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听力原文:I will never forget the greeting that my family received in Iran in the spring of

听力原文: I will never forget the greeting that my family received in Iran in the spring of 1986. My father, Iranian by birth, took my mother, a native Washingtonian, my two brothers and me, aged two, four, and five respectively, to live in Tehran where he had just accepted employment. Showers of hugs and kisses descended upon us from relatives whom I had never met.

During our time in Iran, we spent a great deal of time with our relatives and friends. The family unit forms a significant part of Iran life, perhaps because there were so few material possessions for most of them. Through my relatives, I experienced overwhelming affection, true caring, and unceasing generosity. Although their houses were small and their work was burdensome, there was always time to prepare enormous meals and the space to make all their relatives comfortable. To them nothing was more important than being surrounded by the people they loved and who loved them. Because of my youth in Iran, as a young woman about to leave home to go to college I can now appreciate the support system with which my family has provided me. They have given me confidence and stability. I have learned to cherish their presence and the love that they have always given me. Iran taught me to be thankful for what I am, and not for what I have. That joyful and fatalistic acceptance of whatever life holds which I found in Iran has shaped me into the person I am today. The Iranian people, their unqualified and unselfish generosity, their optimism, and their joy for life will always remain a part of me. I will never forget my eight years in my father's country, which will always be mine as well.


A.At the age of two.

B.At the age of four.

C.At the age of five.

D.At the age of eight.

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更多“听力原文:I will never forget the g…”相关的问题
听力原文:M: I like chicken but not fish.W: Fish and goose are my favorite food.Q: Which fo

听力原文:M: I like chicken but not fish.

W: Fish and goose are my favorite food.

Q: Which food does the man like?


A.Fish and goose.


C.Goose and chicken.


听力原文:W: The dish is delicious. I never knew that you are so good at cooking.M: Thanks.

听力原文:W: The dish is delicious. I never knew that you are so good at cooking.

M: Thanks. But the credit should go to Mary. She prepared everything. If it weren't for her, I'd never cook. Oh, please have some more.

Q: What can you infer from the conversation?


A.The man is an excellent cook.

B.The man is a house-husband.

C.Mary helped a lot in cooking the dish.

D.The man has never cooked before.

听力原文:W: I've never seen a sportsman like Thorpe.M: For my part, I have not the slighte

听力原文:W: I've never seen a sportsman like Thorpe.

M: For my part, I have not the slightest doubt as to either his courage or his honesty. As a matter of fact, he's really a man with a heart of gold.

Q: Which of the following statements is NOT true about Thorpe?


A.He wins a gold medal.

B.He's brave.

C.He's kind-hearted.

D.He's honest.

听力原文:W: I've never seen you have such confidence before in tile exam!M: It's more than

听力原文:W: I've never seen you have such confidence before in tile exam!

M: It's more than confidence! Right now I felt that if I got less than a A, it will be the fault of the exam it self.

Q: What does the man mean?


A.He enjoys finding fault with exams.

B.He is sure of his success in the exam.

C.He doesn't know if he can do well in the exam.

D.He used to get straight A's in the exams he took.

听力原文:M: I'm sorry I missed the football game, but I had a terrible cold.W: You didn't

听力原文:M: I'm sorry I missed the football game, but I had a terrible cold.

W: You didn't miss anything. We couldn't have played worse.

Q: What does the woman imply?


A.The game has been canceled.

B.Their team played very badly.

C.Football is her favorite pastime.

D.She's never watched a better game.

听力原文:W:Growing up we never had a TV.Even now I'm not used to watching it much.M:Well,i

听力原文:W:Growing up we never had a TV.Even now I'm not used to watching it much.

M:Well,it's kind of like reading.Some things you find are great,but a lot are real waste of time.You have to pick and choose.

Q:What does the man mean?


A.He always liked reading more than watching television.

B.He used to watch television more than he does now.

C.It's important to select television programs carefully.

D.The woman should do more reading.

听力原文:M: Cooking for yourself is a lot better than eating in a school canteen.W: Yes. I

听力原文:M: Cooking for yourself is a lot better than eating in a school canteen.

W: Yes. I couldn't agree more.

Q: What does the woman mean?


A.She doesn't agree with the man.

B.She likes cooking for herself.

C.She likes eating in a school canteen.

D.She never cooks for herself.

听力原文:W: I wanted so badly to be independent, and now I could pay my own way.M: But you

听力原文:W: I wanted so badly to be independent, and now I could pay my own way.

M: But you have to be fed three meals a day!

What does the woman mean?


A.he man is old enough to be independent.

B.The man is still too young to be independent.

C.The man never cooks for the family.

D.The man should learn to be independent as rapidly as possible.

听力原文:M: Judy's taking sixteen credits and working in a computer center too.W: How she

听力原文:M: Judy's taking sixteen credits and working in a computer center too.

W: How she manages to handle all that I'll never understand.

Q: What does the woman mean?


A.She doesn't understand how Judy got her job.

B.She' s surprised Judy is working in management.

C.She thinks Judy never should have taken a computer course.

D.She wonders how Judy does so many things.

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