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听力原文:W: I've decided to attend graduation party after all.M: Really? What a nice surpr

听力原文:W: I've decided to attend graduation party after all.

M: Really? What a nice surprise! Everybody was upset that yon might miss it.

Q: What had the man assumed about the woman?


A.She had missed the graduation party.

B.She would not attend.

C.She decided to attend it.

D.She was sorry for what she did.

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更多“听力原文:W: I've decided to attend…”相关的问题
听力原文:W: I haven't seen you at the student center all week. Have you been sick?M: I've

听力原文:W: I haven't seen you at the student center all week. Have you been sick?

M: I've been overwhelmed with my history paper.

Q: What does the man mean?


A.He decided to attend extra history classes.

B.He hopes to meet the woman at the student center.

C.He was too sick to work on his paper.

D.He's been busy working on his paper.

听力原文:M:Mary, I've finally decided about my history paper. I'm going to focus on World
War Ⅱ.

W:That's good, but you need to concentrate on one particular area. What about looking at the course of events in the Pacific?

Q:What does the woman think of the man's topic?


A.It is not worth writing about.

B.It is quite appropriate.

C.It should be narrowed down.

D.It should be expanded.

听力原文:W: Suppose the company offered you a pay raise, a 50%. Would you be so determined
to leave and look for job elsewhere?

M: Yes, I've set my mind on it. I'd like to find a job with full scope to show my ability.

Q: Why has the man decided to leave the company?


A.With a knife.

B.On the edge of some metal.

C.On some glass.

D.On a piece of paper.

听力原文:W: Well, we have considered carefully about allowing friends at the party, but we
've decided against it since it is paid for by student fees. Sorry about that.

M: I guess I can only bring myself. I'll give it a miss.

Q: What does the man mean?


A.He'll come alone.

B.He'll just bring his wife.

C.He'll not go to the party.

D.He'll just give the ticket to someone else.

听力原文:W: Hey, congratulations on winning the essay contest. That thousand-dollar prizem

听力原文:W: Hey, congratulations on winning the essay contest. That thousand-dollar prize money should really come in handy.

M: You bet! I've already put it aside to cover the increase my landlord just announced for next year.

Q: What does the man mean?


A.He has decided how he's going to spend the prize money.

B.He doesn't know how much his rent is going to increase.

C.He's already planning to enter next year's essay contest.

D.He has already paid his landlord for next year's rent.

听力原文:M: I hear you're taking a painting class. I didn't know you were an artist.W: Oh,

听力原文:M: I hear you're taking a painting class. I didn't know you were an artist.

W: Oh, I'm not. But I've never had an art course before, so I decided to take the plunge now.

Q: What does the woman say she has done?


A.She has avoided talking to artists.

B.She has made the decision to study art.

C.She has taken a painting to her art class.

D.She has made the punch for the artist's pary.

听力原文:M: Good afternoon. I have an appointment with Miss Karli at four o'clock.W: That'

听力原文:M: Good afternoon. I have an appointment with Miss Karli at four o'clock.

W: That's right. I'm Miss karli, Do come in and sit down.

M: Thank you very much.

W: I sent you an application fatal. Did you receive it?

M: Yes I did. I've completed it and brought it with me. Here it is.

W: Oh, thank you very much. I also sent you a copy of our Conditions of Service.

M: Yes, I've read it through.

W: So, now you know all about our working hours, holiday arrange meats and salary scales. Are there any questions you want to ask?

M: No, thank you, everything was explained very clearly.

W: Good. Now let me tell you something about the job and the company. Mr. Ballito is the Managing Director of the Company and I'm his secretary. I have a great deal of work to do, so Mr. Ballito has decided to employ a male secretary to help me.

M: Oh, I see. So my work would be to help you?

W: Yes, you would answer the telephone, do the filing and some shorthand typewriting. Can yon use a duplicator?

M: Yes, I've learnt how to type stencils and run off copies on a duplicator at the bank.




C.Junior secretary .

D.Senior secretary.

听力原文:W: Uh, Dad, are you going to miss me (23)when I leave for college next week?M: Of

听力原文:W: Uh, Dad, are you going to miss me (23)when I leave for college next week?

M: Of course I will. And you've really tried to prepare yourself. You know, I'm proud of you for that. (23) Getting a university degree is a real accomplishment.

W: Exactly.

M: But, let's go over the to-do list. Do you have everything ready? I mean, did you pay your tuition and housing fees by the deadline? Because, you know, (24)if you don't, you'll lose your class schedule, and you have to register all over again.

W: Yeah, I paid for that a few days ago.

M: Okay. And you know you should set up an appointment to meet with your academic advisor to help you select future classes. Business administration will be a great major for you.

W: But, Dad, I changed my major.

M: What? You changed you major! You switched majors! ?

W: Yeah, I really thought about it. After talking it over with Mom, I've decided to major in wildlife science.

M: What are you talking about?

W: Yeah, (25)I want a degree in wildlife science. You know, analyzing, maintaining, and conserving national forests and wildlife.

M: What?

W: Dad, I've ALWAYS been interested in working with nature, you know that, and this field will give me the opportunity to live out my dream. I've also looked through the online university catalog, and I actually qualify for a two-year, full tuition scholarship.


A.She is going to pay the tuition to the school.

B.She will choose a major.

C.She is going to talk with her advisor.

D.She will study in a college.

听力原文:W: Mike, I'm sorry, but I have to call to tell you...M: What?W: The truth is... Y

听力原文:W: Mike, I'm sorry, but I have to call to tell you...

M: What?

W: The truth is... Your job is not so well done.

M: Are you certain I didn't perform. well in the office?

W: Tom, you've received reprimands several for lateness and for using work time for private business. Besides, you use the company car to do things for yourself.

M: I know I've been late for times, for my home is a little far away from the company, and I have to travel over two hours to work everyday and sometimes there are traffic jams. I'm really sorry. For others, you may have my words: they won't happen again.

W: I'm afraid it's too late. Right now, your tardiness is the least of my problems.

M: What do you mean?

W: You have gone against file regulations so often, and the board of directors has decided.

M: Decided what? Giving me my pink slip?

W: Exactly. I'm sorry it had to turn out this way. You're fired right away.


A.Husband and wife.

B.Boss and employee.

C.Receptionist and customer.

D.Waiter and guest.

听力原文:W: So, what's your major?M: Well, (19) I've been thinking of going into business,

听力原文:W: So, what's your major?

M: Well, (19) I've been thinking of going into business, but I haven't decided yet. And my dad keeps telling me that computing is a good choice, but I'm undeclared at the moment.

W: Ah, that's what happened to me my freshman year. But I would suggest you stick to your dreams, because you will have fun in it, just like me. By the way, I major in architecture.

M: Oh, so what year are you in school?

W: I'm a senior, and I only have to take 10 more credits to graduate. Yeah!

M: Well. That must feel great to be almost finished with school.

W: You can say that again, but once I graduate, I have to start repaying a student loan, so I'm not looking forward to that.

M: But didn't your parents help you out with your college tuition?

W: No. My dad said he wasn't made of money, so he thought I should earn my own education.

M: Really? But isn't that so cruel? I didn't mean to offend you; I mean, it must be so hard.

W: Well, actually, I was so angry with him at first that I avoided talking to him. And after a few months, I came to understand him. (21) You know, he is the only man that has a job in our family, and a teacher's salary is just not enough.

M: Then how did you manage it?

W: (20)I did several part-time jobs and worked like crazy during holidays to cover most of my costs. And, I received some financial aid and a scholarship one, ear, which really saved me.

M: Well, have you lined up a job yet?

W: Not yet, but I'm trying to line up a few interviews at the job fair next month.

M: That's cool. Good luck!





D.He hasn't decided yet.

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