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听力原文:M: How about a movie tonight? That new comedy is opening in town.W: Sounds great,

听力原文:M: How about a movie tonight? That new comedy is opening in town.

W: Sounds great, but I've got to finish sketches on my psychology research paper.

Q: What does the woman imply?


A.The new comedy opening in town is well worth watching.

B.She'd prefer to see a different type of movie than a comedy.

C.She won't be able to go to the movie because of her research paper.

D.The man should help finish the research paper if she goes to the movie with him.

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更多“听力原文:M: How about a movie toni…”相关的问题
听力原文:W: How long does it take to get to London?M: It's an hour by train, and about two

听力原文:W: How long does it take to get to London?

M: It's an hour by train, and about two hours by car.

Q: How many hours does it take to get to London?


A.Two hours by train.

B.One hour by train.

C.One hour by bus.

D.One hour by car.

听力原文:W: How did your interview go? M: I couldn' t feel better about it. The questions

听力原文:W: How did your interview go?

M: I couldn' t feel better about it. The questions were very fair and I seemed to find answers for ail of them.

Q: How does the man feel about the interview?


A.He is confident.

B.He is worried.

C.He is bored.

D.He is angry.

听力原文:M: Say Phil. How about donating $15 or $ 20 to the scholarship fund?W: I wish I c

听力原文:M: Say Phil. How about donating $15 or $ 20 to the scholarship fund?

W: I wish I could. But $10 is all I can spare.

Q: What did you learn about Phil and the scholarship fund?


A.She asked for $ 15.

B.She donated $ 50.

C.She requested $ 20.

D.She gave $10.

听力原文:M: How did you find your new job? Was it advertised in the paper?W: I looked and

听力原文:M: How did you find your new job? Was it advertised in the paper?

W: I looked and looked for months without finding anything. Then a friend told me about this job. So I applied and got it.

Q: How did the woman learn about the job opportunity?


A.She saw an ad. in the newspaper.

B.She learned about it from a friend.

C.She heard about it during a television interview.

D.She saw it on a list of job openings.

听力原文:W: I feel so uneasy about trusting David with our money, How about you?M: Some pe

听力原文:W: I feel so uneasy about trusting David with our money, How about you?

M: Some people say he's not reliable, but others have a lot of confidence in him. I'm willing to give him the benefit of the doubt.

Q: What does the man mean?


A.He thinks David is not reliable.

B.He's willing to trust David.

C.He has told his doubts to David.

D.He thinks David will benefit from this experience.

听力原文:M: How are you doing with your plan?W: No one knows how to do the work correctly,

听力原文:M: How are you doing with your plan?

W: No one knows how to do the work correctly, so we have to learn how to do it by a process of trial and error. But I think things are getting better and better.

Q: What do we learn from the conversation about the woman?


A.She is worried about the errors made.

B.She has been doing things in a correct way.

C.She needs someone to lend her a hand.

D.She is still searching for directions.

听力原文:W: I'm thinking about dropping my swimming class. I'm just not catching on.M: Hol

听力原文:W: I'm thinking about dropping my swimming class. I'm just not catching on.

M: Hold on to it, I did and I learned how to swim eventually.

Q: What can be inferred about the man?


A.He wants to quit the class too.

B.He knows nothing about swimming.

C.He made great efforts in learning to swim.

D.He teaches swimming.

听力原文:W: How about seeing the new movie at the North Part Theater tonight?M: Sounds gre

听力原文:W: How about seeing the new movie at the North Part Theater tonight?

M: Sounds great. But I got to go over my notes for tomorrow's mid-term.

Q: What can we know about the man?


A.He almost slept through the movie.

B.He wishes he could go to the movie.

C.He wants to rewrite his notes.

D.He's planning to go to the movie after exam.

听力原文:W: Could you tell me how many of your employees are women?M: Yes, certainly. We h

听力原文:W: Could you tell me how many of your employees are women?

M: Yes, certainly. We have a very high percentage of female staff. We employ about 160 women, which is eighty percent of all our staff.

Q: How many of the employees in this organization are men?






听力原文:M: How did you like the performance?W: Generally speaking, it was very good. The

听力原文:M: How did you like the performance?

W: Generally speaking, it was very good. The part of the maid was played beautifully, but I thought the man who played the salesman was too dramatic to be realistic.

Q: How does the woman feel about the salesman?


A.The woman thinks the salesman was realistic.

B.The woman thinks the salesman exaggerated his part.

C.The woman thinks the salesman was not dramatic enough.

D.The woman thinks the salesman played his part well.

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