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听力原文: How do you rise to the top in business? What personal qualities, skills, and bac

kground are needed? Such questions are frequently asked by students preparing to enter the work force and by men and women already in the business world.

Some companies want executives who combine administrative ability with a specialty in some branch of knowledge, such as mathematics or engineering. Other companies look for people skilled in human relations. For them, good management is the art of solving "people problems".

These are interesting insights, but what are the specific traits that will help people to climb the ladder of success?

First, drive. Business takes an unusual amount of energy. A successful executive—almost by definition—is a striver. According to one industrial psychologist, 86.5% of top managers have a higher activity level than the average middle managers. Top men get tense when they are not striving.

Second, people sense. Some say being able to judge people is more important than a high IQ. The skill can be instinctual, but in most cases it's learned through hard work.

Third, communication ability. An executive gets things done through other people. That means his communications must come through loud and clear. Different executives make themselves understood in different ways. Some transmit ideas best face to face; others are masters of the telephone call; still others are persuasive writers. One way or another, they all communicate clearly.

Fourth, calm under pressure, or as Hemingway put it, "grace under pressure". No businessman will get very far if he chokes up.






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听力原文:M: How can I get to work without a car?

W: Why don't you call for a cab?

Q: What does the woman advise the man to do?


A.Call a friend.

B.Work on his car.

C.Take a taxi.

D.Walk to work.

听力原文:M: What would you do if you beard a strange noise in the middle of the night?W: I

听力原文:M: What would you do if you beard a strange noise in the middle of the night?

W: I'd lie awake a little while, waiting to see if it happened again. And if it did, I'd get up.

Q: How would you describe the woman?






听力原文:M: How are you doing with your plan?W: No one knows how to do the work correctly,

听力原文:M: How are you doing with your plan?

W: No one knows how to do the work correctly, so we have to learn how to do it by a process of trial and error. But I think things are getting better and better.

Q: What do we learn from the conversation about the woman?


A.She is worried about the errors made.

B.She has been doing things in a correct way.

C.She needs someone to lend her a hand.

D.She is still searching for directions.

听力原文:M: How do you find your ballet lessons?W: They are well worth the time and troubl

听力原文:M: How do you find your ballet lessons?

W: They are well worth the time and trouble! My teacher says I'm making progress.

Q: What does the woman think of her ballet lessons?


A.They are very rewarding.

B.They are too troublesome.

C.They are not helpful at all.

D.They are too time-consuming.

听力原文:W: How do you like your new job, David?M: Fine. This week I have been reading the

听力原文:W: How do you like your new job, David?

M: Fine. This week I have been reading the financial reports and studying the books. Next week I will probably start to handle some of the accounts.

What docs the man do for a living?


A.He is a librarian

B.He is a professor.

C.He is an accountant

D.He is a reporter.

听力原文:M: What would you do if you heard a strange noise in the middle of the night'?W:

听力原文:M: What would you do if you heard a strange noise in the middle of the night'?

W: I'd lie awake a little while, waiting to see if it happened again. And if it did, I'd get up.

Q: How would you describe the woman?






听力原文:W: How did you do on the math exam, David?M: I barely made it.Q: What do we learn

听力原文:W: How did you do on the math exam, David?

M: I barely made it.

Q: What do we learn from the conversation?


A.David didn't pass, although he had tried his best.

B.David just got a passing score.

C.David got an excellent score, which was unexpected.

D.David was disappointed.

听力原文:W: Do you know how much a ticket to New York costs?M: It depends on which train y

听力原文:W: Do you know how much a ticket to New York costs?

M: It depends on which train you will take. It's a little over 30 dollars for the early one, but only 22 for the late one, which arrives at about midnight.

Q: Why is the ticket for the late train cheaper?


A.Because it is much slower than the early one.

B.Because it often arrives earlier.

C.Because it is seldom on schedule.

D.Because it arrives in the middle of the night.

听力原文:W: How do you like your new job, Michael?M: Fine. This week I've been reading the

听力原文:W: How do you like your new job, Michael?

M: Fine. This week I've been reading the financial reports and studying the books. Next week I will probably start to handle some of the accounts.

Q: What is the man's job?


A.He is a teacher in a school.

B.He is a librarian in a school.

C.He is a reporter in a newspaper agency.

D.He is an accountant in a company.

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听力原文:M: Do you really have to go down to the river to wash your clothes?

W: Yes, but all things considered, life in the country is still a lot less complicated than life in the city.

Q: How does the woman feel about life in the country?


A.It's dull.

B.It's simple.

C.It's tiring.

D.It's complicated.

听力原文:W: How did you do on the maths exam, John? M: I barely made it. It was just a pas

听力原文:W: How did you do on the maths exam, John?

M: I barely made it. It was just a passing score but better than I had expected.

Q: What do we learn from the conversation?


A.John didn't pass, although he had tried his best.

B.John did better than he thought he was able to.

C.John got an excellent score, which was unexpected.

D.John was disappointed at his math score.

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