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听力原文:M: Hello. How can I help you?W: I'd like to rent a car for some time.M: We rent m

听力原文:M: Hello. How can I help you?

W: I'd like to rent a car for some time.

M: We rent many different brands, types, and sizes. Do you have a preference?

W: Yes. Do you have any GM Buicks?

M: Yes. How about a red one?

W: Let me see.

M: As a matter of fact, we have two left. Both are red 2003's.

W: Great! What is the per day charge, and does that include mileage?

M: The charge is $ 67.5 per day plus sales tax and there is no mileage charge for the first 500 miles. After that the charge is 9 cents per mile. Do you have auto insurance?

W: Yes.

M: Please be sure to fill in all asked-for information regarding your insurance coverage.

W: What if I'm in an accident? Is the car insured?

M: Yes, it is insured. The details are on the back of the rental contract. Please read it first, and then I'll answer any question you may have.

W: Here is 140 bucks.

M: Here is the key. The car’s over there. Remember to be back by 12 midnight to avoid being charged a third day.

W: Thanks.


A.It is a red 2002 Toyota.

B.It is a green 4-wheel-drive.

C.It is a red 2003 TM.

D.It is Buick-branded.

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更多“听力原文:M: Hello. How can I help …”相关的问题
听力原文:M: Hello. Can I help you?W: Yes, I want to see the West End.M: How much time do y

听力原文:M: Hello. Can I help you?

W: Yes, I want to see the West End.

M: How much time do you have?

W: Just one day.

M: Well, what do you particularly want to do?

W: I want to visit museums, art galleries, Buckingham Palace, do some shopping, go to the theater...

M: But you only ham one day!

W: That's right.

M: Well, you can go shopping in tile morning.

W: Where?

M: In Oxford Street.

W: How do I get there?

M: You can walk through Hyde Park. It's quite near.

W: Good. What time do the shops open?

M: At nine.

W: Are there any restaurants in Oxford Street?

M: Yes, there are lots. You can have lunch there.

W: Are there any museums near Oxford Street?

M: Yes, the British Museum. You can go there in the afternoon.

W: Good. What time does it close?

M: At five.

W: I want to go to the theater in the evening.

M: Well, there are many theaters near there.

W: Where exactly?

M: In Shaftsbury Avenue. You can take a bus from the British museum. W: Wonderful. Thanks for your help.

M: You're welcome. Have a good time!






听力原文:M: Hello !W: Hello. This is Lily Wilson, May I speak to Ted Robinson, please?M: H

听力原文:M: Hello !

W: Hello. This is Lily Wilson, May I speak to Ted Robinson, please?

M: Hi, Lily! It's Ted, What cab I do for you?

W: Well, I'm calling about the theatre group I belong to, the Princeton Players. We're looking for more people to join, especially men. And I thought you would be interested.

M: Oh! You know how much I love acting, but I'm taking some very hard courses. I might be able to learn my part, but I would hardly have time to come to the rehearsal.

W: Well, actually we practice only one night a week, Thursdays, from seven to ten. So we wouldn't have to put in extra time before a performance.

M: Only once a week, you say? Well, could you give me time to think it over?

W: Sure, but look, why don't you come and watch our practice next Thursday? I think you'll like the way we work. When you see how much fun it is, you'll want to join right away.

M: OK. I'll come to a rehearsal, but I can't promise more than that.

W: Great! I'll give you a call on Wednesday to remind you, talk to you then, bye now!

M: Bye, Lily !


A.He has a lot of free time.

B.She knows he likes acting.

C.Many of his friends are actors.

D.He's looking for an acting job.

听力原文:M: Good morning. Can I help you.'?W: Hello. My name's Jane Bush and I'm intending

听力原文:M: Good morning. Can I help you.'?

W: Hello. My name's Jane Bush and I'm intending to go to a conference in Sydney for three weeks. After the conference I've got two weeks' holiday and I wanted to go shopping or seeing Hong Kong or India or somewhere round there.

M: Yes.

W: Where exactly can I go?

M: Well, lots of places. There's Singapore or Teheran, Kuwait, Athens, you've really got quite a lot of choices you know.

W: Well, it sounds marvelous. How much would that cost?

M: The full fare? Well, that's really quite a lot. It's £ 12134.

W: Yes, a thousand two hundred and four. Well, it's once in a lifetime.

M: Mm.

W: The thing is, actually that I'm absolutely terrified of flying. I've never done it before.

M: Oh dear.

W: And I'm hoping that I can persuade my two friends, who are also going to the conference, to stop over with me on the way back.

M: Yes, that would be a good idea.

W: Mm, yes. By the way, one of them is in Cairo at the moment. Would it be possible for ne to stop over there on my way to Sydney?

M: Yes, of course. There are plenty of flights to Cairo and then plenty more onwards from Cairo to Sydney.


A.A customer.

B.A travel agent.

C.A bank clerk.

D.A passenger.

听力原文:W: Hello. Mr. Summerfield. How are you today?M: Very well. Thank you, Ms. Green.W

听力原文:W: Hello. Mr. Summerfield. How are you today?

M: Very well. Thank you, Ms. Green.

W: What can I do for you?

M: Well, unfortunately, there is a problem with the order we received from you yesterday. It seems we've not received the right quantity of manuals to support the telephone system.

W: Oh, dear, that's bad news. I'm very sorry to hear that, and you don't know how many packs are without manuals?

M:No, because we haven't opened every pack. But in several of those that have been opened there are none, no manuals.

W: I'm very sorry about this inconvenience, Mr. Summerfield. We'll send out the manuals this afternoon by express mail entirely at our cost, and the manuals should arrive tomorrow or the day after at the latest.

M: All of them, right?

W: Yes. It maybe that some have them already, but we cannot be sure. So the best thing is to send out the manual for every pack.

M: Yes. Yes, I see. That would be great.

W: Please accept our apologies for this mix-up. I assure you we will do everything possible to find out why the mistake happened.

M: Right. Thanks for your swift action.

W: Not at all. Thank you and goodbye for now. Do call if there is anything else.

M: All right. Thank you. Goodbye, Ms. Green.

W: Goodbye.


What problems are the speakers discussing?

What does the woman promise to do?

What does the man think of the solution?


A.The man has sent the order to the woman by mistake.

B.Some of the telephone systems don't work properly.

C.Some of the packs do not contain any manuals.

D.The quality of the goods is not up to the standard.

听力原文:W: Hello. Is this the registration office? M: Yes. This is Herbert speaking. How

听力原文:W: Hello. Is this the registration office?

M: Yes. This is Herbert speaking. How can I help you?

W: Well, I have a slight problem here. I have been in Chemistry 302B class for a month, and today Prof. Smith told me I wasn't registered in his latest class list. I thought all the while I was registered in his class and this really comes as a surprise.

M: Well, why don't you give me your student ID and I'll just check to see if you are officially registered.

W: 39241.

M: Just a minute. And you are Alice Jones, right?

W: Yes, that's me.

M: Alice, the computer shows that you are registered in Chemistry 302A and that's Dr. Nelson's class. Perhaps you have mixed up the two.

W: Oh no, I thought I'd made a switch from Nelson to Smith. How did this confusion occur? I dropped Nelson's class and switched to Smith's in the first week. I still have the add/drop form. with me.

M: In that case, I suggest you come to the registration office with the add/drop form. and we'll try to sort it out for you. I don't rule out there could have been a mistake that occurred during the add/drop process.

W: I'll be there first thing in the morning to sort out this mess. You know, I wouldn't want to switch professors when I'm now half way through.

M: I can understand that.See you tomorrow.


A.She found she wasn't registered in Chemistry 302A.

B.She found she was registered in Chemistry 302B.

C.She was unsure which class she had registered.

D.She wasn't registered in Chemistry 302B.

听力原文:W: Hello. Holiday Hotel. May I help you?M: Yes, I'd like to reserve a room for a

听力原文:W: Hello. Holiday Hotel. May I help you?

M: Yes, I'd like to reserve a room for a couple on the 13th of September.

W: Okay. Let me check our books here for a moment. You want a room for a couple on the 13th of October, right?

M: No. It is September, not October.

W: OH, I'm sorry. Let me see here. Hmm.

M: Are you all booked that night?

W: Well, not yet. We do have one suite available, complete with a kitchenette and a sauna bath. And the view of the sea is great, too.

M: How much is that?

W: It's only $ 200 dollars, plus a 10% room tax.

M: (23) Oh, I'm afraid that's a little too expensive for me. Do you have a cheaper room available either on the 12th or 14th?

W: Well, would you like a smoking or a non-smoking room?

M: (22) The non-smoking one, please.

W: (24) Okay, we do have a few rooms available on the 12th; we're full on the 14th, unless you want a smoking room.

M: Well, how much is the non-smoking room on the 12th?

W: (25) 80 dollars, plus the 10% room tax.

M: Okay, that'll be fine. I'll take this one.

W: An right. Could I have your name, please?

M: Yes. Torn Delfino.

W: How do you spell your last name, Mr. Delfino?

M: D-E-L-F-I-N-O.

W: (24) Okay, Mr. Delfino, we look forward to seeing you on September 12th.

M: Okay. Goodbye.


A.A non-smoking room.

B.A smoking room.

C.A suite with a kitchen.

D.A room with a great view.

听力原文:M: Hello.W: Hello, Roger? This is Ann.M: Oh hi, Ann. How have you been? And how's

听力原文:M: Hello.

W: Hello, Roger? This is Ann.

M: Oh hi, Ann. How have you been? And how's your new apartment working out?

W: Well, that's what I'm calling about. You see, I've decided to look for a new place.

M: Oh, what's the problem with your place now? I thought you liked the apartment.

W: Oh, I do. It's pretty cozy, the surroundings are perfect and a lot of entertainments are available here. But it's simply a little far from campus, and the commute is just killing me. Do you think you could help? 1 thought you might know more about the housing situation near the university.

M: Alright. So, what kind of place are you looking for?

W: Well, I'd like to share an apartment with one or two roommates within walking distance to school.

M: Okay, what's your budget like? I mean how much do you want to spend on rent?

W: Uh, somewhere under $ 200 a month, including utilities, if I could. Oh, and I'd prefer to rent a furnished apartment.

M: Hmm. And anything else?

W: Yeah, I need a parking space.

M: Well, I know there's an apartment complex around the comer that seems to have a few vacancies. I'll drop by there on my way to class today.

W: Hey, thanks a lot.

M: No problem.


A.Problems with living in an apartment.

B.A search for a new apartment.

C.The cost of rent near universities.

D.Furnishing an apartment.

听力原文:W: Hello. This is the emergency 911 operator.M: Help. Help. Please help me !W: Ye

听力原文:W: Hello. This is the emergency 911 operator.

M: Help. Help. Please help me !

W: Yes sir. Please calm down and explain exactly what is happening.

M: Calm down! My car is stalled on the freeway, I have a lady passenger, and she's going into labor.

W: Now relax sir. Explain exactly where you are.

M: I'm... I'm in the southbound lane of the Lincoln Expressway, about 15 miles from the Washington Tunnel, and this lady isn't going to wait.

W: Okay. What's your name sir and your passenger's?

M: It's... it's Bob, and I have no idea about the woman. She's in no condition to tell me.

W: Okay, now what's the nearest landmark to your location7 Pay careful attention.

M: Umm, I see golden arches... McDonald's.

W: Okay, is there anyone else with you?

M: No, and I've tried to get someone else to stop. [ The sound of a bottle breaking. ]

W: Hey, what was that?

M: Ah, someone threw a bottle at me. How soon can someone get here?

W: I've just dispatched an ambulance .to your location. They should be there any second.

M: Hey, is there anything I can do while we wait for the ambulance7

W: Yes, uh, keep her calm and warm.

M: Okay. Please hurry. Oh, they're too late. It's a boy!


A.A taxi driver.

B.A bus driver.

C.A truck driver.

D.A passenger.

听力原文:M: Hello?W: Hello. I'm calling about the apartment that was advertised in the pap

听力原文:M: Hello?

W: Hello. I'm calling about the apartment that was advertised in the paper this morning. Is it still available?

M: There were two, a three bedroom and a two bedroom. But the larger one has been rented.

W: Oh, that's OK. (14) I was only interested in the two bedroom. Can you tell me what it's like?

M: Well, (14) it is quite spacious and has sun most of the day. It's really cheerful. It also has an eating kitchen and there's plenty of closet space.

W: Sounds good, (13) The ads said the rent was 525 dollars a month. Does that include heat and electricity?

M: No, tenants have to pay their own utilities.

W: I see, what about parking?

M: That's no problem at all. Each tenant is assigned a particular space, and that space is there as long as they stay in the apartment.

W: (15) Great! Given how rents there days, this seems almost too good to be true.

M: Listen, why don't you come over tomorrow and see for yourself? Ring the buzzer number 8. I'll be in all morning.

W: (15) Fine, see you then.

13.What's the woman's purpose of calling the man?

14.What does the man say about the two bedroom apartment?

15.What's the woman's reaction to the apartment?


A.To put an ad in the newspaper.

B.To renovate the apartment.

C.To rent the apartment.

D.To sell the apartment.

听力原文:M: Hello, Thompson here.W: Hello. This is Mary.M: Oh, hello.W: I'm afraid I can't

听力原文:M: Hello, Thompson here.

W: Hello. This is Mary.

M: Oh, hello.

W: I'm afraid I can't come to work today, Mr. Thompson.

M: Oh, what's the problem?

W: I've got a very sore throat.

M: Yes, you sound ill on the phone.

W: Yes, I'll stay in bed today, but I'll be able to come tomorrow.

M: That's all right, Mary.

W: Thank you, Mr. Thompson...Goodbye.

M: Goodbye, Mary.

(At Mary's gate.)

M: Hello, Mary!

W: Oh...hello.., hello, Mr. Thompson...er...er...

M: I've brought some fruit for you, Mary.

W: Thank you very much, Mr. Thompson.

M: Well, how's your throat?

W: It seems a little better. I'll be OK tomorrow.

M: Well, don't come in until you feel better.

W: All right...but I'm sure I'll be able to come in tomorrow.

M: Goodbye, Mary.

W: Goodbye, Mr. Thompson.

M: I want to tell you a story, Mary.

W: Oh?

M: Last day, it was England against Brazil. Both teams were playing well, but neither team could score a goal. Then the crowd were cheering and booing. It was very exciting. Then at 3:20, England scored from a penalty. I jumped out of his chair. I was very excited. I was smiling happily when suddenly the cameraman focused on the crowd. My smile disappeared and I looked very angry. Mary Walker's face, in close-up, was there on the screen. She didn't look ill, and she didn't sound ill. She was smiling happily and cheering wildly!

W: Oh, my god.


A.They're close friends.

B.She wanted to ask for leave.

C.She was terribly' ill.

D.She greeted him.

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