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Among all popular marketing strategies, email marketing, mobile marketing, digital cou

pons, social media marketing, pay-per-click ads are very useful in cross-border E-commerce field. Recently, Amazon also launched () Marketing.(在所有的营销手段中,邮件营销、移动设备营销、电子优惠券、社交媒体营销、点击付费广告等在跨境电商中是比较有效的方式。最近,亚马逊还推出了网红营销方式。)

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材料题请点击右侧查看材料问题 查看材料A.By making the au

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A.By making the audiences feel enlightened and think a lot.

B.By making the listeners learn what you want to convey.

C.By making the speakcr popular among people of all ages.

D.By convincing the audiences to change their former minds.

听力原文:The podcast revolution is erupting all over the world—and seemingly all at once.

听力原文: The podcast revolution is erupting all over the world—and seemingly all at once. (29) Why is it getting so popular? The technology is simple to master and podcasting software is inexpensive, sometimes even free. Two Chinese students are receiving international fame as millions of people around the world watch them podcast from their dormitory. They are called the Back Dormitory Boys, and they specialize in mouthing Backstreet Boys' songs. Although most people in China don't have iPods, podcasting is sweeping the country. (30) The Back Dormitory Boys are among the thousands of Chinese who are putting their own homemade audio and video up on the Internet for all to enjoy. "You just gotta love two guys making a fool of themselves, and gaining international attention," said "Good Morning America" technology expert Becky Worley. The Internet is becoming more and more popular with China's youth; (31) about 60 percent of the 100 million Chinese who use the Internet are under the age of 24. "This generation grew up with values that are very, very similar to their peers in the United States," said Huang Hung, publisher of Time Out Beijing. "You're going to see a complete change in the cultural landscape of China." Already, podcasting has taken off in the United States. Earlier this year, 19-year-old Gary Brolsma skyrocketed to Internet fame with what he calls his "Numa Numa" dance—a lip sync to a Romanian pop song.

29. Why is podcasting sweeping the world?

30.What does podcasting mean according to the speaker?

31.Why does the speaker hold that the Internet is very popular among young people in China?


A.Because it is related with pop songs.

B.Because it is both simple and inexpensive.

C.Because you don't need a master to teach you.

D.Because it is initiated by two Chinese students.

听力原文: People joke that no one in Los Angeles reads; everyone watches TV, rents videos,
or goes to the movies. (32 ) The most popular reading material is comic books, movie magazines, and TV guides. City libraries have only 10 percent: of the traffic that car washes have. But how do you ex-plain this? An annual book festival in west Los Angeles is" sold out year after year. People wait half an hour for a parking space to become available.

(33) This outdoor festival, sponsored by a newspaper, occurs every April for one weekend. This year's attendance was estimated at 70,000 on Saturday and 75,000 on Sunday. (34)The festival featured 280 exhibitors. There were about 90 talks given by authors, with an audience question-and-answer period following each talk. Autograph seekers sought out more than 150 authors. A food court sold all kinds of popular and ethnic foods, from American hamburgers to Hawaiian shave ice drinks. Except for a $ 7 parking fee, the festival was free. Even so, some people avoided the food court prices by sneaking in their own sandwiches and drinks.

People came from all over California. One couple drove down from San Francisco. This is their sixth year here now. They just love it. The husband said that it is just fantastic to be in the great outdoors, to be among so many books and authors, and to get some very good deals, too.

The idea for the festival occurred years ago, but nobody knew if it would succeed. Although book festivals were already popular in other US cities, would Los Angeles residents embrace one? (35)One of the festival founders said that it all depends as angelinos are very unpredictable.


A.Movie magazines, comic books and TV guides.

B.Dally newspapers, movie magazines and TV guides.

C.Fiction novels, comic books and movie magazines.

D.Fiction novels, dally newspapers and movie magazines.

听力原文:M: What kind of prints that are popular among teenagers? Which color do Japanese
people usually wear?

W: I think the most popular prints are those of Cookie Monster, Hello Kitty, and animal characters. And Japanese don't wear bright clothes. Usually they wear dark ones, like black or brown.

M: Who is the most well-known Thai singer in Japan?

W: Tata Young is the most famous Thai singer in Japan. She held a live tour in Tokyo and it was a big success. Her debut album for Japan recorded great sales all over Asia. Her music is played on the Japanese dance scene. Tata Young is so famous, not only in Japan, but also around the world.

M: What is still the tradition nowadays and what is the main reason for the making tea ceremony?

W: In Japan, we send New Years cards to our relatives and friends at the beginning of the year. By making tea ceremony, we regain our composure and we can enjoy drinking tea more.

M: What is "samurai"?

W: Samurai were people who had a special position in traditional Japanese society. Their hairstyle. was called chonmage. They carried an edged tool, called nihonto. There are not any more samurai in Japan now.

M: What do you usually do in nightlife?

W: I usually listen to the radio, play die guitar and the piano at home in the night time. I think many other university students go out to dinner at an Izakaya and drink beer with their friends.

M: What's the population of your country and where do most people live?

W: Most people live in Tokyo: The population of Tokyo is 12 million. And the second largest population is that of Osaka, which is 8.8 million. In Kynto, there are only 1.5 million people.


A.About some aspects of social life in Thailand.

B.About some aspects of social life in Japan.

C.About what prints are popular among teenagers in Thailand.

D.About what prints are popular among teenagers in Japan.

听力原文:On Feb 15th, 1989, an instant survey was carried out among 18 overseas postgradua

听力原文: On Feb 15th, 1989, an instant survey was carried out among 18 overseas postgraduate students. Eleven students were male and seven were female. The purpose of the survey was to discover the views of the students on a number of matters of personal concern. The survey was conducted by means of a questionnaire given to the students to complete. There were five questions. The first question concerned favorite color and the .second favorite number. The next 3 questions were all concerned with aspects of marriage. No. 3 looked at the ideal age to get married, No. 4 examined the qualities looked for in a partner and No. 5 asked about the ideal number of children. The main findings were as follows: Blue was the most popular color. This was followed by Green and Purple. There was no real significance in the choice of lucky numbers. About one third of the students said that they had none. Sixty-one percent of the students selected the age group 26 to 30 years as ideal for marriage, followed by 21 to 25 years. In looking for the most important qualities in an ideal partner, someone hoped the person to be Intelligent, others chose Natural, and still others indicated Attractive and Honest. The ideal number of children was 2, followed by 3. It is not easy to reach any definite conclusions based upon such a small sample of students from such widely different backgrounds. However, it is clear that majority favorite of 26 to 30 is the ideal age to get married with an intelligent partner, thereby producing 2 children.


A.Personal matters.

B.Social problems.

C.Family planning.

D.Family relations.

Which is not popular among tourists when you go abroad?()





听力原文:W: Hi,Fred.What are you reading?M: Oh,these are just some books I picked up at a

听力原文:W: Hi,Fred.What are you reading?

M: Oh,these are just some books I picked up at a local poetry festival that was held a couple of weeks ago. Even though a lot of what the featured poets wrote wasn't in English,it was still pleasant to see that there are so many people who appreciate poetry in New Zealand.

W: I didn't know you were such a poetry lover,Fred.Personally,I've always found that stuff a little boring and hard to understand.And all that flowery language gives me a headache!I'd rather read a nice long novel any day.

M: I'll admit that poetry's an acquired taste.But once you learn more about it,you'll find that poems aren't all flower and difficult to understand--they don't even have to rhyme!

W: Then who is your favorite poet?

M: One of my favorite poets is Billy Collins,who writes really funny,fine poems in simple everyday English.

W: I'll have to look him up.Say,have you ever written any poetry of your own?Some love sonnets,perhaps?

M: No love sonnets,but I did try to write some poems a long time ago.They were all really bad.Once I spent three hours trying to come up with a word that rhymes with"panda"!

W: Silly Fred!How could you not think of my name"Amanda"?

What do we learn about the popularity of poetry in New Zealand?

A.Poetry is popular among the general public.

B.People there have no interest in poetry.

C.Poetry is the most popular literature.

D.People have no passion for writing poems.

A.It will bring a lot of trouble to the local people.B.It is a popular form. of art.C.

A.It will bring a lot of trouble to the local people.

B.It is a popular form. of art.

C.It will spoil the natural beauty of their surroundings.

D.It is popular among rock stars.

听力原文:On 15th, Feb 1989 an instant survey was carded out among 18 overseas postgraduate

听力原文: On 15th, Feb 1989 an instant survey was carded out among 18 overseas postgraduate students. 11 students were male and 7 were female. The purpose of the survey was to discover the views of the students on a number of matters of personal concern. The survey was conducted by means of a questionnaire given to the students to complete. There were 5 questions. The first question concerned favorite color and the second favorite number. The next 3 questions were all concerned with aspects of marriage. No. 3 looked at the ideal age to get married, No. 4 ex mined the qualities looked for in a partner and No. 5 asked about the ideal number of children. The main findings were as follows. Blue was the most popular color. This was followed by Green and Purple. There was no real significance in the choice of lucky number. About one third of the students said that they had none. Sixty-one percent of the students selected the age group 26 to 30 years as ideal for marriage, followed by 21 to 25 years. In looking at the most important qualities in an ideal partner, someone hoped the person to be Intelligent, others chose Natural, still others indicated Attractive and Honest. The ideal number of children was 2, followed by 3. It is not easy to reach any del mite conclusions based upon such a small sample of students from such widely different backgrounds. However, it is clear that the majority favoried 26 to 30 as the ideal age to get married with an intelligent partner, producing 2 children.


A.18 American undergraduates.

B.18 overseas undergraduates,

C.18 American postgraduates.

D.18 overseas postgraduates.

The show is very popular among()(teenage) and youn g odults.

There is a popular belief among parents that schools are _____________(不再对教单词拼写感

There is a popular belief among parents that schools are _____________(不再对教单词拼写感兴趣).

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