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听力原文:(23) Almost 20,000 whales have been slaughtered since a ban on commercial whaling

听力原文: (23) Almost 20,000 whales have been slaughtered since a ban on commercial whaling was introduced in 1986 and the death toll is rising each year. Norway and Japan killed over 1,000 whales in 1999 and they plan to kill even more. The International Whaling Commission (IWC) has failed to stop the killing and a compromise deal may relax the ban allowing coastal whaling—condemning many thousands more whales to a cruel death. In 1994, the IWC created a whale sanctuary in Antarctic waters and many believed the battle to save the whales had been won. But Japan has ignored the sanctuary and along with Norway continues to defy the whaling ban. As the environmental concerns increase, whaling is no longer the issue as it was or deserves to be. With little public awareness of the increasing whale slaughter, there has been no pressure to stop it. Consequently, the political will to confront the whalers and .enforce the whaling ban has slipped away. Commercial whaling has devastated whale populations worldwide, pushing the entire species to the brink of extinction. (24) There is still great scientific uncertainty about the size and status of remaining whale populations. Whales are facing increasing threats to their survival including increasing toxic pollution, massive over-fishing, entanglement in fishing nets, boat collisions, habitat loss, ozone depletion and climate change. They need to be protected, not hunted. (25) Commercial whaling is appallingly cruel and unnecessary. It is morally indefensible. It should be condemned to history, to a time when sadly we knew no better!

23. What does the speaker say about the death toll of whales after 1986?

24.How does the speaker describe scientific knowledge of whale populations?

25.What is the speaker's attitude towards whaling?


A.It is lessening.

B.It is growing.

C.It hasn't changed.

D.It is slowly changing.

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更多“听力原文:(23) Almost 20,000 whales…”相关的问题
听力原文:W: Time really flies. I can't believe I've been in China for almost four years.M:

听力原文:W: Time really flies. I can't believe I've been in China for almost four years.

M: (19) What do you want to do after your graduation?

W: I haven't quite decided, but I think I'd like to find a job with a joint venture company here.

M: That's quite an idea.

W: China has a rapidly developing economy and there're so many opportunities. (20) Besides, I like living here. It's not very expensive and people are friendly. What about you?

M: (21) Well, I'm thinking of doing a master's degree. I'm interested in law, so I hope to attend a good law school.

W: You are surely ambitious. It would be very expensive to go to a law school, though, wouldn't it?

M: Well, in China that would (22) depend on one's academic merits. If you are excellent you'd get accepted in a tuition-free status.

W: I see. So will it be possible to work part-time to support yourself?

M: I guess so. But I hope I wouldn't have to do that.

W: I'll keep my fingers crossed for you.

M: Thanks, and I wish you good luck too.

19. What is the main point of the conversation?

20.Why does the woman choose to live in China?

21.What does the man plan to do after graduation?

22.On what condition can you get accepted in a tuition-free status?


A.Time really flies.

B.The plans after graduation.

C.The economic status of China.

D.How to get a master's degree.

听力原文:Visitors to Britain sometimes are surprised to learn that newspapers there have s

听力原文: Visitors to Britain sometimes are surprised to learn that newspapers there have such a large circulation. The Daily Mirror and the Daily Express both sell about four million copies every day. Apart from the national papers, there is another branch of the British press which sells almost as many copies. Local newspapers have a circulation of 13 million. Almost every town and country area has one.

Local newspapers are written almost entirely for readers interested in local events— births, weddings, deaths, council meetings and sports—but the content is naturally influenced by the kind of community they serve. A great deal of local news is regularly supplied by clubs and churches in the neighborhood and it does not get out of date as quickly as national news.

Local newspapers do not often comment on problems of national importance and editors rarely take sides on political questions. They can often be of service to the community in expressing public feeling on local issues. A newspaper can sometimes persuade the council to take action to provide better shopping facilities, improve transport in the area and preserve local monuments and places of interest.

These papers often sound rather dull and it seems surprising that they all make a profit. However, for many people in small towns and villages the death of someone known to them or the installation of traffic lights at a busy corner nearby can sometimes be more important than a disaster in a foreign country.


A.Large circulation of newspapers in Britain.

B.National newspapers in Britain.

C.Local Newspapers in Britain.

D.Difference between national newspapers and local newspapers in Britain.

听力原文:M: Hey, Jane. What's so interesting?W: Oh, hi, Tom. (19)I'm reading this fascinat

听力原文:M: Hey, Jane. What's so interesting?

W: Oh, hi, Tom. (19)I'm reading this fascinating article on the societies of the Ice Age during the Pleistocene period.

M: The Ice Age? There weren't any societies then, just the bunch of cave people.

W: That's what people used to think. (20)But a new exhibition at the American Museum of National History shows that Ice Age people were surprisingly advanced.

M: Oh, really? In what ways?

W: Well, Ice Age people were the inventors of languages, art and music as we know it. And they didn't live in caves. They built their own shelters.

M: What did they use to build them? The cold weather would have killed almost all the trees, so they couldn't have used wood.

W: In some of the places with warmer climate, they did build houses of wood. In other places, they used animal bones and skins or lived in natural stone shelters.

M: How did they stay warm? Animal skin walls don't sound very sturdy.

W: Well, it says here, that in the early Ice Age, (21) they often faced their homes towards the south to take advantage of the sun, a primitive sort of solar heating.

M: Hey, that's pretty smart.

W: Then people in the late Ice Age even insulated their homes by putting heated cobble stones on the floor.

M: I guess I spoke too soon. (22)Can I read that magazine article after you've done? I think I'm going to try to impress my anthropology teacher with my amazing knowledge of Ice Age civilization.


A.The Ice Age.

B.The exhibition at the American Museum of National History.

C.The Ice Age people.

D.How to build houses.

听力原文:W: It's almost 11 o'clock; why not leave that math work till tomorrow ?M: Good id

听力原文:W: It's almost 11 o'clock; why not leave that math work till tomorrow ?

M: Good idea, I am beat.

Q: What is the man's attitude towards this work?






听力原文:W: I'm all packed. (22)Take-off time is 2:30 a.m. the day after tomorrow, but I h

听力原文:W: I'm all packed. (22)Take-off time is 2:30 a.m. the day after tomorrow, but I have to check-in at the airport one and half an hour earlier.

M: Who is taking you to the airport? I'd like to see you off. You need someone to keep an eye on your luggage.

W: That would be awfully nice of you. Are you sure you want to see me off at that hour of the morning?

M: (23)Of course, as long as there is enough room for me.

W: I'll call you then. I wonder what I should wear.

M: As for me, I'd wear a sports shirt and would take a jacket or sweater or something comfortable in case it got chilly on the way. For girls, honestly, I have no clue.

W: Oh, I almost forgot. (24)They will put my checked suitcases and bags in the luggage compartment on the plane and I can't get at them until I arrive at my final destination. I'll ask my mother what I should carry with me.

M: Well, my mother suggested that I should take a clean set of underwear, socks, a shirt, and slacks to put on after I land. So girls would probably need a fresh skirt and blouse plus a change of underwear.

W: That's an awesome idea. Thanks for the advice. (25)Now I just have to say goodbye to my relatives and friends. Some I have to visit or they will be very put out.


A.2:30 a.m. tomorrow.

B.1:00 a.m. the day after tomorrow.

C.1:30 a.m. the day after tomorrow.

D.1:30 a.m. tomorrow.

听力原文:Robert Frost was born in San Francisco in 1875 and was sent at the age of ten to

听力原文: Robert Frost was born in San Francisco in 1875 and was sent at the age of ten to live in New England, an area which inspired almost all of his poetry. He was educated at Dartmouth College, New England, and Harvard University. He became a schoolmaster for a short time, and then a farm laborer. During this period he wrote poetry but with little recognition. (23) From 1912 to 1915, he lived in New England, where he became friendly with several poets, including Edward Thomas, and published A Boy's Will in 1913 and North of Boston in 1914.In America his poetry was soon admired, and he was awarded the Pulitzer Prize on four occasions between 1924 and 1943.He went on writing throughout his life, publishing Steeple Bush at the age of seventy-two. He died in 1963.(24) Frost's poems are revolutionary because they lack the exaggeration of rhetoric. Many of his lines and sentences are plain and in themselves nothing. But they are bound together and made beautiful by a calm eagerness of emotion. (25) With his close observant eye and touch, we can feel the daily activities of farming and the landscape be it their background—mowing, apple-picking, or mending a wall. These poems reflect a humane quiet concern and satisfaction in their rhythms and their gentle lyricism. Often there is an explicit or near-explicit "moral", though sometimes this is hinted at rather than stated,and frequently there is an almost proverbial tone. We learn to trust Robert Frost. The very lack of glamour or display in his poem gives them a stability and honesty.

23. What do we learn about Robert Frost from the passage?

24.What does the speaker say about Frost's poems?

25.What is described in Frost's poetry according to the passage?


A.He was born in New England.

B.He once worked for Harvard University.

C.He was Edward Thomas' friend.

D.He wasn't awarded any prize.

听力原文:How about farmers' income in the late 1970s?(34)A.Farmers had less money to spend

听力原文:How about farmers' income in the late 1970s?


A.Farmers had less money to spend than other Americans.

B.Farmers earned about one-third the income of non-farmers.

C.Farmers earned almost as much money as the non-farmers.

D.Farmers earned more money than the average American families.

听力原文:Unless you have visited the southern United States, you probably have never heard

听力原文: Unless you have visited the southern United States, you probably have never heard of Kudzu. Kudzu, as any farmer in the south will sadly tell you, is a superpowered weed. It is a strong climbing plant. Once it gets started, Kudzu is almost impossible to stop. It climbs to the tops of the tallest trees. It can cover large buildings. Whole barns and farm houses have been known to disappear from view. Wherever it grows, its thick twisting stems are extremely hard to remove. Kudzu was once thought to be a helpful plant. Originally found in Asia, it was brought to America to help protect the land from being swallowed by the sea. It was planted where its tough roots which grow up to five feet long could help hold back the soil. But the plant soon spread to places where it wasn't wanted. Farmers now have to fight to keep it from killing other plants. In a way, Kudzu is a sign of labor shortage in the south. Where there is no one to work the fields, Kudzu soon takes over. The northern United States faces no threat from Kudzu. Harsh winters kill it off. The plant loves the warmth of the south, but the south surely doesn't love it. If someone could invent some use for Kudzu and remove it from southern farmland, his or her fortune would be assured.


A.It has done more harm than good in the southern USA.

B.It was brought to the northern USA by Asian farmers.

C.It was introduced into the USA to kill harmful weeds.

D.It can be used by farmers to protect large buildings.

听力原文:W: (22) I don't know if we'll be able to spare a whole day at the Ocean Park. We'

听力原文:W: (22) I don't know if we'll be able to spare a whole day at the Ocean Park. We've only got four days in Hong Kong, remember?

M: Oh, right, well, in that case, I'd advise you to get there early. (22)1t opens at 10 o'clock in the morning on week ends. Look, I think I've got a plan of the place somewhere. Let me see.., yes, here we are. You can have this.

W: Thanks.

M: OK, I'll show you. Let's start with the lower level. See? Here? You arrive by taxi or bus or whatever here, on the right, can you see? That's the bus terminal. And you go in through the main entrance. (23)Yon could go to the Water world first but I think you'd better skip that as you're short of time.

W: I can see the cable cars.

M: OK, walk past the cable car terminal, at the bottom of the plan, (24)and bear right past the Waterfall Gardens. Actually? have a look in, there are ducks and other birds in the pool there-it's very pretty. Then you'll see some steps u p on the left. Follow that path and you'll come to the Centenary Garden which is a good place to stop and take pictures if you've got your camera.

W: What's the next place?

M: Then carry on until you're almost at the Children Zoo. It takes quite a long time to walk around. But I do recommend the "touch and feed" section opposite, as I said. (25)The fun fair is very interesting? but it’s great fun for older children.


A.The Waterfall Garden.

B.The theatre.

C.The Water World.

D.The Ocean Park.

听力原文:M: Hey, Allen, how are you?W: I'm fine Bob. Aren't you glad the semester is over?

听力原文:M: Hey, Allen, how are you?

W: I'm fine Bob. Aren't you glad the semester is over?

M: Yes, are you going to go to the rock concert Friday night?

W: I haven't thought much about it, and you?

M: Sure, would you like to go with me?

W: Sounds like fun!

M: You have to buy your own ticket, though.

W: Are you broke again? Let me treat you.

M: Wow, where did you come into so rich cash?

W: You know I am a waitress at the student center. Anyway, now that annual exams are almost over, I'd like a night out.

M: Since you've been worried about buying the tickets, why don't you take us out to dinner?

W: You've got a deal. Let's buy the tickets now.


A.in the middle of the semester

B.at the beginning of exams

C.at the end of the school year

D.in the middle of summer vacation

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