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听力原文:W: So you need someone to watch your dogs while you are away?M: Will that be a pr

听力原文:W: So you need someone to watch your dogs while you are away?

M: Will that be a problem for you?

Q: What does the man want to know?


A.Whether the woman needs his help.

B.Whether the woman has any pets.

C.Where the woman is going.

D.Whether the woman can take care of his pet.

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更多“听力原文:W: So you need someone to…”相关的问题
听力原文:W:Do you need the temperature in Fahrenheit or Centigrade? M:Fahrenheit.The newsc

听力原文:W:Do you need the temperature in Fahrenheit or Centigrade?

M:Fahrenheit.The newscasters often give us both now,but I am so used to the Fahrenheit scale while I just can't get used to Centigrade.

Q:What does the man mean?.


A.He wants to know the temperature in Fahrenheit.

B.He wants to know the temperature in Centigrade.

C.The newscasters always confuse the audience.

D.The newscasters can not understand Fahrenheit.

听力原文:W: Why do you think Harry Potter is so popular these days?M: Because there are no

听力原文:W: Why do you think Harry Potter is so popular these days?

M: Because there are not many good children's books available.

Q: What does the man mean?


A.He thinks children are normally silly.

B.He thinks we are short of good children's books.

C.He thinks we need to produce more interesting books.

D.He thinks children have no taste at all.

听力原文:W: So you need someone to watch your pet while you are away?M: Will that be a pro

听力原文:W: So you need someone to watch your pet while you are away?

M: Will that be a problem for you?

Q: What does the man want to know?


A.Whether the woman needs his help.

B.Whether the woman has any pets.

C.Where the woman is going.

D.Whether the woman can take care of his pet.

听力原文:M: Professor Johnsons lecture is so boring. I dont think its useful for me. W:
How could you think so? It was very crucial to our final exam. Q: What does the woman mean?1.

A.He"d better submit his resume at once.

B.Not all applicants will be interviewed.

C.She does need his help for the moment.

D.There might not be any interview at all.

听力原文:W: Hey, you know, I am thinking of painting our room. What do you think?M: Do you

听力原文:W: Hey, you know, I am thinking of painting our room. What do you think?

M: Do you think we really need that?

W: Of course! Look at our room. It's so dull. I just want it to be bright and colorful.

M: Whatever.

W: So what color do you want it to be?

M: Er...I prefer light green. I heard that it's good for your eyes.

W: Ok, tomorrow we'll go shopping and buy the paint.

M: Do I have to go with you?

W: Sure, I need your help.

M: Well, that's hard work.

W: Oh, hey] What about rearranging the furniture after we paint the wall?

M: Are you kidding?

W: No, I just want to make a little change of our apartment.

M: Do you want to change your husband too?




C.Husband and wife.


听力原文:W: Hi, Steve!M: Hi, Jan. I'm planning to go to London by train. Do you want to co

听力原文:W: Hi, Steve!

M: Hi, Jan. I'm planning to go to London by train. Do you want to come with me?

W: But it'd be cheaper by bus.

M: I've got a student travel card. You can get cheap train tickets with it.

W: That sounds good. How much does it cost?

M: A card for six months is sixteen pounds.

W: So how do I get one?

M: You need two photographs—one for the card and one for the form.

W: There's a photo machine in the post office. It gives you four photos for three pounds.

M: So does the one in the library. But I went to a photographer's studio. It was cheaper.

W: I don't have to show my passport or my driving license, do I?

M: No, Jan, you only need a letter from your college.

W: OK, I'll ask my teacher for one.

M: And then you take everything to the tourist office and ask the travel agent.

W: Great, next time you go to London, I'll come too!






听力原文:W:Good morning,Sunny Car Rental Company.What Call I do for you?M:Good morning.Thi

听力原文:W:Good morning,Sunny Car Rental Company.What Call I do for you?

M:Good morning.This is Paul King calling from the Speed Company.We need a ear to the airport for Mr. Phillips tomorrow.His flight is at 2:30 P.m.,so he should leave no later than noon.Is that all right?

Q:When will Mr.Phillips need a car to go to the airport?


A.At 2:30 tomorrow.

B.Before noon tomorrow.

C.At 2:30 today.

D.Before noon today.

听力原文:W: Excuse me, Dr Tyler, your secretary said I should come right in.M: Please do.

听力原文:W: Excuse me, Dr Tyler, your secretary said I should come right in.

M: Please do. Jenny, how can I help you?

W: I need to get your signature on my schedule card here, on the line above advisor's approval.

M: Sure, but let's look it over together first. How many courses do you have here?

W: Six.

M: Six? That's quite a heavy load. Any particular reason?

W: I had to drop my chemistry course last semester when I was in the hospital, so I need to take it again.

M: So you've already learnt a lot of the material.

W: Right. And calculus is a part of the second year requirement.

M: Let's see, chemistry, calculus. Oh, I See you'll be in my seminar on the modern American novel.

W: Yes, I'm looking forward to it and to the romantic poetry seminar, too.

M: Two seminars? That is rather a lot. Can you handle the work?

W: I think so. The introductory economics class is very easy and so is the music course.

M: Well, then I'll be happy to sign the card. However, I must insist that you come see me after the first week of classes so that we can make sure this isn't too much for you.

W: That's a promise.


A.In a professor's office.

B.In a medical doctor's office.

C.In an auditorium

D.In a gym.

听力原文:M: Good news. I am not going to need surgery after all. The doctor says I can sta
rt working out again soon. And maybe play soccer again in a few weeks.

W: That's so great. It would be nice if you could get back in shape in time for the state tournament.

Q: What does the woman mean?


A.The tournament begins next week.

B.She hopes the man will be able to play in the tournament.

C.She wants the man to attend the tournament with her.

D.The man should check with his doctor again.

听力原文:M: I need to ask Jack about the chemistry assignment for tomorrow. But his phone'
s been busy for the last half an hour. Who can he be talking to for so long?

W: It may not be him, you know. It could be one of his roommates. Why don't you just go to his apartment?

Q: What does the woman suggest the man do?


A.Meet Jack in person.

B.Call Jack's roommate.

C.Go to classes as usual.

D.Visit another apartment.

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