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听力原文:M: Hello ! University Books. Tim Weber speaking.W: Hi! Tim, this is Ruth.M: Oh, h

听力原文:M: Hello ! University Books. Tim Weber speaking.

W: Hi! Tim, this is Ruth.

M: Oh, hi. Ruth, What's up?

W: Well. The Student Federation needs a couple of volunteers to give guided tours to the new students during orientation next week. Would you be able to help out?

M: That depends on the days you had in mind. I'm working here fulltime before classes begin, it's really busy now, with all the textbook orders coming in, but I do have some time off.

W: What about Saturday? Most new students arrive on the weekend.

M: Sorry, I have to work all day Saturday. How about Thursday and Friday? I've got both mornings free.

W: I don't have the schedule on me...Ken's got it. Maybe you can set something up with him.

M: I only be able to spare a couple of hours, though.

W: No problem. I'll ask Ken to get in touch with you later today. Will you be at this number?

M: Yeah, till four...Look, I've got to go. I have to get all the order out before I leave today.

W: OK, thanks, Tim. Bye.


A.To find out if the book she ordered is in.

B.To ask him to attend a Student Federation meeting.

C.To get his schedule of classes for next semester.

D.To see if he has time to welcome new students.

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更多“听力原文:M: Hello ! University Boo…”相关的问题
听力原文:M: Hello, Julie. What are you doing here? Drawing money?W: No. I only want to put

听力原文:M: Hello, Julie. What are you doing here? Drawing money?

W: No. I only want to put some money in my deposit account. Not very much, but I'm trying to save.

Q: What is the woman doing?


A.She is drawing.

B.She is getting some money from the bank.

C.She is depositing money in the bank.

D.She is saving someone.

听力原文:M: Hello, may I speak to John Smith, please?W: I am sorry, nobody by that name wo

听力原文:M: Hello, may I speak to John Smith, please?

W: I am sorry, nobody by that name works here.

Q: What do we learn from this conversation?


A.John Smith isn't in right now.

B.John Smith can't come to the phone right now.

C.John Smith doesn't want to speak to the caller.

D.The caller dialed the wrong number.

听力原文:M: Hello, Good morning, I'm calling to check on the status of my computer.W: Well

听力原文:M: Hello, Good morning, I'm calling to check on the status of my computer.

W: Well, the new parts have just been coming in, and it should be ready by Friday.

What are the two speakers talking about?


A.Fixing the woman's computer.

B.Ordering some new parts by Friday.

C.Getting the new parts ready by Frid

D.Sending the woman's computer for repair.

听力原文:M: Hello, Jane, this is John Smith at the bank. Is Paul there?W: Not yet, John. H

听力原文:M: Hello, Jane, this is John Smith at the bank. Is Paul there?

W: Not yet, John. He phoned me from the office 5 minutes ago to say that he was stopping for a haircut on his way home.

Q: Where does Paul plan to go on his way home?


A.To the bank.

B.To the office.

C.To the barbershop.

D.To the department store.

听力原文:M: Hello, Julie. What ere you doing here? Drawing money?W: No. I only want to put

听力原文:M: Hello, Julie. What ere you doing here? Drawing money?

W: No. I only want to put some money in my deposit account. Not very much, but I'm trying to save.

Q: What is the woman doing?


A.She is drawing.

B.She is getting some money from the bank.

C.She is depositing money in the bank.

D.She is .saving someone.

听力原文:W:Hello,boys.It's time for dinner.Where is Jim,John?M:We are playing hide-and-see

听力原文:W:Hello,boys.It's time for dinner.Where is Jim,John?

M:We are playing hide-and-seek,mom.But I can't find him.Would you help me,please?

Q:What will the woman probably do?


A.Play hide-and-seek with her sons.

B.Have dinner with her sons.

C.Cook dinner for her family.

D.Help John to find Jim.

听力原文:M: Hello, Judy. Your yard is always so beautiful. Do you hire a gardener?W: Thank

听力原文:M: Hello, Judy. Your yard is always so beautiful. Do you hire a gardener?

W: Thanks! Actually I enjoy taking care of the plants by myself. But sometimes I may feel a little tired when I do the weeding or cut the grass.

Q: What's the probable relationship between the two speakers?


A.Teacher and student.

B.Doctor and patient.

C.Lawyer and client.


听力原文:M: Hello, this is the Lost and Found. Can I help you?W: Yes, my name is Nora Darw

听力原文:M: Hello, this is the Lost and Found. Can I help you?

W: Yes, my name is Nora Darwin. This afternoon I left my cell phone carelessly in the library. I'm wondering whether it has been turned in yet.

Q: What do we learn from the conversation?


A.Nora lost her cell phone in the library.

B.Nora found her cell phone in the library.

C.Nora's cell phone has been turned in.

D.Nora's cell phone has been found in the library.

听力原文:W: Hello, this is Western Michigan Grand Hotel. What can I do for you?M:I heardfr

听力原文:W: Hello, this is Western Michigan Grand Hotel. What can I do for you?

M: I heard from the weather report that the temperature there in your city is up to 39 degree. I am afraid my poor heart condition will not allow of my appearance in your hotel.

Q: What do we learn from the conversation?


A.The temperature in the man's city has come up to 39 degree.

B.The man has a serious heart problem.

C.The man is calling to cancel the hotel reservation.

D.The man is going to the hotel for a rest.

听力原文:M: Hello, I was wondering if postgraduate students are allowed to use the copy ma
chine in the faculty resource room?

W: I'm not sure, but if you leave me your name and number, I'll find out and get back to you.

Q: What will the woman probably do?


A.Show the man how to use the copy machine.

B.Copy the message for the man.

C.Inform. the man about the policy.

D.Call the man after she talks to the students.

听力原文:W: Hello, this is Doctor Hill from the emergency department. I have a 52-year-old
patient with a fractured ankle.

M: OK, send him toward 3.

Q: What are they talking about on the phone7


A.The admission of a patient.

B.Diagnosis of an illness.

C.The old man's serious condition.

D.Sending for a doctor.

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