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听力原文:W: It's ten o'clock. Is that too late for us to call Professor Brown about the st

udent council meeting?

M: Let's hold off till tomorrow.

Q: What does the man mean?


A.Their appointment is not until tomorrow.

B.The professor is waiting for their call.

C.They should call the professor after the meeting.

D.They should wait until the next day.

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更多“听力原文:W: It's ten o'clock. Is t…”相关的问题
听力原文:W: If the traffic wasn't held up for so long, I would have been to class by ten o

M: It's too bad you didn't make it. The professor was looking for you all morning.

Q: What happened to the woman?


A.She had a bad cold.

B.She had a car accident.

C.She got home before 10 o'clock.

D.She was delayed.

听力原文:W:If the traffic wasn't held up for so long, I would have been to class by ten o'

M: It's too bad you didn't make it. The professor was looking for you all morning.

Q: What happened to the woman?


A.She had a bad cold.

B.She had a car accident.

C.She got home before 10 o'clock.

D.She was delayed.

听力原文:M: Hello. This is Tom Davis. I have an appointment with Mrs. Jones for ten o'cloc
k this morning, but I'm afraid I'll have to be about thirteen minutes late.

W: That's all right, Mr. Davis. She doesn't have another appointment scheduled until eleven o'clock.

Q: When will Mr. Davis most probably meet with Mrs. Jones?


A.At 11:00.

B.At 10:00.

C.At 10:13.

D.At 10:26.

听力原文:W: Hello, Mr. Black's office.M: Hello, may I speak with the educational advisor?W

听力原文:W: Hello, Mr. Black's office.

M: Hello, may I speak with the educational advisor?

W: I'm sorry. Mr. Black's not here this morning, I'm his secretary. May I help you?

M: Yes, I would like some information about English-language schools in the United States. I'm graduating from Kuwait University this year and I want to study for my master's degree in America.

W: Have you been accepted by an American university yet?

M: Yes, I've just been accepted at the University of Chicago, but the university wrote me that I have to take an intensive English course before entering their program.

W: Well... there are many schools in the U.S. that offer English courses. Perhaps you should come down and talk to Mr. Black.

M: Ok. Could you make an appointment for me?

W: Yes, would nine o'clock tomorrow be all right?

M: No, I'm sorry. I can't come then. I have an exam at that time. Could I come the day after tomorrow at ten o'clock?

W: Yes, that will be fine, I think. May I have your name and phone number?

M: Sure, my name is Suleiman Mohammed and my phone number is 6536667.

W: Thank you, Mr. Suleiman. We'll see you Wednesday, June ninth, at ten o'clock.

M: Thank you. Good-bye.

W: Good-bye.


A.Mr. Black's secretary.

B.Mr. Suleiman.

C.The educational advisor.

D.A teacher at the University of Chicago.

听力原文:M: Hello, this is David. I have an appointment with Mr. Black for ten o'clock thi
s morning, but I'm afraid I'll have to be about fifteen minutes late.

W: That's all right He doesn't have another appointment schedule till eleven o'clock.

Q: When will David most probably meet Mr. Black?


A.At 10:00

B.At 10:15

C.At 10:45

D.At 11:00

听力原文:W: What's the time by your watch?M: It's ten forty, but my watch is five minutes

听力原文:W: What's the time by your watch?

M: It's ten forty, but my watch is five minutes slow.

Q: What time should it be?






听力原文:M: The guests are leaving for New York today on the ten o'clock flight. We need s
omeone to get them to the airport on time.

W: Ordinarily, I'd be happy to, but my car is in the garage.

Q: How are the guests leaving?


A.By bus.

B.By plane.

C.By ear.

D.By train.

听力原文:W:The service is really slow here.I've been trying to get the waiter's attention
for the last ten minutes.

M:I hope he waits on us soon.I have a class at 2:00 P.m..

Q:Which meal of the day are the two speakers going have?



B.Afternoon tea.



听力原文:M: What time is it now?W: It's ten past eight. In another half hour we'll be home

听力原文:M: What time is it now?

W: It's ten past eight. In another half hour we'll be home.

Q: When will the speakers get home?


A.At 10:08.

B.At 8:30.

C.At 10:38.

D.At 8:40.

听力原文:M:Good morning,I'm doing a survey for the Department of Health and Social Securit
y and I'd like to ask you a few questions if I may.

W: I suppose that'll be OK.

M: The first question is what is your full name?

W: Louisa O'Leary.

M: And your age, Mrs. O'Leary?

W: Well ... it's thirty-four.

M: Really? You don't look it at all. Now how much does your husband earn?

W: That's a personal question, but I suppose I should try and be as frank as I can with you--£ 10,000 a year.

M: That isn't much.

W: Yes.

M: Now what I'm really interested in is the way you spend your money. What about housiug, for example?

W: Well, our house costs us about ... er, £ 300 a month.

M: Oh, that must be difficult with ten thousand a year!

W: It certainly is. I was working before we had the baby, of course. That used to make things a lot easier. Now we're much less well off.

M: Mm. Apart from the house, where does your money go?

W: Food is the biggest item. That's about £ 240 a month for food and other small bits and pieces-cleaning materials and so on. For electricity, we only use it for lighting. That's about £ 50 a year.


A.He is doing a survey.

B.He is introducing himself.

C.He is talking with a friend.

D.He is selling a product.

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