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Organic food is not necessarily better than conventional food in terms of nutrition, safet

y or taste.




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Organic food is not necessarily better than conventional food in temps of nutrition, safet
y or taste.




According to the FAO, as the demand for organic food and products increases, prices will b
e lower for organic products than conventional products.




Organic Food Organic farming was among the fastest growing segments of U.S. agriculture du

Organic Food

Organic farming was among the fastest growing segments of U.S. agriculture during the 1990s. The value of retail. sales of organic food was estimated to be $16 billion in 2004. According to the Food Marketing Institute, more than half of Americans now buy organic food at least once a month. Why is organic food becoming so popular?

What is Organic Food?

In December 2000, the National Organic Standards Board of the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) established a national standard for the term "organic". Organic food, defined by how it cannot be made rather than how it can be made, must be produced without the use of sewer-sludge fertilizers, most synthetic fertilizers and pesticides, genetic engineering (biotechnology), growth hormones, irradiation and antibiotics. A variety of agricultural products can be produced organically, including produce, grains, meat, dairy, eggs, and processed food products.

"Organic" does not mean "natural". There is no legal definition as to what constitutes a "natural" food. However, the food industry uses the term "natural" to indicate that a food has been minimally processed and is preservative-free. Natural foods can include organic foods, but not all natural foods are organic. Only foods labeled "organic" have been certified as meeting USDA organic standards.

Organic Farming

The phrase 'organic farming' — first appeared in Lord Northbourne's book Look to the Land, published in 1940. But the truth is, organic farming is the oldest form. of agriculture. Before the end of World War Ⅱ, farming without the use of petroleum-based chemicals (synthetic fertilizers and pesticides) was the only option for farmers. Technologies developed during the war were found to be useful for agricultural production. For example, the chemical ammonium nitrate (硝酸铵), which was used as munitions (军需品), became useful as fertilizer, and organophosphates (有机磷酸盐) used for nerve gas were later used as insecticide.

These days, farmers are switching to organic agriculture once again, but now with an ecologically based, systematic approach that includes long-term planning, detailed record keeping and major investment in equipment and supplies. Although it is still only a small industry, the number of organic farmers is growing by about 12 percent per year and now stands at more than 12,000 nationwide.

Organic Farming in the U.S. Today

The USDA's Economic Research Service reports that in 1997, the latest year for which data are available, farmers in 49 states used organic production methods and thirdVparty organic certification services on 1.35 million acres out of a total of 828 million acres of farmland. Approximately two-thirds of the certified U.S. organic farmland was used for crops, and one-third was used as pasture.

Large farms, mostly located in the Midwest and West, produced processed tomatoes, organic wine grapes and other high-value crops on a commercial scale, whereas numerous small farms, concentrated in the Northeast, specialized in mixed vegetable production for direct marketing to consumers and restaurants.

While organic food can be found throughout the country, California was the leader in production of organic fruits and vegetables in 1997, followed closely by Arizona, Florida, Texas, and Washington in decreasing order of total yield. Farmers and ranchers in 23 states raised a small number of certified organic cows, hogs and sheep. New York, Wisconsin and Minnesota were the top producers of organic dairy cows.

Production: Organic vs. Conventional

As you can imagine, organic agricultural practices are quite distinct from those of "conventional" fanning.

Organic farmers:

feed soil and build soil matter with natural fertilizer to grow their crops use insect predators, mating disruption, traps and barriers to protect crops from




听力原文:Health food is a general term applied to all kinds of food that are considered mo

听力原文: Health food is a general term applied to all kinds of food that are considered more healthful than the types of foods widely sold in supermarkets. For instance, whole grains, fried beaus, and corn oil are health foods. A narrower classification of health food is natural food, which is used to distinguish between types of the same food. Raw honey is a natural sweetener, whereas relined sugar is not. Fresh fruit is a natural food, but canned fruit, with sugars and other additives, is not. The most precise term of all and the narrowest classification within health food is organic food, which is used to describe food that has been grown on a particular kind of farm. Fruits and vegetables that are grown in gardens that are only treated with organic fertilizers, that are not sprayed with poisonous insecticides, and that are not refined after harvest, are organic foods. Meats, fish, dairy and poultry products from animals that are fed only organically-grown feed and that are not injected with hormones are organic foods.

In choosing the type of food you eat, then, you have basically two choices: inorganic, processed foods, or organic, unprocessed foods. A wise decision should include investigation of the claims that processed foods contain chemicals, some of which ate proven to be poisonous, and that vitamin content is greatly reduced in processed foods.


A.Refined food.

B.Processed food.

C.Natural food.

D.Organic food.

According to the USDA, ___________________ tend to be reduced in organic food production.

The Soil Association's asserted that the FSA's report ______.A.had noticed the impact of o

The Soil Association's asserted that the FSA's report ______.

A.had noticed the impact of organic agriculture on the environment

B.had ignored to examine the effect of pesticide use

C.should be criticized for neglecting the benefit of organic food

D.has entirely disregarded the intent of the study

Organic agriculture is a relatively untapped resource for feeding the Earth's popu
lation,especially inthe face of climate change and other global challenges. That's the conclusion I reached in reviewing40 years of science comparing the long-term prospects of organic and conventional farming.

The review study,"Organic Agriculture in the 21st Century,”is featured as the cover story for theFebruary issue of the journal Nature Plants. It is the first to compare organic and conventional agricultureacross the main goals of sustainability identified by the National Academy of Sciences: productivity,economics,and environment.

Critics have long argued that organic agriculture is inefficient,requiring more land to yield the sameamount of food. It's true that organic farming produces lower yields,averaging 10 to 20 percent less thanconventional. Advocates contend that the environmental advantages of organic agriculture far outweighthe lower yields,and that increasing research and breeding resources for organic systems would reduce theyield gap.Sometimes excluded from these arguments is the fact that we already produce enough food tomore than feed the world's 7.4 billion people but do not provide adequate access to all individuals

In some cases,organic yields can be higher than conventional. For example,in severe droughtconditions,which are expected to increase with climate change in many areas,organic farms can produceas good,if not better,yields because of the higher water-holding capacity of organically farmed soils.

What science does tell us is that mainstream conventional farming systems have provided growingsupplies of food and other products but often at the expense of other sustainability goals.

Conventional agriculture may produce more food,but it often comes at a cost to the environment.Biodiversity loss,environmental degradation,and severe impacts on ecosystem services have not onlyaccompanied conventional farming systems but have often extended well beyond their field boundaries.With organic agriculture,environmental costs tend to be lower and the benefits greater.

Overall,organic farms tend to store more soil carbon,have better soil quality, and reduce soil erosioncompared to their conventional counterparts. Organic agriculture also creates less soil and water pollutionand lower greenhouse gas emissions. And it's more energy-efficient because it doesn't rely on syntheticfertilizers or pesticides.

Organic agriculture is also associated with greater biodiversity of plants,animals,insects andmicroorganisms as well as genetic diversity. Biodiversity increases the services that nature provides andimproves the ability of farming systems to adapt to changing conditions.

Despite lower yields,organic agriculture is more profitable for farmers because consumers are willingto pay more.Higher prices,called price premiums,can be justified as a way to compensate farmers forproviding ecosystem services and avoiding environmental damage or external costs.

51. What do we learn from the conclusion of the author's review study?

A)More resources should be tapped for feeding the world's population.

B)Organic farming may be exploited to solve the global food problem.

C)The long-term prospects of organic farming are yet to be explored.

D) Organic farming is at least as promising as conventional farming.

52. What is the critics' argument against organic farming?

A)It cannot meet the need for food.

B) It cannot increase farm yields.

C )It is not really practical.

D) It is not that productive.

53. What does the author think should be taken into account in arguing about organic farming?

A)Growth in world population.

B)Deterioration in soil fertility.

C) Inequality in food distribution.

D)Advance in farming technology.

54. What does science tell us about conventional farming?

A) It will not be able to meet global food demand.

B)It is not conducive to sustainable development.

C) It will eventually give way to organic farming.

D) It is going mainstream throughout the world.

55. Why does the author think higher prices of organic farm produce are justifiable?

A)They give farmers going organic a big competitive edge.

B)They motivate farmers to upgrade farming technology.

C) Organic farming costs more than conventional farming.

D)Organic farming does long-term good to the ecosystem.

The author implies that there is cause for concern if consumers with limited incomes buy o
rganic foods instead of conventionally grown foods because ______.

A.organic foods can be more expensive but are often no better than conventionally grown foods

B.many organic foods are actually less nutritious than similar conventionally grown foods

C.conventionally grown foods are more readily available than organic foods

D.too many farmers will stop using conventional methods to grow food crops

Why does Neil Tomes say he loves food ingredients from Britain?A.They appeal to people fro

Why does Neil Tomes say he loves food ingredients from Britain?

A.They appeal to people from all over the world.

B.They are produced on excellent organic farms.

C.They are processed in a scientific way.

D.They come in a great variety.

According to a new TIME poll, what may be one of the reasons that Americans prefer to buy
organic food ant energy-efficient light bulbs?

A.These products are cheaper and more persuasive.

B.They are abiding by a kind of new contract.

C.The manufacturer of the products urges them to buy.

D.Buying such products has become a vogue.

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