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Not until he decided to publish his own account of their relationship__________(他身上的

Not until he decided to publish his own account of their relationship__________(他身上的重担才开始减轻).

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听力原文:M: Why didn't you have your astronomy class today?W: Only five out of a class of

听力原文:M: Why didn't you have your astronomy class today?

W: Only five out of a class of twenty-five showed up. Since the professor had planned to present a complex demonstration, he decided to cancel the class until everybody could be present.

Q: Why didn't the astronomy class meet today?


A.The class thought the demonstration was too complex.

B.Too many students showed up.

C.The professor didn't show up.

D.The professor cancelled it.

听力原文:M: Did you get that teaching assistant job you applied for with Professor Gary?W:

听力原文:M: Did you get that teaching assistant job you applied for with Professor Gary?

W: Well, classes start next week and I probably won't find out until the day before.

Q: What does the woman mean?


A.Professor Gary decided he didn't need an assistant.

B.Professor Gary hasn't announced his decision yet.

C.She has decided not to apply for the job.

D.Classes start late this year.

听力原文:W: Robert, Why didn't you have your biology class today?M: Only twenty out of a c

听力原文:W: Robert, Why didn't you have your biology class today?

M: Only twenty out of a class of fifty-six showed up. Since the professor had planned to give a new lesson, he decided to put off the class until everyone was present.

Q: Why didn't he have the biology class?


A.The professor wasn't present.

B.The professor put off it.

C.Too many students showed up.

D.He missed the class.

听力原文:As the new sales director for a national computer firm, Alex Gordon was looking f

听力原文: As the new sales director for a national computer firm, Alex Gordon was looking forward to his first meeting with the company's district managers. Everyone arrived on time, and Alex's presentation went extremely well. He decided to end the meeting with the conversation about the importance of the district managers to the company's plans. "I believe we are going to continue to increase our share of the market," he began, "because of the quality of the people in this room. The district manager is the key to the success of the sales representatives in his district. He sets the term for everyone else. If he has ambitious goals and is willing to put in long hours, everyone in his unit will follow his example." When Alex was finished, he received polite applauses, but hardly the warm response he had hoped for. Later he spoke with one of the senior managers. "Things were going so well until the end", Alex said disappointedly. "Obviously, I said the wrong thing." "Yes", the district manager replied. "Half of our managers are women. Most have worked their way up from sales representatives, and they are very proud of the role they played in the company's growth. They don't care at all about political correctness. But they were definitely surprised and distressed to be referred to as 'he' in your speech. "

Who did Alex Gordon speak to at the first meeting?

A.District managers.

B.Regular customers.

C.Sales directors.

D.Senior clerks.

听力原文:Since man first scrawled in the dirt with his finger, people have searched for be

听力原文: Since man first scrawled in the dirt with his finger, people have searched for better ways to record the written word. Today, that quest is perhaps best exemplified by one of the writing instrument industry's leaders: Parker Pen.

In America, the pen-making industry officially began in 1809. But, it wasn't until the 1880s that the fountain pen as we now know got its start. Among the early industry leaders was George Safford Parker, a school teacher from Janesville, who became frustrated with the unreliability of the writing instruments then available to his students.

To improve his insufficient teaching salary, Parker had a sideline as an agent for John Holland fountain pens. The pens were unreliable, delivering too much ink at times and at other times, no ink at all. In any case, Parker felt obligated to repair the pens he sold to his students. So, he purchased a few small tools, and began to learn the inner workings of fountain pens. As the students learned they could depend on their teacher to keep their pens in working order, the number of pens he sold increased, so did his frustration. Finally, he decided he could make a better pen himself. And he did.

Parker patented his first fountain pen design on December 10, 1889. Two years later he entered a partnership with insurance man W. E Palmer and in February of 1892 they incorporated the Parker Pen Company.


A.In 1809.

B.In 1818.

C.In the 1880s.

D.In the 1890s.

One Sunday, Mark decided to go sailing in his boat with his friend Dan, but Dan happen
ed to be away. Dane's brother John offered to go instead though he did not know anything about sailing. Mark agreed and they set out to sea. Soon they found themselves in a thick fog. Mark was sure they would be hit by a big ship. Fortunately he saw a large buoy (浮标 )through the fog and decided to tie the boat to it for safety. As he was getting onto the buoy, however, he dropped the wet rope. The boat moved away in the fog carrying John, who did not know how to use the radio. He drifted (漂移 ) about and was not seen until twelve hours later. Mark spent the night on the buoy. In the early morning he fell asleep. He was having a bad dream when a shout woke him up. A ship, the Good Hope, came up and he climbed onto it and thanked the captain. The captain told him that John had been picked up by another ship and the ship's captain had sent out a message. "Without the message I would not have found you on the buoy," he said.

1.Why didn't Mark and Dan go sailing together?()

A、Dan asked his brother to go instead

B、Dan was in some other place

C、Mark was in some other place

D、Mark would like to go with John

2.What made it possible for Mark to be found on the buoy?()

A、John told people where to look for him

B、John radioed to the Good Hope to get him

C、He shouted when he caught sight of the Good Hope

D、The captain saw him as the fog cleared

3.Mark tried to tie the boat to the buoy so that().

A、he could spend the night on it while John was looking for help

B、he and John could go sailing again when the fog cleared

C、it wouldn't be hit by other ships

D、he might be picked up by a passing ship

4.John and Mark became separated because().

A、there wasn't room for both John and Mark on the buoy

B、John couldn't control the boat and drifted away

C、Mark thought it safe to stay on the buoy but John didn't

D、John had to stay in the boat to radio for help

5.The word "he" in the last sentence refers to().

A、the captain that got the message

B、the captain that sent the message



Much of today's science of physics is based on Newton's discovery of the three laws of mot
ion and his theory of gravity (引力). Newton also developed one of the most powerful tools of mathematics. It is the method we call calculus (微积分). Late in his life, Newton said of his work: "If I saw further than other men, it was because I stood on the shoulders of giants." One of those giants was the great Italian scientist, Galileo. Galileo died the same year Newton was born. Another of the giants was the Polish scientist Nicholas Copernicus. He lived a hundred years before Newton. Copernicus had begun a scientific revolution. It led to a completely new understanding of how the universe worked. Galileo continued and expanded the work of Copernicus. Isaac Newton built on the ideas of these two scientists and others. He found and proved the answers for which they searched.

At that time, a deadly plague was spreading across England. To escape the disease, Newton returned to the family farm. He did more thinking than farming. In doing so, he found the answers to some of the greatest mysteries of science. Newton used his great skill in mathematics to form. a better understanding of the world and the universe. He used methods he had learned as a boy in making things. He experimented. Then he studied the results and used what he had learned to design new experiments. Newton's work led him to create a new method in mathematics for measuring areas curved in shape. He also used it to find how much material was contained in solid objects. The method he created became known as integral calculus.

Isaac Newton was born in Woolsthorpe, England, on December twenty-fifth, sixteen forty-two. He was born early. He was a small baby and very weak. No one expected him to survive. But he surprised everyone. He had one of the most powerful minds in history. And he lived until be was eighty-four. Newton's father died before he was born. His mother married again a few years later. She left Isaac with his grandmother. The boy was not a good student. Yet he liked to make things, such as kites and clocks and simple machines.

Newton also enjoyed finding new ways to answer questions or solve problems. As a boy, for example, he decided to find a way to measure the speed of the wind. On a windy day, he measured how far he could jump with the wind at his back. Then he measured how far he could jump with the wind in his face. From the difference between the two jumps, he made his own measure of the strength of the wind. Strangely, Newton became a much better student after a boy kicked him in the stomach. The boy was one of the best students in the school. Newton decided to get even by getting higher marks than the boy who kicked him. In a short time, Newton became the top student at the school.

Newton left school to help on the family farm. It soon became clear, however, that the boy was not a good farmer. He spent his time solving mathematical problems, instead of taking care of the crops. He spent horns visiting a bookstore in town, instead of selling his vegetables in the market. An uncle decided that Newton would do better as a student than as a farmer. So he helped the young man enter Cambridge University to study mathematics. Newton completed his university studies five years later, in sixteen sixty-five. He was twenty-two years old.

One day, sitting in the garden, Newton watched an apple fall from a tree. He began to wonder if the same force that pulled the apple down also kept the moon circling the earth. Newton believed it was. And he believed it could be measured. He called the force "gravity". He began to examine it carefully. He decided that the strength of the force keeping a planet in orbit around the sun depended on two things. One was the amount of mass in the planet and the sun. The other was how far apart they were.

Newton was able to find the exact relationship be




听力原文:(35) In a class I teach for adults, I recently did the "unpardonable". I gave the

听力原文: (35) In a class I teach for adults, I recently did the "unpardonable". I gave the class homework ! (32) The assignment was "to go to someone you love within the next week and tell them you love them. It has to be someone you have never said those words to before or at least haven't shared those words with for a long time."

Now that doesn't sound like a very tough assignment, until you stop to realize that (33) most of the men were over 35 and were raised in the generation of men that were taught that showing feelings or crying was just not done.

At the beginning of our next class, I asked if someone wanted to share what happened when they told someone they loved them. I fully expected one of the women to volunteer, as was usually the case, but on this evening one of the men raised his hand. It was James.

He said that he was quite angry with the assignment. He didn't feel that he had anyone to say those words to, and besides, it was a total private thing. But when he was driving home, he thought it over and found that the assignment was exactly what he needed. (34) Five years ago, he had a fierce quarrel with his father and really never resolved it since that time. They avoided seeing each other unless they absolutely had to at Christmas or other family gatherings. But even then, they never spoke to each other. So James decided to finish the assignment. When he got home, he convinced himself to tell his father he loved him. Both of them were moved to tears.


A.Spend some time with people who you love.

B.Say "I lore you" to people you love.

C.Show love to people you love by buying flower.

D.Help people who you love.

The Most Beautiful City in AmericaIt has been called the most beautiful city in America. I

The Most Beautiful City in America

It has been called the most beautiful city in America. It also is the subject of a very popular book about murder. The story of Savannah, Georgia, is our report today.

Savannah, Georgia, is not huge. It is only the 3rd largest city in this Southern state. It has about 140 thousand people. Yet few American cities have protected their past as well as Savannah. It has beautiful old houses. It hasparks with trees and colorful flowers. A visit to Savannah today shows that life was like in the Southern United States 200 years ago.

English settlers established the city of Savannah in 1733. They were led by General James Oglethorpe. General Oglethorpe and 120 settlers landed at Yamakaroo bluff on the Savannah River. They chose the place for the city of Savannah on a hill above the river. It was 29 kilometers from the Atlantic Ocean.

General Oglethorpe decided to make Savannah as beautiful as a city could be. He designed the streets in anunusual way. Many did not cross each other. Instead, they ended in large open square areas. There are 21 suchpublic squares in Savannah. They have grass, trees, flowers and statues. They also have places for people to sit and enjoy the beauty.

In the 1700s Savannah became a busy port city for exporting farm products. In 1793 Eliwhiteney was teaching on a cotton farm near the city. He invented a machine that removed seeds from the cotton plant. Until then the seed had to be removed by hand. The work was very hard. Eliwhiteney's invention was called the "cotton gin". It greatly improved the ability to produce cotton.

The cotton gin made cotton the most important product in the American South. And it increased importance of Savannah as a port city. Savannah became the world's leading market for cotton. The Savannah Cotton Exchange set the price of cotton around the world. The city became rich. Rich people began to build large beautiful houses. The city continued to grow richer until the early 1860s. That is when America's Nortliem states fought the rebel Southern states in the Civil War.

One of the most famous Northern generals was William Sherman. He led union troops to seize control of rebel territory in the South. General Sherman captured the city of Atlanta. From Atlanta he marched his troops through the heart of Georgia to the Atlantic Ocean. It was known as Sherman's March to the Sea. The Union troops burned all the houses, farms, animals and food supplies on their way. The purpose was to destroy popular support for the rebellion of the Southern states. General Sherman said, "The Union must make old and young, rich and poor feel the hard hand of war."

The people of Savannah learned what General Sherman had done to the rest of Georgia. They did not want the same thing to happen to them. So they offered to surrender their beautiful city ff he promised not to bum it. General Sherman accepted the offer. In December, 1864, he scm a message to President Abraham Lincoln in Washington. It said, "I beg to present you as a Christmas gift—the city of Savannah." Sherman's gift included 150 heavy guns, ammunition and 25 thousand bales of cotton.

The Civil War hurt Savannah's economy. And years of growing nothing but cotton damaged the soil. An insect called the boll weevil destroyed the plant. By 1920, little cotton was left. During the 1900s, manufacturing took the place of cotton farming. Savannah's shipping industry continued to grow. However, many old houses were tearing down, or they fell apart. One visitor said the city was like a beautiful woman with a dirty face.

In the 1950s some citizens of Savannah became angry when more old houses were being threatened by development. One company wanted to destroy a house to build a parking area for cars. A group of 7 women decided to save the house. They asked people for money. They collec




They decided to chase the cow away _____ it did mere damage.





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