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Suppose you are one employee that receives fixed income, when you can benefit most?.A.a ti

Suppose you are one employee that receives fixed income, when you can benefit most?.

A.a time of deflation.

B.a time of inflation.

C.when all prices are fixed

D.When the society is unstable.

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We were sorry to hear that you received a desktop instead of the laptop that you had o
rdered.We can only suppose that one of our packers had______________ two orders.





For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write A Send-off Speech. Suppose your English
teacher Professor Smith will return to his country after teaching you for one year, please give a speech to semi him off You should write at least 120 words following the outline given below in Chinese:

1. 从Professor Smith的授课中所获得的收获


A Send-off Speech

听力原文:M: You know most of the scenic spots here. Where do you suggest we go to first?W:

听力原文:M: You know most of the scenic spots here. Where do you suggest we go to first?

W: Well, now...I suppose you might start with Leopard Hill, then go to the Temple of Heaven. But I think the worthiest place you should not miss is the Imperial Palace which is not far from Tian' anmen Square.

Q: What place is the worthiest one for visiting?


A.Tian' anmen Square.

B.The Temple of Heaven.

C.Leopard Hill.

D.The Imperial Palace.

听力原文:M: This TV set is not working properly, I suppose we should buy a new one, but I
don't see how we can afford it right now.

W: If only you hadn't bought that motorbike.

Q: Why didn't they buy a new TV set?


A.They had no time.

B.They couldn't afford to buy it.

C.There was nothing wrong with the old one.

D.They both wanted to buy a motorbike.

听力原文:M: In the studio today we have Eve Startling, a career adviser at a well known co
mprehensive school. Glad to have you with us, Eve.

W: Thank you.

M: A lot of young people are very nervous when they go to a job interview for the first time. What's the best way of dealing with this?

W: The obvious answer isn't much help, really, I'm afraid: "Just keep calm and do your best." If you're nervous to start with, this advice probably has the opposite effect. And in fact, a certain amount of tension is probably a good thing. It's the same with the way you sit when the inter viewer asks you to sit down.

M: How do you mean?

W: Well, if you balance on the edge of you chair, it shows you're nervous, but if you relax and make yourself too comfortable, that won't do, either. You should sit naturally, but straight, to show you're paying attention.

M: And I suppose you should face the interviewer when you answer questions.

W: Yes, eye contact is important then, but that doesn't mean you never take your eyes off the interviewer. And it's all right to be naturally pleasant, but don't try too hard.

M: One of the things that upset people most at interviews, I think, is that interviewers often ask trick questions. Even quite innocent questions like "How do you spend your spare time?" can contain traps in certain cases. Suppose the company would prefer an outdoor person but you spend every weekend looking at your stamp collection. What should you doe Should you always tell the truth or pretend to be what the company wants?

W: Tell the truth, yes, but not necessarily the whole truth. It's no good pre tending to be what you're not an experienced interviewer would soon find out but you needn't go out of your way to tell them anything you don't want them to know.

M: One last piece of advice before we sign off?

W: Yes, and it may surprise you. That is that very often young people get carried away just with the idea of winning. It's hard to remember when there's a lot of unemployment, as there is nowadays, but you should be sure that this is the kind of work you want to do and the firm is one that you would enjoy working for. Otherwise you may get the job and then find out that you hate it. So remember to ask sensibly questions as well as to answer sensibly.


A.She is a job interviewer.

B.She is a university professor.

C.She is a career adviser.

D.She is a psychologist.

听力原文:M: Good morning, madam. Is there anything I can do for you?W: I suppose I'd like

听力原文:M: Good morning, madam. Is there anything I can do for you?

W: I suppose I'd like to buy something China made as presents for my husband and daughter.

M: What about some smart ties for your husband?

W: Oh, no. I've bought one for him as birthday present last month. So I don't want to buy more.

M: What about this nice fine cotton short sleeve T-shirt?

W: That's a good idea. Could you show me some samples?

M: It's my pleasure. They're of good quality.

W: I prefer light color, medium size.

M: How about this light blue one?

W: It's really nice. How much does it cost?

M: Fifteen dollars.

W: OK! I'll take it. Could you recommend something for my daughter?

M: We've got very beautiful silk products, woolen sweaters and...

W: The woolen sweaters are not on season because it is getting warm. How much is that pink pajamas worth? It looks fine.

M: It's fifty dollars.

W: That's too expensive. I wonder if the silk piece's color will go off.

M: As a matter of fact, all the materials here are colorfast. If you are not satisfied with the price, you can try some silk scarf. It is just 20 dollars each.

W: All right. I will buy a light blue T-shirt, and a pink silk scarf.

M: That amounts to 35 dollars. Please wash the silk in lukewarm soap water and rinse well. Don't rub or wring it.

W: Here is the money. Thank you.

M: You're welcome.


A.Boss and secretary.

B.Customer and salesman.

C.Doctor and patient.

D.Husband and wife.

听力原文:Are you afraid, to raise your hand in class, even when you know the answer? If yo

听力原文: Are you afraid, to raise your hand in class, even when you know the answer? If you are, most people would say that you are shy. If you feel shy, you are not alone. Nine out of ten people are at least a little shy. But however shy you are, scientific evidence seems to show that it isn't your fault. You may have been born that way.

How do psychologists measure shyness? One way is by observation. They keep detailed records of people's actions—like how often these people speak to others, or how long it takes someone to say "Hello" to a stranger. Another way to measure shyness is to ask people questions. The test only takes about 10 minutes. It asks question like "Do you like going out a lot?" and "Do you have many friends?" People must answer either "Yes" or "No". These questions can predict how people actually behave in social situations. Suppose the test tells you that someone is shy. Chances are good that person will act shy.

When scientists measure shyness, they are really comparing degrees of shyness. In other words, when researchers say people are shy, they really mean they are more shy than others.


A.Because many people don't know how to behave in social situations.

B.Because most people are shy by nature.

C.Nobody will laugh at you for being shy.

D.Shyness is difficult to overcome.

听力原文:W: Good afternoon! I'm a newcomer. I wonder If you could give me some information

M: I'd be pleased to. What can I do for you?

W: Suppose I want to find a book "Gone With The Wind" by Margaret Mitchell, would I look under Margaret and then under Mitchell until I come to the one who wrote the "Gone With The Wind" or would I simply look under the title through the catalogue myself?

M: Do you see those desk-top computer terminals over there? We now use them to locate our books. We think it's more efficient than the old card catalogue system. Come on, I'll show you how to use it. You decide what book you want and pick the microfiche with that letter on it. It's all in alphabetical order. You can know the name of the book, the name of the author or subject. They're all lumped together on the same sheet.

W: That sounds easy enough. Suppose I want to borrow "War and Remembrance" by Herman Work.

M: You could look under "W" for the title, then we'll look on the "H" sheet for the author. Turn on the light, then move the microfiche, and there it is. The "W" after the library code number tells you that it's here at the back branch of the library, rather than at one of our other branches.

W: Today, I just want to find a novel for some light reading. It strikes me that this novel "The Grapes of Wrath" by John Steinbeck is what I should like to take.

M: You are perfectly right to decide upon that book It's very much in demand. Please fill out this card. Do you have any identification which shows your new address? I need to see something that verifies that you're a resident of the country ... All right now. I'll give you a list of all the branches before you go. These books may only be used here, and no one is permitted to borrow them.

W: I'll be here for five years, so I'd like to learn to use the library as efficiently as possible. I wonder if someone might have time to show me around.

M: With pleasure. These shelves right next to us have our latest acquisitions of fiction and nonfiction The older fiction books are in alphabetical row according to the author's last name. Stop by the desk on your way out to check your books and to pick up a brochure description of all our services.

W: Thank you very much for your help. I've noticed that your periodical section is quite complete. I think I'll explore the whole library on my own in order to acquaint myself with all that you have told me.


A.Secretary and Boss.

B.Teacher and Student

C.Customer and Librarian.

D.Customer and Salesman;

听力原文:W: Professor, (19)I'm going to take part in a debate on advertising tomorrow. Wou

听力原文:W: Professor, (19)I'm going to take part in a debate on advertising tomorrow. Would you please give me some hint?

M: That's interesting. I should like to hear what young people think about advertising.

W: Well, (20)we wouldn't know what there was to buy if we didn't have advertisements.

M. Yes. that's true up to El point. Advertisements provide information that we need. If someone has produced a new article, naturally the seller wants to tell us about it.

W: Yes, and (20) advertisements tell us which product is the best.

M: Do they? I don't think so. Every manufacturer says that his product is the best, or at least tries to give that impression. Only one can be the best, so the others are misleading us, aren't they?

W: Well, in a way, I suppose, but we don't have to believe them, do we?

M: Are you saying that advertisements aren't effective? (21)I don't think that intelligent businessmen would spend millions of dollars on advertising if nobody believed the advertisements, do you?

W: (20)Perhaps not, }0ut after all, it's their money that they're spending.

M: Is it? I think not. The cost of advertising is added to the price of the article. You and I and all the other people who buy the article pay for the advertising!

W: Well, (20)I suppose we get something for our money--some information.

M: Yes, but don't forget it's often misleading information, and sometimes harmful.


A.To ask the man to debate with her.

B.To get some suggestion about advertisement.

C.To invite him to be a judge for a debate.

D.To get some ideas for a debate.

听力原文:W: Well, Kevin, as a college graduate, how did you become a taxi driver?M: Well,

听力原文:W: Well, Kevin, as a college graduate, how did you become a taxi driver?

M: Well, you do it for money, obviously, like most jobs, but I enjoyed it. I suppose I enjoy being a taxi driver, (19) because 1 can be my own boss, you know, doing what I want to do. You decide what area you're going to, when to have a break, stuff like that. (20)One thing you have to be always thinking about is where you may pick up a passenger. You're always sort of scheming to make an exact bit of money. And the relationship between reward and effort is very immediate. You make the right decision, they pay you and you get a fare.

W: How do the passenger feel when you talk to them?

M: You meet some people who aren't all that nice, (21)but the vast majority of people are very nice. If you're pleased to talk to them, they're mostly pleased to talk to you. You get a feel for people who don't want to talk to you. Ob-viously the first couple of one-word answers will tell you.

W: So you always start talking?

M: I always wish people "good morning" or "good afternoon" or whatever that gets things off to a good start, because quite a few people have a general dislike of taxi drivers.

W: Do they?

M: Well, they do. I mean, the mere fact they can't get a cab the minute they want one makes them annoyed.


A.Because he can do something that helps people.

B.Because he is able to decide exactly what he does.

C.Because he can travel to different parts of the city.

D.Because he can cam a lot of money.

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