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It’s better having short lines with more bank tellers.()





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听力原文:F: Mike and I are having a party next week. We wonder if you and Susan would be f
ree to join us.

M: Sounds great. But I'd better tall to Susan before we say yes.

Q: What does the man imply?


A.He accepts the woman's invitation.

B.He doesn't want to accept the woman's invitation.

C.He has to ask for Susan's opinion and then he can decide.

D.He doesn't think Susan will agree to go.

听力原文:M: There's nothing I like better to get me started in the morning than a big brea
kfast, eggs, bacon and fried potatoes.

W: Not me! All that fatty food will give me a stomachache. I prefer something light, like fruit or a yogurt.

What do we learn from the conversation?


A.The man prefers to have something light.

B.The woman prefers to have something light

C.The man is having a stomachache.

D.The woman is having a stomachache.

听力原文:When people succeed, it is because of hard work, but luck has a lot to do with it

听力原文: When people succeed, it is because of hard work, but luck has a lot to do with it, too. (29) Success without some luck is almost impossible. The French emperor Napoleon said of one of his generals, "I know he's good. But is he lucky?" Napoleon knew that all the hard work and talent in the world can't make up for bad luck. However, hard work can invite good luck.

When it comes to success, luck can mean being in the fight place to meet someone, or having the right skills to get a job done. It might mean turning down an offer and then having a better offer come along. Nothing can replace hard work, but (30) working hard also means you're preparing yourself opportunity. Opportunity very often depends on luck.

How many of the great inventions and discoveries came about through a lucky mistake or a lucky chance? (31) One of the biggest lucky mistakes in history is Columbus' so-called discovery of America. He enriched his sponsors and changed history, but he was really looking for India. However, Columbus' chance discovery wasn't pure luck. It was backed up by years of studying and calculating. He worked hard to prove his theory that the world was round:

People who work hard help make their own luck by being ready opportunity knocks. When it comes to success, hard work and luck are always hand in hand.


A.Hard work is the most important thing for one's success.

B.Hard work may invite good luck.

C.Good luck plays an important role in one's success,

D.Success has nothing to do with luck.

听力原文:M: Isn't it a relief to see people and lights, Turner? Now, let me see. Where are
we exactly? According to my map, this must be Chagford.

W: You're right, Don. That sign says Chagford Town Hall. But there's a more interesting notice on the other side of the square. Do you see what it says? "Open for Devon Cream Teas".

M: Oh, yes, so it does. Oh, I must get a newspaper. There's a newsagent next door.

W: What for?

M: To find out what's been happening.

W: I don't need a newspaper. We must have been walking for at least six hours. My feet have been hurting for a- bout four hours and I've been starving since we shared that tin of cold beans.

M: You're hungry again? I see what you mean. That tea shop does look interesting. We could plan tomorrow's walk while we were having tea.

W: So toady we had complete Devon cream teas, with additional sandwiches and cakes, and another order of scones. I feel better. How about you?

M: A Devon cream tea is better than a tin of cold beans. In fact, it's better than almost anything... except a good newspaper. Do you ever buy a newspaper?

W: Not often. But I watch television.

M: Television! It only scratches the surface.

W: Television coverage is very dramatic.

M: Yes. You learn what happened but never why it happened.

W: Rubbish.

M: TV workers aren't in aren’t in a position to fill in the background.

W: They were there.

M: No, they only show you the bits.

M: Yes, of course. See to it, will you, Turner. I must get a newspaper before the newsagent closes.

W: Could you get me a paper?

M: What for?

W: To find out what's on television.


A.A tea shop.

B.A newsagent.


D.A shoes store.

What's a better teaching method?Jim Munch's experienceLAST spring, when he was only a soph

What's a better teaching method?

Jim Munch's experience

LAST spring, when he was only a sophomore, Jim Munch received a plaque honoring him as top scorer on the high school math team here. He went on to earn the highest mark possible, a 5, on an Advanced Placement exam in calculus. His ambition is to become a theoretical mathematician.

So Jim might have seemed the veritable symbol for the new math curriculum installed over the last seven years in this ambitious, educated suburb of Rochester. Since seventh grade, he had been taking the "constructivist" or "inquiry" program, so named because it emphasizes pupils' constructing their own knowledge through a process of reasoning.

Jim, however, placed the credit elsewhere. His parents, an engineer and an educator, covertly tutored him in traditional math. Several teachers, in the privacy of their own classrooms, contravened the official curriculum to teach the problem-solving formulas that constructivist math denigrates as mindless memorization.

"My whole experience in math the last few years has been a struggle against the program," Jim said recently. "Whatever I've achieved, I've achieved in spite of it. Kids do not do better learning math themselves. There's a reason we go to school, which is that there's someone smarter than us with something to teach us."

The constructivist math

Such experiences and emotions have burst into public discussion and no small amount of rancor(怨恨) in the last eight months in Penfield. This community of 35 000 has become one of the most obvious fronts in the nationwide math wars, which have flared from California to Pittsburgh to the former District 2 on the Upper East Side of Manhattan, pitting progressives against traditionalists, with nothing less than America's educational and economic competitiveness at stake.

In these places and others, groups of parents have condemned constructivist math for playing down such basic computational tools as borrowing, carrying, place value, algorithms, multiplication tables and long division, while often introducing calculators into the classroom as early as first or second grade. Such criticism has run headlong into the celebration of constructivism by the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics and such leading teacher-training institutions as the Bank Street College of Education.

The strife has taken on a particular intensity here in Penfield, perhaps, because the town includes an unusually large share of engineers and scientists, because of the proximity(接近) of companies like Xerox, Kodak and Bausch & Lomb. Skilled themselves in math, they have refused to accept the premise that innovation means improvement, and in their own households they have seen evidence to the contrary.

For Joe Hoover, the epiphany came two years ago when he took his daughter, Kathryn, then in sixth grade, to lunch at McDonald's and realized she could not compute the correct change for their meal from a $ 20 bill.

For Claudia Lioy, it was seeing her daughter, Iris, then in third grade, plodding through a multiplication problem by counting 23 groups of four apples. When Mrs. Lioy pleaded with Iris's teacher simply to show the class a times table, the teacher replied, "But that's drill-and-kill."

For Ben Lee, it was having his teenage daughter, Olivia trying to answer probability problems by a method called "guess and check"-- until he pulled out his own 10thgrade math book to instruct her about the appropriate formula.

"I don't mind having kids appreciate what they learn," said Mr. Lee, an engineer who now works as a purchasing agent for Kodak. "But it's crazy to make a kid spend a night trying to solve a problem with these rudimentary and feeble tools."

Requests for more traditional math

By last spring, these parents had discovered one another




A Speech: Better Life for AllIn today's society, working people can seldom find time

A Speech: Better Life for All

In today's society, working people can seldom find time to relax in their busy schedules. They often work overtime because of too much work waiting in a queue, which ends up causing a lot of physical and mental problems. Fortunately, more and more people are now aware that relaxation and stress -relief are necessary for life. One's health should never be sacrificed for a need to work hard. Indeed, finding time to relax makes people work more efficiently.

Many people plan trips to spend their free time traveling with their loved ones. This may have been a luxury in the past, but it has become more common in recent years, Traveling at home and abroad has now become convenient and affordable.

Going jogging and going to the gym after work have also become more popular, as they are rather convenient ways to exercise and stay fit. Exercising helps relax your body and has been shown to relieve mental stress as well. This demand for recreation and leisure service has also stimulated the economy, as new businesses are created to meet these needs.

In sum, working hard is important, but having a good quality of life can actually facilitate your success at work. Knowing when and how to relax should be a part of well-balanced lifestyle. Take a walk outdoors, visit the gym, or go jogging You will find that your time was not wasted, even if it was not spent working in your office.

() 21.In today's society, working people can often find time to relax in their busy schedules.

() 22.In the past few people might afford traveling.

() 23.The demand for recreation and leisure service has made the economy develop.

() 24.Exercising can only help relax your body instead of staying fit.

() 25.People should take a balance between work and relaxation.

听力原文:Lions are opportunists. They prefer to eat without having to do too much work. Wh

听力原文: Lions are opportunists. They prefer to eat without having to do too much work. When resting in the shade, they are also watching the sky to see what is flying by, and even in the heat of the day they will suddenly start up and run a mile across the plains to find out what is going on. If another animal has made a kill, they will drive it off and take the kill for themselves. A grown lion can easily eat 60 pounds of meat at a single feeding. Often they eat until it seems painful for them to lie down. The lionesses(the females), being thinner and faster, are better hunters than the males. But the males don't mind. After the kill they move in and take the best share.

Most kills are made at night or just before daybreak. We have seen many, many daylight attempts but only ten kills. Roughly, it's about twenty daytime attempts for one kill.

When lions are hiding for an attack by a water hole, they wait patiently and can charge at any second. The kill is the exciting moment in the day-to-day life of the lion, since these great animals spend most of their time, about 20 hours a day, sleeping and resting.

Lions are Social cats, and when they are having a rest, they love to touch each other. After drinking at a water hole, a lioness rests her head on another's back. When walking, young lions often touch faces with older ones, an act of close ties among members of the group.


A.Because lions are cruel animals.

B.Because lions are clever animals.

C.Because lions like to take every chance to eat.

D.Because lions like to take advantage of other animals.

Career planning does not necessarily follow routine of logical steps. Each of us places we
ight on different factors and may consider certain phases of career planning at different time. Career planning includes gathering information about ourselves and about 【M1】______

occupations, estimating the probable outcomes of various courses of action, and finally, choose alternatives that we find attractive and feasible. 【M2】______

But career planning does not guarantee that all the problems, difficulties, or decision. making situations that faces you in the future will be solved or made any easier. No formula 【M3】______

can be given to do that. But career planning should help you to approach and cope better in new problems, such as deciding whether or not to enter educational or training 【M4】______

programs, deciding whether or not to change jobs, and analyzed the difficulties 【M5】______

you are having with a situation or a person.

Nobody can foresee what the future holds for any of us. There is social, 【M6】______

emotional,and moral considerations in our future that cannot be foreseen. But the roost important lessons of this often unhappy modem world 【M7】______

is what progress comes from planning. 【M8】______

Ignorance at one’s career is not bliss (洪福).Reason is better than chance and fate. 【M9】______

Although there is no sure way to make career plans to work out, there are things 【M10】______

that you can do now to shape your career possibilities.


听力原文:W: Dave. (19)I'm going to the supermarket to pick up food and drink for Saturday'

听力原文:W: Dave. (19)I'm going to the supermarket to pick up food and drink for Saturday's picnic later. Any suggestions?

M: Well, (19)everyone has been talking about having a barbecue down by the river, so why don't you pick up some hamburger and hot dogs?

W: Okay, but how much hamburger meat are we going to need? And hot dogs too?

M: Uh, I don't know. How about three pounds of hamburger and a couple packages of hot dogs?

W: Oh, that's not going to be enough. Do you remember the last picnic we went on? Your roommate, Jim, ate about ten hamburgers by himself!

M: You're right. (20)Let's buy nine pounds of hamburger meat and seven packages of hot dogs then.

W: And you'd better pick up some chicken for those who don't like hamburgers or hot dogs.

M: Okay. How about five or six bags of potato chips?

W: Better make that eight or so.

M: Alright. Oh, and we're going to need some hamburger and hot dog buns. How about five packages a piece? I think that sounds about right.

W: Yeah, you'd better pick up some mustard, catch up, and mayonnaise, too.

M: Okay. What else? Uh, we're going to need some soft drinks. How about ten of those big 2-liter bottles?

W: Sounds tine, but be sure to buy a variety of drinks.

M: Okay. And what about dessert?

W: Well, maybe we could ask Kathy to make a few cherry pies as she did last time.

M: Well, I wouldn't mind that, but you know, she's been very busy working two jobs, so I'd hate to ask her. (21)OK, to be honest, I have broken up with her last week, and we haven't talked since then.


A.On Saturday by the lake.

B.On Saturday by the river.

C.On Sunday by the lake.

D.On Sunday by the sea.

听力原文:Lifestyle. is the way a person lives:it includes work, leisure time.hobbies, othe
r interests,and personal philosophy.(29)One person's lifestyle. may be dominated by work,including few social activities.Another's may involve hobbies,recreational activities,or personal philosophy.

There is little doubt that lifestyle. are changing and that these changes will have an influence on the way business operates in the years ahead.Several factors are causing lifestyle. changes in US society.

First,there is more leisure time than ever before.(30)The workweek is now less than forty hours,as compared to seventy hours a century ago.Some experts believe it wilt be twenty-five hours or less before the year 2000.Several firms have adopted four-day workweeks with more hours per day.Others have cut the number of hours worked each week.Reduced work schedules mean increased leisure time.

Second,families have fewer children than before and young couples are postponing childbirth instead of having their children early in the marriages.(31)This trend has forced many businesses to modify their competitive strategies.Gerber Products Company used to advertise“babies are our business our only business.”Now Gerber products include infant clothing,stuffed animals.and accessories such as bottles,baby's carriages,and baby powder.

Third,people are better educated and more prosperous now than they were earlier.These advantages bring with them the freedom to question current lifestyles and examine new ones.Inquiries of this nature have sometimes led to personal lifestyle. changes.


A.The changes of life styles have no influence on business.

B.Different people may have completely different life styles.

C.It's doubtful what life styles are changing.

D.Life styles of different people are the same.

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