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—Thank you very much for your help.—().

A.Thank you the same

B.You're welcome

C.Don't do that

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更多“—Thank you very much for your …”相关的问题
-Thank you very much for giving me so much help.--__________________.

A.You’re welcome

B.No thank you



- Well done and_________- Thank you very much!


B.not at all

C.you are welcome

D.that's night

听力原文:M: Here's prescription for some pills. Come back and see me in two weeks.W: Thank

听力原文:M: Here's prescription for some pills. Come back and see me in two weeks.

W: Thank you very much for seeing me.

Q: What is the man?


A.A pharmacist.

B.A doctor.

C.A prescriber.

D.A physicist.

听力原文:M: Good morning.W: Good morning. Please come in and have a seat.M: Thank you.W: I

听力原文:M: Good morning.

W: Good morning. Please come in and have a seat.

M: Thank you.

W: I have been looking through your application. You seem to have many of the. qualifications needed for this position. That's one of the reasons why you've been short-listed.

M: Thank you. As a matter of fact, I have been in computer programming for three years.

W: Yes, I see. Were you satisfied with your last position?

M: Generally, yes. But to be honest, not entirely. I was with a small, family-owned company, and chances for advancement were very limited.

W: The letter of reference from the president praises your work highly.

M: Mr. Brown gave me a lot of responsibility and I learned a great deal about company operations.

W: Well, we ask for loyalty and hard work from our employees. But we pay well, and opportunities for promotion depend on merit, not just age or seniority.

M: I am very interested in working for your firm.

W: I see. Well, have you got any questions?

M: Yes, well, I wonder if you could tell me what the salary would be.

W: Of course. We'd be offering a starting salary of $ 600 a week, that's for 40 hours.

M: Do you mean that it might be increased at a later time?

W: Yes, we usually give our staff a month's trial and then, if everything is satisfactory, we raise the salary by 20 percent. Any more questions?

M: No. I think that's all.

W: Well, thank you very much for coming in. I have a few more short-listed candidates to interview today for this position. But at the moment, your chances look very good. We will be in touch with you soon.

M: Thank you very much for your time.


A.He was looking for a job.

B.He seemed to have many needed qualifications.

C.He handed in his application earlier than others.

D.He needed a position in the company.

听力原文:W: We're talking this hour about how and why people might become addicted to the
Internet. (22)Dr.James at Maryland University has put together a support group for students who find themselves addicted to the Internet. He joins me now from his office in College Park.

M: Thank you very much for inviting me.

W: Is Internet addiction a relatively new thing?

M: Well, some may have been addicted for a while.

W: How does it present itself?

M: Well, some of them have issues like relationship problems, (23)or problems maintaining their grades because they are spending so much time on the Net.

W: But I think the computer is a very positive thing. How do I know when my impulse to go online will turn me into an Internet addict?

M: Uh...I'm not sure the exact amount of time is really the issue, (24)but I think if it begins to affect other areas of your life, such as your work or school performance. One of the problems with the Internet, is that people start losing some of the skills that make relationships successful. (24)If you are beginning to feel anxious or depressed or empty or lonely and you know you really look forward to those times when you can be online to be connected with other people in that way, then, a serious issue is starting to happen.

W: What if you start giving up other things, like going out for a walk...is that a symptom?

M: Well, (25)I think it's helpful to have some sort of balance in your life. If you can, spend some time on the Internet and then go out and take a walk.

W: So that's how we can avoid Internet addiction. Thank you very much, Dr.James.


A.Video and online games.

B.Hazards of a high-tech society.

C.Relationships on campus.

D.Internet additions.

听力原文:M: Now, first of all, let's introduce Mrs. Koop. (19) She is one of Reagan's Surg

听力原文:M: Now, first of all, let's introduce Mrs. Koop. (19) She is one of Reagan's Surgeon General. Thank you very much for joining us ,joining us from Hanover, New Hampshire, correct?

W: That's correct. Thank you for calling. And I am very happy to be here to attend this meeting.

M: Thanks for taking the time. I understand you'll be coming to Washington tomorrow and will join us in the White House. So the time is very urgent.

W: That's my intention, sir.

M: We've been told it's going to be 1:30 in the afternoon in the Rose Garden. Is that what the White House told you? Or how did you get the time?

W: That's the same timetable I was given. To me it was assigned very well.

M: Oh, very good. Mrs. Koop, tell us what you will understand the President will do tomorrow? And what this means practically to the American problem?

W: Well, it's been a few years since he first announced that this was his intention and during that time the FDA had gone through its usual protocol. And they have published the proposed regulations at the Federal Register and there have been comments from the people and that is all over now. (20)And what the President will be presenting to the public tomorrow are the revised regulations: Now I have not seen them, but it's my impressions from what I've heard that they're pretty much the same as the things as he talked about the last year. And (21)President Clinton seldom repeatedly suggested an end to using trade marks of cigarette on baseball caps.


A.A surgeon general who will be present in a rose garden

B.A woman who used to be one of Reagan's Surgeon General.

C.A spokesman for President Clinton on drug regulations.

D.Ronauld Reagan.

听力原文:W: Can I have breakfast in my room? And I want to know something about your servi
ce time.

M: Certainly, madam. Breakfast is served in your room from 7 o'clock until 10. Here is the menu.

W: Ok, Thank you very much. Well, I'm afraid that I'd like to have the Continental Breakfast.

M: Yes, madam. And at what time would you like it?

W: About half past eight, I think. Yes, half past eight.

M: 8:30. Ok, very good, dear madam. And what kind of trait juice would you like? We have pineapple, orange, grapefruit as well as some other fruits.

W: I think I'd like the pineapple please.

M: Pineapple juice. And would you prefer tea or coffee?

W: Coffee please.

M: Thank you very much. Goodnight. (At 8:30 the next morning, there is a light tap at the door. )

W: Yes. Come in.

M: I've brought you your breakfast, madam.

W: Oh yes. Thank you. Could you put it on the desk over there please?

M: Shall I pour you a cup of coffee straight away, madam?

W: No, thanks, I'll pour it myself in a minute.

M: Is there anything else, madam?

W: No, no, I don't think so, oh, you are not the one I met yesterday, right? But, anyway, thank you very much for your help.


A.Three hour and a half.

B.Thirty minutes.

C.Four hours.

D.180 minutes.

听力原文:W: It's fantastic to meet you here, John. I'm also your fan.M: Thank you.W: Befor

听力原文:W: It's fantastic to meet you here, John. I'm also your fan.

M: Thank you.

W: Before we start the interview, could you please sign my favourite CD for me?

M: My pleasure.

W: Tons of thanks. All these years, there must have been a lot of music companies asking you to join them.

M: Yes, you are right.

W: Then why did you choose Rock?

M: It was mainly because of their sincerity. They agreed that I do not need to do too many promotions, and they also give me freedom. Besides, I do mind whether the media only concentrate on how much money I earn when I sign a contract.

W: But isn't money important to you?

M: I think money for me is not the most important issue. Rock is a Taiwan-based company, but they make me, a Hong kong singer, feel .that I am yew important to them. They really touch me.

W: Also, you can see that they have put in effort into making singers' albums.

M: Yeah, the quality is quite high. If I were a consumer, I would buy a high-quality product.

W: Your point is well taken. However, not many fans in Hongkong know how to distinguish between good and bad music. Maybe your target market is not them.

M: I don't really care about the Hongkong market. I know it is very irresponsible to say this, but it is true. My next album is going to be a Mandarin one.

W: A Mandarin one?

M: Yeah. I was also very surprised when Rock approached me and asked me to concentrate on Mandarin albums. Previously, my songs were all in Cantonese. If you were the head of the company, would you ask me to produce Cantonese albums rather than Mandarin ones?

W: Of course, and the songs will be very commercialized, too.

M: It proves that Rock doesn't treat me as a money-making artist.


A.Rock allowed him much freedom.

B.Rock didn't treat him as a money machine.

C.Rock cooperated with him with great sincerity.

D.Rock didn't ask him to do much for promotions.

听力原文:M: Now, first of all, let's introduce Mrs. Koop.She is one of Reagan's Surgeon Ge

听力原文:M: Now, first of all, let's introduce Mrs. Koop. She is one of Reagan's Surgeon General. Thank you very much for joining us ,joining us from Hanover, New Hampshire, correct?

W: That's correct. Thank you for calling. And I am very happy to be here to attend this meeting.

M: Thanks for taking the time. I understand you'll be coming to Washington tomorrow and will join us in the White House. So the time is very urgent.

W: That's my intention, sir.

M: We've been told it's going to be 1:30 in the afternoon in the Rose Garden. Is that what the White House told you? Or how did you get the time?

W: That's the same timetable I was given. To me it was assigned very well.

M: Oh, very good. Mrs. Koop, tell us what you will understand the President will do tomorrow? And what this means practically to the American problem?

W: Well, it's been a few years since he first announced that this was his intention and during that time the FDA had gone through its usual protocol. And they have published the proposed regulations at the Federal Register and there have been comments from the people and that is all over now. And what the President will be presenting to the public tomorrow are the revised regulations: Now I have not seen them, but it's my impressions from what I've heard that they're pretty much the same as the things as he talked about the last year. And President Clinton seldom repeatedly suggested an end to using trade marks of cigarette on baseball caps.


A.A surgeon general who will be present in a rose garden

B.A woman who used to be one of Reagan's Surgeon General.

C.A spokesman for President Clinton on drug regulations.

D.Ronauld Reagan.

听力原文:M: Hello, Thompson here.W: Hello. This is Mary.M: Oh, hello.W: I'm afraid I can't

听力原文:M: Hello, Thompson here.

W: Hello. This is Mary.

M: Oh, hello.

W: I'm afraid I can't come to work today, Mr. Thompson.

M: Oh, what's the problem?

W: I've got a very sore throat.

M: Yes, you sound ill on the phone.

W: Yes, I'll stay in bed today, but I'll be able to come tomorrow.

M: That's all right, Mary.

W: Thank you, Mr. Thompson...Goodbye.

M: Goodbye, Mary.

(At Mary's gate.)

M: Hello, Mary!

W: Oh...hello.., hello, Mr. Thompson...er...er...

M: I've brought some fruit for you, Mary.

W: Thank you very much, Mr. Thompson.

M: Well, how's your throat?

W: It seems a little better. I'll be OK tomorrow.

M: Well, don't come in until you feel better.

W: All right...but I'm sure I'll be able to come in tomorrow.

M: Goodbye, Mary.

W: Goodbye, Mr. Thompson.

M: I want to tell you a story, Mary.

W: Oh?

M: Last day, it was England against Brazil. Both teams were playing well, but neither team could score a goal. Then the crowd were cheering and booing. It was very exciting. Then at 3:20, England scored from a penalty. I jumped out of his chair. I was very excited. I was smiling happily when suddenly the cameraman focused on the crowd. My smile disappeared and I looked very angry. Mary Walker's face, in close-up, was there on the screen. She didn't look ill, and she didn't sound ill. She was smiling happily and cheering wildly!

W: Oh, my god.


A.They're close friends.

B.She wanted to ask for leave.

C.She was terribly' ill.

D.She greeted him.

听力原文:W: Good afternoon, sir. What can I do to help?M: Oh, I have a terrible cold. Apar

听力原文:W: Good afternoon, sir. What can I do to help?

M: Oh, I have a terrible cold. Apart from that, I have a headache. Can you suggest something I can take to relieve the pain?

W: Don't you have a prescription?

M: No, I haven't gone to see a doctor.

W: Are you allergic to any type of medication?

M: I don't know exactly. I think that I can take most drugs.

W: OK then, I recommend this brand for quick relief.

M: Will this really help?

W: According to the label, yes. But if that doesn't help, then drink a cup of hot tea along with some honey. There's no miracle drug to cure a common cold.

M: Which are the best headache tablets?

W: We have a number of them. They are all very good.

M: Can you sell me penicillin?

W: Sorry, sir. I cannot sell it; you must first get a doctor's certificate or prescription.

M: Well, then, give me some boric acid.

W: All right. This is a common medicine.

M: Do you have any cough syrup and lozenges?

W: Yes, of course.

M: That's great.

W: Here you are. The instructions on it tell you how to take it. Make sure you read them carefully.

M: Thank you for reminding me.

W: Please pay special attention to this cough syrup. Shake the bottle before you take it.

M: Thank you very much indeed.

W: Anything else?

M: No, thank you.

W: You're welcome. I hope you will recover in no time.


A.Boric acid.


C.Cough syrup.


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