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听力原文:W: Dad, a new Nike store has just opened on the corner.M: Yes, I know.W: Well, I

听力原文:W: Dad, a new Nike store has just opened on the corner.

M: Yes, I know.

W: Well, I want to buy a pair of tennis shoes. I have just joined a tennis club.

M: That's nice! I'm happy you've decided to do some sports.

W: And ltd like to buy Nike.

M: Come on, Mary, it's not for you.

W: But everyone in the club wears Nike. They say it's the best.

M: Maybe it is. But how much is a pair of Nike shoes?

W: Don't worry about that. I have a part-time job now, and I have saved enough money.

M: That's good. To tell you the truth, I also want a Nike myself.

8. What is the relationship between the two speakers?


A.Husband and wife.

B.Father and daughter.

C.Teacher and student.

D.Shop assistant and customer.

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更多“听力原文:W: Dad, a new Nike store …”相关的问题
听力原文:M: Hi, Kathy. Have you done your New Year shopping in this season of promotion?W:

听力原文:M: Hi, Kathy. Have you done your New Year shopping in this season of promotion?

W: Almost. I've got a pair of shoes for Dad and a red scarf for Mum, but it's not easy to find something interesting for my husband. 1 gave him a Kenny G album last year. This tithe he would probably like a stamp album, I guess.

Q: What will the woman probably buy for her husband?


A.A pair of shoes.

B.A red scarf.

C.A stamp album.

D.A Kenny G's album

听力原文:M: Hello.W: Hello, Dad?M: Yes…Mary! How are you? Is there anything wrong?W: Oh, n

听力原文:M: Hello.

W: Hello, Dad?

M: Yes…Mary! How are you? Is there anything wrong?

W: Oh, no. I’m just calling to see how you and Mom are. It’s been quite a while since I saw you last.

M: Oh, we’re both fine. Your mother is down at the new shopping center, shopping.

W: For a new dress?

M: No, for shoes this time. How’s Tom?

W: He’s fine. He likes this work and was given a raise last month by Mr. Davis. We were all pretty pleased about that.

M: Yes, and I think you should be. And how are the children?

W: Well, Billy’s home from school today. It’s nothing serious, just a bad cold. And it’s his birthday, too.

M: Oh, I thought his birthday was May 24th.

W: No, the 23rd.

M: Well. That’s too bad. Tell him we sent him a present.

W: All right. Sally’s still taking dancing lessons.

M: She must be pretty good by now. I’d like to see her sometime. And how’s Ted?

W: He’s OK. He loves working on cars and has a part-time job at the garage now.

M: Well, it’s certainly good to hear your voice. When are you coming for a visit?

W: Not for a few months, I’m afraid. But I hope we can come for a few weeks this summer, probably in July.

M: That should be nice. Call again soon.

W: OK, Dad. Nice talking to you and glad everything’s all right.


A.Because she wanted to know if everything was OK with her parents.

B.Because she wanted to invite her parents to Billy's birthday party.

C.Because she wanted to tell her parents that everything was OK with her children.

D.Because she wanted to tell her parents that Tom was given a raise.

听力原文:M: Hello.W: Hello, Dad?M: Yes Mary! How are you? Is there anything wrong?W: Oh, n

听力原文:M: Hello.

W: Hello, Dad?

M: Yes Mary! How are you? Is there anything wrong?

W: Oh, no. I'm just calling to see how you and Mom are. It's been quite a while since I saw you last.

M: Oh, we're both fine. Your mother is down at the new shopping center, shopping.

W: For a new dress?

M: No, for shoes this time. How's Tom?

W: He's fine. He likes his work and was given a raise last month by Mr. Davis. We were all pretty pleased about that.

M: Yes, and I think you should be. And how are the children?

W: Well, Billy's home from school today. It's nothing serious, just a bad cold. And it's his birthday, too.

M: Oh, I thought his birthday was May 24th.

W: No, the 23rd.

M: Well, that's too bad. Tell him we sent him a present.

W: All right. Sally's taking dancing lessons.

M: She must be pretty good by now. I'd like to see her sometime. And how's Ted?

W: He's OK. He loves working on cars and has a part-time job at the garage now.

M: Well, it's certainly good to hear your voice. When are you coming for a visit?

W: Not for a few months, I'm afraid. But I hope we can come for a few weeks this summer, probably in July.

M: That would be nice. Call again soon.

W: OK, Dad. Nice talking to you and glad everything's all right. Give Mom our love.

M: All right. Goodbye.

W: Goodbye, Dad.


A.Because she wanted to know ii everything was OK with her parents.

B.Because she wanted to invited her parents to Billy's birthday party.

C.Because she wanted to tell her parents that everything was OK with her children.

D.Because she wanted to tell her parents that Tom was given a raise.

听力原文:W: Dad!M: Yes? What's the matter, Joyce?W: I'm wondering if I should buy a pair o

听力原文:W: Dad!

M: Yes? What's the matter, Joyce?

W: I'm wondering if I should buy a pair of tennis shoes. I'm going to join the tennis club in school.

M: Why not? It's good that you finally play sports.

W: But I'd like to have Adidas.

M: Adidas? It's expensive. It's for the Chicago Bulls!

W: No. All the guys in the school tennis team are wearing Adidas, boys, as well as girls.

M: But none of ns has ever had Adidas and we used to play quite OK.

W: Here, Dad, is an ad about Adidas. Can I read it to you?

M: Go ahead.

W: “Over forty years ago, Adidas gave birth to a new idea in sports shoes. And the people who wear our shoes have been running and winning ever since. In fact, Adidas has helped them set over 400 world records in track and field alone."

M: Nonsense! The players have to go through a lot of hard training and practice. It's nothing to do with the shoes. They may be comfortable, but...

W: You're right, Dad. The ad goes on to say "You axe born to run. And we were born to HELP YOU DO IT BETTER."

M: Hmm. It may be good for running, but you don' t run.

W: Listen, "Maybe that's why more and more football, soccer, basketball and tennis, see? TENNIS players are turning to Adidas. They know that, whatever their game, they can rely on Adidas workmanship and quality in every product We make."

M: OK, OK, dear. I know Adidas is good. But how much is a pair of your size?

W: You don' t have to worry about that, Dad. I've saved some money since last Christmas. I just want to hear your opinion.

M: That's good. I have been wanting to have a pair of Adidas sneakers myself.


A.Buying a pair of Adidas tennis shoes.

B.Asking her father about Adidas shoes.

C.Discussing with her father about Adidas shoes.

D.Joining the tennis club in school.

听力原文:W: Dad says we should make a wish list for the redecorating.M: The kitchen walls

听力原文:W: Dad says we should make a wish list for the redecorating.

M: The kitchen walls could really do with a lick of paint.

W: Yeah, there are quite a few tomato stains from all your great Italian cooking, Tim!

M: Art comes at a price, you know.

W: Yes, chef. Well, I think a power-shower would be fantastic.

M: (22)There's nothing really wrong with the one we've got, is there?

W: Well, I suppose it works OK. But it doesn't match the style. of our bathroom.

M: Who cares? We only need a shower. What's more, doesn't the power-shower use more energy?

W: OK, let's talk about it later.

M: So what else do you want to have on the wish list?

W: How about a dish washer? I'm far too sick of washing dishes after every meal every day. Besides, I have a lot of other housework to do.

M: Everybody in this family has to share the chores; it's a rule, you know. (23)Anyway, I think a dish washer may be a good idea; at least it won't spill the water on the floor everywhere.

W: Hey, don't try my patience. You didn't do any better than me. Last time when I had a fever, you offered to help, and you broke two plates. Don't you remember?

M: OK, I'm sorry. Oh, I nearly forgot that there is something wrong with the blender. The motor in it doesn't work. We need to buy a new one.

W: Don't we have a free repair? How long is the guarantee time?

M: (24) Six months. And we bought it in March 7th, or 8th...

W: No, March 10th. Here is the receipt. And tomorrow is the deadline. We must hurry, or we will lose another 120 dollars.


A.Because the old one needs more energy.

B.Because the old one is still in good conditions.

C.Because they couldn't afford buying a new one.

D.Because the old one doesn't match the style. of the bathroom.

听力原文:M:Paris is such a romantic place.I hope Dad call take you there to spend your wed
ding anniversary.

W:The day your Dad takes me to Paris is the day pigs fly.

Q:what does the woman mean?


A.Paris is not romantic enough.

B.Paris is not modern enough.

C.They're not very likely to go to Paris.

D.It's impossible that they will go to Paris.

听力原文:M: Henry is a lucky guy! Have your parents approved of your engagement?W: My dad

听力原文:M: Henry is a lucky guy! Have your parents approved of your engagement?

W: My dad agrees to think about it. My mom says she won't give it a thought.

Q: What does the woman mean about her parents' attitude?


A.Her dad has approved of it, and her mom will probably do the same.

B.Her morn has approved without hesitation, while her dad hasn't.

C.Her dad needs time to think, while her morn definitely won't consider it.

D.Her dad still needs time to think, while her morn has already agreed.

听力原文:W: Do you like the dress?M: I love it.W: I designed it myself.M: It's beautiful.W

听力原文:W: Do you like the dress?

M: I love it.

W: I designed it myself.

M: It's beautiful.

W: Are you ready? We're supposed to be there before the guests arrive.

M: I know. I know. Help me with this tie, will you? Honey, I'm scared to death.

W: But this is what you've been working for all these years, you really deserve it.

M: No, no. I worked to put together a book of photographs. This is show business.

W: Well, it's all part of the same job. Just relax and enjoy it.

M: You're right. I earned this, and I'm going to enjoy it. Just a minute, as soon as I recover from my nervous breakdown.

W: What are you afraid of?

M: Everything. A critic was there this morning. He probably hates my work. I have to sign copies of my book for a lot of people I never met before. Oh, my new shoes hurt my feet...

W: You're going to be a great success. Are you ready?

M: As soon as I get these buttons on.

W: Let me help. Morn and Dad are already on their way down to the gallery. There! You look very attractive.

M: Thank you. Well, I suppose I've run out of excuses.

W: Mm-hmm. Let's go...

M: Oh, one minute. Before we go to the gallery, I just want to tell you that I never could have done this book without your help and your love. I appreciate it.

W: Thanks. Now, no more putting off, ok? Let's go.



B.Husband and wife.

C.Mother and son.


听力原文:W: If we post the card next Monday, Dad and Mom will receive it right on Christma
s Eve.

M: Right. But what if there should be a delay? You know this is not something impossible.

Q: What does the man imply?


A.He thinks the woman is right.

B.He thinks it better to post the card earlier.

C.He is sure the card will be delayed.

D.He thinks a delay is impossible.

听力原文:M:Shall we go to John's house warming party this weekend? Everyone is invited. W:

听力原文:M:Shall we go to John's house warming party this weekend? Everyone is invited.

W:Well,you know what John's parties are like.How boring and dull nights with bad food.Do you think I will go again?

Q:What can be inferred from the conversation?


A.Everyone enjoyed himself at John's party.

B.The woman didn't enjoy John's parties at all.

C.The woman has never attended John's party.

D.The woman is dad to be invited to John's party.

听力原文:W: Hi, Mr. Adams?M: Ah, Yea. You must be Kelly. Thanks for coming.W: Here's my ca

听力原文:W: Hi, Mr. Adams?

M: Ah, Yea. You must be Kelly. Thanks for coming.

W: Here's my card.

M: Oh, the entrepreneurial spirit. It is hard to find a good babysitter on a Friday night.

W: Well, I like watching kids, and I need the extra money,

M: Well, I beard you were one of the best and most affordable babysitters in the area, and…

W: Uh, well, I'd like to talk to you about my new rate increases.

M: Rate increases?

W: You see, Mr. Adams. I've consulted with my financial advisor, Uh, my mother, and she says I should charge more per child since I do cook and clean your house while you're away.

M: Oh, I see. So, what do you have in mind?

W: Well, as I see it, I’d like to ask a dollar more per child per hour, and overtime after midnight. Based on my calculations, that's only 10.23% above the going market, and I'm now a certified babysitter with training in CPR.

M: Oh, I never knew there were courses and certifications in babysitting.

W: Time are changing, Mr. Adams. I have to figure in expenses for a benefits package to cover college tuition, retirement, and my stock portfolio. Well, I tell my dad what to do.

M: Ah now, you're pulling my leg. I mean, how old are you anyway?

W: Old enough to be a tough negotiator.


A.The girl arrives promptly on time.

B.The girl carries her own business cards.

C.The girl comes prepared to cook for the kids.

D.The girl reaches his house ahead of time.

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