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When he is using the language, talking in it, () in it all the time.





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听力原文:M: I think I'll get my second-hand books at the Student Union this year. So many
of the books we are using are the same print.

W: I hope you're not planning to take your time going there. They are usually snapped up within the first week.

Q: What does the woman mean?


A.The man will have no choices left.

B.The man had better go there quickly.

C.The man should go when he has spare time.

D.The books are a bit scratched and are of poor quality.

听力原文:We all scream for water when thirsty. But do you know that in very hot dry weathe

听力原文: We all scream for water when thirsty. But do you know that in very hot dry weather, plants also make faint sounds as if they am crying out for help? You see, in a plant' s stem, there are hundreds of water pipes that bring water and minerals from the soil all the way up to the leaves. As the ground turns dry, it becomes harder and harder for the plants to do this. In severe droughts, plants have to fight to pull out any water available. Scientist Robert Winter has found out that when it is really bad, their water pipes snap from the tension like rubber bands. When that happens, the whole plant vibrates a little. The snapping pipes make noises ten thousand times more quiet than a whisper.

Robert knows that healthy well-watered plants are quiet. He also knows that many insects prefer a attacking dry plants rather than healthy plants. How do the insects know which are healthy plants and which are not? Robert thinks that the insects may listen for the plants that cry, and then they may buzz in m kill. To test his theory, Robert is using a device that can imitate plant cries. He attaches it to a quiet healthy plant so that the plant sounds thirsty. Then he watches the insects to see ff they attack more often than usual. If he is fight, scientists could use the insects' ability against them. They could build traps that imitate crying plants, so that when the insects buzz in to eat, they won' t buzz out.


A.They give out faint cries.

B.They make noises to drive away insects.

C.They extend their water pipes.

D.They become elastic like rubber bands.

听音频,回答下面各题。 Children can spend hours a day looking at computer screens and other
digital devices. Some eye care professionals say all that screen time has 26 an increase in what they call computer vision syndrome. Nathan Bonilla-Warford is an eye expert in Tampa, Florida, with VSP, Vision Service Plan, a big 27 provider. He says he has seen an increase in problems in children. Dr. Bonilla-Warford says part of the problem is that children may be more likely than adults to 28 early warning signs. According to Dr. Warfod, even if their eyes start to feel 29 or they start to get a headache, children are less likely to tell their parents, because they dont want to have the game or the computer or whatever 30. He says another part of the problem is that people 31 less often when they use digital devices. The average person who uses a computer or an electronic device blinks about a third as much as we normally do in everyday life. And so that can 32 the front part of the eye drying and not staying moist and protected like normal. Eye doctors offer suggestions like following what is known as the 20/20/20 rule. Every twenty minutes, look away twenty 33 or more for at least twenty seconds from whatever device youre using. Other suggestions include putting more distance between you and the device and using good lighting. Of course, another way to avoid eye 34 is to spend less time looking at screens. Many experts say children should spend no more than two hours a day using 35 devices-with no screen time for children under two. 请回答(26)题__________.

It may look like just another playgroup,but a unique educational center in Manhattan is re
ally giving babies something to talk about. "It's a school to teach languages to babies and young children with games, songs—some of the classes also have arts and crafts," said Francois Thibaut, the founder of the Langrage Workshop for Children, a place where babies become bilingual.

Children as young as few months are exposed to French and Spanish before many of them can even speak English. Educators use special songs and visual (视觉) aids to ensure that when a child is ready to talk, the languages will not be so foreign. "Children have a unique capacity to learn many languages at the same time," said Thibaut. "Already at nine months, a child can tell the differences between the sounds he or she has heard since birth and the sounds he or she has never heard yet." Thibaut says the best time to expose children to language is from birth to 3 years old. For the last 30 years, the school has been using what it calls the Thibarut Technique, a system that combines language lessons with child's play.

"I always wanted to learn Spanish, but by the time I got to high school it was too late to pick it up and speak fluently," said Marc Lazare, who enrolled his son at the school. "I figured at this age, two, it's a perfect time for him to learn."

Aside from learning a language, the kids also gain a tremendous sense of confidence. One young student boasted that aside from French, she can speak five languages (though that included "monkey" and "lion"). The school gives children the tools to communicate, and sometimes that gives them an advantage over their parents. "I think they sometimes speak French when they think I won't understand them," said parent Foster Gibbons.

Depending on the age group, classes run from 45 minutes up to 2 hours. Even when students are not in class, the program is designed to make sure the learning continues at home. Tapes and books are included, so kids can practice on their own.

The word "bilingual" in the first paragraph probably means ______.

A.capable of using two languages

B.both clever and confident

C.aware of their own limitations and strengths

D.independent of their parents

It may look like just another playgroup, but a unique educational center in Manhattan is r
eally giving babies something to talk about. "It's a school to teach languages to babies and young children with games, songs--some of the classes also have arts and crafts," said Francois Thibaut, the founder of the Language Workshop for Children, a place where babies become bilingual.

Children as young as few months are exposed to French and Spanish before many of them can even speak English. Educators use special songs and visual (视觉的) aids to ensure that when a child is ready to talk, the languages will not be so foreign. "Children have a unique capacity to learn many languages at the same time," said Thibaut. "Already at nine months, a child can tell the differences between the sounds he or she has heard since birth and the sounds he or she has never heard yet." Thibaut says the best time to expose children to language is from birth to 3 years old. For the last 30 years, the school has been using what it calls the Thibarut Technique, a system that combines language lessons with child's play.

"I always wanted to learn Spanish, but by the time I got to high school it was too late to pick it up and speak fluently," said Marc Lazare, who enrolled his son at the school. "I figured at this age, two, it's a perfect time for him to learn."

Aside from learning a language, the kids also gain a tremendous sense of confidence. One young student boasted that aside from French, she can speak five languages (though that included "monkey" and "lion"). The school gives children the tools to communicate, and sometimes that gives them an advantage over their parents. "I think they sometimes speak French when they think I won't understand them," said parent Foster Gibbons.

Depending on the age group, classes run from 45 minute up to 2 hours. Even when students are not in class, the program is designed to make sure the learning continues at home. Tapes and books are included so kids can practice on their own.

The word "bilingual" in the first paragraph probably means ______

A.capable of using two languages

B.both clever and confident

C.aware of their own limitations and strengths

D.independent of their parents

听材料,回答下列各题: Directions: In this section, you will hear a passage three times. Wh
en the passage is read for the first time, you should listen carefully for its general idea. When the passage is read for the second time, you are required to fill in the blanks with the exact words you have just heard. Finally, when the passage is read for the third time, you should check what you have written. Teenagers will be told to "stand up for their elders" on public transport-or risk losing their right to free travel. London Mayor Boris Johnson will 26 plans today to make youngsters sign a " 27 pledge" to promise to behave in a 28 manner when travelling in the capital. The three-point pledge states that they will give up their seats to the elderly, 29 and disabled; refrain from using 30 or threatening language; and be courteous and polite to fellow passengers and staff. Those who refuse, or are caught behaving in a rude manner, will have their free travel passes 31 The plan--a key part of Mr. Johnsons re-election bid--will initially affect the 400,000 11-to-15-year-olds in London who qualify for free travel cards, but Conservative sources believe the idea could be used across the country. A Conservative insider said, "The initiative 32 the push to create a Big Society. It is about changing culture and 33 around behavior. to improve the atmosphere on buses and trains for everyone. " Speaking before todays launch, Mr. Johnson said he 34 tackle the anti-social behavior. of a "minority of youngsters" on public transport. "when I was a boy, I was taught to stand up for those less able to," he said. "Youngsters enjoy the privilege of free travel, which is paid for by Londoners, but they have to understand that with that privilege comes responsibility. " Anyone who abuses this privilege will have it taken away, and will have to earn that right back. Teenagers who are found 35 violating the new behavior. code will lose their travel passes. They will have to carry out unpaid community work to have them restored. 第(26)题_________

To be a good teacher, you need some of the gifts of a good actor: you must be able to【C1】_
_____the attention and interest of your students; you must be a【C2】______speaker, with a good, strong,【C3】______voice which is fully under your control; and you must be able to【C4】______what you are teaching in order to make its meaning clear.【C5】______a good teacher and you will sec that he does not sit still【C6】______his class: be stands the whole time when .he is teaching; he walks about, using his【C7】______, hands and fingers to help him in his explanations, and his face to express feelings. Listen to him, and you will【C8】______the loudness, the quality and the musical note of his voice always【C9】______according to what he is【C10】______about. The fact that a good teacher has some of the gifts of a good actor doesn't【C11】______that he will indeed be able to act【C12】______on the stage, for there are very important【C13】______between the teacher's work and the actor's. The actor has to speak words which he has learnt by heart; he has to repeat exactly the【C14】______words each time hc plays a certain part;【C15】______his movements and the ways m which he uses his voice are usually【C16】______beforehand. What he has to do is to make all these carefully learnt words and actions seem【C17】______. on the stage.

A good teacher【C18】______in quite a different way. His students take an active part in his【C19】______: they ask and answer questions; they obey orders; and if they don't understand something, they will say so. The teacher therefore has to suit his act to the needs of his students. He cannot learn his part by heart, but must【C20】______it as he goes along.






Animal perform. many useful and entertaining jobs. Dogsare particular valuable in guiding

Animal perform. many useful and entertaining jobs. Dogs

are particular valuable in guiding the blind, protecting property, 【S1】______.

finding lost people, and hunting criminals. Horses are used in

guarding herds, carrying men in lands where there are no roads,

and help farmers work their land. Pigeons have long been used 【S2】______.

to carry messages. People realize that, although animals may

not have the same intelligence like human beings, they are 【S3】______.

smart enough to learn certain things. Training a dog to be a

watchdog often produces unexpecting results. Some dogs 【S4】______.

quickly learn the difference between unwanted people and

friend. This is because their masters welcome friends

and invite him into their houses. Some dogs will always attack 【S5】______.

the postman who comes to deliver letters. One explanation for

this behavior. is that, although the postman comes to the houses

often, but he never enters the house. Therefore, the dog thinks 【S6】______.

the postman is someone who is not wanted, but keeps coming

back anyway.

Masters of dogs who attack postmen can easy show the dog 【S7】______.

that the postman is a friend and that the dog does not need to

treat him as an unwanted person. A dog is quite ready to do that 【S8】______.

his master wishes. And a dog is always happy when he is praised

for understanding correctly.

Dogs can be taught to obey commands when the sound of a

word is connected to a certain act. Two important factors in 【S9】______.

teaching a dog to obey commands are: using the same word each

time for the same act, and teaching only one act at a time. Dogs

can learn to not only sit, lie down, come, and staying in place 【S10】______.

when their masters go away, but also to jump, carry, and fetch.


A class action lawsuit has been filed against a prominent Toronto doctor by patients who a
llege he injected a banned substance into their faces for cosmetic purposes. The doctor had already been investigated for more than three years for using the liquid silicone, a product not authorized for use in Canada.

Some patients say they are now suffering health problems and think the liquid silicone may be to blame. One of those patients is Anna Barbiero. She says her Toronto dermatologist told her he was using liquid silicone to smooth out wrinkles. What she says he didn't tell her is that it isn't approved for use in Canada. "I didn't know what liquid silicone was and he just called it 'liquid gold'," Barbiero remembers. After her last treatment, Anna discovered Dr. Sheldon Pollack had been ordered to stop using the silicone two years earlier by Health Canada. Experts say silicone can migrate through the body, and cause inflammation and deformities.

"My upper lip is always numb and it bums," Barbiero says. Barbiero is spearheading (带头) a lawsuit against the doctor, who her lawyer thinks might involve up to 100 patients injected with the same material. "The fact, a physician of his stature would use an unauthorized product on a patient because he thought it was okay, is really very disturbing," says lawyer Douglas Elliott.

Ontario's College of Physicians and Surgeons is also investigating Dr. Pollack to see if, in fact, he continued to use the silicone after agreeing to stop and whether he wrote in patient records that he used another legal product when he used silicone. However, in a letter to the College, Dr. Pollack wrote that he had always told patients that the silicone was not approved for sale in Canada, and had warned them of the risks. And in Barbiero's case, "... at the time of her first visit, prior to her ever receiving IGLS treatment, I specifically informed her that the material was not approved for sale in Canada by the Health Protection Branch and that I did receive the material from outside the country...I would like to emphasize that, as is evident on Ms. Barbiero's chart, I drew a specific diagram on the chart which I carefully discussed with and explained to Ms. Barhiero as I did with every other patient to explain the nature and likelihood of complications and the masons and consequences of those possible complications."

Dr. Pollack declined to speak to CTV News. or to have his lawyer discuss the case. None of the allegations have been proven in court. But the case raises questions about the ability of governing bodies to monitor doctors. "There's a larger message and that is: buyer beware," says Nancy Neilsen of Cosmetic Surgery Canada. "It's incumbent (负有义务的) on consumers to do their research."

Doctor Sheldon Pollack was charged that ______.

A.he had prescribed wrong medicine for patients by mistake

B.he had treated his patients with something illegal, causing bad result

C.he had pretended to be a prominent surgeon

D.he had sold an unauthorized product in large amount

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