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听力原文:M:I came across David last Wednesday. You know he's now consulting in the health


W:Well, he called rile once before he left for Seattle. He's always been ahead of the curve in his work choices.

Q:What does the woman imply?


A.David has made a wrong choice to work in Seattle.

B.David should have consulted her opinion before quitting.

C.David will suffer setbacks in his work choices.

D.David likes to be a trend-setter in work choices.

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更多“听力原文:M:I came across David las…”相关的问题
听力原文:W: Well George, you can approach my desk now. (19) I have done an appraisal of yo

听力原文:W: Well George, you can approach my desk now. (19) I have done an appraisal of your application to be my apprentice, and I have a few questions for you. (20) (21) You don't seem to have any apparent experience in working with large aquatic appliances. You do know that the aquariums I clean and make are not for goldfish or restaurant shelves, right?

M: What else can be put in them?

W: They put sharks, whales, and seals in them. Well, I applaud your effort and appreciate your coming across town for this interview, (20) but you don't have the experience or aptitude that is usually required for this type of apprenticeship.

M: I am very appreciative of your assessment of my qualifications, Madam. But I'd like to appeal, to you to give me a chance. (19) I know I know nothing about aquariums. I come from the desert and that's why I came to California to work with water. (19) And I know you will approve of determination. I have that and hope you could give me a try.

W: Okay George, (22) I'll take a risk and give it a try. But you are up for three-month probation. We' 11 take a look at how you're doing in these three months and make the final decision.

M: Thank you, Madam! You won't be disappointed!


A.How to keep fish.

B.How to make large aquatic appliances.

C.If the man is qualified to be the apprentice.

D.If the man is a good apprentice.

听力原文:W:How are you getting along with your translation?M:I have come across so many un

听力原文:W:How are you getting along with your translation?

M:I have come across so many unfamiliar words that I have to consult the dictionary all the time.I'm afraid I'll never get it finished.

Q:What does the man imply?


A.The work is being done slowly.

B.He needs someone to do the corrections.

C.He will finish the translation in time.

D.His dictionary is very helpful.

听力原文:W: Have you got a job waiting for you?M: No, I gave up my job when I came here. I

听力原文:W: Have you got a job waiting for you?

M: No, I gave up my job when I came here. I worked in a shipping company, but it was documents, documents, all day long. So I decided I needed a change. Now I'm going to try and get a job with a travel firm. I'd like a job dealing with people.

Q: What sort of a firm would she like to work for?


A.The shipping company.

B.The travel firm.

C.The firm dealing with documents.

D.The firm with a lot of people.

听力原文:M: I've been trying to reach you for days, but your line's always busy.F: You're

听力原文:M: I've been trying to reach you for days, but your line's always busy.

F: You're lucky. You got me before my roommate came home.

Q: What can be inferred about the woman's roommate?


A.She goes out for shopping.

B.She is a good student.

C.She always talks on the phone.

D.She is good at cooking.

听力原文:M: What happened to you? You are so late.W: The bus I took broke down in front of

听力原文:M: What happened to you? You are so late.

W: The bus I took broke down in front of the hospital and I had to walk from there.

Q: Why was the woman so late?


A.Something went wrong with the bus.

B.She took somebody to hospital.

C.Something prevented her from catching the bus.

D.She came on foot instead of taking a bus.

听力原文:M: What book were you reading in the classroom when Hopkins got in?W: I was talki

听力原文:M: What book were you reading in the classroom when Hopkins got in?

W: I was talking with Wilfred and Ralf.

Q: Who came last?





D.The woman.

听力原文:W: That report I did came to over fifty pages!M: My goodness!What does the man th

听力原文:W: That report I did came to over fifty pages!

M: My goodness!

What does the man think about the report?.


A.It's very well written.

B.He doesn't he live it's missing so many pages.

C.He's amazed at the length.

D.He wants to look it over.

听力原文:W: I'm disappointed that Susan didn't make it to the meeting.M: I saw her a coupl

听力原文:W: I'm disappointed that Susan didn't make it to the meeting.

M: I saw her a couple of hours ago I guess something came up at the last minute.

Q: What can be inferred about Susan?


A.She told the woman she couldn't come to the meeting.

B.She thought the meeting would end soon.

C.She had planned to attend the meeting.

D.She looked for the woman after the meeting.

听力原文:M: Hi, Mandy. How's everything going?W: Not too good, I suppose.M: What happened?

听力原文:M: Hi, Mandy. How's everything going?

W: Not too good, I suppose.

M: What happened?

W: Well, you know I moved out from Mrs. Henzer's nine months ago. And all along I forgot to inform. the registration office to get my address changed. Guess what? The library sent three reminder notices on the fines incurred on the overdue books and Mrs. Henzer kept the letters without returning them to the senders.

M: How did you find out?

W: Well, I went to the registration to get my transcript. but they said there are some outstanding fines that I have to settle before they can release it.

M: Then just pay the fine and you. can get your transcript. What's the big problem?

W: Yeah, that's exactly what I thought but the fine came to $150 and that was a shock to me. I didn't expect it to come to that much.

M: Oh. That's a bit of a bite! Did you keep the book for long? That's the first time I've come across such a big fine on the library loan.

W: Guess what? I checked with the library and they told me three books are still outstanding. They're from 8 months ago. I thought I'd returned them.

M: Are you sure you returned the books yourself or did you get someone to do it?

W: Well, hard to recall now since it was so long ago. At that time I was holding two jobs and had to juggle with school. I really thought I had returned them.

M: Tell you what. Why don't you go back in Mrs. Henzer and see if the books are still there? Otherwise, you'll have to pay for the lost books and I'm sure they will cost more than $150.

W: I guess that's the only choice I'm left with right now.


A.She had moved out of the old address.

B.She ignored it.

C.The library didn't try to inform. her about it.

D.The landlord refused to give the books back to her.

听力原文:M: It all seems like yesterday, doesn't it, darling?W: Ah. Yes, it does. How time

听力原文:M: It all seems like yesterday, doesn't it, darling?

W: Ah. Yes, it does. How time flies! (19) And it's twenty years ago.

M: Twenty years since I first brought you here. Do you remember? This same table in the comer near the bank.

W: Not the first time, Stan. (20)The first time we came here we sat over in the comer by the window.

M: I remember now. Of course, we were over there by the window. I remember that night.

W: Oh, Stan, you're thinking of other times after we got married. That first night Marrio was away with the Flu, don't you remember, and we got the young waiter, Trevor.

M: Oh, yes. Trevor was the one with glasses and black teeth. And he had a stutter, didn't he? You were doing your best not to laugh.

W: What a memory! No, Stan, Trevor was the dark-haired, tall boy with the very deep voice, the one you said would make a good singer.

M: Did I? Strange, how I've forgotten that. There you were, across the table, in that lovely, long dark red dress of yours, with that golden handbag.

W: Oh, Stan, you are impossible! I've never had a dark red dress, not a long one anyway, or a golden handbag. (21) That night I had a green dress on and my handbag was brown.

M: Oh yes, yes, yes. But there's one detail that I do remember clearly. You had a golden belt on.

W: No, Stan. The belt I wore that night was brown like the handbag.

M: Oh, dear, I'm not doing very well, am I? I know why I'm not, though. I was so... so excited that I probably didn't notice your clothes.


A.20 years ago.

B.25 years ago.

C.When Shakespeare was there.

D.When the restaurant newly opened.

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