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Some men steal out of need or greed; others kill themselves out of sadness. Putting togeth

er, these individual tales will display obvious regularities. As a result, some social scientists who first applied the rules of probability to human affairs even questioned the very notion of free will. "Society prepares the crime," wrote Adolphe Quetelet, a Belgian statistician, in 1835,"and the guilty person is only the instrument."

The findings of those statisticians' successors -- that poor children are more likely to fail at school, poor adults to commit crimes and die young, and so on -- are nowadays uncontroversial. And policymakers mostly avoid metaphysics (形而上学). Instead, they try to break such links by spending to "end child poverty" and by targeting health and education initiatives on the neediest. Yet such attempts are doomed to disappoint, because they conceive of each social ill in isolation, rather than treating their shared root cause. Moreover, they misidentify that cause: it is not poverty as such, but inequality.

The evidence, here painstakingly collected, is hard to dispute. Within the rich world, countries where incomes are more evenly distributed have longer-lived citizens and lower rates of fatness, misbehavior. and teenage pregnancy than richer countries where wealth is more concentrated. Studies of British civil servants find that senior ones enjoy better health than their immediate subordinates, who in turn do better than those further down the ladder.

And the evidence is that the differences in status cause these "gradients (梯度)". Low-status Indian children do worse on tests if they must state their identities beforehand. High-status monkeys grew up in captivity(囚禁) show increased levels of stress hormones and become iii more often when they are moved to groups where they no longer dominate.

What to do about this sickness caused by other people's wealth? Increasing taxes on the rich, or smaller , differences in pay in the first place, say the authors, citing Sweden and Japan as instances of the two choices. A decade ago even left-wing politicians were "intensely relaxed about people getting rich". Now, as it becomes clearer that some of the rich got that way by theft, the idea that they have also caused injury more subtly will gain a readier hearing.

Too ready, perhaps: what if the price of greater equality is lower growth? The .received wisdom is that rich rewards are necessary to stimulate the innovation on which growth depends. "No loss", say the authors," We have got close to the end of what economic growth can do for us." But that is a claim that needs to be supported, rather than simply made in a few sentences. If our ancestors had declared themselves thus satisfied, we would be without many things that we value -- and that they would have valued too, could they have imagined them. Should we be ready to give up joys we have never known?

What can we learn about statisticians' findings on the poor in the passage?

A.It is controversial for it destroys the reputation of the poor.

B.It may be caused by a deep social phenomenon--inequality.

C.They are individual tales with no regularities and special meaning.

D.They totally change the previous rules of social scientists.

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更多“Some men steal out of need or …”相关的问题
Elephants would()if men were allowed to shoot as many as they wished. A. die down B.die o

Elephants would()if men were allowed to shoot as many as they wished.

A. die down

B.die out

C.die away

D.die off

Long, long ago there was a very foolish thief. Do you know what he did one day? When h
e wanted to steal(偷) the bell on his neighbour's door, he walked up to the door, took hold of (抓住) the bell and pulled hard. The bell made a very loud noise. The thief was afraid and went home.Then he sat down to think, "I must do something about the noise," he said. He thought and thought. At last he had an idea. "Ah, I'll put some cotton in my ears. Then I won't be able to hear the noise." The next day he went to the door of his neighbour, and took hold of the bell. This time he pulled even harder. The bell rang loudly, but the thief did not hear anything. With another hard pull he got the bell out. Just then the neighbour came running out."Steal my bell? I'll teach you a lesson (教训), "the angry man shouted. And he hit the thief on the nose. The foolish thief did not know how the neighbour found out he was stealing the bell. "Why did he come out just then?" he wondered (感到疑惑).

1. The thief was trying to get his neighbor's doobell. ()

2.The thiet put some cotton in his ears so as not to hear anything()

3. The neighbor ran out probably because he knew his doorbell was being stolen. ()

4.The neighbor hit the thief to punish him for stealing. ()

5. The thief thought the neighbor couldn't hear the noise of the bell. ()

Small communities,with their distinctive character—where life is stable and intensely
human—are disappearing. Some have _ 26 from the face of the earth,others are dying slowly,but all have27_changes as they have come into contact with an_ 28_machine civilization. The merging of diverse peoples into a common mass has produced tension among members of the minorities and the majority alike. The Old Order Amish,who arrived on American shores in colonial times,have _ 29_in the modern world in distinctive,small communities. They have resisted the homogenization _ 30_ more successfully than others. In planting and harvest time one can see their bearded men working the fields with horses and their women hanging out the laundry in neat rows to dry. Many American people have seen Amish families,with the men wearing broad-brimmed black hats and the women in long dresses,in railway or bus_ 31 _. Although the Amish have lived with 32_ America for over two and a half centuries,they have moderated its influence on their personal lives,their families,communities,and their values.

The Amish are often _ 33_by other Americans to be relics of the past who live a simple,inflexible life dedicated to inconvenient out-dated customs. They are seen as abandoning both modern

34_and the American dream of success and progress. But most people have no quarrel with the Amish for doing things the old-fashioned way. Their conscientious objection was tolerated in wartime,for after all,they are good farmers who __ 35_the virtues of work and thrift.

A) accessing F) perceived K) survived

B) conveniences G) practice L) terminals

C) destined H) process M) undergone

D)expanding I)progress N) universal

E) industrialized J) respective O) vanished

The plane was late and detectives were() at the airport all morning. They were expecting
The plane was late and detectives were() at the airport all morning. They were expecting

a valuable parcel of diamonds() South Africa. A few hours earlier, someone had() the police that thieves would try to steal the diamonds. ()the plane arrived, some of the detectives were waiting inside the main building() others were waiting on the airfield. Two men took the parcel() the plane and carried it() the Customs House. While two detectives were() guard at the door, two others opened the parcel.() their surprise, the precious parcel was full ()stones and sand!









































听力原文:Accidents are caused; they don't just happen. The reason may be easy to see: an o

听力原文: Accidents are caused; they don't just happen. The reason may be easy to see: an overloaded tray, a shelf out of reach, a patch of ice on the road. But more often than not there is a chain of events leading up to the misfortune—frustration, tiredness, or just bad temper—that show what the accident really is, a sort of attack on oneself.

Road accidents, for example, happen frequently after a family quarrel, and we all know people who are accident-prone, so often at odds with themselves and the world that they seem to cause accidents for themselves and others.

By definition, an accident is something you cannot predict to avoid, and the idea which used to be current, that the majority of road accidents are caused by a minority of criminally careless drivers, is not supported by insurance statistics. These show that most accidents involve ordinary motorists in a moment of carelessness or thoughtlessness.

It is not always clear, either, what sort of conditions made people more likely to have an accident. For instance, the law requires all factories to take safety precautions and most companies have safety committees to make sure that the regulations are observed, but still, every day in Britain, some fifty thousand men and women are absent from work due to accidents. These accidents are largely the result of human error or misjudgment—noise and fatigue, boredom or worry are possible factors which contribute to this. Doctors who work in factories have found that those who drink too much, usually people, who have a high anxiety level, run three times the normal risk of accidents at work.


A.External conditions.

B.People's internal conditions influenced by physical or mental factors.

C.Slippery roads.

D.A chain of events.

Section ADirections:In this section, there is a passage with ten blanks. You are require

Section A

Directions:In this section, there is a passage with ten blanks. You are required to select out one word for each blank from a lot of choices given in a word bank following the passage. Read the passage through carefully before making your choices. Each choice in the bank is identified by a letter. Please mark the corresponding letter for each item on Answer Sheet 2 with a single line through the centre. You may not use any of the words in the bank more than once.

Small communities, with their distinctive character—where life is stable and intensely human—are disappearing. Some have __26____ from the face of the earth, others are dying slowly, but all have ___27___ changes as they have come into contact with an ___28___ machine civilization. The merging of diverse peoples into a common mass has produced tension among members of the minorities and the majority alike.

The Old Order Amish, who arrived on American shores in colonial times, have ___29___ in the modern world in distinctive, small communities. They have resisted the homogenization ___30___ more successfully than others. In planting and harvest times one can see their bearded men working the fields with horses and their women hanging out the laundry in neat rows to dry. Many American people have seen Amish families with the men wearing broad-brimmed black hats and the women in long dresses. In railway or bus ___31___.Although the Amish have lived with ___32___ America for over two and a half centuries. They have moderated its influence on their personal lives, their families, communities, and their values.

The Amish are often ___33___ by other Americans to be relics of the past who live a simple, inflexible life dedicated to inconvenient out-dated customs. They are seen as abandoning both modem ___34___ and the American dream of success and progress, But most people have no quarrel with the Amish for doing things the old-fashioned way. Their conscientious objection was tolerated in wartime. For after all. They are good farmers who ___35___ the virtues of work and thrift.

A)accessing I)progress

B)conveniences J)respective

C)destined K)survived

D)expanding L)terminals

E)industrialized M)undergone

F)perceived N)universal

G)practice O)vanished


听力原文: A recent survey of people out of work analyzed the type of worker who was unempl
oyed. Out of all of those registered as unemployed, the minority were women. The majority of men who were unemployed were found to be in services and engineering. However, the chance of being unemployed was also likely in the construction industry. There was some unemployment in industries such as metal goods and textiles. If somebody was unemployed from mining or chemicals, he could usually find another job. However, an unemployed person from agriculture or construction seldom found a job again. Job chances were generally much better for manual workers than for office workers. Most of the unemployed have been without jobs for more than two months. A number had been unemployed for more than a year. Undoubtedly, the longer a person is out of work, the more likely it is that he will not find another job. In addition, job prospects are definitely worse for older workers.


A.A survey of unemployment.

B.Job prospects of women.

C.Job chances in cities.

D.Unemployment of men in services and engineering.

Copper(铜)was the first metal that man learned to make.In some mountainous lands ther
Copper(铜)was the first metal that man learned to make.In some mountainous lands ther

e were rocks streaked with green minerals.One day some rocks were accidentally heated by a roaring fire.When the fire burned low,little beads of copper were seen on the rock wall.After that,men heated the rock deliberately to see whether more copper would appear.They soon found a good way to make copper.They would build a trench on a hillside and fill it with charcoal and copper-bearing rock.They covered this furnace with flat stones.They started a wood fire to heat the charcoal and the hot charcoal released copper from the rock.A hot red pool of melted metal formed at the mouth of the trench.When it was cool,the solid metal could be lifted out and cut and pounded into shapes.

The first copper was probably made by()



C、someone deliberately building a fire

D、someone who knew that there was copper in the rock

"Minimal profile information"(Line 2, Para. 6) in the passage refers to ______.A.filling o

"Minimal profile information"(Line 2, Para. 6) in the passage refers to ______.

A.filling out as less information as possible

B.filling out as much information as possible

C.filling out the information up to the lowest acceptable level

D.filling out some private and personal information

听力原文:Some luxury brands have always aimed exclusively at either men or women, but most

听力原文: Some luxury brands have always aimed exclusively at either men or women, but most are happy to promote their stores to serve both sexes. (33)Yet just as some educators believe that single-sex classrooms are better for learning, some luxury brands are finding that single-sex stores sell better. The trend of opening stores for men only took off two years ago. Now more brands are catching on.

Men can be very loyal customers, supporting their favorite brands more than women do, but they also tend to adopt a hunting attitude toward shopping. Men like to hunt, while women gather. (34)Men will set out on a shopping expedition with a clear, specific goal in mind, and once they've found what they want, they quickly leave the crowd. Women are content to spend hours searching, often with no clear goal. But give a man a retail environment where he feels at home--or even more comfortable than he does at home--and you'll keep him there longer, and almost certainly sell him more. Even luxury brands already strongly associated with menswear are paying more attention to their retail space, trying to create a private club environment.

The men-only concept store is likely to expand as luxury firms pursue male spending power in emerging markets, particularly in Asia. "Though things are slowly changing, traditionally the man has had the spending power in China," says Barker. (35)"And now that the rich Chinese customer isn't under pressure to hide his wealth, men are really treating themselves and visibly enjoying the fruits of their success."


A.Single-sex stores appeal to customers better.

B.Single-sex stores can't perform. well.

C.It is hard to arrange a single-sex store.

D.Kids will prefer to single-sex stores later.

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