newspapers are getting farther and farther away when I have them, and I have to squint to make them out. The other day I had to back halfway out of a telephone booth in order to read the number on the coin box. It is obviously ridiculous to suggest that a person my age needs glasses, but the only other way I can find out what's going on is to have somebody read aloud to me, and that's not too satisfactory because people speak in such low voices these days that I can' t hear them very well.

Evrything is farther than it used to be. It's twice the distance from my house to the station now, and they've added a fair - sized hill that I never noticed before. The trains leave sooner too. I've given up running for them, because they start faster these days when I try to catch them. You can' t depend on timetables any more, and it' s no us asking the conductor. I ask him a dozen times a trip if the next station is where I get off, and he always says it isn' t. How can you trust a conductor like that? Usually I gather up my bundles and put on my hat and coat and stand in the aisle a couple of stops away, just to make sure I don' t go past my destination. Sometimes I make doubly sure by getting off at the station ahead.

A lot of other things are different lately. Barbers no longer hold up a mirror behind me when they've finished, so I can see the back of my head, and my wife has been taking care of the tickets lately when we go to the theater. They don' t use the same material in clothes any more, either. I've noticed that all my suits have a tendency to shrink, especially in certain places such as around the waist or in the seat of the pants, and the laces they put in shoes nowadays are harder to reach.

Revolving doors revolve much faster than they used to. I have to let a couple of openings go past me before I jump in, and by the time I get up nerve enough to jump out again I'm right back in the street where I started. It' s the same with golf. I'm giving it up because these modern golf balls they sell arc so hard to pick up when I stoop over. I've had to quite driving, too; the restrooms in filling stations are getting farther and farther apart. Usually I just stay home at night and read the papers, particularly the obituary columns. It' s funny how much more interesting the obituary columns have been getting lately.

Even the weather is changing. It' s colder in winter and the summers are hotter than they used to be. I' d go away, if it wash' t so far. Snow is heavier when I try to shovel it, and I have to put on rubbers whenever I go out, because rain today is wetter than the rain we used to get. Draughts are more severe too. It must be the way they build windows now.

People are changing too. For one thing, they' re younger than they used to be when I was their age. I went back recently to an alumni reunion at the college I graduated from in 1943--that is, 1933--1 mean, 1923--and I was shocked to see the mere tots they're admitting as students these days. The average age of the freshman class couldn't have been more than seven. They seem to be more polite than in my time, though; several undergraduates called me "Sir," anti one of them asked me if he could help me across the street.

On the other hand, people my own age. are so much older than I am. I realize that my generation is approaching middle age (I define middle age roughly as the period




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