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听力原文:No one knows exactly how many disabled people there are in the world, but estimat

听力原文: No one knows exactly how many disabled people there are in the world, but estimates suggest the figure is over 450 million. The number of disabled people in India alone is probably more than double the total population of Canada.

In the United Kingdom, about one in ten people have some disability. Disability is not just something that happens to other people: as we get older, many of us will become less mobile, hard of hearing or have failing eyesight.

Disablement can take many forms and occur at any time of life. Some people are born with disabilities. Many others become disabled as they get older. There are many progressive disabling diseases. The longer time goes on, the worse they become. Some people are disabled in accidents. Many others may have a period of disability in the form. of a mental illness. All are affected by people's attitude towards them.

Disabled people face many physical barriers. Next time you go shopping imagine how you would manage if you could not get on to buses or trains. How would you cope if you could not hear the traffic? But there are still other barriers: prejudice can be even harder to break down and ignorance inevitably represents by far the greatest barrier of all. It is almost impossible for the able-bodied to fully understand what the severely disabled go through, so it is important to draw attention to these barriers and show that it is the individual personality and their ability, not their disability, which counts.


A.There are many disabled people in the world.

B.The number of disabled people in India is the greatest.

C.India has twice as many disabled people as in Canada.

D.It is impossible to get an exact figure of the world's disabled people.

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更多“听力原文:No one knows exactly how …”相关的问题
听力原文:M: How are you doing with your plan?W: No one knows how to do the work correctly,

听力原文:M: How are you doing with your plan?

W: No one knows how to do the work correctly, so we have to learn how to do it by a process of trial and error. But I think things are getting better and better.

Q: What do we learn from the conversation about the woman?


A.She is worried about the errors made.

B.She has been doing things in a correct way.

C.She needs someone to lend her a hand.

D.She is still searching for directions.

听力原文:M: I'd love to dance, but I don't know the steps.W: It doesn't matter; no one wil

听力原文:M: I'd love to dance, but I don't know the steps.

W: It doesn't matter; no one will be looking at us in this crowd.

Q: What does the woman mean?


A.It's not important how he dances.

B.It's too crowded to dance anyway.

C.If he's careful, no one will notice.

D.No one knows the steps to the dance.

听力原文:M: I'd love to dance, but I don't know the steps.W: It doesn't matter. No one wil

听力原文:M: I'd love to dance, but I don't know the steps.

W: It doesn't matter. No one will be looking at us in this crowd.

Q: What does the woman mean?


A.It's not important how he dances.

B.It's too crowed to dance anyway.

C.If he's careful, no one will notice.

D.No one knows the steps to the dance.

听力原文:No one knows exactly why we sleep. But scientists have learned a lot about how we

听力原文: No one knows exactly why we sleep. But scientists have learned a lot about how we sleep, From sleep experiments, scientists have learned that there are four different stages of sleep.

When you first fall asleep, your heart starts to beat more slowly and your breathing slows down. If something wakes you, you might not think that you had been asleep. Some people call this kind of sleep dozing. Scientists call it Stage One sleep. Next, if you are not awakened, you drift into a deeper sleep. Your pulse and breathing become even slower than they were during Stage One sleep. But you can still be awakened quite easily. If you take a cat nap, you probably will not get any further than this stage of sleep, which is called Stage Two.

If you sleep longer than about twenty minutes, you go into the third stage of sleep. Your body is very relaxed. It would take a loud noise to wake you up.

You have probably heard of people who walk in their sleep. No one knows what makes people sleepwalk. But a person can sleepwalk only during Stage Four. This is the deepest kind of sleep. If someone wakes you up during stage four, you might feel very confused. It might take you a few minutes to get used to being awake.


A.Reasons for People's Sleeping.

B.Four Stages of Sleep.

C.Reasons for sleepwalking.

D.A Sleep Experiment.

听力原文:As the proverb says, "No one knows the value of health until he loses it." In oth

听力原文: As the proverb says, "No one knows the value of health until he loses it." In other words, nothing is more valuable than health.

It is clear that health is the foundation of one's future success. If you become sick, it is nearly impossible to pursue your career effectively, much less to make your dreams come true. On the other hand, if you are strong, you can go all out to overcome the obstacles that lie ahead of you. Health is the resource of our energy. What should we do to maintain our health? First, we should exercise every day to strengthen our muscles. Second, we might as well keep good hours, ff we get up early, we can breathe fresh air and see the sunrise. This habit can do wonders for our outlook on life. Third, there is a proverb that says, "Prevention is better than cure." ff you pay close attention to your health, you can avoid getting sick, or at least cure yourself of a disease while it is still in its beginning stage.

In conclusion, health is more important than wealth. Those who are rich but poor in health are on more fortunate than those who are poor, but healthy in body. If you want your wish to come true, health is the most important component of your success.






听力原文:M: You'll never finish that paper on time, why don't you ask for an extension?W:

听力原文:M: You'll never finish that paper on time, why don't you ask for an extension?

W: It's out of the question. The professor is going on vacation as sore as the term's finished.

Q: What does the woman mean?


A.The woman must ask the professor to take a longer vacation.

B.The woman won't be able to get an extension.

C.No one knows whether it is possible for the woman to get a longer time.

D.There is a question about the period of time allowed for completion of the paper.

听力原文:M: I was surprised at Susan using that record player you were going to throw away

W: Yes, it's very old. That she got it to work amazes me.

Q: What does the woman mean?


A.It's surprising that Susan could repair the record player.

B.No one knows how Susan gets to work.

C.She discarded the old record player.

D.She doesn't think the record player works.

听力原文:M: I was surprised to see Mary using that record player you were going to throw a

W: Yes. It is very old. That she got it to work amazes me.

Q: What does the woman mean?


A.No one knows how Mary gets to work.

B.She doesn't think the record player works.

C.She throws the old record away.

D.It's surprising that Mary could repair the record player.

听力原文:M: How about phoning Liz and asking her to join us for dinner?W: I think you shou

听力原文:M: How about phoning Liz and asking her to join us for dinner?

W: I think you should phone her, she hardly knows who I am.

Q: What does the woman mean?


A.That Liz doesn't know them well.

B.That he's the one to phone Liz.

C.That she will phone Liz if he doesn't.

D.That she doesn't know Liz's phone number.

听力原文:Crime is a serious problem in Britain. One sort of crime which particularly worri

听力原文: Crime is a serious problem in Britain. One sort of crime which particularly worries people is [29] juvenile delinquency—that is, crimes committed by young people. For some years, juvenile delinquency has been increasing. There are two main sorts of juvenile crime, stealing and violence. Most people do not understand why young people commit these crimes. There are, I think, a large number of different reasons.

These crimes are not usually committed by people who are poor or in need. Young people often dislike and resent the adult world. [30] They will do things to show that they are rebels. Also in Britain today it is easier for young people to commit crimes because they have more freedom to go where they like and more money to do what they like.

There are two other possible causes which are worth mentioning. More and more people in Britain live in large towns. [30] In a large town no one knows who anyone else is or where they live. But in the village I come from crimes are rare because everybody knows everyone else.

Although it is difficult to explain, I think the last cause is very important. Perhaps there is something wrong with our society which encourages violence and crime. It is a fact that all the time children are exposed to films and reports about crime and violence. Many people do not agree that this influences young people, but I think that young people are very much influenced by the society they grow up in. I feel that [31] the fault may be as much with our whole society as with these young people.


A.Crimes committed by young people.

B.Crimes committed by needy people.

C.Influence on young people.

D.Stealing and violence.

听力原文:Everywhere we look, we see Americans running. They run for every reason anybody c

听力原文: Everywhere we look, we see Americans running. They run for every reason anybody could think of. They run for health, for beauty, to lose weight, to feel fit, and because it is the thing they love to do. Every year, for example, thousands of people run in one race, the Boston Marathon, the best known long distance race in the United States. In recent years there have been nearly 5,000 official competitors and it takes three whole minutes for the crowd of runners just to cross the starting line.

You may have heard the story of the Greek runner, Pheidippides. He ran from Marathon to Athens to deliver the news of the great victory 2,500 years ago. No one knows how long it took him to run the distance. But the story tells us that he died of the effort. Today in very few cases will one die in a Marathon race. But at the finish line, we see what this race is about; not being first, but finishing. The real victory is not over one's fellow runners, but over one's own body. It is a victory of will-power over fatigue. In the Boston Marathon, each person who crosses that finish line is a winner.


A.Three minutes.

B.Two Minutes.

C.One minutes.

D.Five minutes.

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