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听力原文:M: Time to eat!W: Coming. Oh, I'm starving. Oh yuck! What's that?M: Ah, now don't

听力原文:M: Time to eat!

W: Coming. Oh, I'm starving. Oh yuck! What's that?

M: Ah, now don't complain !

W: But what is it, and where is mom?

M: Now, mom put me in charge of dinner because she's not feeling well tonight.

W: But what is it... and that smell!

M: It's pizza. I just followed an old family recipe hero, and...

W: Let me see that... Oh, Dad. You're missing a page!

M: Oh, uh, well, uh... well I couldn't find the second page of the recipe, but don't worry. I have plenty of experience around the house. Plenty of experience cooking.

W: That's not what mom says.

M: Well, wait, wait, here let me try a piece first. Here, let me, let me cool this off here. Oh uh, yeah. This is great stuff.

W: Yeah fight. Why are you making that face?

M: Well, it's just, just a little rich for me. That's all.

W: Let me try it Dad. Uh. Dad. You put a little too much salt in it and besides it's burned. And what's that?

M: Oh, well, that's just part of my own adaptation to the recipe. I added some pumpkin.

W: Oh, not another one of your surprises. Pumpkin doesn't go on pizza!

M: Well, okay, so what? Uh, what do we do now?

W: Well, how about some cold cereal... You can't mess up on that, Dad.


A.She is busy at work.

B.She is shopping at supermarket.

C.She is resting in bed.

D.She is out for a party.

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更多“听力原文:M: Time to eat!W: Coming.…”相关的问题
听力原文:W:Dad,can you read this book to me? It's about a bear and a cat that become frien
ds.And let's eat some popcorn and cookies while we're reading.

M:Well,it's bedtime now,and you can't eat things after you brush your teeth.So,here we go.Once upon a time in a dark forest...

Q:When are the two speakers talking?


A.Early in the morning.

B.At noon.

C.In the afternoon.

D.Late in the night.

听力原文:W: Let's get a snack when the baseball game is over.M: When it's over? I am dying

听力原文:W: Let's get a snack when the baseball game is over.

M: When it's over? I am dying of hunger now.

Q: What does the man mean?


A.He wants to eat immediately.

B.He wants to know when the game will be over.

C.He's worried about what time it is.

D.He's afraid he's dying.

听力原文:W: It takes too much time to cook; I wish I had more time to study.M: Why don't y

听力原文:W: It takes too much time to cook; I wish I had more time to study.

M: Why don't you eat at the university cafeteria? It's not too expensive.

Q: What does the man suggest?


A.Buying less expensive food.

B.Dining at the cafeteria.

C.Cooking more simply.

D.Studying harder.

听力原文:W: Hi, Jack. Tomorrow's the big day!You must be excited about going to France for

听力原文:W: Hi, Jack. Tomorrow's the big day! You must be excited about going to France for your first international conference.

M: The trip, yes, but not the preparation.

W: What do you need to do except pack?

M: You know how you always feel so awful whenever you make big change in time zones? This time I'm trying an anti-jet-lag program so I'll be alert even for the first day's lectures.

W: But how can you avoid jet lag? With that late flight and a six-hour difference in time, it's bound to take you a couple of days to adjust.

M: Well, this program's supposed to get your body to feel like it's in the new time zone before you leave. The theory is that the food you eat actually tells your body when to be active and when to be restful, so changing your diet can help you be ready for the time change. You have to alternate feasting and fasting... you know sometimes eat a lot, sometimes just a little.

W: OK. Now I see why you're not enjoying the preparation. I can't quite picture you fasting!

M: Actually the worst is already over. Two days before the flight, you're supposed to have only light meals and limit yourself to eight hundred calories.

W: That must have been tough.

M: Yeah, but I'm making up for it today. Feast day is much better though I still don't get to eat any snacks after dinner.


A.Avoiding gaining weight while traveling.

B.Making reservations for the best travel.

C.New foods to try when traveling.

D.Adjusting to time changes when traveling.

听力原文:M: How would you like to help me plan the refreshments for the astronomy club mee
ting tomorrow night?

W: Sure. Let's be careful not to overdo it, though. Last time we had enough for three clubs put together.

Q: What does the woman mean?


A.She would rather not invite other clubs to join them.

B.There was too much food at a previous meeting.

C.The members of the club always eat a lot.

D.They should prepare extra refreshments.

听力原文:W: I want to go to the concert tonight, but it starts at eight, and I have to wor
k until seven, there won't be enough time to go home for dinner.

M: I've got an idea. I'll pick you up after work and we'll eat downtown. That'll give us enough time to get to the concert.

Q: What do we learn from this conversation?


A.The woman will go home for dinner.

B.The woman will not go to the concert.

C.The man and the woman will eat together in a restaurant.

D.Both of them will go home before going to the concert.

听力原文:W: Ok, this will be my treat.M: Oh, no, you don't.W: All right then, we'll go Dut

听力原文:W: Ok, this will be my treat.

M: Oh, no, you don't.

W: All right then, we'll go Dutch.

M: Next time. This time it's my treat.

W: Mine, it's nice to have lunch with such a prosperous gentleman.

M: Thank you.

W: Gee, it's crowded.

M: Look, one empty table by that big picture window over there. Let's go and get itt

W: Ah, this is a pretty spot. You can see the people passing by while you eat.

M: And they can see you eat while they pass by and that's a pretty picture too.

W: You not only coin a neat phrase, but turn a girl's head too. Is this the only type of place for lunch?

M: There are some lunch counters, but they serve only a few specialties.

W: Why can't you eat your lunch in a restaurant?

M: Well, you can, but the service isn't as fast. Most people only have half an hour to one hour for lunch. The time is too short for them to eat in a restaurant or run back and forth from home to school or office, because cities are too big.

W: So they eat quickly at the lunch counters?

M: Right. Lunch is normally a light meal anyway. Workers must either take lunch with them or get it near the place where they work.

W: What about the children?

M: Kids in school take sandwiches, fruit and cookies along with them or eat in school cafeterias.

W: This is delicious. I fall the food tastes as good as this I won't miss our own food too much. I like American food!

M: I'm glad you enjoy it. Are you done?

W: Yeah, I'm full.

M: Are you sure? You can get seconds.

W: I'm positively full. I have no more room. Wow, this will last me for a week. Thank you very much.

M: Don't mention it.


A.The man.

B.The woman.

C.They pay for their own dinner respectively.

D.Someone else.

听力原文:W: Ok. This will be my treat.M: Oh, no, you don't.W, All right, then, we'll go Du

听力原文:W: Ok. This will be my treat.

M: Oh, no, you don't.

W, All right, then, we'll go Dutch.

M: Next time. This time you are my guest.

W: Oh, it's so nice to have lunch with such a prosperous gentleman.

M: Thank you. Look, one empty small table by that big picture window over there. Let's go get it.

W: Ah, this is a pretty spot. You can see the people passing by while you eat.

M: And they can see you eat while they pass and that's a pretty picture too.

W: You not only coin a neat phrase, but turn a girl's head also. Is this the only type place for lunch?

M: There are some lunch counters, but they serve only a few specialties.

W: Why can't you eat lunch in a restaurant?

M: Well, you can, but the service isn't as fast. Most people only have half an hour to one hour for lunch. The time is too short for them to eat in a restaurant or to run back and forth from home to school or office, because the cities are too big.

W: So they eat quickly at the lunch counters?

M: Right. Lunch is normally a light meal anyway. Workers must either take lunch with them or get it near the place where they work.

W: What about the children?

M: Kids in school take sandwiches, fruit and cookies along with them or eat in school cafeterias.

W: This is delicious. If all the food tastes as good as this I won't miss our own food too much. I like American food!

M: I'm glad you enjoy it. Are you done?

W: I'm full.

M: Are you sure? You can get seconds.

W: I'm positively full. I have no more room. Wow, this will last me for a week. Thank you very much.

M: Don't mention it.


A.The man.

B.The woman.

C.They pay for their own dinner respectively.

D.Someone else.

听力原文:W: Ok, this will be my treat.M: Oh, no, you don' t.W: All right then, we'll go Du

听力原文:W: Ok, this will be my treat.

M: Oh, no, you don' t.

W: All right then, we'll go Dutch.

M: Next time. This time, it' s my treat.

W: My, it's nice to have lunch with such a prosperous gentleman.

M: Thank you.

W: Gee, it's crowded.

M: Look, one empty table by that big picture window over there. Let's go and get it.

W: Ah, this Is a pretty spot. You can see the people passing by while you eat.

M: And they can see you eat while they pass by and that' s a pretty picture too.

W: You not only coin a neat phrase, but turn a girl's head too. ls this the only type of place for lunch?

M: There are some lunch counters, but they serve only a few specialties.

W: Why can't you eat lunch in a restaurant?

M: Well, you can,but the service isn't as fast. Most people only have half an hour to one hour for lunch. The time is too short for them to eat in a restaurant or to run back and forth from home to school or office; because cities are too big.

W: So they cat quickly at the lunch counters?

M: Right. Lunch is normally a light meal anyway. Workers must either take lunch with them or get it near the place where they work.

W: What about the children?

M: Kids in school take sandwiches, fruit and cookies along with them or eat in school cafeterias.

W: This is delicious. If all the food tastes as good as this, I won' t miss our own food too much. I like American food!

M: I' m glad you enjoy it. Arc you done?

W: Yeah, I'm full.

M: Are you sure? You can get seconds.

W: I' m positively full. I have no more room. Wow, this will last me for a week. Thank you very much.

M: Don't mention it.


A.The man.

B.The woman.

C.They pay for their own dinner respectively,

D.Someone else,

听力原文:M: Excuse me, do you mind answering a few questions?W: No.M: Um firstly, do you e

听力原文:M: Excuse me, do you mind answering a few questions?

W: No.

M: Um firstly, do you ever eat fast food?

W: Yes, yes, I do.

M: What kind of food do you normally eat?

W: Oh, err, you know, burgers, sandwiches, the usual MacDonald's stuff, well sometimes a pizza.

M: Oh, right. And how often do you eat fast food? Every day, more than once a week or less than once a week?

W: Er, well Monday to Friday when I'm working, but not usually at the weekend.

M: And what time of the day do you eat fast food?

W: Well, at lunchtime, um, you know I sort of go out and get a burger or sandwich.

M: Oh right. Do you only eat it as a main meal or do you snack between meals?

W: Only as a main meal.

M: And what do you think of fast food? Is it convenient?

W: Oh, definitely. That's the main reason I eat it.

M: Right. Do you think it tastes good?

W: Yeah, am, I mean, not as good as food like in a restaurant, but it's not had.

M: Do you think it is an expensive way of eating?

W: Yes, but you have to pay for the convenience, you know, most people can't resist the speed of it.


A.French fries.




听力原文:W: Hi, Jack. Tomorrow's the big day! You must be excited about going to France fo
r your first international conference.

M: The trip, yes, but not the preparation.

W: What do you need to do except pack?

M: You know how you always feel so awful whenever you make a big change in time zones? This time I'm trying an anti-jet-lag program so I'll be alert even for the first day's lectures.

W: But how can you avoid jet lag? With that late flight and a six-hour difference in time, it's bound to take you a couple of days to adjust.

M: Well this program's supposed to get your body to feel like it's in the new time zone before you leave. The theory is that the food you eat actually tells your body when to be active and when to be restful, so changing your diet can help you be ready' for the time change. You have to alternate feasting and fasting ... you know sometimes eat a lot, sometimes just a little.

W: OK. Now I see why you're not enjoying the preparation. I can't quite picture you fasting!

M: Actually the worst is already over. Two days before the flight, you're supposed to have only light meals and limit yourself to eight hundred calories.

W: That must have been tough.

M: Yeah, but I'm making up for it today. Feast day is much better ... though I still don't get to eat any snacks after dinner.


A.New foods to try when traveling.

B.Making reservations for the best travel.

C.Avoiding gaining weight while traveling.

D.Adjusting to time changes when traveling.

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