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听力原文:When my husband was promoted, we put our house up for sale. Three weeks later, it

听力原文: When my husband was promoted, we put our house up for sale. Three weeks later, it was still on the market. I became a busy housekeeper. Every room had to be kept tidy and dishes had to be washed and put away when used. Then one day, the door bell rang unexpectedly at 8 am. Sleepily I opened the door and saw our agent standing there with a couple from New York. "There was no time to call," he explained, "the couple has to catch a plane home." The three people made their way past the dirty breakfast dishes on the kitchen table and entered a bedroom with unmade beds. As I retreated into a bathroom to comb my hair, I heard the man say something to his wife. Then they both laughed. Two days later the agent phoned to tell me that the couple had bought the house. He repeated what the couple had said when he handed over the check the following day, "That house has a warm lived-in feeling just like ours."


A.She wanted to move to New York.

B.Her husband had lost his job.

C.Her husband had got a higher position.

D.She wanted to have a wider house.

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更多“听力原文:When my husband was promo…”相关的问题
听力原文:M: Do you have your Christmas shopping done yet?W: Almost. I got a watch for my h

听力原文:M: Do you have your Christmas shopping done yet?

W: Almost. I got a watch for my husband, but I can't seem to find anything for my dad. I would probably get him a book or a case for his coin collection.

Q: What did the woman buy for her husband?


A.A book.

B.A watch.

C.A case for his coin collection.


听力原文:(29)Some people don't like anything to be out ofplace. They are never late for wo

听力原文: (29)Some people don't like anything to be out of place. They are never late for work; they return their books to the library on time; they remember people's birthdays and they pay their bills as soon as they arrive. (29) Mr. Brown is such a person. Mr. Brown works in a bank, and lives on his own. His sister lives in the next town with her husband, and her son, Mark. Mr. (30) Brown doesn't see his sister or her family from one year to the next, but he sends them Christmas cards, and he hasn't forgotten one of Mark's seventeen birthdays.

Last week Mr. Brown had quite a surprise. He drove home from the bank at the usual time; driving neither too slowly nor too fast, he parked his car where he always parked it, out of the way of other cars, and he went inside to make his evening meal. Just then there was a knock at tbe door. When he opened it, he found a policeman standing there. Mr. Brown asked himself. "' Have I driven on the wrong side of the road? Has there been some trouble at the bank? Have I forgotten to pay an important bill?"

(31)"Hello, uncle," said the policeman, "My name's Mark. "






听力原文:M:It's nice and quiet here, away from the dust and noise of the city. And our apa
rtments are new and well-furnished.

W:It's a good place except it's a bit far from the place where we work.Anyway,I'll talk with my husband tonight and give you a call tomorrow.

Q:What is the woman doing?


A.Looking for an apartment.

B.Taking a suburban excursion.

C.Looking for a job.

D.Asking the man for his opinions.

听力原文:M: What happened at your farm when the earthquake passed?W: Oh, it was terrible,

听力原文:M: What happened at your farm when the earthquake passed?

W: Oh, it was terrible, I'll never forget it to my dying day. I hope I never see anything like that again. It was terrible.

M: But that's incredible, Mrs. Skinner. Did you say that everything in front of your house had moved?

W: Yes, everything had moved into the place of the other!

M: But your front path had completely disappeared?

W: Yes, that's right. Oh it was terrible, terrible.

M: And your husband Jack? Was he all right?

W: Yes, but the cowshed had moved too, it had moved several metres. Jack was all right, I could see him running round after the cows, all the cows had escaped, you see. They were running all over the place, it was impossible to catch them.

M: So Jack, your husband, was all right.

W: Well he was a bit shocked like me, but he was all right. Oh, I forgot to tell you about the granary that had moved south too. Its normal place was behind the house and now it was near the cowshed. Can you believe it?

M: Incredible, Mrs. Skinner. And the house itself, what about your house?

W: Well then we saw what had happened. Everything had moved one way, that is, to the south, except the house. The house, can you believe it, had moved the other way—the house had moved north. So the house went one way and everything else—the garden, the trees, the granary—went the other way.

M: Incredible, Mrs. Skinner, absolutely incredible.


A.Ruined by file earthquake.

B.Moved 3 meters.

C.As good as ever.


听力原文:M: I see on your resume that you worked as a manager of a store called "Computer
Country". Could you tell me a little more about your responsibilities there?

W: Sure. I was responsible for overseeing about 30 employees. I did all of the ordering for the store, and I kept track of the inventory.

M: What was the most difficult part of your job?

W: Probably handling angry customers. We didn't have them very often, but when we did, I needed to make sure they were well taken care of. After all, the customer is always right.

M: That's how we feel here too. How long did you work there?

W: I was there for three and a half years. I left the company last month.

M: And why did you leave?

W: My husband has been transferred to Boston. And I understand your company has an opening there too.

M: Yes, that's right. We do. But the position won't start until early next month. Would that be a problem for you?

W: No, not at all. My husband's new job doesn't begin for a few weeks. So we thought we would spend some time driving to Boston and stop to see my parents.

M: That sounds nice. So tell me, why are you interested in this particular position?

W: I know that your company has a great reputation, and a wonderful product. I've thought many times that I would like to be a part of it. When I heard about the opening in Boston, I jumped to the opportunity.

M: Well I'm glad you did.


A.An accountant of a computer firm.

B.A director of a sales department.

C.A sales clerk at a shopping center.

D.A manager at a computer store.

听力原文:M: It's nice and quiet here, away from the dust and noise of the city. And our ap
artments are new and well-furnished.

W: It's a good place except it's a bit far from the place where we work. Anyway, I'll talk with my husband to night and give you a call tomorrow.

Q: What is the woman doing?


A.Looking for an apartment.

B.Taking a suburban excursion.

C.Looking for a job.

D.Asking the man for his opinions.

听力原文:M: Susan, do you know when Professor Jones' Biology Final is?W: Next Tuesday.M: N

听力原文:M: Susan, do you know when Professor Jones' Biology Final is?

W: Next Tuesday.

M: Next Tuesday! That's less than a week away, and I have got things planned for this weekend.

W: Haven't you been studying all along?

M: I have kept up with my lecture notes, but I haven't reviewed at all.

W: Then it's your own fault. The date of the final is clearly marked on the course outline.

M: I suppose you are right, but doesn't it seem awfully early for a final?

W: A little, but it should actually help us out. After we have finished with it, we can concentrate on our other finals.

M: Are you ready for it?

W: I think I am. I'm going to review some more of course.

M: Do you think we could study together sometimes this week?

W: I don't see why not. Are you doing anything tomorrow night?

M: I can't tomorrow. I am going out with some guys to that new nightspot downtown.

W: Well, how about the following night?

M: No, I can't Saturday either. My sister and her husband are coming to town and I want to show them around.

W: Sunday, then?

M: Well, I'll probably sleep all morning and in the after- noon I want to go to the football game. Also that night I have to write and type up a paper for another class.

W: Michael, that leaves Monday, the night before the test.

M: Actually, I've got plans for Monday night too. How about Early Tuesday morning?

W: Michael, the test is on Tuesday morning.


A.Next Thursday.

B.Next Tuesday.

C.This weekend.

D.Tomorrow night.

听力原文:M: Good afternoon, Madam. Can I help you? W: Oh, Yes, Please. I bought this pair

听力原文:M: Good afternoon, Madam. Can I help you?

W: Oh, Yes, Please. I bought this pair of leather shoes for my husband the other day. They are smart, aren't they? But he doesn't like the color. Have you got black ones?

Q: What does the woman want to do?


A.To return the shoes and get the refund.

B.To buy another pair of shoes.

C.To change the shoes for another style.

D.To change the shoes for a different color.

听力原文:W: Even though he doesn't particularly like it, I insist on shoveling the walk in
stead of letting my husband do it.

M: Well, that's the smart thing to do. After all, he had a heart attack not too long ago.

Q: What is the husband's feeling about his wife doing the shoveling?


A.He appreciates her concern.

B.He is indifferent.

C.He does not like it.

D.He cannot understand it.

听力原文:W: My husband isn't very athletic. But he is an excellent cook, and he can sew, i
ron ... He is a good husband.

M: Really? That's interesting. Is he English?

Q: What does the man mean?


A.English husbands usually do a lot of housework.

B.English husbands usually do little housework.

C.English husbands are good at sports.

D.English husbands enjoy doing housework.

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