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The last time I ()her, she() at a medical college.

A.was visiting,studied


C.visited,was studying

D.was visiting,was studying

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更多“The last time I ()her, she() a…”相关的问题
I would rather you _____ this to him yourself.When I tried to speak to him last time, he didn’t listen.


B.will say


D.would say

听力原文:M: I bumped into Mike at the Cafe and he said he would come to the surprise party

W: Oh, then he can join us, finally. Last time when I ran into him at the library, he still complained how hectic he has been recently.

Q: What did the woman assume first?


A.Mike will host the party tonight.

B.She met Mike just now.

C.She will go to the party with Mike tomorrow night.

D.Mike could not attend the party.

听力原文:W: Oh look! There's the guy we saw last week, playing football in the park! He lo
oked great in his kit, remember?

M: I don't remember him. I've got a terrible memory for faces. I even have a hard time recognizing people I've been introduced to.

Q: What is the man's problem?


A.He can't remember people by sight.

B.He can't remember people by name.

C.He has a terrible memory for football.

D.He has a hard time recognizing names.

听力原文:W: How did Bill finally go to New York? First he was going to fly, then to take t
he bus. But the last time I talked to him he hadn't really decided.

M: He ended up driving his own car. The plane was too expensive, and the bus was too slow.

Q: How did Bill go to New York?


A.By car.

B.By plane.

C.By train.

D.By bus.

听力原文:M: Could you please tell me what Mr. Church said to you last time? You see I was

W: Well, he gave us a special assignment on the anniversary of Lincoln's birthday.

Q: What's the probable relationship between the two speakers?


A.Parent and child.

B.Boss and employee.


D.Teacher and student.

By stating "I could have had my eyes closed" the author means (Line 7, Para. 3, last sente

By stating "I could have had my eyes closed" the author means (Line 7, Para. 3, last sentence) ______.

A.the third baseman would rather sleep than play the game

B.the author could close his eyes without watching the game, because it was always the same.

C.the third baseman is no good at baseball that he could finish the game with eyes closed all the time and do his work well

D.the consequence was too bad he could not bear to see it

听力原文:W: Your room is a mess. When is the last time you tidied your room?M: It was when

听力原文:W: Your room is a mess. When is the last time you tidied your room?

M: It was when Linda came over. She is been so helpful that I simply can't do without her.

Q: What does the man mean?


A.He hasn't cleaned his room since Linda visited him.

B.Linda is the only person who ever comes to see him.

C.He's been too busy to clean his room.

D.Cleaning is the last thing he wants to do.

听力原文:W: Your mom is a mess. When is the last time you tidied your room?M: It was when

听力原文:W: Your mom is a mess. When is the last time you tidied your room?

M: It was when Linda came over. She has been so helpful that I simply can't do without her.

Q: What does the man mean?


A.He's been too busy to clean his room.

B.Cleaning is the last thing he wants to do.

C.He hasn't cleaned his room since Linda visited him.

D.Linda is the only person who ever comes to see him.

听力原文:W: Your room is a mess. When is the last time you cleaned your room?M: It was whe

听力原文:W: Your room is a mess. When is the last time you cleaned your room?

M: It was when Linda came over. She has been so helpful that I simply can't do without her.

Q: What does the man mean?


A.He hasn't cleaned his room since Linda visited him.

B.Linda is the only person who ever comes to see him.

C.He's been too busy to clean his room.

D.Cleaning is the last thing he wants to do.

听力原文:Some people do not like anything to be out of place; they are never late for work
; they return their books to the library on time; they remember people's birthdays; mad they pay their bills as soon as they arrive. Mr. Dodds is such a person.

Mr. Dodds works in a bank, and lives by himself. The only family he has is in the next town: his sister lives there with her husband, and her son, Mark. Mr. Dodds does not see his sister, or her family, from one year to the next, but he sends them Christmas cards, and he has not forgotten one of Mark's seventeen birthdays.

Last week Mr. Dodds had quite a surprise. He drove home from his office at the usual time, driving neither too slow nor too fast; he parked his car where he always perked it, out of the way of other cars, and he went inside to make his evening meal. Straight away, there was a knock at the door. Mr. Dodds opened the door, to find a policeman standing on the door step.

"What have I done wrong?" Mr. Dodds asked himself. "Have I driven on the wrong side of the road? Has there been some trouble at the office? Have I forgotten to pay an important bill?"

"Hello, Uncle." said the policeman. "My name's Mark."


A.In a travel agency.

B.In a lawyer's office.

C.In a post office.

D.In a bank.

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