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The passage indicates that, in comparision to radio waves, gamma waves ______.A.produce lo

The passage indicates that, in comparision to radio waves, gamma waves ______.

A.produce louder sound

B.are less magnetic

C.do not form. in the Sun's center

D.are not long

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更多“The passage indicates that, in…”相关的问题
Which of the following does the passage indicate about Joyce Carol Oates first publication

A.It was part of her master's thesis.

B.It was a volume of short fiction.

C.It was not successful.

D.It was about an English instructor in Detroit.

A hearing test that analyses brain waves for subconscious responses to sound has recently
been devised by a team of specialists at the University of Iowa. Instead of depending on the patient to indicate when he hears a laboratory-controlled noise, as in the traditional form. of testing, this new method, called electric response audiometry, enables audiologists to trace the noise's path directly from the ear to the brain while the patient relaxes or sleeps. Although brain responses have been used in other auditory tests for some time, the University of Iowa specialists are the only scientists to date who analyze simultaneously three components of hearing—the responses of the middle ear, the auditory nerve, and the brain stem. This information helps to identify the precise location of a hearing problem and, at the same time, to measure its severity. While electric response audiometry is not meant to replace conventional means of testing, it is specially effective in diagnosing hearing problems in very young children, multiply handicapped individuals, and psychologically disturbed persons because it does not require the patient's active participation.

According to the passage, electric response audiometry can be used ______.

A.whether a person is awake or asleep

B.only if a person is relaxed

C.particularly if a person hears a loud noise

D.particularly when a person is dreaming

听力原文: Advertising is the tool that has always been used to convince the public to b
uy products. In the beginning, it was a basic and crude tool. Craftsmen cried out to passers-by, telling the quality of their products. Today, newspapers, magazines, radio, and television use a variety of means to introduce the public to many products developed through technology. The Romans started using recorded advertisements. They smoothed and whitened areas on a wall where advertisements could be written or carved. In the Middle Ages, people continued to use verbal announcements and written messages, but a new form. of advertising, using symbols, was developed as well. Shops displayed a special symbol to indicate what goods or services could be found inside. The Industrial Revolution caused an explosion in the advertising field. The abundance of luxury goods, coming both from new inventions and from trade with different parts of the world, meant that consumers had to be told more about products than ever before. They had to be persuaded that they needed all these new products and that one product was superior to its many competitors. The buying public was soon being exposed to endless amounts of advertising. Questions 22 to 25 are based on the passage you have just heard. 22. What is the passage mainly about? 23. How did early craftsmen advertise their products? 24. Who first started using written advertisements? 25. When did advertising first boom?23.

A.By door to door advertising.

B.By using symbols.

C.By verbal announcements.

D.By written messages.

Human' s Hands Archaeological records--paintings, drawings, and drawings of humans engaged

Human' s Hands

Archaeological records--paintings, drawings, and drawings of humans engaged in activities involving the use of hands--indicate that humans have been predominantly right - handed for more than 5,000 years. In ancient Egyptian artwork, for example, the fight-hand is depicted us the dominant one in about 90 per- cent of the examples. Fracture or wear patterns on tools also indicate that a majority of ancient people were fight - handed.

Cro - Magnon cave paintings some 27,000 years old commonly show outlines of human hands made by placing one hand against the cave wall and applying paint with the other. Children today make similar. out- lines of their hands with crayons on paper. With few exceptions, left hands of Cro-Manganese are displayed on cave wails, indicating that the paintings were usually done by right-handers.

Anthropological evidence pushes the record of' handedness nearly human ancestors back to at least 1.4 million years ago. One important line of evidence comes from flaking patterns of stone cores used in toolmaking: implements flaked with a clockwise motion (indicating a right -handed toolmaker) can be distinguished from those flaked with a counter- clockwise rotation (indicating a left- handed toolmaker).

Even scratches found on fossil human teeth offer clues. Ancient humans are thought to have cut meat into strips by holding it between their teeth and slicing it with stone knives, as do the present - day Inuit. Occasionally the knives slip and leave scratches on the users' teeth. Scratches made with a left - to - right stroke direction (by right- handers) are more common than scratches in the opposite direction (made by lefthanders).

Still other evidence comes from cranial morphology: scientists think that physical differences between the right and left sides of the interior of the skull indicate subtle physical differences between the two sides of the brain. The variation between the hemispheres corresponds to which Side of the body is used to perform. specific activities. Such studies, as well as studies of tool use, indicate that right - or left - sided dominance is not exclusive to modern Homo sapiens. Populations of Neanderthals, such as Homo erects and Homo habilis, seem to have been predominantly right -handed, as we are.

What is the main idea of the passage?

A.Human ancestors became predominantly right- handed when they began to use tools.

B.It is difficult to interpret the significance of anthropological evidence concerning tool use.

C.Human and their ancestors have been predominantly right - handed for over a million years.

D.Human ancestors were more skilled at using both hands than modern humans.

Questions 1 to 5 are based on the following passage: There are two methods of fighting,

Questions 1 to 5 are based on the following passage:

There are two methods of fighting, the one by law, the other by force; the first method is that of men, the second of beasts; but as the first method is often insufficient, one must have recourse to the second. It is, therefore, necessary for a prince to know well how to use both the beast and the man. This was covertly taught to rulers by ancient writers, who related how Achilles and many others of those ancient princes were given to Chiron the centaur to be brought up and educated under his discipline. The parable of this semi animal, semi human teacher is meant to indicate that a prince must know how to use both natures, and that the one without the other is not durable. A prince, being thus obliged to know well how to act as a beast, must imitate the fox, and the lion, for the lion cannot protect himself from traps, and the fox annot defend himself from wolves. Those that wish to be only lions do not understand this. Therefore, a prudent ruler ought not to keep faith when by doing so it would be against his interest, and when the reasons which made him bind himself no longer exist. If men were all good, this precept would not be good ; but as they are bad, and would not observe their faith with you, so you are not bound to keep faith with them. Nor have legitimate grounds ever failed a prince who wished to show colorable excuse for the nonfulfilment of his promise. Of this one could furnish an infinite number of examples, and show how many times peace has been broken, and how many promises rendered worthless, by the faithlessness of princes, and those that have best been able to imitate the fox have succeeded best. But it is necessary to be able to disguise this character well, and to be a great feigner and dissembler, and men are so simple and so ready to obey present necessities, that the one who deceives will always find those who allow themselves to be deceived. The author of the passage does not believe that ____

A.A.people can protect themselves

B.B.the truth makes men free

C.C.leaders have to be consistent

D.D.princes are human

听力原文:Not until somewhat recently(that is, in terms of human history) did people find a

听力原文: Not until somewhat recently(that is, in terms of human history) did people find a need for knowing the time of day. As best we know, 5,000 to 6,000 years ago great civilizations in the Middle East and North Africa initiated clock-making. With their bureaucracies and formal religions, these cultures found a need to organize their time mom efficiently.

The Egyptians were the next to formally divide their day into parts something like our hours. Obelisks(slender, tapering, four-sided monuments) were built as early as 3500 B.C. Their moving shadows formed a kind of sundial, enabling citizens to partition the day into two parts by indicating noon. They also showed the year's longest and shortest days when the shadow at noon was the shortest or longest of the year. Later, markers added around the base of the monument would indicate further time subdivisions.

Another Egyptian shadow clock or sundial, possibly the first portable timepiece, came into use around 1500 B.C. to measure the passage of "hours". This device divided a sunlit day into 10 parts plus two "twilight hours" in the morning and evening. When the long stem with 5 variably spaced marks was oriented east and west in the morning, an elevated crossbar on the east end east a moving shadow over the marks. At noon, the device was turned in the opposite direction to measure the afternoon "hours".

In the quest for more year-round accuracy, sundials evolved from flat horizontal or vertical plates to more elaborate forms. One version was the hemispherical dial, a bowl-shaped depression cut into a block of stone, carrying a central vertical gnomon(pointer) and scribed with sets of hour lines for different seasons. The hemicycle, said to have been invented about 300 B.C., removed the useless haft of the hemisphere to give an appearance of a half-bowl cut into the edge of a squared block.






Passage Two Questions 62 to 66 are based on the following passage. By almost any mea

Passage Two Questions 62 to 66 are based on the following passage.

By almost any measure, there is a boom in Internet-based instruction. In just a few years, 34 percent of American universities have begun offering some form. of distance learning (DL), and among the larger schools, it's close to 90 percent. If you doubt the popularity of the trend, you probably haven't heard of the University of Phoenix. It grants degrees entirely on the basis of online instruction. It enrolls 90,000 students, a statistic used to support its claim to be the largest private university in the country.

While the kinds of instruction offered in these programs will differ, DL usually signifies a course in which the instructors post syllabi (课程大纲), reading assignment, and schedules on Websites, and students send in their assignments by e-mail. Generally speaking, face-to-face communication with an instructor is minimized or eliminated altogether.

The attraction for students might at first seem obvious. Primarily, there's the convenience promised by courses on the Net: you can do the work, as they say, in your pajamas (睡衣). But figures indicate that the reduced effort results in a reduced commitment to the course. While dropout rate for all freshmen at American universities is around 20 percent, the rate for online students is 35 percent. Students themselves seem to understand the weaknesses inherent in the setup. In a survey conducted for eCornell, the DL division of Cornell University, less than a third of the respondents expected the quality of the online course to be as good as the classroom course.

Clearly, from the schools' perspective, there's a lot of money to be saved. Although some of the more ambitious programs require new investments in servers and networks to support collaborative software, most DL courses can run on existing or minimally upgraded (升级) systems. The more students who enroll in a course but don't come to campus, the more school saves on keeping the lights on in the classrooms, paying doorkeepers, and maintaining parking lots. And, while there's evidence that instructors must work harder to run a DL course for a variety of reasons, they won't be paid any more, and might well be paid less.

62. What do we learn from the first paragraph?

A) Children do find lots of fun in many mindless activites.

B) Rebecca is much too occupied to enjoy her leisure time.

C) Rebecca draws on a lot of online materials for her writing.

D) A lot of distractions compete for children's time nowadays.

听力原文:Not until somewhat recently (that is, in terms of human history) did people find

听力原文:Not until somewhat recently (that is, in terms of human history) did people find a need for knowing the time of day. As best we know, 5,000 to 6,000 years ago great civilizations in the Middle East and North Africa initiated clock-making. With their bureaucracies and formal religions, these cultures found a need to organize their time mom efficiently.

The Egyptians were the next to formally divide their day into parts something like our hours. Obelisks (slender, tapering, four-sided monuments) were built as early as 3500 B.C. Their moving shadows formed a kind of sundial, enabling citizens to partition the day into two parts by indicating noon. They also showed the year's longest and shortest days when the shadow at noon was the shortest or longest of the year. Later, markers added around the base of the monument would indicate further time subdivisions.

Another Egyptian shadow clock or sundial, possibly the first portable timepiece, came into use around 1500 B.C. to measure the passage of "hours". This device divided a sunlit day into 10 parts plus two "twilight hours" in the morning and evening. When the long stem with 5 variably spaced marks was oriented east and west in the morning, an elevated crossbar on the east end east a moving shadow over the marks. At noon, the device was turned in the opposite direction to measure the afternoon "hours".

In the quest for more year-round accuracy, sundials evolved from flat horizontal or vertical plates to more elaborate forms. One version was the hemispherical dial, a bowl-shaped depression cut into a block of stone, carrying a central vertical gnomon (pointer) and scribed with sets of hour lines for different seasons. The hemicycle, said to have been invented about 300 B. C. , removed the useless haft of the hemisphere to give an appearance of a half-bowl cut into the edge of a squared block.





D.5,000-6, 000.

Sensitive teeth may indicate a serious problem that may need prompt care by a dentist.A.YB

Sensitive teeth may indicate a serious problem that may need prompt care by a dentist.




What does the design of the orbiter indicate?

Which of the following prefixes does not indicate negation()?





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