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We can learn from the passage that in Britain______.A.the government pays dearly for its f

We can learn from the passage that in Britain______.

A.the government pays dearly for its financial policy

B.universities are mainly funded by businesses

C.higher education is provided free of charge

D.students are ready to accept loan schemes for tuition

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更多“We can learn from the passage …”相关的问题
听力原文:W: I spent my summer vacation in North China, the view there is so beautiful.I th

听力原文:W: I spent my summer vacation in North China, the view there is so beautiful. I think it would be great to live there all year around.

M: You've got to be kidding. I'm from there and believe me. In the winter time, it's so cold that you couldn't be careless about the scenery.

Q: What can we learn from the conversation?


A.The woman likes the view in winter.

B.The woman has never been in North China.

C.The man should take a winter vacation in North China.

D.The man would not enjoy living in North China all year.

What can we learn according to the passage?A.The environment pollution is mainly due to th

What can we learn according to the passage?

A.The environment pollution is mainly due to the peoples' ignorance.

B.Any one who wants to protect environment will meet lawsuits.

C.If all the goals are fulfilled, it can make sure the environment can be improved immediately.

D.The environmental health issues not only involve cities, counties, states but also federal government.

What do we learn about prisoners in Britain?A.They are encouraged to do maintenance for th

What do we learn about prisoners in Britain?

A.They are encouraged to do maintenance for the training centre.

B.Most of them get paid for their work.

C.They have to cook their own meals.

D.They can choose to do community work.

We can learn from the text that Americans have a history of ______.A.undervaluing intellec

We can learn from the text that Americans have a history of ______.

A.undervaluing intellect

B.favoring intellectualism

C.supporting school reform

D.suppressing native intelligence

From the fifth paragraph we can learn that ______.A.the very rich are fashion-consciousB.t

From the fifth paragraph we can learn that ______.

A.the very rich are fashion-conscious

B.the very rich are politically sensitive

C.universal health care is to be implemented throughout America

D.Congress has gained popularity by increasing the minimum wage

What do we learn about a stem cell?A.It has no difference from other cells.B.It can only b

What do we learn about a stem cell?

A.It has no difference from other cells.

B.It can only become a certain type of cell.

C.It can't become a kidney cell.

D.It maintains and repairs the body.

Of tackling obesity in the poor world, we can learn from the passage that ______.A.the mat

Of tackling obesity in the poor world, we can learn from the passage that ______.

A.the matter is so complex as to go beyond our capacity

B.no matter what we do, the prospect will always be bleak

C.it is starvation, the real threat, that needs to be solved

D.we should take immediate actions before it becomes incurable

From the fifth paragraph we can learn that ________. A) the very rich are fashion-con

From the fifth paragraph we can learn that ________.

A) the very rich are fashion-conscious

B) the very rich are politically sensitive

C) universal health care is to be implemented throughout America

D) Congress has gained popularity by increasing the minimum wage

We can infer from the passage that _________.A.performance is a better judge of ability th

We can infer from the passage that _________.

A.performance is a better judge of ability than a college degree

B.experience is the best teacher

C.past work histories influence personnel officers more than degrees do

D.a degree from a famous school enables an applicant to gain advantage over others in job competition

What can we learn about the achievements made by Boris Fyodorov from the passage?A.He esta

What can we learn about the achievements made by Boris Fyodorov from the passage?

A.He established financial system based on other reformers.

B.He published an encyclopedia when serving in government.

C.He boldly sent inspectors to supervise outstanding people.

D.He founded an investment bank by himself.

What can we learn about "Google profile" from Para. 3?A.It aims at making people have more

What can we learn about "Google profile" from Para. 3?

A.It aims at making people have more skills to control the search results.

B.Users can add their personal information to it.

C.The users' names, jobs, positions and photos can be found in it.

D.Google profile is a substitute for Facebook page.

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