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听力原文: (32)Francis Scott Key Fitzgerald, a member of the "Lost Generation", was the mos

听力原文: (32)Francis Scott Key Fitzgerald, a member of the "Lost Generation", was the most famous chronicler of 1920s America, an era that he called "the Jazz. Age." He finished (33)four novels and wrote dozens of short stories that treat themes of youth and promise along with despair and age.

(34) Fitzgerald was born on September 24, 1896., He did poorly in school and was sent to a boarding school. He then managed to enroll at Princeton in 1913. He never graduated, instead (34)enlisting in the army in 1917,as World War I neared its end.

Fitzgerald became a second lieutenant, and was stationed at Camp Sheridan, Alabama. There he met and fell in love with seventeen-year-old Zelda Sayre. Zelda finally agreed to marry him, but her strong desire for wealth led her to delay their wedding until he could prove a success. (35)With the publication of This Side of Paradise in 1920, Fitzgerald became a literary sensation, earning enough money and fame to convince Zelda to marry him.

Many of these events from Fitzgerald's early life appear in his most famous novel, The Great Gatsby, published in 1925. Having become a celebrity, Fitzgerald fell into a wild, reckless life-style. of parties, while desperately trying to please Zelda by writing to earn money.

As the Roaring Twenties dissolved the Great Depression, however, Zelda suffered a nervous breakdown and Fitzgerald battled alcoholism, which influenced his writing. He published Tender Is the Night in 1934, and sold short stories to support his lavish lifestyle. In 1937, he left for Hollywood to write screenplays, and in 1940, while working on his novel The Love of the Last Tycoon, died of a heart attack at the age of forty-four.


A.Lost Generation.

B.Beat Generation.

C.The Jazz Age.

D.The Roaring Twenties.

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更多“听力原文: (32)Francis Scott Key Fi…”相关的问题
听力原文:W: Yes, sir. What can I do for you'?M: I need a screwdriver, a box of assorted sc

听力原文:W: Yes, sir. What can I do for you'?

M: I need a screwdriver, a box of assorted screws, and a small door lock.

Q: Where does this conversation most likely take place?


A.At a garage.

B.In a warehouse.

C.In an art supply store

D.In a hardware store.

听力原文:Which of the following can be categorized as a lagging index?(32)A.Unemployment r

听力原文:Which of the following can be categorized as a lagging index?


A.Unemployment rates.

B.Manufacturing rates,

C.Interest rates,

D.People's expectations of the economy.

听力原文:How will sports and play programs benefit children socially?(32)A.By creating cha

听力原文:How will sports and play programs benefit children socially?


A.By creating chances of teamwork.

B.By collecting money for children.

C.By supporting people in war areas.

D.By teaching children speed skating.

听力原文:Why was her talk show so popular?(32)A.She was America's first African-American b

听力原文:Why was her talk show so popular?


A.She was America's first African-American broadcaster.

B.Ordinary people loved her.

C.She dealt with very personal issues in a frank and honest way.

D.She was a star in the film The Color Purple.

听力原文:What may happen if a 50-year-old account holder withdraws his money from IRA?(32)

听力原文:What may happen if a 50-year-old account holder withdraws his money from IRA?


A.The money will be taxed like expenditure.

B.The account holder will be fined.

C.He might be fired by his working place.

D.He might be prevented from claiming tax reductions.

听力原文:M: Oh, hello, Li Li. Come on in, and how've you been keeping recently?W: Quite al

听力原文:M: Oh, hello, Li Li. Come on in, and how've you been keeping recently?

W: Quite all right. Thanks, Dr. Francis. How's your project going?

M: Very smoothly, I should say. I'm playing a consultancy role, really. I've only been here in China for a month, but I'm already on very good terms with my colleagues in the Department of Computer Science. Well, I'm happy that you could come. Do sit down, please.

W: Dr. Francis, do you know I've got a chance to go to Cambridge in August? I wonder if you could tell me something about Britain.

M: Certainly. Well, I was actually brought up in Scotland. Er...in fact, I've never been to Cambridge. But well...yes, I'm sure I can give you some useful tips. Now, what do you want to know, Li Li?

W: Things like weather. What's the usual temperature there?

M: Mmm, the temperature in Scotland is 22 or 23 degrees centigrade, on average, I think. But Cambridge would be warmer, around 25, I would guess, because it's down south.

W: Oh, that's nice. Do you know it is 34 here? Last year it reached 39. By the way, where do you think I should stay?

M: Oh, that's important. You can, er... I suppose, stay in the college-owned fiats, which are often near where you have your classes, and some are even on the campus. That would certainly be convenient.

W: Yes, it would.

M: But it can also be a disadvantage because you are, in a sense, separated from ordinary society. You're a language teacher, and I think learning from society is a valuable experience.

W: Yes, yes, exactly. So what's the alternative?

M: Maybe finding an English host family. I know of a student Ali from the Middle East. He told me that he had learnt a lot by staying with a British family.

W: Thank you. I think it's quite a good suggestion. By the way, Dr. Francis, do you think I could...


A.He is a teacher of English in Cambridge.

B.He is a consultant to a Scottish company.

C.He is a specialist in computer science.

D.He is a British tourist to China.

听力原文:Which of the following is NOT correct?(32)A.There is no greenhouse gas now, since

听力原文:Which of the following is NOT correct?


A.There is no greenhouse gas now, since it has been well under control.

B.Now the production of CFCs used in refrigerators is only one third of that in the mid- 1980s.

C.Oxides of sulfur can lead to acid rain and smog.

D.The amount of lead, soot and carbon monoxide that are sent out has been reduced sharply.

听力原文:M: Finally, the weekend is here. I will go for a picnic, so do you know tomorrow'
s weather?

W: Now it is 7:32 and here is the weather forecast. Strong wind blew today. And tomorrow it will be colder. If it gets cold enough, there could be heavy snow next week.

Q: What is the weather forecast for tomorrow?


A.It will be sunny.

B.It will be very cold.

C.It will be windy.

D.It will be rainy.

听力原文:[32] New England is an area of mountains, valleys, and rivers. It is said that in

听力原文: [32] New England is an area of mountains, valleys, and rivers. It is said that in New England [32] one is always climbing hills. A large part of New England is also made up of farms and farming lands. Yet New Eng land is not really a fanning area. The farms are small. Generally they are only large enough to support one family. It also happens that the soil of New England is not good. [33] This soil has been worked and planted for so many years that it has lost its value.

[34] Most New Englanders today work in factories or small businesses. In these factories they make watches and clocks, shoes, clothing, special tools for industry, leather goods, etc. New England workmen are famous for their skill in making many of these things. [35] This skill is often passed down in families from father to son.


A.It is completely flat.

B.It has few rivers.

C.It has many large lakes.

D.It is hilly.

听力原文:A few months ago, [32]a team of interviewers were sent to schools to find out why

听力原文: A few months ago, [32]a team of interviewers were sent to schools to find out why children are prejudiced against science. Their answer provided this surprising picture of a typical scientist: they thought [33]a scientist is a rather dull person who spends all day working in a laboratory, wearing a white coat and making things that smell bad. They thought that scientists usually aren't very interesting and don't talk about anything but science. They don't play games well and they aren't attractive to the opposite sex. They also did not realize that women are as capable of becoming scientists as men.

On the other hand, [34]an art graduate is seen as a much livelier person. Arts graduates are thought to have a better sense of humor, to be interested in sports and pop music and to be considered attractive. When you understand these misconceptions which children have, it is only logical that most of them want to study arts rather than science.



B.Art graduates.



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