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You hear the same complaint all the time as people get older: 'My memory is terrible.' Is

it all in the mind, or do real changes take place in the brain with age to justify such grumbling(抱怨)? The depressing answer is that the brain's cells, the neurons, die and decline in efficiency with age.

Professor Arthur Shimamura, of the University of California at Berkeley, says there are three main ways in which mental function changes. The first is mental speed, for example how quickly you can react to fast-moving incidents on the road. Drivers in their late teens react quickly but tend to drive too fast, while the over sixties are more cautious but react more slowly. The near-inevitable slowing with age also partly explains why soccer players are seen as old in their thirties, while golf professionals are still in their prime at that age. This type of mental slowing results from a reduction in the efficiency with which the brain's neurons work.

The fact that adults find it harder to learn musical instruments than children points to a second type of mental loss with age—a reduction in learning capacity. The parts of the brain known as the temporal lobes control new learning, and are particularly vulnerable to the effects of aging. This means that, as we get older, we take longer to learn a new language, are slower to master new routines and technologies at work, and we have to rely more on diaries and other mental aids.

'Working memory' is the third brain system which is vulnerable to the effects of aging. Working memory is the brain's 'blackboard', where we juggle from moment to moment the things we have to keep in mind when solving problems, planning tasks and generally organizing our day-to-day life. Absent-mindedness occurs at all ages because of imperfections in the working memory system—so, for instance, you may continually lose your glasses, or find yourself walking into a room of your house only to find that you cannot remember what you came for.

Such absent-mindedness tends to creep up on us as we age and occurs because our plans and intentions, which are chalked up on the mental blackboard, are easily wiped out by stray thoughts and other distractions. Stress and preoccupation can also cause such absent-mindedness, in addition to age-related changes in the brain. The frontal lobes of the brain—located behind the forehead and above the eyes are where the working memory system is located. Like the temporal lobes, which handle new learning, the frontal lobes are more vulnerable to the aging process than other parts of the brain.

The news, however, is not all bleak. Although neurons reduce in number with age, the remaining neurons send out new and longer connecting fibres(dendrites) to maintain connections and allow us to function reasonably well with only relatively small drops in ability.

This and other evidence suggests that the principle 'use it or lose it' might apply to the aging brain. Professor Shimamura studied a group of university professors who were still intellectually active, and compared their performance on neuropsychological tests with that of others of their age group, as well as with younger people. He found that on several tests of memory, the mentally active professors in their sixties and early Seventies were superior to their contemporaries, and as good as the younger people.

Research on animals provides even stronger evidence of the effects of stimulation on the brain structure. Professor Bryan Kolb, of the University of Lethbridge in Canada, has shown that animals kept in stimulating environments show sprouting(生长) and lengthening of the connecting nerve fibres in their brains, in comparison With animals kept in unstimulating environments.

The beneficial effects of continued mental activity are shown by the fact that older contestants in quiz shows are just as fast and accurate in resp




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听力原文:M: I hear you're working as a market surveyor this summer.It's going to be diffic

听力原文:M: I hear you're working as a market surveyor this summer. It's going to be difficult asking the same questions everyday.

W: Well, it is really challenging, but I can meet people in different fields every day and the pay is decent enough.

Q: How does the woman find her job?


A.The work is hard job with low salary.

B.The job is easy work with good income.

C.The job is challenging but rewarding.

D.The only good thing about the work is to meet new people.

听力原文:W: Hey Dan. I hear you're meeting Susan's parents for the first time.M: Yeah, nex

听力原文:W: Hey Dan. I hear you're meeting Susan's parents for the first time.

M: Yeah, next weekend. Fortunately, her father loves to fish, so we will have something to talk about.

Q: What can be inferred 'about Dan?


A.He is going to give a talk on fishing.

B.He thinks fishing is a good way to kill time.

C.He has the same hobby as Susan's father.

D.He is eager to meet Susan's parents.

Section BDirections: In this section, you will hear 3 short passages. At the end of each p

Section B

Directions: In this section, you will hear 3 short passages. At the end of each passage, you will hear some questions. Both the passage and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a question, you must choose the best answer from the four choices marked A, B, C and D.

听力原文: Food is a basic necessity, so every culture has important norms and customs related to it. Ever since they adopted settled lifestyles centuries ago, most cultures have emphasized daily meals in households or family units. Some members provide the food, some members prepare the food, and all members must eat. The providers and the preparers may not be the same, depending partly on gender roles and specialization. And the status of individuals in the eating process may not be the same, depending partly on their age and gender, and whether the household contains servants or guests. Servants rarely eat with others, while honored guests may be wined and dined like visiting royalty. Elders and males may also be treated ceremonially.

Eating away from home in restaurants, inns, or hotels has long been an option in most cultures, but the variety of these choices is rapidly increasing today as the fast pace of modern life encourages more people to "eat on the run". This also tends to blur the traditional distinction between providers and preparers of food, especially in families where both parents work full time outside the home. In such eases both parents may eat out at noon, the children may eat at school, and anyone may pick up pizza or hamburgers on the way home or phone for pizza to be delivered. In the US, Chinese restaurants do a big take-out business and microwaved "TV dinners" are very popular. Some busy families rarely eat formal meals together, ever when they all eat at home.


A.Gender roles and specialization.

B.Social status and age.

C.Where and when the meal is provided.

D.The kinds of meals.

听力原文:M: I was surprised to see Ed in the job center today.Do you think he's unhappy ov

听力原文:M: I was surprised to see Ed in the job center today. Do you think he's unhappy over admissions? He's about the best worker they have over there.

W: I know, but I hear that his boss's never said a thing to him to acknowledge that. And how would you feel if you'd been there five years and still had the same salary?

Q: What does the woman imply about Ed's former boss?


A.The boss was very considerate to his workers.

B.Ed wasn't as good a worker as the boss thought.

C.The boss had planned to give Ed a raise in salary.

D.The boss has never considered raising the workers salary.

听力原文:M: I want to do something tonight for a change; let's go to the movies.W: In this

听力原文:M: I want to do something tonight for a change; let's go to the movies.

W: In this heat? Are you joking?

M: We can go to an outdoor movie. Do you think I'd suggest an indoor one in the middle of the summer in San Diego?

W: I'd rather go out for a meal. The outdoor movies are so uncomfortable.

M: Why don't we do both at the same time? We could pick up some take-away food and eat it in the movie.

W: That sounds like fun. But they never show any good films in the summer. At least not any of the new ones. All you get is the old classics. It's just what we've seen half a dozen times.

M: But that's why they're classics. They're worth seeing again and again.

W: Another objection to outdoor movies is that you can never hear properly. You hear all the traffic from outside.

M: Well, we can find a foreign film with printed translation at the bottom of the screen, then you don't need to hear the sound. I think it would be fun to sit watching an old film and eating a meal at the same time.

W: Last time I went to an outdoor movie, I bought a bar of chocolate to eat as I went in. It was a horror film and I was so shocked I just sat there holding my bar of chocolate until the interval when I found it had melted in my hand and run all down my dress. That was an expensive evening out.

M: Well, we don't go and see a horror film, darling t and take-away meals don't melt.


A.Their favorite movies

B.Jokes for entertainment.

C.Pastime for the night.

D.Their eating habits.

I hear many parents complaining that their teenage children are rebelling. I wish it were
so. At your age you ought to be growing away from your parents. You should be learning to stand on your own two feet. But take a good look at the present rebellion. It seems that teenagers are all taking the same way of showing that they disagree with their parents. Instead of striking out boldly on their own, most of them are clutching at one another's hands for reassurance.

They claim they want to dress as they please. But they all wear the same clothes. They set off in new directions in music.But somehow they all end up huddled round listening to the same record. Their reason for thinking or acting in thus-and-such a way is that the crowd is doing it. They have come out of their cocoon (蚕茧) —into a larger cocoon.

It has become harder and harder for a teenager to stand up against the popularity wave and to go his or her own way.Industry has firmly carved out a teenage market. These days every teenager can learn from the advertisements what a teenager should have and be. And many of today's parents have come to award high marks for the popularity of their children. All this adds up to a great barrier for the teenager who wants to find his or her own path.

But the barrier is worth climbing over. The path is worth following. You may want to listen to classic music instead of going to a party. You may want to collect rocks when everyone else is collecting records. You may have some thoughts that you don't care to share at once with your classmates. Well, go to it. Find yourself. Be yourself. Popularity will come —with the people who respect you for who you are. That's the only kind of popularity that really counts.

The author's purpose in writing this passage is to tell ______.

A.readers how to be popular with people around

B.teenagers how to learn to decide things for themselves

C.parents how to control and guide their children

D.people how to understand and respect each other

听力原文: Conversations are really kind of interesting. I guess it's a kind of hobby of mi
ne to listen to conversations that I can hear in public. It's amazing how different the style. or the tone or the content of different conversations can be and to listen to the differences in the language that people use when they speak to different people.

If you are ever in a bookstore or a department store, it's interesting to hear how the same salesperson talks to different people. There're other interesting places to listen to conversations too, I think, and one place that I've found is on bus trips. People often talk to each other as if no one else were there. I guess they think people can't hear their conversations.

Recently I was on a bus, and I was listening to a conversation of two people behind me. I can't really say I was listening. I guess it would have been hard not to hear it. It was amusing to listen to the two people, though, because they were playing a kind of language, uh, word game about states and state capitals. One person would say the name of the state, and the other person would say the name of the capital.

It sounds like a kind of simple game that doesn't involve much language, and you wouldn't think that it would involve very much conversation, but actually this wasn't the case because as they were playing the game, they continued to compliment one another and to talk about how much they knew about history and how many of the other things they could or couldn't remember about those places from their trips or from their reading.

It was really kind of fun to listen to them.


A.Listening to different styles of conversations.

B.Listening to the content of different conversations.

C.Listening to how salesmen talk to different people.

D.Listening to conversations in public.

听力原文:W: Hello.M: Hi, Sarah, this is Mike.W: Great to hear from you Mike! How have you

听力原文:W: Hello.

M: Hi, Sarah, this is Mike.

W: Great to hear from you Mike! How have you been doing these days?

M: To tell you the truth, I'm very worried about our final examinations next month. For one thing, I'm suffering from insomnia. I can't fall asleep, even after I've swallowed some sleeping pills.

W: I sympathize! I went through the same thing last year.

M: That's exactly why I'm calling you. Do you have any suggestions for coping with anxiety? You know how I hate exams!

W: Well, take a walk or have a shower before you go to sleep.

M: I have tried. All seems to be of no use.

W: OK. I know, last year the university offered a stress-management course at about this time. Have you been in contact with the student health services?

M: No, I have always been pressed for time!

W: Funny, isn't it? Just when students need help most, we can't afford the time to get it!

M: Well, perhaps I should find out more about this stress-management course. Things have got to get better!

W: I suggest you call the health services tomorrow. They open at nine a. m.

M: Thanks, Sarah. I'll let you know how it goes.

W: Best of luck! And have a good night's sleep!

M: That's easier said than done! Thank you just the same.


A.He failed his last test.

B.He can't find his watch.

C.He's taking examinations soon.

D.He missed his medical checkup.

听力原文:M: What do you mean by a friend, Jean?W: Oh, Robert, to me, friendship is the mos

听力原文:M: What do you mean by a friend, Jean?

W: Oh, Robert, to me, friendship is the most important thing in life. It's more important even than love. If you love someone, you can always fall out of love again, and that can lead to a lot of hurt feelings, bitterness, and so on. But a good friend is a friend for life.

M: Someone who likes the same things that you do, who can argue with and not lose your temper, even if you don't always agree about things. I mean someone who you don't have to talk to all the time but can be silent with, perhaps. That's important, too. You can just sit together and not say very much sometimes. Just relax. I don't like people who talk all the time.

W: Are you very good at keeping in touch with your friends if you don't see them regularly?

M: No, not always. I've lived in lots of places, and, to be honest, once I move away, I often do drift out of touch with my friends. And I'm not a very good letter writer, either. Never have been. But I know that if I saw those friends again, if I ever moved back to the same place, or for stone other mason we got back into close contact again, I'm sure the friendship would be just as strong as it was before.

W: Several of my friends have moved away, got married, things like that. One of my friends has had a baby recently, and I'll admit I don't see her or hear from her as much as I used to...She lives in another neighborhood and when I phone her, she always seems busy. But that's an exception. I write a lot of letters to my friends and get a lot of letters from them. I have a friend I went to school with and ten years ago she emigrated to Canada, but she still writes to me every month, and I write to her just as often.


A.Those who like the same things that you do.

B.Those who you can argue and not lose your temper.

C.Those who you don't have to talk to all the time but can be silent with.

D.All the above.

回答下列各题: If youve lived for long in New York City, chances are youve lived in severa
l different places. On the map of where we live now is also where we used to live, just across the park, a few subway stops___36___north or south. That is one of the characteristics of this city-we are___37___near to our past. Some people move from Ohio to Oregon. We move from 93rd to 13th, from Alphabet City to Carroll Gardens, all over town. And what __38__ of the old neighborhood? In one___39___, nothing. You were only a minor molecule in its chemistry. Go back a week after youve___40___, and the same dogs are pulling their owners to the park, the same people sitting out. Let enough time pass, and things become a little ghostly. It begins to feel as tbough the__41__has forgotten you, instead of the other way around. When you lived there, nothing changed without your noticing it.Now the changes accumulate___42___, and you begin to realize that a part of you has vanished into the past. New York is a __43__ and public city. You can walk past the shops and admire the brownstones. You can hear about the diner that used to be on that corner and what happened that one night. Try as you might to be a tourist in someone elses past, you end up seeing only the present. Thats how the new neighborhood looks at first-the one youve just moved to. You ___44___ into the present, and it ages around you until one day you___45___up with a new old neighborhood. A)aspect B)becomes C)end D)farther E) further F) geographically G) grand H) left I) live J) moved K) neighborhood L) physically M) sense N) settle O) unperceived 36.________

听力原文:W: Do you have any plans for this weekend?M: There's so much to choose from on ca

听力原文:W: Do you have any plans for this weekend?

M: There's so much to choose from on campus that I'm just not sure what I'm going to do.

W: The football game's on Saturday night, and I'm going with a group of friends. Do you want to go with us?

M: Of course I'd like to go to the football game: it's the biggest game of the season. And it sounds like fun to go with a large group of people.

W: Good. We'll be meeting at the cafeteria for dinner at six o'clock on Saturday night, and then we'll go on to the game together.

M: That takes care of my plans for Saturday night. But now I need to make a decision about Sunday af ternoon. The music department is sponsoring a concert then, and I'd really like to hear that concert. But there's also a play being presented by the drama department that I really wanted to see. It's too bad, those two events ate at tile same time.

W: You know, if you go to the game on Saturday night and a concert or play on Sunday, that doesn't leave much time for studying.


A.Attend a football game alone.

B.Go to a sporting event.

C.Eat in the cafeteria and study.

D.See a play.

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