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Scholars and students have always been great travelers. The official case for "academic mo

bility" is now often stated in impressive terms as a fundamental necessity for economic and social progress in the world, and debated in the corridors of Europe; but it is certainly nothing new. Serious students were always ready to go abroad in search of the most stimulating teachers and the most famous academies; in search of the purest philosophy, the most effective medicine, the likeliest road to gold.

Mobility of this kind meant also mobility of ideas, their transference across frontiers, and their simultaneous impact upon many groups of people. The point of learning is to share it, whether with students or with colleagues. One presumes that only eccentrics have no interest in being credited with a startling discovery, or a new technique. It must also have been reassuring to know that other people in other parts of the world were about to make the same discovery or were thinking along the same lines, and that one was not quite alone, confronted by inquisition, ridicule or neglect.

In the twentieth century, and particularly in the last 20 years, the old footpaths of the wandering scholars have become even in the most distant places immediately feasible, and providing for the very rapid transmission of knowledge.

Apart from the vehicle itself, it is fairly easy to identify the main factors which have brought about the recent explosion in academic movement. Some of these are purely quantitative and require no further mention: there are far more centers of learning, and a far greater number of scholars and students.

In addition one must recognize the very considerable multiplication of disciplines, particularly in the sciences, which by widening the total area of advanced studies has produced an enormous number of specialists whose particular interests are precisely defined. These people would work in some isolation if they were not able to keep in touch with similar isolated groups in other countries.

Frequently these specializations lay in areas where very rapid developments are taking place, and also where the research needed for developments is extremely costly and takes a long time. It is precisely in these areas that the advantages of collaboration and sharing of expertise appear most evident. Associated with this is the growth of specialist periodicals, which enable scholars to become aware of what is happening in different centers of research and to meet each other in conferences and symposia(座谈会). From these meetings come the personal relationships which are at the bottom of almost all formalized schemes of cooperation, and provide them with their most satisfactory stimulus.

According to the passage, scholars and students are great travelers because ______.

A.salaries and conditions are better abroad

B.standards are higher at foreign universities

C.they are eager for new knowledge

D.their governments encourage them to travel

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How Europe fails its youngThose Europeans who are tempted, in the light of the dismal scen

How Europe fails its young

Those Europeans who are tempted, in the light of the dismal scenes in New Orleans this fortnight, to downgrade the American challenge should meditate on one word: universities. Five years ago in Lisbon European officials proclaimed their intention to become the world's premier "knowledge economy" by 2010. The thinking behind this grand declaration made sense of a sort: Europe's only chance of preserving its living standards lies in working smarter than its competitors rather than harder or cheaper. But Europe's failing higher-education system poses a lethal threat to this ambition.

Europe created the modem university. Scholars were gathering in Paris and Bologna before America was on the map. Oxford and Cambridge invented the residential university: the idea of a community of scholars, living together to pursue higher learning. Germany created the research university. A century ago European universities were a magnet for scholars and a model for academic administrators the world over.

But, as our survey of higher education explains, since the second world war Europe has progressively surrendered its lead in higher education to the United States. America boasts 17 of the world's top 20 universities, according to a widely used global ranking by the Shanghai Jiao Tong University. American universities currently employ 70% of the world's Nobel prize-winners, 30% of the world's output of articles on science and engineering, and 44% of the most frequently cited articles. No wonder developing countries now look to America rather than Europe for a model for higher education.

Why have European universities declined so precipitously in recent decades? And what can be done to restore them to their former glory? The answer to the first question lies in the role of the state. American universities get their funding from a variety of different sources, not just government but also philanthropists, businesses and, of course, the students themselves. European ones are largely state-funded. The constraints on state funding mean that European governments force universities to "process" more and more students without giving the TM the necessary cash—and respond to the universities' complaints by trying to micromanage them. Inevitably, quality has eroded. Yet, as the American model shows, people are prepared to pay for good higher education, because they know they will benefit from it: that's why America spends twice as much of its GDP on higher education as Europe does.

The answer to the second question is to set universities free from the state. Free universities to run their internal affairs: how can French universities, for example, compete for talent with their American rivals when professors are civil servants? And free them to charge fees for their services—including, most importantly, student fees.

Asia's learning

The standard European retort is that if people have to pay for higher education, it will become the monopoly of the rich. But spending on higher education in Europe is highly regressive (more middle-class students go to university than working-class ones). And higher education is hardly a monopoly of the rich in America: a third of undergraduates come from racial minorities, and about a quarter come from families with incomes below the poverty line. The government certainly has a responsibility to help students to borrow against their future incomes. But student fees offer the best chance of pumping more resources into higher education. They also offer the best chance of combining equity with excellence.

Europe still boasts some of the world's best universities, and there are some signs that policy makers have realised that their system is failing. Britain, the pacemaker in university reform. in Europe, is raising fees. The Germans are trying to create a Teutonic Ivy League. European universities




听力原文:Articles in magazines and newspapers and special reports on radio and television

听力原文: Articles in magazines and newspapers and special reports on radio and television reflect the concern of many Americans about the increasing dropout rate in our junior and senior high schools. Coupled with this fact is the warning that soon we will no longer have workforce to fill the many jobs that require properly-educated personnel. The highest student dropout rate is not a recent development. Ten years ago, many urban schools were reporting dropout rates between 35 and 50 percent. Some administrators maintain that dropouts remain the single greatest problem in their schools. Consequently, much effort has been spent on identifying students with problems in order to give them more attention before they become failures. Since the dropout problem doesn't start in senior high school, special programs in junior high school focus on students who show promise but have a record of truancy, that is, staying away from school without permission. Under the guidance of counselors, these students are placed in classes with teachers who have had success in working with similar young people. Strategies to motivate students in high school include rewarding academic excellence by designating scholars of the month, or by issuing articles of clothing such as school letter jackets formally given only to athletes. No one working with these students claims to know how to keep all students in school. Counselors, teachers, and administrators are in the frontlines of what seems at times to be a losing battle. Actually, this problem should be everyone's concern, since uneducated, unemployed citizens affect us all.


A.It may produce an increasing number of idle youngsters.

B.It may affect the quality of higher education in America.

C.It may cause many schools to go out of operation.

D.It may lead to a lack of properly educated workers.

The most obvious difference between real essays and the things one has to write in school
is that real essays are not exclusively about English literature. Certainly schools should teach students how to write. But due to a series of historical accidents the teaching of writing has gotten mixed together with the study of literature. And so all over the country students are writing not about how a baseball team with a small budget might compete with the Yankees, or the role of color in fashion, or what constitutes a good dessert, but about symbolism in Dickens.

How did things get this way? To answer that we have to go back almost a thousand years. Around 1100, Europe at last began to catch its breath after centuries of chaos, and once they had the luxury of curiosity they rediscovered what we call "the classics." The effect was rather as if we were visited by beings from another solar system. These earlier civilizations were so much more sophisticated that for the next several centuries the main work of European scholars, in almost every field, was to assimilate what they knew. During this period the study of ancient texts acquired great prestige. It seemed the essence of what scholars did. As European scholarship gained momentum it became less and less important; by 1350 someone who wanted to learn about science could find better teachers than Aristotle in his own era. But schools change slower than scholarship. In the 19th century the study of ancient texts was still the backbone of the curriculum. What tipped the scales, at least in the US, seems to have been the idea that professors should do research as well as teach. This idea was imported from Germany in the late 19th century. Beginning at Johns Hopkins in 1876, the new model spread rapidly. Writing was one of the casualties. Colleges had long taught English composition, But how do you do research on composition? The professors who taught math could be required to do original math, the professors who taught history could be required to write scholarly articles about history, but what about the professors who taught rhetoric or composition? What should they do research on? The closest thing seemed to be English literature.

And so in the late 19th century the teaching of writing was inherited by English professors. This had two drawbacks: (a) an expert on literature need not himself be a good writer, any more than an art historian has to be a good painter, and (b) the subject of writing now tends to be literature, since that's what the professor is interested in.

It' s no wonder if this seems to the student a pointless exercise, because we' re now three steps removed from real work: the students are imitating English professors, who are imitating classical scholars, who are merely the inheritors of a tradition growing out of what was, 700 years ago, fascinating and urgently needed work.

The other big difference between a real essay and the things they make you write in school is that a real essay doesn't take a position and then defend it. That principle, like the idea that we ought to be writing about literature, turns out to be another intellectual hangover of long forgotten origins.

It's often mistakenly believed that medieval universities were mostly seminaries. In fact they were more law schools. And at least in our tradition lawyers are advocates, trained to take either side of an argument and make as good a case for it as they can. Whether cause or effect, this spirit pervaded early universities. The study of rhetoric, the art of arguing persuasively, was a third of the undergraduate curriculum. And after the lecture the most common form. of discussion was the disputation. This is at least nominally preserved in our present-day thesis defense: most people treat the words thesis and dissertation as interchangeable, but originally, at least, a thesis was a position one took and the dissertation




According to the passage, scholars and students are great travelers because ______.A.salar

According to the passage, scholars and students are great travelers because ______.

A.salaries and conditions are better abroad

B.standards are higher at foreign universities

C.they are eager for new knowledge

D.their governments encourage them to travel

Among scholars in English literature, Osler is known as an authority on ______.

Scholars such as Prof. Dunn and Prof. DeLeire agree that______.A.richer people feel happie

Scholars such as Prof. Dunn and Prof. DeLeire agree that______.

A.richer people feel happier and more satisfied

B.most consumers prefer leading brands like Armani

C.spending on vacations brings long-term happiness

D.people should curb their spending on material things

Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?A.Modern scholars tend to deny the

Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?

A.Modern scholars tend to deny the influence of culture on social development.

B.Only after the 1950s did scholars realize the great impact of culture.

C.Positivism believes in the truth that culture has a lot to do with economic development.

D.Laymen would be surprised to see that the agriculture is so influential on society.

Which of the following is TRUE about the scholars before the time of Newton?A.Some of them

Which of the following is TRUE about the scholars before the time of Newton?

A.Some of them were convinced by astrology.

B.They didn't know the laws of Nature apply to all planets.

C.They played important roles in the development of astrology.

D.Most of them found astrology incredible.

American scholars Daniel Bates and Fred Plog define culture from intercultural perspecti
ve which reflects the role of _________.





According to some politicians and scholars, senior citizen discounts will ________. A

According to some politicians and scholars, senior citizen discounts will ________.

A) make old people even more dependent on society

B) intensify conflicts between the young and the old

C) have adverse financial impact on business companies

D) bring a marked increase in the companies revenues

Why are American scholars worried about education today?A.The STEM subjects are too challe

Why are American scholars worried about education today?

A.The STEM subjects are too challenging for students to learn.

B.Some Asian countries have overtaken American in basic sciences.

C.America is lagging behind in the STEM disciplines.

D.There are not enough scholars in humanistic studies.

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