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Romantic Love My two daughters are at the age of d...

Romantic Love My two daughters are at the age of dating and are expecting their great love. They thought their father and I had a ______ fairytale romance ___________ marriage from the outset. But it was not completely true. Love just happens when you _____ expect it, as is shown in my story. At the very beginning, I dated Butch just for fun. I was merely ______ on the first date and not so interested in Butch, for he was really a wild boy and seemed a little _____. After that, Butch intentionally created chances to see me. Though I _________________ his wild personality, I found I started to fall in love because his “bad boy image” was _________________. Then, one night, he announced to the world that I was his girlfriend and promised to marry me and become a lawyer. Though I ______________ him, I was certain that I would never marry this guy, a _____ without a good future. One month later, Butch failed all his courses and was going to be ____________ the university. I _______________on his behalf and helped him obtain reconsideration. Once we became steadies, he passed all of his classes and eventually studied law. Later, I realized that Butch was a perfect gentleman who ________ a lot of credit and we had a pure and __________ relationship for 7 full years. Two years later, Butch _________ marriage. Though I _________ my love for him, I was _______________ our future for we hadn’t graduated from college yet. We got married 5 years later. Our journey of love underwent ups and downs. It turns out to be a long, romantic, sometimes crazy, love story, which _______ a 29-year long honeymoon. Our love started with a casual attraction but ___________ a mature love and rich life together.

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Questions are based on the following passage.Romantic love has clear evolutionary roots
Questions are based on the following passage.Romantic love has clear evolutionary roots

Questions are based on the following passage.

Romantic love has clear evolutionary roots but our views about what makes an ideal romanticrelationship can be swayed by the society we.live in.So says psychologist Maureen O'Sullivan from theUniversity of San Francisco.She suggests that humans have always tried to strengthen the pair-bond tomaximise (使最大化) reproductive success.Many societies throughout history and around the world today have cultivated strong pressures tostay married.In those where ties to family and commtmity are strong, lifelong marriages can bepromoted by practices such as the cultural prohibition of divorce and arranged marriages that are seenas a contract between two families, not just two individuals.In modern western societies, however, thefocus on ndividuality and independence means that people are less concerned about conforming to (遵守 ) the dictates of family and culture.In the absence of societal pressures to maintain pair-bonds,O'Sullivan suggests that romantic love has increasingly come to be seen as the factor that shoulddetermine who we stay with and for how long."That's why historically we see an increase in romantic love as a basis for forming long-term relationships," she says.According to O'Sullivan culture also shapes the sorts of feelings we expect to have, and actually doexperience, when in love.Although the negative emotions associated with romantic love-fear of loss,disappointment and jealousy-are fairly consistent across cultures, the positive feelings can vary. "If youask Japanese students to list the positive attributes they expect in a romantic partner, they rate highlythings like loyalty, commitment and devotion," says O'Sullivan. "If you ask American college women,they expect everything under the sun: in addition to being committed, partners have to be amusing,funny and a friend."We judge a potential partner according to our specific cultural expectations about what romanticlove should feel like.If you believe that you have found true romance, and your culture tells you thatthis is what a long-term relationship should be based on, there is less need to rely on social or familypressures to keep couples together, O'Sullivan argues.

What does the author say about people's views of an ideal romantic relationship?

A.They vary from culture to culture.

B.They ensure the reproductive success.

C.They reflect the evolutionary process.

D.They are influenced by psychologists.

According to the passage, the concept of romantic love was introduced in_______.

What can we learn from the second paragraph about romantic love?A.It is a common occurrenc

What can we learn from the second paragraph about romantic love?

A.It is a common occurrence among the old.

B.It is primarily depicted by books.

C.It is characterized by mutual attraction and absorption.

D.It is rejected as flighty and irrational.

Living in Brazil (巴西)and SwitzerlandMoving to a different city may seem difficult.You ha
Living in Brazil (巴西)and Switzerland

Moving to a different city may seem difficult.You have to change schools and get used to your new home.But you can always go back to that city to visit.When you move to another country, things are different.However, difficult as it may be, the experience can be rewarding.

My dad, a Brazilian, is really funny and can make friends quickly.My mom, a Swiss, is usually quiet and a bit shy.She likes to be organized, but my dad never makes plans.She enjoys staying home, but my dad always wants to go out.Swiss and Brazilian---what a mix!

After my parents got married, they moved to Switzerlan

D.There they had my brother and me.When I was two, we moved to Brazil.During my childhood we visited Switzerland every year.

Many people ask me where I prefer to live: Brazil or Switzerlan

D.It’s really hard to answer because I love both countries.Brazil is a big country with many states and people.There are multiple dialects and many types of foods.People here have beautiful smiles and are always happy, even if they are poor.In the south the climate is cool, but in the north it’s hot and humi


Switzerland, on the other hand, is small but beautiful and clean.There are four languages in that tiny country.People there are very different from Brazilians: they are wealthy, independent, and organize

D.The food is delicious, and of course, the famous Swiss chocolate is great, and the climate is dry and cool.

I love both countries.In Switzerland, it's pleasant, calm, and peaceful everywhere.I enjoyed my stay there very much.But now I am happy here in Brazil, I feel excited and at home.

11.The author’s parents______

A.share similar interests

B.have different jobs

C.have different personalities

D.enjoy reading books

12.When the author was a child, the family used to______.

A.have many good friends

B.move between the two countries

C.speak two dialects

D.visit Brazil from time to time

13.The author thinks Brazilians are______,





14.According to the text, Switzerland_______.

A.is famous for its chocolate

B.has many big cities

C.has a lot in common with Brazil

D.is hot and humid

15.According to the author, living in two different cultures is a(n)_______.

A.appealing idea

B.difficult decision

C.expensive choice

D.pleasant experience

听力原文:W:Hi.May I help you?M:Yeah.Um,you see,I need some flowers for my wife,and uh,and,

听力原文:W:Hi.May I help you?

M:Yeah.Um,you see,I need some flowers for my wife,and uh,and,you know,I...

W:Let me guess.(22)You forget your anniversary, and you're trying to make things up, right?

M:(22)Oh.Yeah,is it that obvious?

W:Well,yeah.We see men like you all the time that are so involved in their work that they simply forget about us. M:Well,in this case,it's not like that.

W:Sure.What do you need?

M:Well,uh,I'd like to get a dozen roses and a very nice card。

W:Do you really think a dozen roses are going to cut it?


W:I mean,if my husband forgot our anniversary,(23)he would need at least two dozen roses, a dozen balloons, and a romantic evening at an expensive restaurant to get my forgiveness.

M:Well,thanks for your advice.Do you have balloons,by the way?

w:We only have flowers.But(24)you can get some in May's Grocery right at the corner.It's just between Susie's Barand Jack's Restaurant.

M:Thanks again.So give two dozens roses,please.

w:Which color of roses do you want? (25)The red roses are $10 a dozen, yellow roses $9, pink $8,and white $10.Well,I strongly recommend the red ones;women all like them.They stand for passion and eternal love.

M:Well.(25)I would prefer a dozen white roses and a dozen pink ones.They are her favorite colors.

W:I see.Let me wrap the flowers for you.and we will offer you a free card.


A.Because it is his wife's birthday today.

B.Because it is their wedding anniversary today.

C.Because he wants to surprise his wife.

D.Because he wants to apologize to his wife.

A.A dozen roses, two dozen balloons and a romantic dinner.B.A dozen roses, a beautiful

A.A dozen roses, two dozen balloons and a romantic dinner.

B.A dozen roses, a beautiful card and a romantic dinner.

C.Two dozen roses, a dozen balloons and a romantic dinner.

D.Two dozen roses, a beautiful card and a romantic dinner.

听力原文:W: I haven't seen you here for a couple weeks. Have you stopped eating or somethi

M: No. Does it look like I've stopped eating? I've been spending a lot of time in the library.

W: Working on a paper?

M: I wish I was working on a paper! I'm working on three different papers: anthropology, English literature, and history.

W: Wow, that is a lot of work.

M: Yeah, and what's frustrating is that I'm studying the nineteenth century British Empire in all three classes, but I can't just write a single paper for all three.

W: Why not?

M: The professors won't let me even if I make it three times as long as the suggested length.

W: That's too bad. Could you write your papers on three aspects of one topic?

M: Hmm. What do you mean? Do you have something in mind?

W: Well, let's see. Hmm... Maybe you could do something with Romanticism, like, ohh.., write your anthropology paper on the cultural basis of Romanticism, and, uh, your history paper on the influence of the Romantic poets on British foreign policy, and, OK, and your English paper on an analysis of some Romantic poems. M: Hey, that's not a bad idea! I've already started the research for one of the papers, so I can use that. What can I do to repay you?

W: You want to write up my chemistry paper for me?

M: I'd love to, but I've never taken chemistry, so I'm not sure you'd like the results.

W: Oh well, no thanks necessary then. I'll do it myself. Have a good weekend, and try to get out of the library and get some sleep. You have big circles under your eyes.

M: OK, I'll try. See you later.


A.Writing papers for his classes.

B.Preparing for the coming exam in the library.

C.Doing extra work in the chemistry lab.

D.Working overtime at a library.

听力原文:M: Hi, Ms. Rowling. How old were you when you started to write, and what was your
first book?

W: I wrote my first finished story when I was about 6. It was about a small animal, a rabbit I mean, and I've been writing ever since (22) .

M: Why did you choose to ha an author?

W: If someone asked me how to achieve happiness, step one would be finding out what you love doing most and step two would be finding someone to pay you to do it. 1 consider myself very lucky indeed to be able to support myself by writing (23) .

M: Do you have any plans to write books for adults?

W: My first two novels were for adults. I suppose I might write another one, but I never really imagine a target audience when I'm writing. The ideas come first, so it really depends on the idea that grabs me next (24) !

M: Where did the ideas for the Harry Potter books come from?

W: I've no idea where the ideas came from (25) and I hope I never find out, it would spoil my excitement if I turned out I just have a funny little wrinkle on the surface of my brain which makes me think about invisible train platforms.

M: How do you come up with the names of your characters?

W: I invented some of them, but I also collect strange names. I've gotten them from ancient saints, maps, dictionaries, plants, war memorials, and people I've met!

M: Oh, you are really resourceful.


A.It was about a little animal

B.It took her six years to write.

C.It was adapted from a fairy tale

D.It was about a little girl and her pet.

听力原文:I will never forget the greeting that my family received in Iran in the spring of

听力原文: I will never forget the greeting that my family received in Iran in the spring of 1986. My father, Iranian by birth, took my mother, a native Washingtonian, my two brothers and me, aged two, four, and five respectively, to live in Tehran where he had just accepted employment. Showers of hugs and kisses descended upon us from relatives whom I had never met.

During our time in Iran, we spent a great deal of time with our relatives and friends. The family unit forms a significant part of Iran life, perhaps because there were so few material possessions for most of them. Through my relatives, I experienced overwhelming affection, true caring, and unceasing generosity. Although their houses were small and their work was burdensome, there was always time to prepare enormous meals and the space to make all their relatives comfortable. To them nothing was more important than being surrounded by the people they loved and who loved them. Because of my youth in Iran, as a young woman about to leave home to go to college I can now appreciate the support system with which my family has provided me. They have given me confidence and stability. I have learned to cherish their presence and the love that they have always given me. Iran taught me to be thankful for what I am, and not for what I have. That joyful and fatalistic acceptance of whatever life holds which I found in Iran has shaped me into the person I am today. The Iranian people, their unqualified and unselfish generosity, their optimism, and their joy for life will always remain a part of me. I will never forget my eight years in my father's country, which will always be mine as well.


A.At the age of two.

B.At the age of four.

C.At the age of five.

D.At the age of eight.

听力原文:W: Excuse me, Dr Tyler, your secretary said I should come right in.M: Please do.

听力原文:W: Excuse me, Dr Tyler, your secretary said I should come right in.

M: Please do. Jenny, how can I help you?

W: I need to get your signature on my schedule card here, on the line above advisor's approval.

M: Sure, but let's look it over together first. How many courses do you have here?

W: Six.

M: Six? That's quite a heavy load. Any particular reason?

W: I had to drop my chemistry course last semester when I was in the hospital, so I need to take it again.

M: So you've already learnt a lot of the material.

W: Right. And calculus is a part of the second year requirement.

M: Let's see, chemistry, calculus. Oh, I See you'll be in my seminar on the modern American novel.

W: Yes, I'm looking forward to it and to the romantic poetry seminar, too.

M: Two seminars? That is rather a lot. Can you handle the work?

W: I think so. The introductory economics class is very easy and so is the music course.

M: Well, then I'll be happy to sign the card. However, I must insist that you come see me after the first week of classes so that we can make sure this isn't too much for you.

W: That's a promise.


A.In a professor's office.

B.In a medical doctor's office.

C.In an auditorium

D.In a gym.

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