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We can guarantee delivery within ten days of receive of a firm order.()




D.a firm order

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更多“We can guarantee delivery with…”相关的问题
What do we learn from the last paragraph? 查看材料A.Th

What do we learn from the last paragraph? 查看材料

A.The aging of population is becoming more and more serious in Britain.

B.The elderly often go to the Costa del Sol for their final years.

C.The older people in the nursing home can get protection from the government.

D.The government changes the policy to help people plan their later life.

听力原文:W: Hi. How can we help you today? M: Yeah. Id like to get my hair trimmed a litt
le. Nothing fancy. Just a basic trim. W: Well, can we interest you in todays special? M: Um...No... W: Well shampoo, cut, and style. your hair for one unbelievable low price of $9.99. Plus, well give you a clean shave and a back massage to help you relax. Best service in town! M: Okay, Ill have the complete service today, but as I said before, I just want to get my hair trimmed. A little off the top and sides. Thats all. I mean, thats all. W: No problem. Relax. Youre in good hands. Okay, here we go. So, what do you do for a living? M: Im a lawyer, specializing in workplace accidents, and Im in town for an interview for a new job, and.. .Hey, what happened to my hair? And whats left of my hair turned purple. Are you even a licensed beautician? W: Well, sir, we offer a money-back guarantee on all our work, so if youre not completely satisfied... M: Satisfied? Im anything but satisfied. How in the world am I supposed to go to a job interview looking like this? Forget it. Forget it. Questions 13 to 15 are based on the conversation you have just heard. 13. Why does the man repeatedly say "Thats all"? 14. What does the beautician mean by "Youre in good hands"? 15. Why does the man come to this beauty salon?14.

A.Your hands look good.

B.Your hair is in good condition.

C.You have a good beautician to serve you.

D.You can relax.

Career planning does not necessarily follow routine of logical steps. Each of us places we
ight on different factors and may consider certain phases of career planning at different time. Career planning includes gathering information about ourselves and about 【M1】______

occupations, estimating the probable outcomes of various courses of action, and finally, choose alternatives that we find attractive and feasible. 【M2】______

But career planning does not guarantee that all the problems, difficulties, or decision. making situations that faces you in the future will be solved or made any easier. No formula 【M3】______

can be given to do that. But career planning should help you to approach and cope better in new problems, such as deciding whether or not to enter educational or training 【M4】______

programs, deciding whether or not to change jobs, and analyzed the difficulties 【M5】______

you are having with a situation or a person.

Nobody can foresee what the future holds for any of us. There is social, 【M6】______

emotional,and moral considerations in our future that cannot be foreseen. But the roost important lessons of this often unhappy modem world 【M7】______

is what progress comes from planning. 【M8】______

Ignorance at one’s career is not bliss (洪福).Reason is better than chance and fate. 【M9】______

Although there is no sure way to make career plans to work out, there are things 【M10】______

that you can do now to shape your career possibilities.


听力原文:M: Hello. National Express Courier Company, Customer Service Department.W: Hello.

听力原文:M: Hello. National Express Courier Company, Customer Service Department.

W: Hello. I have some questions about a package I'm going to send. Can you help me?

M: Yes. ma'am. What would you like to know?

W: I have a box of homemade candy, and I want to send it to my sister. It's a birthday present. Do you have any special roles about delivering food?

M: No. not in this case, ma'ma. If you were sending fruit or vegetables, they would have to be packed specially. But there are no roles about sending candy.

W: OK, I have another question. I'm very concerned about the package reaching my sister on time. Can you make sure that it will be there by her birthday on Saturday?

M: Where does it have to go?

W: California.

M: Hmm. Saturday's only four days away. We have a priority service that would guarantee delivery in three days but it's more expensive than our regular rate.

W: Well, I don't want to waste money, but it's more important that the package be there on time.

M: OK. Bring your package to the office, and we'll send it by priority service.

W: OK. I'll do that. Thanks for your help.

M: It's my pleasure


A.She needs some information.

B.She wants packing materials.

C.She is checking her package.

D.She is moving to California.

听力原文:People management skills are the most important skills a manager can develop. Wha

听力原文: People management skills are the most important skills a manager can develop. What differentiates a leader from a manager is that the leader has acquired not just the technical and strategic skills but the interpersonal skills to make things happen.

No doubt on your way up through the ranks, you have come across managers who are lacking in interpersonal skills, though they may be good at other aspects of their jobs. And you know, their future will be affected greatly by this lack of human skills.

Our program is totally devoted to developing those managerial skills in people on their way to the top. It covers motivating, assessing, rewarding, leading and developing people. Very simple models of interpersonal relationships are used to focus attention on understanding one's own behavior, its impact on others, understanding the goals of others and integrating a group into a winning team.

Professor John Hunt, Program Director, deliberately limits the number of people on this program to guarantee personal attention between tutors and participants. To match the content precisely to your needs, we ask you to do some pre-course work which includes a survey of those who work with you. This data is linked to our own large databank on how effective managers operate. We then work with you to develop your own specific goals as a manager.


A.Managers who want to strengthen their leadership.

B.Managers who want to improve their strategic and technical skills.

C.Managers who lack managerial skills in general.

D.Managers who lack human management skills.

听力原文:W: Good afternoon, Diamond hotel. Can I help you?M: Oh, hello, Yes, thank you. I'

听力原文:W: Good afternoon, Diamond hotel. Can I help you?

M: Oh, hello, Yes, thank you. I'm looking to book a hotel room for January the second for one night. Do you have any room available?

W: January the second for one night? Wait for a while. Let me check my records... It looks like... Yes, we do! Got a bunch of rooms that night as a matter of facts.

M: Would you have one available with a double bed?

W: Er... Yes, we do.

M: Great. Urn, I'd like to book that. Is it non-smoking or smoking?

W: We've got both no-smoking and smoking. What is your preference?

M: I'd like a smoking room, please.

W: OK, so that's January the second, double bed, smoking room. Anything else you want to know about the hotel?

M: We'd like a quiet room. Is there.., is there one that's not lacing the street?

W: Not sure about that, we have to wait until that night, to be honest with you. So I can't guarantee that.

M: And how much would the room be?

W: For one evening on the second it was going to be $ 70.

M: Seventy dollars? Is that your best rate?

W: Yes, it is. Absolutely, our best.

M: Is there any discount for the residents here?

W: Yes, There is.

M: What would the rate be then?

W: Er... er... 49 dollars.

M: We'll take that. Thank you so much.

W: Thank you.


A.Doctor and patient.

B.Professor and student.

C.Receptionist and guest.

D.Boss and worker.

听力原文:M: Hello, National Express Courier Company, Customer Service Department.W: Hello,

听力原文:M: Hello, National Express Courier Company, Customer Service Department.

W: Hello, I have some questions about a package I'm going to send. Can you help me?

M: Yes, ma'am. What would you like to know?

W: I have a box of homemade candy, and I want to send it to my sister. It's a birthday present. Do you have any special roles about delivering food?

M: No, not in this case, ma'ma. If you were sending fruit or vegetables, they would have to be packed specially. But there are no rules about sending candy.

W: OK, I have another question. I'm very concerned about the package reaching my sister on time. Can you make sure that it will be there by her birthday on Saturday?

M: Where does it have to go?

W: California.

M: Hmm. Saturday's only four days away. We have a priority service that would guarantee delivery in three days but it's more expensive than our regular rate.

W: Well, I don't want to waste money, but it's more important that the package be there on time.

M: OK. Bring your package to the office, and we'll send it by priority service.

W: OK. I’ll do that. Thanks for your help.

M: It's my pleasure.


A.She needs some information,

B.She wants packing materials.

C.She is checking her package.

D.She is moving to California.

听力原文:W: Yes, sir. Can I help you?M: Um yes. I bought this radio-cassette player here a

听力原文:W: Yes, sir. Can I help you?

M: Um yes. I bought this radio-cassette player here a couple of weeks ago. Here's the receipt.

W: Ahha. That's fine. What seems to be the problem?

M: Well, it's been nothing but trouble since I bought it.

W: OK. Just let me take a note of this. Err, radio-cassette player.

M: The first thing is one of the speakers doesn't work properly. The sound is completely distorted with the radio or a tape.

W: Which one is it?

M: The right-hand one. Another problem is the left cassette player. It chews up tapes. It's completely mined two of my favorite cassettes.

W: Oh dear. The speaker and the cassette player.

M: One of the cassettes was brand new, oh, and the rewind switch doesn't work. Actually it never did.

W: OK. So there's the fight-hand speaker...the cassette player and...urn, the rewind switch. Is that it?

M: No, I'm afraid not. The aerial doesn't work properly. It's stuck.

W: Hmm, I see what you mean. The handle is broken too.

M: Yes, I'd forgotten about that. It's not very good, is it?

W: Err, no. But it's under guarantee and we can repair it. Just give me your name.

M: Jonathan Hall.

W: And phone number.

M: My home number is 67532, work is 78549.

W: 78549. And it is the, urn, 11th of February.

M: Yes. That's right.

W: OK. Mr. Hall. Here is your copy. We'll give you a ring when it's ready.


A.It has too much interference.

B.It produces no sound whatsoever.

C.The sound is too low.

D.The sound is completely distorted.

听力原文:W: David, sorry for my school board meeting last night so late. I've been working
on a special project with the school board, and I like your opinion on it.

M: What is it?

W: I've been trying to find a way to encourage reading.

M: Tell me about it. I work with families everyday, Eva. I see how people spend their leisure time --young and old.

W: Mostly watching TV. Well, that would be OK, if people took the time to read.

M: I couldn't agree with you more.

W: The question is, how do we get them to read more?

M: I think you are going to give me the answer to that question. You have that look in your eye.

W: I do have the answer, or at least I think I do. The plan is a simple one. Involve the entire family in a reading project. But first in the schoolrooms. By arranging with the public schools to schedule one hour a week--to start with. During that time, parents are invited to attended to read along with the children.

M: It can go beyond the school system.

W: Really?

M: I guarantee you it would go very well in the hospitals. My patients--mostly kids--would love to read or to be read to.

W: I love the idea. In that way, we can spend more time together. You and I are very busy these days, we need to find more time to be together, to do things together. That would be wonderful.


A.She wants to get people to read more.

B.She settled every problem by discussing with her husband.

C.She is worried about the reading project.

D.She wants to start the project from her own family.

A person can be good at critical thinking, meaning that the person can have the appropriat
e dispositions and be adept at the cognitive processes, while still not being a good (in the moral sense) critical thinker. For example, a person can be adept at developing arguments and then, unethically, use this skill to mislead and exploit a gullible (易受骗的) person, perpetrate (作恶) a fraud, or deliberately confuse and confound (挫败), and frustrate a project.

The experts were faced with an interesting problem. Some, a minority, would prefer to think that critical thinking, by its very nature, is inconsistent with the kinds of unethical and deliberately counterproductive examples given. They find it hard to imagine a person who was good at critical thinking not also being good in the broader personal and social sense. In other words, if a person were "really" a "good critical thinker" in the procedural sense and if the person had all the appropriate dispositions, then the person simply would not do those kinds of exploitive and aggravating things.

The large majority, however, hold the opposite judgment. They are firm in the view that good critical thinking has nothing to do with any given set of ethical values or social mores. The majority of experts maintain that critical thinking conceived of as we have described it above, is, regrettably, not inconsistent with its unethical use. A tool, an approach to situations, these can go either way, ethically speaking, depending on the character, integrity, and principles of the persons who possess them. So, in the final analysis the majority of experts maintained that "it is an inappropriate use of the term to deny that someone is engaged in critical thinking on the grounds that one disapproves ethically of what the person is doing. What critical thinking means, why it is of value, and the ethics of its use are best regarded as three distinct concerns.

Richard Paul describes two beneficial dispositions that are encouraged (but not guaranteed) by critical thinking education:

"Fair-minded thinkers take into account the interests of everyone affected by the problem and proposed solutions. They are more committed to finding the best solution than to getting their way." And a critical thinker "has confidence that, in the long nm, one's own higher interests and those of human kind at large will be best served by giving the freest play to reason, despite the deep-seated obstacles in the native character of the human mind and in society as we know it."

Yes, reason is useful, it is noble and desirable, it should be highly valued and carefully developed. But we should keep things in perspective, regarding what reason can accomplish. Probably most of us will agree with Paul (about the value of critical thinking) but also with the majority of experts (that becoming skilled at critical thinking does not guarantee that this powerful tool will always be used for the benefit of others).

A person who is good at critical thinking is______.

A.a good critical thinker

B.skilled at projects

C.good at arguments

D.unlikely to deceive people

A.Because the market has both up and down years.B.Because you can get bigger guarantee

A.Because the market has both up and down years.

B.Because you can get bigger guaranteed returns.

C.Because 30% returns can be achieved with the right stocks.

D.Because you have to weather the storm.

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