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The local citizens became ______ of Lord Williams who bought several real estates in Scotl

and scenic spots.





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更多“The local citizens became ____…”相关的问题
By saying "... Turkey will take away.., to call themselves a millionaire." in Paragraph 4,
the author means that______.

A.Turkey will set limitation on the fortune of its citizens

B.the Turkish citizens will suffer from great loss of property

C.the local currency will be considerably devalued

D.the lira will obtain higher virtual value and lower face value

A.Because there was enough blood stored in the city blood bankB.Because most people we

A.Because there was enough blood stored in the city blood bank

B.Because most people were instantly killed

C.Because New Yorkers felt hesitant to offer their blood.

D.Because the NY authorities demanded the local citizens not to provide their blood.

听力原文:The dog has often been an unselfish friend to man. It is always grateful to its m

听力原文: The dog has often been an unselfish friend to man. It is always grateful to its master. It helps man in many ways. Certain breeds of dogs are used in criminal investigations. They are mined to sniff out drags and bombs. They help police to catch criminals.

The dogs that help in criminal investigations are trained at a school called the Military Dog Studies Branch of the U.S. Air Force in Lackland, Texas. The dogs to be trained are selected by an air force team. This team visits large cities across the country to buy the dogs. They may buy dogs from private citizens for up to $750 each. Some citizens freely give their dogs. The dogs selected must be healthy, brave and aggressive. They must be able to fight back if they are attacked. The dogs chosen are between the ages of one and three. They are given a medical examination when they arrive at the school. Their physical examination includes X-rays and heart tests. The trainee dogs undergo the first stage of training when they arrive in Lackland. This is an 11-week course for patrol duty. After this course, the best dogs are selected to go on another 9-week course. They learn drug-sniffing or bomb-sniffing. After this course, the dogs are ready for their jobs in the cities or on air force bases.

The training given to a drug-sniffing dog is different from that given to a bomb-sniffing dog. A drug-sniffing dog is trained to scratch and dig for the drags when he sniffs them. A bomb-sniffing dog sits down when he finds a bomb. That is the alert for hidden explosives.


A.Given by the local government.

B.Born by a large number of bitches.

C.Bought from different cities and villages.

D.Captured over grassland.

听力原文:We hear it a lot in the news these days:"Recycle newspapers and save a tree. Coll

听力原文: We hear it a lot in the news these days:

"Recycle newspapers and save a tree. Collect bottles and calls so they can be reused in the manufacturing of new products."

Protecting our delicate environment seems to be on the agenda of politicians, government leaders, and citizens in many parts of the world to show support for mother nature. The concept of green consumerism has gained impetus more and more over the last decade, and the public feels moved to join in and help. However, three essential keys needed to power this movement include a more informed public, the development of improved technology, and a greater demand for recycled materials.

Let's use paper as an example. The first step is to raise public awareness about the recycling process, to explain the kinds of materials that can be recycled, and provide ways on how to properly dispose of them. Local governments should educate the public on how to properly sort reusable materials from those, like waxed paper, carbon paper, plastic material such as fast food wrappers, that can't be recycled very easily. Then, a system of collecting these sorted materials needs to be established. Give the public information they can grasp, and then you will increase your chances of gaining followers.

Second, technological progress has been made on many fronts, but governmental agencies need to step up their support for companies involved in recycling by providing tax incentives, lowcost loans, or even grants to upgrade equipment and to encourage further research.

The final key is to increase demand for the growing surplus of resources waiting to be recycled. This problem has appeared in various regions of the world where the technology to process the used materials lags far behind the amount being collected for recycling.

Recycling is a crucial link protecting our planet. The three keys mentioned are important ways to achieve this end.


A.Important Keys to Recycling Paper.

B.Technological Advances Improve Recycling.

C.Steps to Improve Recycling.

D.A Greater Demand for Improving Recycling.

Until the nineteen sixties, black people in many parts of the United States did not have t
he same civil rights as white people. Laws in the American South kept tile two races separate. These laws forced black people to attend separate schools, live in separate areas of a city and sit in separate areas on a bus.

On December first, nineteen fifty-five, in the southern city of Montgomery, Alabama, a forty-two year old black woman got on a city bus. The law at that time required black people seated in one area of the bus to give up their seats to white people who wanted them. The woman refused to do this and was arrested. This act of peaceful disobedience started protests in Montgomery that led to legal changes in minority rights in the United States. The woman who started it was Rosa Parks. Today, we tell her story.

She was born Rosa Louise McCauley in nineteen-thirteen in Tuskegee, Alabama. She attended local schools until she was eleven years old. Then she was sent to school in Montgomery. She left high school early to care for her sick grandmother, then to care for her mother. She did not finish high school until she was twenty-one. Rosa married Raymond Parks in nineteen thirty-two. He was a barber who cut men's hair. He was also a civil rights activist. Together, they worked for the local group of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People. In nineteen forty-three, Missus Parks became an officer in the group and later its youth leader.

Rosa Parks was a seamstress in Montgomery. She worked sewing clothes from the nineteen thirties until nineteen fifty-five. Then she became a representation of freedom for millions of African-Americans. In much of the American South in the nineteen riffles, the first rows of seats on city buses were for white people only. Black people sat in the back of the bus. Both groups could sit in a middle area. However, black people sitting in that part of the bus were expected to leave their seats if a white person wanted to sit there. Rosa Parks and three other black people were seated in the middle area of the bus when a white person got on the bus and wanted a seat. The bus driver demanded that all four black people leave their seats so the white person would not have to sit next to any of them. The three other blacks got up, but Missus Parks refused. She was arrested. Some popular stories about that incident include the statement that Rosa Parks refused to leave her seat because her feet were tired. But she herself said in later years that this was false. What she was really tired of, she said, was accepting unequal treatment. She explained later that this seemed to be the place for her to stop being pushed around and to find out what human rights she had, if any.

A group of black activist women in Montgomery was known as the Women's Political Council. The group was working to oppose the mistreatment of black bus passengers. Blacks had been arrested and even killed for violating orders from bus drivers. Rosa Parks was not the first black person to refuse to give up a seat on the bus for a white person. But black groups in Montgomery considered her to be the right citizen around whom to build a protest because she was one of the finest citizens of the city.

The women's group immediately called for all blacks in the city to refuse to ride on city buses on the day of Missus Parks' trial, Monday, December fifth. The result was that forty thousand people walked and used other transportation on that day. That night, at meetings throughout the city, blacks in Montgomery agreed to continue to boycott the city buses until their mistreatment stopped. They also demanded that the city hire black bus drivers and that anyone be permitted to sit in the middle of the bus and not have to get up for anyone else. The Montgomery bus boycott continued for three hundred eighty-one days. It was led by local black leader E.D. Nixo




请作答_____ A) Any American who loves his country. B) Members of the two major parties. C)
Citizens who live in America for more than 30 years. D) Natural-born citizens who is over 35 years old.

GlobalisationFor many, the surprise of finding a McDonalds outlet in Moscow or Beijing pro


For many, the surprise of finding a McDonalds outlet in Moscow or Beijing provides no greater symbol of the spread globalisation. Used to explain all manner of economic, cultural and political change that has swept over the world in recent decades, globalisation is a term that continues to cause intellectual debate. Some see it as inevitable and desirable, but it is a contentious issue with an increasing number of individual citizens around the world questioning whether or not the implications of globalisation, in terms of international distribution of income and decreasing poverty, are effective. The beginning of globalisation is inextricably linked to technological improvements in the field of international communications and a fall in the cost of international transport and travel. Entrepreneurs and powerbrokers took advantage of these advances to invest capital into foreign countries. This became the basic mechanism for globalistion with the trading of currencies, stocks and bonds growing rapidly.

Breaking down the barriers through the free movement of capital, free trade and political cooperation was seen as a positive move that would not only increase living standards around the world, but also raise political and environmental awareness, especially in developing countries, predictions were that nations would become more outward-looking in their policy-making, as they searched for opportunities to increase economic growth. Roles would be assigned to various players around the globe as capital providers, exporters of technology, suppliers of services, sources of labour, etc. Consequently, countries and economies could concentrate on what they were good at and as a result, markets would experience increased efficiency.

The process of economic globalisation was without doubt led by commercial and financial powerbrokers but there were many others who supported the integration of world economies. As multinational companies searched for new work-forces and raw materials, nongovernment organizations and lobby groups were optimistic that in the wake of global business, indigenous cultures might be given a reprieve with an injection of foreign capital. This would, in turn, provide local employment opportunities. By spreading trade more evenly between developed and developing nations, it was touted that poverty would decrease and living standards would rise.

Governments saw the chance to attract multinational companies with taxbreaks and incentives to set up in-country, effectively buying employment opportunities for their constituents.

By the late 1990s, some trepidation started to surface and globalisatlon faced its most public set- back. The spectacular economic collapses in Korea, Brazil, Thailand and other countries were considered, rightly or wrongly, to be caused by the outwardly-oriented trade policies that globalisation espoused such as the growth of exports. These countries had enjoyed record growth for a relatively short time, but when faced with difficulties, the growth appeared unsustainable. The vulnerability and risk associated with reliance on exports and international markets was made clear.

Meanwhile though, through the 1990s and early 2000s, multinational companies continued to do well financially. Pro f. its were increasing, keeping shareholders happy, but the anticipated spin-offs were not being felt at the workers' level or in local communities in the form. of increased employment. These successful companies did not want to share the benefits of the increased efficiency they were receiving as g result of introducing their own work practices. The multinationals were setting their own agendas, with governments, in many cases, turning a blind eye fearing that they might pull out and cause more unemployment, Free trade was now accused of restricting governments, who were




The ________ majority of citizens tend to believe that the death penalty will help dec
rease the crime rate.

A) overflowing

B) overwhelming

C) prevalent

D) premium

The prisoner has been ________ of many privileges that average citizens enjoy.A) en

The prisoner has been ________ of many privileges that average citizens enjoy.

A) ensured

B) informed

C) deprived

D) convinced

A.Both the urban citizens and the rural residents who know about AIDS increased in 200


B.Neither the urban citizens nor the rural residents who know about AIDS increased in 2005.

C.Only the urban citizens who know about AIDS increased in 2005.

D.Only the rural residents who know about ADS increased in 2005.

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