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听力原文:W: Hi, Peter.M: Hi, Laura.W: flow was your final?M: Absolutely no idea. Anyway, i

听力原文:W: Hi, Peter.

M: Hi, Laura.

W: flow was your final?

M: Absolutely no idea. Anyway, it's just wonderful to have finished the exam.

W: Yeah, to sleep in every morning.

M: Well, I've got a lot to do before I leave for Chicago. I've got a lot of things I can't take back with me and I don't know what to do with them. I am wondering if I can sell them to someone before going back to Chicago. Perhaps you could give me some advice.

W: Well, it depends on what sort of things they are.

M: There are quite a lot. I have a computer which is second hand and not worth much. What I really want to get rid of is the furniture, the fridge and other kitchen stuff. Oh, there are some clothes and books as well.

W: I see. Well, there are several alternatives. First of all, you could put up notices around the university about the books—you know on the notice boards in the student union building, and anywhere the second and third year students will see them. People are always keen to buy cheap textbooks.

M: Then what should I say on the notices?

W: Just put the titles, authors and prices you want. Don't forget to put your phone number.

M: That's a good idea. What about the furniture?

W: You could try the same thing, but usually students are away all summer so they don't want to buy furniture now. Another place to try might be a second-hand shop. Someone from the shop will usually come around and give you a free quote, and then you can decide. But normally you won't get much money for that sort of stuff.


A.Tennis sets.

B.Computer and TV set.

C.Bookcase and book shelf.

D.Refrigerator and kitchen stuff.

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更多“听力原文:W: Hi, Peter.M: Hi, Laura…”相关的问题
听力原文:W: Hi, Peter.M: Hi, Laura.W: How was your final?M: Absolutely no idea. Anyway, it

听力原文:W: Hi, Peter.

M: Hi, Laura.

W: How was your final?

M: Absolutely no idea. Anyway, it's just wonderful to have finished the exam.

W: Yeah, to sleep in every morning.

M: Well, I've got a lot to do before I leave for Chicago. I've got a lot of things I can't take back with me and I don't know what to do with them. I'm wondering if I can sell them to someone before going back to Chicago. Perhaps you could give me some advice.

W: Well, it depends on what sort of things they are.

M: There are quite a lot. I have a computer which is secondhand and not worth much. What I really want to get rid of is the furniture, the fridge and other kitchen stuff. Oh, there are some clothes and books as well.

W: I see. Well, there are several alternatives. First of all, you could put up notices around the university about the books, you know, on the notice boards in the student union building, and anywhere the second- and third-year students will see them. People are always keen to buy cheap textbooks.

M: Then what should I say on the notices?

W: Just put the titles, authors and prices you want. Don't forget to put your phone number.

M: That's a good idea. What about the furniture?

W: You could try the same thing, but usually students are away all summer so they don't want to buy furniture now. Another place to try might be a second-hand shop. Someone from the shop will usually come around and give you a free quote, and then you can decide. But normally you won't get much money for that sort of stuff.

Questions 23 to 25 are based on the conversation you have just heard.

23. Which items does Peter want to sell?

24. What is Laura's suggestion about the books?

25. What does Laura think of the second-hand shop?


A.Tennis sets.

B.Computer and TV set.

C.Bookcase and book shelf.

D.Refrigerator and kitchen stuff.

听力原文:W: Hi, Mr. Talcott. Is my prescription ready?M: It's right here. Just follow thes

听力原文:W: Hi, Mr. Talcott. Is my prescription ready?

M: It's right here. Just follow these directions and take one pill right after each meal.

Q: What is the man's occupation?






听力原文:W: Hi, Bill. You are so late. The meeting has already started.M: Oh, I originally

听力原文:W: Hi, Bill. You are so late. The meeting has already started.

M: Oh, I originally thought I knew the way well enough. I drove 20 miles one way, then 6 another before I got here.

Q: What is the distance should Bill drive to attend the meeting?


A.20 miles.

B.6 miles.

C.14 miles.

D.26 miles.

听力原文:W: Hi! Mark.Nice to see you again. How is everything?M: Great! I didn't expect to

听力原文:W: Hi! Mark. Nice to see you again. How is everything?

M: Great! I didn't expect to see you again. What a small world!

Q: What do we know about the speakers?


A.They are talking about the world.

B.They met some time ago.

C.They are discussing how small the world is.

D.They don't want to meet again.

听力原文:W: Hi, Morris. Any luck today?M: No, nothing. I've tried the shops, the supermark

听力原文:W: Hi, Morris. Any luck today?

M: No, nothing. I've tried the shops, the supermarkets and the restaurants, but no luck for me. I hope my last chance will lie in those cab companies.

Q: What has the man been doing?


A.He has been shopping around.

B.He has been looking for a job.

C.He has been dining in a restaurant.

D.He has been driving the cab.

听力原文:W:Hi,Burt.I heard you're looking for a new job. How is it going?M:I just had an i

听力原文:W:Hi,Burt.I heard you're looking for a new job. How is it going?

M:I just had an interview yesterday.I think I did well.The director seemed to like me. They said they would make a decision by this Friday.I believe I have a very good chance.

Q:What does the man think of his interview?


A.He will probably get the job.

B.He will probably fail.

C.The chance is half-and-half.

D.He is not satisfied with the offer.

听力原文:M: Hi, Jane. Do you have acme change? I have to make a call on the pay phone.W: P

听力原文:M: Hi, Jane. Do you have acme change? I have to make a call on the pay phone.

W: Pay phone? Why not use my mobile phone? Here you are.

Q: What will the man most probably do?


A.Get some change from Jane.

B.Use the woman's phone.

C.Go and look for a pay phone.

D.Pay for the phone call.

听力原文:M: Hi, Kathy. Have you done your New Year shopping in this season of promotion?W:

听力原文:M: Hi, Kathy. Have you done your New Year shopping in this season of promotion?

W: Almost. I've got a pair of shoes for Dad and a red scarf for Mum, but it's not easy to find something interesting for my husband. 1 gave him a Kenny G album last year. This tithe he would probably like a stamp album, I guess.

Q: What will the woman probably buy for her husband?


A.A pair of shoes.

B.A red scarf.

C.A stamp album.

D.A Kenny G's album

听力原文:W: Hi there. I was wondering if you could help me. I'm trying to get to Marble Ga
r dens. Do you know which bus I should take?

M: Yes, of course. You should take bus 123 and change to bus 112 at Homes Street.

Q: Which bus should she take first?






听力原文:M:Frank's certainly:in a good mood.W:The bargain he got on his new stereo made hi

听力原文:M:Frank's certainly:in a good mood.

W:The bargain he got on his new stereo made him very happy.

Q:What does the woman mean?


A.Everyone told him to cheer up.

B.Spending money puts him in a good mood.

C.He had to pay a high price for his new stereo.

D.He's very pleased with his purchase.

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