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My question is ______ he managed to get so much money.





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I was ______ by a biological question in the examination, which even my teacher had never





听力原文:M: Could I hand in my paper a few days later? These days I was busying with my ot
her examination.

W: I am afraid that's out of the question. And my course is also urgent; you must finish it in time.

Q: What does the woman mean?


A.The paper must be handed in on time.

B.The question wasn't very clear.

C.He should ask a different person.

D.His request was made too late.

听力原文:W:Hey,Marlins.I have a question to ask you.Well,I'm thinking about going to Germa
ny this summer,and I need some advice.You're the best person I know to answer my questions since you're German.

M:Thank you for saying so.What do you want to know?

Q:What can we infer according to the conversation?


A.The woman is going to France.

B.The man is from France.

C.The woman is going on vacation this winter.

D.The man can speak Germany.

听力短文2:I have learnt many languages, but I’m not mastered them the way the professional interpreter or translator has。

I have learnt many languages, but I’m not mastered them the way the professional interpreter or translator has。 Still, they have open doors for me。 They have allowed me the opportunity to seek jobs in international contexts and help me get those jobs。 Like many people who have lived overseas for a while, I simply got crazy about it。 I can’t image living my professional or social life without international interactions。 Since 1977, I have spent much more time abroad than in the United States。 I like going to new places, eating new foods and experiencing new cultures。 If you can speak the language, it’s easier to get to know the country and its people。 If I had the time and money。 I would live for a year in as many countries as possible。 Beyond my career, my facility with languages has given me a few rare opportunities。 Once, just after I returned my year in Vienna。 I was asked to translate for a German judge at Olympic level horse event and learned a lot about the sport。

In Japan, once when I was in the studio audience of a TV cooking show, I was asked to go up on the stage and taste the beef dish that was being prepared and tell what I thought。 They asked” Was it as good as American beef?” It was very exciting for me to be on Japanese TV, speaking in Japanese about how delicious the beef was。

Questions 19 to 22 are based on the passage you’ve just heard。

Question 19 What does the speaker say about herself?

Question 20 What does the speaker say about many people who have lived overseas for a while?

Question 21 How did the speaker experience of living in Vienna benefit her?

Question 22 What was the speaker asked to do in the Japanese studio?

听力原文:M: Good morning. Robert Creighton speaking.W: Good morning. My name's Julian Harr

听力原文:M: Good morning. Robert Creighton speaking.

W: Good morning. My name's Julian Harris and I have a friend in Spain who's interested in applying for a place at one of the colleges. There are one or two questions which she'd like me to ask you.

M: Go ahead!

W: Thanks. The first one is: what language is used for normal lessons?

M: Well, the main language of instruction in all the colleges is English. But at Pacific College in Canada some subjects are taught in French, and at the College of the Adriatic some may be taught in Italian.

W: Right. Her next question is about fees. Is it expensive to go to one of the colleges?

M: Students' parents don't have to be rich, if that's what you mean, there are scholarships for all colleges, but we do ask parents to help by paying what they can afford.

W: Good, she'll be glad to hear that. Now she wants to know something about getting into a college. Does she have to get high marks in her examinations?

M: Ah, yes, well she will have to do well. but academic ability is not the only thing that's important. We also look at personal qualities.

W: What sort of things do you mean?

M: Maturity, the ability to get on well with people from different countries, that sort of thing.

W: Of course. I understand what you mean. Her last question is about her other interests. Can she do painting and modem dancing, for example?

M: Yes, probably. It depends on the staff at the college she enters. Each college has its own special activities, such as theatre studies or environmental work, in which students can take part.

W: Good. I think that's all. Thank you very much for your help.

M: You're welcome. I hope you friend sends in an application.






听力原文:M: Where do you get your ideas from, Mrs. Rowling?W: Where the idea for Harry Pot

听力原文:M: Where do you get your ideas from, Mrs. Rowling?

W: Where the idea for Harry Potter came from I really couldn't tell you. I was traveling on a train between Manchester and London and it just popped into my head. I spent four hours thinking about what Hogwarts would be like. By the time I got off at King's Cross many of the characters in the books had already been invented.

M: Are any of the characters in the books based on real people?

W: Tricky question! Hermione Granger is a little bit like I was at her age. Ron is little bit like my oldest friend and Professor Shape is a lot like one of my old teachers.

M: How long have you been writing?

W: Nearly all my life. I had written two novels before I had the idea for Harry, though I'd never tried to get them published.

M: Did you expect the Harry books to be this successful?

W: Never. I didn't expect lots of people to like them, in fact, I never really thought much apart from getting them published.

M: Any clues about the next book?

W: I don't want to give anything away, but I can tell you that the books are getting darker... Harry potter's going to have quite a bit to deal with as he gets older. Sorry if they get too frightening!

M: Thanks for your help.

W: You're welcome.


A.Remarking on the film of Harry Potter.

B.Interviewing a successful woman writer.

C.Talking about their traveling experience on a train.

D.Asking the woman to do him a favor.

听力原文:M: Let's look at your problem: you always fail the job interviews.W: It seems so,

听力原文:M: Let's look at your problem: you always fail the job interviews.

W: It seems so, sir. And the thing is that I always find those questions hard to answer. For example, they always ask me what I think is important in a job.

M: In this ease, you should mention specific rewards other than paycheck, for example, (22) challenge and the feeling of accomplishment.

W: That sounds good. And they often ask what makes me decide to join their company, especially when they are rather small and young.

M: You can tell them that you believe you would have better opportunities with a small but rapidly expanding company like theirs.

W: Great. I think (23) the most difficult question is what my greatest strengths and weaknesses are.

M: They are tough questions. For your greatest strengths, give a response like this: "I can see what needs to be done and do it." or "I work well with others."

W: Terrific.

M: For your weaknesses, you can identify one or two, such as "I tend to drive myself too hard". The trick is to describe a weakness so that it could also be considered a virtue.

W: I see. Sometimes they also ask me what I don't like about my previous jobs.

M: You can talk about the things you don't like, but (24) avoid making even slightest reference to any of your former employers.

W: I'll remember that.

M: Never forget to have at least one question ready, because the interviewer usually asks if you have any questions about the job or the company at the end of the interviews.

W: (25) I understand employers like a candidate who is interested in the organization.

M: Right. ff you can smoothly apply answers like these during the interview, you are bound to make a good impression.

22. What is the woman suggested to mention when asked what is important to her in an interview?

23.What is the woman's biggest problem in an interview?

24.What does the man warn against doing when it comes to previous experience?

25.Why should the woman have at least one question ready beforehand?


A.Specific paycheck.

B.Sense of accomplishment.

C.Chances of promotion.

D.Awards she deserves.

Passage One Questions 21 to 25 are based on the following passage. Each summer, no matte

Passage One Questions 21 to 25 are based on the following passage.

Each summer, no matter how pressing my work schedule, I take off one day exclusively for my son. We call it dad-son day. This year our third stop was the amusement park, where be discovered that he was tall enough to ride one of the fastest roller coasters (过山车) in the world. We blasted through face-stretching turns and loops for ninety seconds. Then, as we stepped off the ride, be shrugged and, in a distressingly calm voice, remarked that it was not as exciting as other rides he’d been on. As I listened, I began to sense something seriously out of balance.

Throughout the season, I noticed similar events all around me. Parents seemed hard pressed to find new thrills for indifferent kids. Surrounded by ever-greater stimulation, their young faces were looking disappointed and bored.

Facing their children’s complaints of “nothing to do“, parents were shelling out large numbers of dollars for various forms of entertainment. In many cases the money seemed to do little more than buy transient relief from the terrible moans of their bored children. This set me pondering the obvious question:“ How can it be so hard for kids to find something to do when there’s never been such a range of stimulating entertainment available to them?”

What really worries me is the intensity of the stimulation. I watch my little daughter’s face as she absorbs the powerful onslaught (冲击) of arousing visuals and bloody special effects in movies.

Why do children immersed in this much excitement seem starved for more? That was, I realized, the point. I discovered during my own reckless adolescence that what creates excitement is not going fast, but going faster. Thrills have less to do with speed than changes in speed.

I’m concerned about the cumulative effect of years at these levels of feverish activity. It is no mystery to me why many teenagers appear apathetic (麻木的) and burned out, with a “been there, done that” air of indifference toward much of life. As increasing numbers of friends’ children are prescribed medications-stimulants to deal with inattentiveness at school or anti-depressants to help with the loss of interest and joy in their lives-I question the role of kids’ boredom in some of the diagnoses.

My own work is focused on the chemical imbalances and biological factors related to behavioral and emotional disorders. These are complex problems. Yet I’ve been reflecting more and more on how the pace of life and the intensity of stimulation may be contributing to the rising rates of psychiatric problems among children and adolescents in our society.

21. The author tell surprised in the amusement park at fact that ________.

A) his son was not as thrilled by the roller coasters ride as expected

B) his son blasted through the turns and loops with his face stretched

C) his son appeared distressed but calm while riding the roller coasters

D) his son could keep his balance so well on the fast moving roller coasters(A)

听力原文:W: Mr. Green, what do you think of the economic forecasts for next year? For exam
ple, what will happen to housing costs?

M: Well, there's good news for buyers. Prices won't increase. In fact, they'll fall slightly. There are different reasons for this. One is that it won't be so easy to borrow money. A second reason is that there are still a lot of empty new houses on the market.

W: I see. And what about food prices? Will they fall too?

M: I'm afraid not. You see, inflation will increase, so consumer prices will rise too. I think we can expect a 3% rise in prices.

W: Some economists say that unemployment will rise. Are you one of these people?

M: No, I'm not. I think it'll decrease. Trade with other countries has improved dramatically over the past year. And the increase in demand for goods means that there will be more jobs.

W: Well, if unemployment falls, can we expect wages to fall too?

M: No, no. The average wage will increase. Not very much, I'm afraid, but there will be a slight increase.

W: One financial question, Mr. Green. What will happen to petrol prices? Will they increase or decrease next year?

M: That's a very difficult question to answer because we don't know what'll happen in the oil producing countries. I have a feeling that prices will go down. However, I could be wrong!

W: Mr. Green, thank you very much for your time.

M: My pleasure.


A.Housing costs.

B.Average wage.


D.Oil prices.

听力长对话2:Man: Hello。 Yes?

Man: Hello。 Yes?

Woman: Hello。 Is that the sales department?

M: Yes, it is。

W:Oh, well。 My name is Jane Kingsbury of GPF limited。 We need some supplies for our design office。

M: Oh, what sort?

W:Well, first of all, we need one complete new drawing board。

M: DO44 or DO45?

W:Ah, I don’t know。 What’s the difference?

M: Well, the 45 costs 15 pounds more。

W:So what’s the total price then?

M:It’s 387 pounds。

W:Dose that include valued-added tax?

M: Oh, I’m not sure。 Most of the prices do。 Yes, I think it does。

W:What are the boards actually made of?

M: Oh, I don’t know。 I think it‘s a sort of plastic stuff these days。 It’s white anyway。

W:And how long does it take to deliver?

M: Oh, I couldn’t really say。 It depends on how much work we’ve got and how many other orders there are to send out, you know。

W:Ok, now we also want some drawing pens, ink and rulers, and some drawing paper。

M: Oh dear。 The girl who takes all those supplies isn’t here this morning。 So I can’t take those orders for you。 I only do the equipment you see。

W:Ok, well, perhaps I’ll ring back tomorrow。

M: So do you want the drawing board then?

W:Oh, I have to think about it。 Thanks very much。 I’ll let you know。 Good-bye。

M: Thank you。 Good-bye。

Question 12 to 15 are based on the conversation you just heard。

Question 12: What is the woman’s purpose in making the phone call?

Question 13: What do we learn about the man from the conversation?

Question 14: What does the man say about delivery?

Question 15: What does the woman say she will possibly do tomorrow?

听力原文:W: Art Department, the treasurer Brown speaking.M: Hello, Professor Brown, my nam

听力原文:W: Art Department, the treasurer Brown speaking.

M: Hello, Professor Brown, my name is Frank Meloy. I'm thinking of taking your course in painting, and I'm calling to find out more about it.

W: Have you ever worked with paints?

M: I've done very little painting at all. I'm a chemistry major, but I enjoy drawing and the course description says that any student can sign up. I assume that means that experience in painting isn't necessary.

W: Yes, that's right. We'll be using water paints instead of oils because they are easier to handle and dry more quickly. Also, beginning students can get a good feel for what they can do with textures by working with water paints.

M: I got a roommate who is interested in painting too. My roommate is also a chemistry major but he has painted quite a bit. If he signed up for the course, would he find it too easy?

W: No, he could work on using techniques he already knows and applying them to principles of composition, color and design. There's something for everyone in this course.

M: One mare question: Do we need to bring our own brushes and paints to class?

W: Yes, you can buy them at the bookstore. They are quite easy to get. I'll provide drawing boards and any other supplies that are necessary. I hope you decide to join us.

M: It sounds interesting, I'll definitely register today.

W: Fine. See you next Monday afternoon. Don't forget your brushes and paints.

What does the man want to know?


A.The location of an art school.

B.Information about a course."

C.The differences between two paintings.

D.Where to register a course.

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