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All of us can change our behaviour to fit different situations.We are often noisy at wed

dings and sympathetic at funerals.Our table manners are not the same at a picnic as in a restaurant.When speaking with people,we feel free to interrupt close friends but tend to listen to our employers until they finish.If we don’t make such adjustments(调整),we are likely to get into trouble. From one point of view,language is behaviour;it is part of the way we act.And like every other kind of behaviour,it must be adjusted to fit different contexts or situations where it is use

For instance,among people who are used to a writing system,there is one adjustment everyone makes:they speak one way and write another way.Speakers can stop in the middle of a conversation and repeat themselves if they sense that they are being misunderstood;writers often go back over their writing to see that it is clear,which is,however,before the communication occur.Once writers have passed their writing to someone else,they cannot change it. Speakers can use intonation(语调),stress(重音),and pauses to help make their meaning clear.A simple sentence like “John kept my pencil” may mean,by a shift in the stress and intonation patterns,either John rather than someone else kept the pencil,or John kept rather than just borrowed the pencil,or it was a pencil rather than anything else that he kept.Writers,on the other hand,have their special tools of various punctuation(标点) marks,capitals,italic(斜体) letters,and so on.Skillful writers could also change the word order of a sentence.So“Cindy only had five dollars” could be turned into “Cindy had only five dollars” to mean Cindy had no more than five dollars,or into “Only Cindy had five dollars” to mean nobody but Cindy had five dollars.

1The main purpose of the first paragraph in this passage is to _______.

A.summarize the passage

B.introduce the topic of the passage

C.use examples to illustrate the first sentence of the paragraph

D.use examples to illustrate the last sentence of the paragraph

2According to Paragraph 1,we must adjust our behavior. because _______.

A.we should appear happy at weddings and sad at funerals

B.we should listen to our employers more than to our friends

C.our manners should be different in different places

D.our behavior. should be acceptable to others around

3Language as mentioned in Paragraph 2 is considered _______.

A.a kind of behavior

B.an act found in all situations

C.an adjustment everyone makes


4both spoken and written 4 According to Paragraph 2 speakers and writers differ mainly in _______.

A.the amount of time they spend on the communication

B.the number of times they stop while communicating

C.how they can make sure that they are not misunderstood

D.when they decide to begin the communication

5According to Paragraph 3 speakers can use such tools as _______ to make their meaning clear.

A.intonation patterns and word order

B.stress patterns and word order

C.pauses and punctuation marks

D.pauses and shifts in stress patterns

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更多“All of us can change our behav…”相关的问题
听力原文: Our culture is concerned with matters of self-esteem. Self-respect, on the other
hand, may hold the key to achieving the peach of mind we seek. (32)The two concepts seem very similar but the differences between them are crucial.

(29)To esteem anything is to evaluate it positively and hold it high regard, but evaluation gets us into trouble because while we sometimes win, we also sometimes lose. To respect something, on the other hand, is to accept it.

The word acceptance suggests to some readers that our culture does indeed deal with this idea of self-respect; after all, don't we have the concept that it is important to accept our limitations? Aren't many of us encouraged "to change the things we can change, accept the things we cannot change and know the difference between the two?"

(30)The person with self-respect simply likes herself or himself. This self-respect is not dependent on success because there are always failures to contend with, Neither is it a result of comparing ourselves with others because there is always someone better. There are techniques usually employed to increase self-esteem. (31)Self-respect, however, is a given. We simply like ourselves because of who we are and not because of what we can or cannot do.

My recent research, with Judith White and Johnny Walsh at Harvard University, points to the advantage of selfrespect. (32)Compared to those with high self-esteem who are still caught in an evaluative framework, those with self-respect are less prone to blame, guilt, regret, lies, have secrets and stress.


A.It is the same as self-respect.

B.It is totally different from self-respect.

C.It is to think only the positive even when we lose.

D.It is to evaluate positively and hold high regard.

听力短文听写:Extinction is a difficult concept to grasp.

Extinction is a difficult concept to grasp. It is an 26 _eternal____ concept. It’s not at all like the killing of individuals lifeforms that can be renewed through normal processes of reproduction. Nor is it simply 27 _diminishing____ numbers. Nor is it damage that can somehow be remedied or for which some substitute can be found. Nor is it something that simply affects our own generation. Nor is it something that could be remedies by some supernatural power. IT is rather an 28 __absolute____ and final act for which there is no remedy on earth or in heaven. A species once extinct is gone forever. However many generations 29___succeed__ us in coming centuries, none of them will ever see this species that we extinguish.

Not only are we bring about the extinction of life 30 _on a vast scale___, we are also making the land and the air and the sea so toxic that the very conditions of life are being destroyed. 31__As regards___ basic natural resources, not only are the nonrenewable resources being 32_used up____ in a frenzy(疯狂) of processing, consuming , and 33_disposing____, but we are also ruining much of our renewable resources, such as the very soil itself on which terrestrial(地球上的) life depends.

The change that is taking place on earth and in our minds is one of the greatest changes ever to take place in human affairs, perhaps the greatest, since what we are talking about is not simply another historical change or cultural 34__modification______, but a change of geological and biological as well as psychological order of 35__magnitude___

Give Up Six Words and Change Your LifeAlfred Korzybski, the father of general semantics, o

Give Up Six Words and Change Your Life

Alfred Korzybski, the father of general semantics, observed that how we talk affects how we handle problems and how we behave. He found that scientists, trained to be specific, handled both personal and laboratory problems better than non-scientists. Non-scientists, then as now, used words loaded with feeling and prejudgment and got into trouble.

Changing the way we use certain everyday words can actually shift the way we see the world and other people, helps change the emotion-laden attitudes behind the words, and makes us less likely to make inappropriate demands on ourselves and others.

There is also a change in the effect on others. Teachers, told that certain students have hidden talents, will help them develop, even if the students were selected blindly by researchers. People act as they think they have been defined, and like it or not, our words play a large part in expressing that definition.

In our work, we have found six words that are often used in damaging ways: try, always, is, can't, should and everybody. These words are really "families" of words. Always can be expanded to never, every time. Should is also ought to, must, have to. We use nobody, no one, all, 'the way we use everybody.

Each of these words is linked to the concept of time. "Everybody does it" implies every person always does it. Should reflects a standard adopted in the past, governing how we must always behave. Is implies a permanent characteristic of something or someone, as "she is impossible to deal with." Alfred Korzybski called humans "time binders". Facts, opinions and behaviors are learned, repeated and passed on, even though they may not necessarily have been true in the first place. Both Korzybski and S. I. Hayakawa, who is a respected semanticist, caution us against using such "allness" terms.

Yet we do use them, as though by doing so we could somehow manage the present and future. "With words," says Hayakawa in Language in Thought and Action, "we influence and to an enormous extent control." "I'll meet you at three Thursday" is an attempt to make another person--and ourselves --be at a certain place at a certain time. Hayakawa writes, "The future is a specifically human dimension. To a dog, 'hamburger tomorrow' is meaningless. With words we [humans] impose a certain predictability upon future events."

Similarly, we attempt to control people's actions and even characteristics with can't, should, everybody and related words. We try thus to create "reliable" data, however unrelated it is to the facts.

According to Freud, to some mental patients certain words become magical, symbols of whole trains of thought condensed. Seriously ill neurotics maintain some of that magic: "Everybody's against me" or "I have to do this." And nearly all of us have the same bad habit to a less intense degree.

When and where do we begin this pattern of restrictive words and beliefs?

According to the late speech expert Wendell Johnson, as adults we are still "using information, attitudes, beliefs, procedures, practices ... adapted to an earlier time." Our beliefs, and the words we use to support them and to protect ourselves from change, come from early in our lives. Willis Harman, Ph. D., a futurist at SRI (formerly Stanford Research Institute), maintains that we are all in a way hypnotized from infancy. "We do not perceive ourselves and the world about us as they are, but as we have been persuaded to perceive them," says Dr. Harman. Research shows that objects and people with some familiar characteristics tend to be perceived by the infant as identical. The newborn cannot distinguish between self and surrounding. When the baby is hungry, everybody is hungry. Later, any man becomes "Daddy" and every animal "doggie."

We use such early biases to m




Career planning does not necessarily follow routine of logical steps. Each of us places we
ight on different factors and may consider certain phases of career planning at different time. Career planning includes gathering information about ourselves and about 【M1】______

occupations, estimating the probable outcomes of various courses of action, and finally, choose alternatives that we find attractive and feasible. 【M2】______

But career planning does not guarantee that all the problems, difficulties, or decision. making situations that faces you in the future will be solved or made any easier. No formula 【M3】______

can be given to do that. But career planning should help you to approach and cope better in new problems, such as deciding whether or not to enter educational or training 【M4】______

programs, deciding whether or not to change jobs, and analyzed the difficulties 【M5】______

you are having with a situation or a person.

Nobody can foresee what the future holds for any of us. There is social, 【M6】______

emotional,and moral considerations in our future that cannot be foreseen. But the roost important lessons of this often unhappy modem world 【M7】______

is what progress comes from planning. 【M8】______

Ignorance at one’s career is not bliss (洪福).Reason is better than chance and fate. 【M9】______

Although there is no sure way to make career plans to work out, there are things 【M10】______

that you can do now to shape your career possibilities.


听力原文:Our culture is concerned with matters of self-esteem. Self-respect, on the other

听力原文: Our culture is concerned with matters of self-esteem. Self-respect, on the other hand, may hold the key to achieving the peace of mind we seek. The two concepts seem very similar but the differences between them are crucial.

To esteem anything is to evaluate it positively and hold it high regard, but evaluation gets us into trouble because while we sometimes win, we also sometimes lose. To respect something, on the other hand, is to accept it.

The word acceptance suggests to some readers that our culture does indeed deal with this idea of self-respect; after all, don't we have the concept that it is important to accept our limitations? Aren't many of us encouraged to change the things we can change, accept the things we cannot change and know the difference between the two?

The person with self-respect simply likes herself or himself. This self-respect is not dependent on success because there are always failures to contend with. Neither is it a result of comparing ourselves with others because there is always someone better. There are techniques usually employed to increase self-esteem. Self-respect, however, is a given. We simply like ourselves because of who we are and not because of what we can or cannot do.

My recent research, with Judith White and Johnny Walsh at Harvard University, points to the advantage of self-respect. Compared to those with high self-esteem who are still caught in an evaluative framework, those with self-respect are less prone to blame, guilt, regret, lies, have secrets and stress.

Questions 29 to 32 are based on the passage you have just heard.

29. What do we learn about self-esteem?

30. What do we learn about people with self-respect?

31. What does the speaker mean by saying "Self-respect is a given"?

32. What's the purpose of the passage?


A.It is the same as self-respect.

B.It is totally different from self-respect.

C.It is to evaluate positively and hold high regard.

D.It is to think only the positive even when we lose.

听力原文:In a way, all of us are on a spaceship, the planet Earth. We move around the sun

听力原文: In a way, all of us are on a spaceship, the planet Earth. We move around the sun at 18 miles per second and never stop. On our spaceship we have five billion people and limited supply of air, water, and land. These supplies have to be used careful because we can't buy new air, water, or land from anywhere else.

The environment on our planet is a closed system: nothing new is ever added. Nature recycles its resources. Water, for example, evaporates and rises as visible drops to form. clouds. This same water returns to the Earth as rain or snow. The rain that falls today is actually the same water that fell on the land 70 million years ago.

Today, the Earth is in trouble. Factories pour dirty water into our rivers. Many fish die and the water becomes unhealthy for people to drink. Cars and factories put poisons into the air and cause plants, animals and people to get sick. People throw bottles and paper out of their car windows, and the roadside becomes covered with al sorts of wastes. Over the years, people have changed the environment, and we have pollution.

To continue to survive, we must learn how to use the Earth's resources wisely. We have to change our habits and stop dumping such enormous amounts of industrial waste into the water and air. We must cooperate with nature and learn better ways to use, not abuse, our environment.


A.Because both have a limited supply of air, water, and other resources.

B.Because the Earth moves around the sun as fast as a spaceship.

C.Because we can travel to outer space.

D.Because the Earth never stops moving.

听力原文:All right! Enough cookies, cola and chips. It seems that junk food is all that th

听力原文: All right! Enough cookies, cola and chips. It seems that junk food is all that the children want to eat these days. Television controls their tastes. The kids see well-known personalities eating potato chips, candy and other processed food and they want to be like their heroes. How do they do it? They eat the same food. I wish there were more characters like Old Popeye, the sailor, who ate spinach but not French fries.

Just because I like brown rice, beans and fresh vegetables, I don't expect my children to eat this health food. I'm glad to cook traditional meals of meat and potatoes for them. I really can't be too upset with the kids because most adults aren't careful about what they eat. The other night, my wife and I went to a party where there was plenty of drink but very little for us to eat. They served hot dogs and hamburgers. I can't eat hot dogs, with all those preservatives and hamburgers are filled with chemicals so that they look good. Besides the meat, they had sugar-filled cookies and cake and of course chips. Terrible, I don't want the world to change because of me, but I think that people should realize that there are alternatives to eating meat. They always tell me that I probably don't get my essential proteins. But I feel better than ever and I'm sure that it's because I am vegetarian. I would really like to see more television advertisements which show the benefits of good, healthy, natural food.


A.It looks attractive.

B.It tastes delicious.

C.It is not expensive.

D.They want to imitate their heroes.

How to Deal with Loneliness ALoneliness is a feeling of emptiness or hollowness inside you

How to Deal with Loneliness


Loneliness is a feeling of emptiness or hollowness inside you. You feel isolated or separated from the world, cut off from those you would like to have contact with. There are different kinds of loneliness and different degrees of the loneliness. You might experience loneliness as a vague feeling that something is not right, a kind of minor emptiness. Or you might feel loneliness as a very intense deprivation and deep pain, One type of loneliness might be related to missing a specific individual because they have died or because they are actually physically isolated from. For instance, if you work alone on the night shift or are alone in a part of a building where people seldom go. You might even feel emotionally isolated when you are surrounded by people but are having difficulty reaching out to them.


It needs to be emphasized here that loneliness is not the same as being alone. A person will always have time when they chose to be alone. Rather, loneliness is the feeling of being alone and feeling sad about it. And, of course, all of us feel lonely some of the time. It is only when we seem trapped in our loneliness that it becomes a real problem.


Loneliness is a passive state. That is, it is maintained by our passively letting it continue and doing nothing to change it. We hope it will go away, eventually, and we do nothing but let it envelop us. Strangely, there are times when we might even embrace the feeling. Yet, embracing loneliness and sinking down into feeling associated with it usually leads to a sense of depression and helplessness, which, in turn, leads to an even more passive state and more depression.


To stop feeling lonely, we first must accept that we are feeling lonely. Sometimes admitting that to ourselves is difficult. We then have to express those feelings of loneliness in some way. We might find ourselves writing in a diary, writing an imaginary letter to a friend or relative, drawing or painting a picture, making up a song, or doing anything else that lets us begin to express the feeling we have inside usincluding talking with other people! Expressing our feelings might lead us to discover that we feel a number of things which might be connected to our feelings of loneliness, including sadness, anger and frustration. We might be able to begin to see where these feelings are coming fromwhat they are connected to in our lives. As we begin to see the connections we will be more able to begin to make changes.


The big change, of course, is to stop being passive and become more active. If we're missing someone, such as parents, family, or friends, we can telephone, write, email or visit them. Talking to an understanding friend can often help change our moods as well. If we don't have an understanding friend, talking with a pastor, teacher or counselor might be a place to start. If we are lonely because we are missing someone who has died, being able to express our grief at their loss and beginning to remember our happier moments with them and knowing that those memories can always be with us, can move us away from the lonely feelings. This can also apply to losses of significant friendships or lovers.


Getting involved in some




听力原文:As you prepare to become elementary school teachers, you'll be hearing a lot of d

听力原文: As you prepare to become elementary school teachers, you'll be hearing a lot of discussions about the relevance of teaching penmanship. Now years ago when I was studying education in college, reading, writing and arithmetic were the basics of elementary school education. It went without saying that writing meant first and foremost penmanship. That is, the neatness of a child's handwriting. It was considered so important that sometimes prizes were even awarded for the best handwriting. But when we move ahead a few decades into the 1980s, we see teachers and administrators and even parents telling us that teaching penmanship is a waste of time. With computers, they said, children can successfully manipulate the keyboard or mouse of their home computers before they can even hold a pencil.

This change in attitude had an impact on the classroom. In your homework for this week you'll be looking at what statewide curricular standards in the US say about penmanship. You'll see that in many states penmanship has been deemphasized in a required curriculum, especially in the later years of elementary school. In California, for example, the curriculum calls for fourth-grade students to... and I quote, "write fluently and legibly in cursive or grades." But after this, the curriculum makes no further mention of penmanship in Grades Five, Six or beyond. Any higher level of quality or neatness is simply not among the curricular objectives. Your assignment is to look at what the curricular standards for all fifty states say about penmanship.


A.It's now taught with the aid of computers.

B.It isn't considered as important today as it was in the past.

C.Children today learn it earlier than those did in the past.

D.A lot of time is spent teaching it.

The cause of the decline of North Africa is popularly attributed to climatic changes, the
theory being that the area became hotter and drier and the people were forced to abandon a thriving civilization. However, some geologists, after carefully weighing the evidence, have challenged the conclusion that the climate has changed in any important way since Roman times. Although climatological factors may also have contributed, it was man who destroyed the balance of nature responsible for maintaining soil fertility and moisture.

Why is it that under certain circumstances, the plant cover is unable to regenerate itself, thus setting the stage for serious erosion (腐蚀)? To answer this question, let us take an extreme example, the destruction of tropical rain forests. In general, the equatorial (赤道附近的) soil is poor: forests can exist in these regions only because they are part of a balanced cycle. All that the forest produces is returned to the forest. The organic matter that falls from the trees constitutes the humus (腐殖土) that the forest requires. When people cut down all the trees to make room for crops, the soil is laid bare and, deprived of shade, heats up. An increase in soil temperature increases the rate of decomposition (分解) of organic matter. Organic nitrogen (氮) is converted into soluble ammonia (氨) and nitrates (硝酸盐), which the rains quickly leach (沥滤,溶滤)away. It has been calculated that a rise in temperature from 77 to 78.8 may increase the loss of nitrogen by fifteen to twenty pounds per acre per year. With the fertility of soil destroyed, an irreversible change from forest to desert can be initiated.

What do people usually think contributed to the decline of North Africa?

A.Human factors.

B.Economic factors.

C.Climatic factors.

D.Population factors.

Every culture attempts to create a "universe of discourse" for its members, a way in which
people can interpret their experience and convey it to one another. Without a common system of codifying sensations, life would be absurd and all efforts to share meanings doomed to failure. This universe of discourse—one of the most precious of all cultural legacies—is transmitted to each generation in part consciously and in part unconsciously. Parents and teachers give explicit instruction in it by praising or criticizing certain ways of dressing, of thinking, of gesturing, of responding to the acts of others. But the most significant aspects of any cultural code may be conveyed implicitly, not by rule or lesson but through modeling behavior. A child is surrounded by others who, through the mere consistency of their actions as males and females, mothers and fathers, salesclerks and policemen, display what is appropriate behavior. Thus the grammar of any culture is sent and received largely unconsciously, making one's own cultural assumptions and biases difficult to recognize. They seem so obviously right that they require no explanation.

In The Open and Closed Mind, Milton Rokeach poses the problem of cultural understanding in its simplest form, but one that can readily demonstrate the complication of communication between cultures. It is called the "Denny Doodlebug Problem. "Readers are given all the rules that govern this culture: Denny is an animal that always faces North, and can move only by jumping; he can jump large distances or small distances, but can change direction only after jumping four times in any direction; he can jump North, South, East or West, but not diagonally. Upon concluding a jump his master places some food three feet directly West of him. Surveying the situation, Denny concludes he must jump four times to reach the food. No more or less. And he is right. All the reader has to do is to explain the circumstances that make his conclusion correct.

The large majority of people who attempt this problem fail to solve it, despite the fact that they are given all the rules that control behavior. in this culture. If there is difficulty in getting inside the simplistic world of Denny Doodlebug—where the cultural code has already been broken and handed to us—imagine the complexity of comprehending behavior. in societies whose codes have not yet been deciphered, and where even those who obey these codes are only vaguely aware and can rarely describe the underlying sources of their own actions.

We acquire the greater part of our cultural codes by ______.

A.creating a universe of discourse

B.imitating the behavior. of others, especially those of the previous generation

C.sharing the same experiences with other people

D.taking in the various information we're given with no discrimination

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