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听力原文:M: Hi, Kate.W: Hi, Peter. How have you been?M: Oh, OK, I guess. And you?W: Not to

听力原文:M: Hi, Kate.

W: Hi, Peter. How have you been?

M: Oh, OK, I guess. And you?

W: Not too bad. We haven't seen each other for a while, have we?

M: No, we haven't. So that makes me ask...Do you have any plans for this Saturday?

W: No, not yet, I don't think so. Why?

M: What do you think about getting together and going out to dinner this weekend?

W: That would be great. Do you have any particular place in mind?

M: Well, I think I'd like to eat something that's not too heavy. I've been eating a little too much lately.

W: Me too.

M: I love Italian food, but maybe we should skip that this time. They always scem to setwe so much food in Italian restaurants, and you end up eating more than you wanted to.

W: Chinese food would be good. Do you think so?

M: Yes. Or maybe some Japanese sushi. That style. uses a lot of natural flavors, and not nmch oil of cream or heavy sauces.

W: Yes, either of those choices would be good. Let's just meet on Saturday night, and decide then where to eat.

M: What time shall we meet, then?

W: 6 o'clock in the evening. Is that OK?

M: No problem. And where?

W: How about our school gate?

M: That's fine by me.


A.Going out for dinner.

B.Visit to Japan.

C.Eating too much.

D.School gate.

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更多“听力原文:M: Hi, Kate.W: Hi, Peter.…”相关的问题
听力原文:W: Hi, Mr. Talcott. Is my prescription ready?M: It's right here. Just follow thes

听力原文:W: Hi, Mr. Talcott. Is my prescription ready?

M: It's right here. Just follow these directions and take one pill right after each meal.

Q: What is the man's occupation?






听力原文:M: Hi, Jane. Do you have acme change? I have to make a call on the pay phone.W: P

听力原文:M: Hi, Jane. Do you have acme change? I have to make a call on the pay phone.

W: Pay phone? Why not use my mobile phone? Here you are.

Q: What will the man most probably do?


A.Get some change from Jane.

B.Use the woman's phone.

C.Go and look for a pay phone.

D.Pay for the phone call.

听力原文:W: Hi! Mark.Nice to see you again. How is everything?M: Great! I didn't expect to

听力原文:W: Hi! Mark. Nice to see you again. How is everything?

M: Great! I didn't expect to see you again. What a small world!

Q: What do we know about the speakers?


A.They are talking about the world.

B.They met some time ago.

C.They are discussing how small the world is.

D.They don't want to meet again.

听力原文:W: Hi, Morris. Any luck today?M: No, nothing. I've tried the shops, the supermark

听力原文:W: Hi, Morris. Any luck today?

M: No, nothing. I've tried the shops, the supermarkets and the restaurants, but no luck for me. I hope my last chance will lie in those cab companies.

Q: What has the man been doing?


A.He has been shopping around.

B.He has been looking for a job.

C.He has been dining in a restaurant.

D.He has been driving the cab.

听力原文:W: Hi, Bill. You are so late. The meeting has already started.M: Oh, I originally

听力原文:W: Hi, Bill. You are so late. The meeting has already started.

M: Oh, I originally thought I knew the way well enough. I drove 20 miles one way, then 6 another before I got here.

Q: What is the distance should Bill drive to attend the meeting?


A.20 miles.

B.6 miles.

C.14 miles.

D.26 miles.

听力原文:W:Hi,Burt.I heard you're looking for a new job. How is it going?M:I just had an i

听力原文:W:Hi,Burt.I heard you're looking for a new job. How is it going?

M:I just had an interview yesterday.I think I did well.The director seemed to like me. They said they would make a decision by this Friday.I believe I have a very good chance.

Q:What does the man think of his interview?


A.He will probably get the job.

B.He will probably fail.

C.The chance is half-and-half.

D.He is not satisfied with the offer.

听力原文:M:Frank's certainly:in a good mood.W:The bargain he got on his new stereo made hi

听力原文:M:Frank's certainly:in a good mood.

W:The bargain he got on his new stereo made him very happy.

Q:What does the woman mean?


A.Everyone told him to cheer up.

B.Spending money puts him in a good mood.

C.He had to pay a high price for his new stereo.

D.He's very pleased with his purchase.

听力原文:M: Hi, Jane. So glad to see you again.W: Likewise. I remember the last time we me

听力原文:M: Hi, Jane. So glad to see you again.

W: Likewise. I remember the last time we met was 5 months age at Mike' s birthday party. How are you doing?

Q: What do we know about the speakers?


A.They don' t know how to get to Mike' s home.

B.They are discussing when to meet again.

C.They went to the same party some time ago.

D.They will go to Mike' s birthday party.

听力原文:W: Hi there. I was wondering if you could help me. I'm trying to get to Marble Ga
r dens. Do you know which bus I should take?

M: Yes, of course. You should take bus 123 and change to bus 112 at Homes Street.

Q: Which bus should she take first?






听力原文:M: Hi, Kathy. Have you done your New Year shopping in this season of promotion?W:

听力原文:M: Hi, Kathy. Have you done your New Year shopping in this season of promotion?

W: Almost. I've got a pair of shoes for Dad and a red scarf for Mum, but it's not easy to find something interesting for my husband. 1 gave him a Kenny G album last year. This tithe he would probably like a stamp album, I guess.

Q: What will the woman probably buy for her husband?


A.A pair of shoes.

B.A red scarf.

C.A stamp album.

D.A Kenny G's album

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