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If this can't be settled reasonably, it may be necessary to ______ to force.A.resolveB.res

If this can't be settled reasonably, it may be necessary to ______ to force.





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更多“If this can't be settled reaso…”相关的问题
听力原文:M: This TV set is not working properly, I suppose we should buy a new one, but I
don't see how we can afford it right now.

W: If only you hadn't bought that motorbike.

Q: Why didn't they buy a new TV set?


A.They had no time.

B.They couldn't afford to buy it.

C.There was nothing wrong with the old one.

D.They both wanted to buy a motorbike.

听力原文:W: I really wan to see the play at the outdoor theatre tonight. Will you come wit
h me?

M: You know I hate battling with all those mosquitoes. But... if you have your heart set on it...

Q: What does the man imply?


A.He doesn't think he can really enjoy it.

B.He is sorry he can't go with the woman.

C.He thinks the theatre will be crowded.

D.He really dislikes the play on show.

听力原文:W: I think a drought has set in. It hasn't rained a drop for months. The soil has
been baked so hard that the plow can't even break it.

M: Looks like it's going to be an ongoing thing that would get worse each day. I can hardly harvest corn in my field in such weather.

Q: What does the man probably do?


A.A scientist.

B.A weather reporter.

C.A farmer.

D.A worker.

听力原文:M: Oh, looks like I'm going to be a little late for class. I hope Professor Clark
doesn't start on time today.

W: Are you kidding? You can set your watch by the time he starts his class.

Q: What can be inferred about Professor Clark?


A.He is always punctual for his class.

B.He rarely notices which students are late.

C.He wants his students to be on time for class.

D.He doesn't allow his students to tell jokes in class.

听力原文:W: It looks like I'm going to be a little late for class. I hope Prof. Clark does
n't start on time today.

M: Are you kidding? You can set your watch by the start of his class.

Q: What can be inferred about Prof. Clark?


A.He rarely noticed when students are late.

B.He is usually punctual.

C.He advised his students to wear watches to class.

D.He has been unpredictable.

-We are going to have a dancing party tonight. Would you like to join us? -().

-We are going to have a dancing party tonight. Would you like to join us? -().

A: I'm afraid not. Because I have an appointment with my dentist tonight

B: Of course not. I have no idea.

C: No, I can't

D: That's all set

听力原文:M: Uh, looks like I'm going to be a little late for class. I hope Professor Clark
doesn't start on time today.

W: Are you kidding? You can set your watch by the time he starts his class.

Q: What can be inferred about Professor Clark?


A.He is always punctual for his class.

B.He rarely notices which students are late.

C.He wants his students to be on time for class.

D.He doesn't allow his students to tell jokes in class.

听力原文:W:I have to set off at 7 o'clock in the morning to attend a 10 o'clock class ever
y morning.I can't stand this any longer.

M:Your brother's college is even farther than yours.Have you heard him saying anything?

Q:What does the man mean?


A.Setting off at 7 o'clock is no big deal.

B.She should arrange her life better.

C.Her brother can tell her what to do.

D.She should not complain it.

听力原文:W: Sorry, I am late. My clock didn't work this morning, even though I did set the
alarm last night.

M: Don't make up any excuse for your being late. What you have to do is to make up for the time you have lost.

Q: What can we learn from the conversation?


A.The man's clock was broken.

B.The woman worked late yesterday.

C.The man will help the woman with her work.

D.The man doesn't believe the woman's words.




Performance management aims to acknowledge employee achievements, support their personal and professional development, and motivate and empower them to perform. their work effectively. Performance management helps employees to develop their understanding, knowledge and skills so that they can contribute to the achievement of the enterprise's goals and gain personal and job satisfaction. It is a vital part of any quality human resource system.

Every enterprise wants and should expect high performance from each employee.The elements of a competency-based performance management system will, if implemented well, enable high performance which will define enterprise and personal success. Using performance management processes, an enterprise can be better placed to meet competitive challenges. This is done by:

●identifying the critical positions

●determining the most important competencies for those positions

●providing the education, training and feedback required by employees

●holding each person accountable for their results

The key to the performance management process is ‘performance appraisal'. Performance appraisal is simply an evaluation of how well an employee performs his or her job compared to a set of predetermined standards. It is a systematic process of feedback on an employee's work performance, and agreement to future training plans, job goals and job aspirations.

To be effective, a performance appraisal needs to have a set of agreed criteria that will be the basis of feedback as well as of setting future goals. Units of competency provide a very effective tool for setting benchmarks or criteria for work performance. The performance criteria within units of competency can be used as measures to assess against in a performance appraisal or review.


1. Performance management is a very important part of any quality human resource system.{T; F}

2. The aim of performance management is to punish the unqualified employees.{T; F}

3. An enterprise can be better placed to meet competitive challenges by providing the education, training and feedback required by employees, for example.{T; F}

4. Every enterprise can expect high performance from each employee.{T; F}

5. “Performance management” is also called “performance appraisal”.{T; F}

听力原文: When Nancy Lublin received $5,000 from her grandfather in 1996, she never once c
onsidered taking a vacation or paying off student loans. Instead, the 24-year-old New York University law student began thinking about helping low-income women get better jobs. "If a woman goes for a job interview poorly-dressed, she won't get the job," Lublin says. "But without a job, she can't afford suitable clothes."

So, with the money Lublin founded "Dress for Success" and began collecting women's clothes which were still in good condition but which their owners no longer needed. "So many women have clothes lying around that they will never wear again," one of Lublin's assistants says. "Nancy's idea is so simple and yet so important to women."

Many women come to Lublin's office before going to a job interview. Here, they receive a suit, shoes mid any other things they need. Since it was set up, more than 1,000 women have turned to "Dress for Success" for help. Many of them have won job. Some have round jobs after being out of work for many years. Jenny, a 32-year-old woman who was recently hired as a law-firm office manager says, "I made a good impression because of 'Dress for Success'."


A.Nancy set up "Dress for Success" to make money.

B.Nancy's office gathers used clothes from women.

C.Nancy's grandfather lent her the money to set up the office.

D.Low-income women can get jobs at "Dress for Success".

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