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听力原文:W: Are you glad that you're studying computer science?M: Yes, indeed. I had wante

听力原文:W: Are you glad that you're studying computer science?

M: Yes, indeed. I had wanted to major in physics, chemistry, or mathematics. But I have changed my mind.

Q: What is the man's major now?


A.Computer science.




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更多“听力原文:W: Are you glad that you'…”相关的问题
听力原文:W: Are you coming with me to the fashion show?M: I'm glad to, but I'm already ful

听力原文:W: Are you coming with me to the fashion show?

M: I'm glad to, but I'm already fully occupied.

Q: What will the woman probably do next?


A.Buy two tickets for the show.

B.Help the man with his work.

C.Go to the fashion show alone.

D.Write her term paper.

听力原文:M: Hi, Jane. So glad to see you again.W: Likewise. I remember the last time we me

听力原文:M: Hi, Jane. So glad to see you again.

W: Likewise. I remember the last time we met was 5 months age at Mike' s birthday party. How are you doing?

Q: What do we know about the speakers?


A.They don' t know how to get to Mike' s home.

B.They are discussing when to meet again.

C.They went to the same party some time ago.

D.They will go to Mike' s birthday party.

听力原文:M: Mr. Brown asked me to tell you that he is sorry he can't come to meet you in p
erson. He is really too busy to make the trip.

W: That's okay. I'm glad you've come in his place.

Q: What do we learn from the conservation?


A.The man is late for the trip because he is busy.

B.The woman is glad to meet Mr. Brown in person.

C.The man is meeting the woman on behalf of Mr. Brown.

D.The woman feels sorry that Mr. Brown is unable to come.

听力原文:W: Would you mind helping me with this load of books?M: Of course not.Q: What doe

听力原文:W: Would you mind helping me with this load of books?

M: Of course not.

Q: What does the man mean?


A.He would help her loading the books.

B.He would not help her loading the books.

C.He had other books to carry.

D.He is glad to give her a hand.

听力原文:W: Hi, Bob. Come on in. I'm glad you could make it to the party this evening. But
where's Jane?

M: She sends her apologies. She has a big exam tomorrow and wants to be sure she's ready for it.

Q: What is Jane doing now?


A.Attending the party.

B.Visiting some friends.

C.Studying for an exam.

D.Writing a letter of apology.

听力原文:M: Hey, Allen, how are you?W: I'm fine Bob. Aren't you glad the semester is over?

听力原文:M: Hey, Allen, how are you?

W: I'm fine Bob. Aren't you glad the semester is over?

M: Yes, are you going to go to the rock concert Friday night?

W: I haven't thought much about it, and you?

M: Sure, would you like to go with me?

W: Sounds like fun!

M: You have to buy your own ticket, though.

W: Are you broke again? Let me treat you.

M: Wow, where did you come into so rich cash?

W: You know I am a waitress at the student center. Anyway, now that annual exams are almost over, I'd like a night out.

M: Since you've been worried about buying the tickets, why don't you take us out to dinner?

W: You've got a deal. Let's buy the tickets now.


A.in the middle of the semester

B.at the beginning of exams

C.at the end of the school year

D.in the middle of summer vacation

听力原文:W: Oh, this is a beautiful city. I'm really glad I've brought my camera.M: Yes, t

听力原文:W: Oh, this is a beautiful city. I'm really glad I've brought my camera.

M: Yes, there are lots of things to take pictures of here. But I hope you will not plan to spend all your time snapping. I have some friends who would like to meet you.

Q: What does the man want the woman to do?


A.To visit more places in the city.

B.To snap as many pictures as possible.

C.To take good care of her camera.

D.To spare some time to meet his friends.

听力原文:M: Helen, I would like to introduce you to my sister, Sarah.W: Glad to meet you,

听力原文:M: Helen, I would like to introduce you to my sister, Sarah.

W: Glad to meet you, Sarah. Bill tells me you are interested in Asian art, too. In fact, he says that you plan to spend the summer in China.

Q: What do the girls have in common?


A.They are both from Asia.

B.They will spend the summer in China.

C.They are both interested in art.

D.They are both students,

听力原文:W: Hello, this is Dr. Gray's office. We're calling to remind you of your 4:15 app
ointment for your annual check-up tomorrow.

M: Oh, thanks. It's a good thing that you called. I thought it was 4:15 today.

Q: What does the man mean?


A.He was confused about the date of the appointment.

B.He's glad he called the doctor.

C.He can't come until 4:15.

D.He feels happy that he can change the appointment.

听力原文:M: I'm glad you decided to drive this way today.W: Isn't it nice to have a change

听力原文:M: I'm glad you decided to drive this way today.

W: Isn't it nice to have a change in our routine?

What do we learn from the woman's response?


A.They are pleased with their new automobile.

B.They use different means of transportation every day.

C.They don't normally drive on this mute.

D.They will have to change buses again.

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