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A.A list of software products.B.A picture of the newest computers.C.Information on aft

A.A list of software products.

B.A picture of the newest computers.

C.Information on after-sales service.

D.An introduction about the products.

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更多“A.A list of software products.…”相关的问题
A.A list of software products.B.A picture of the newest computers.C.An introduction ab

A.A list of software products.

B.A picture of the newest computers.

C.An introduction about the products.

D.Information on after-sales service.

Pointcast Network is most probably ______.A.a company that develops the latest push softwa

Pointcast Network is most probably ______.

A.a company that develops the latest push software

B.a tool that promotes a company's online marketing

C.the first company that used an online push software

D.the most popular software that helps a company push

A.A complete list of difficult words.B.Contained sentences as examples.C.A 20-volume w

A.A complete list of difficult words.

B.Contained sentences as examples.

C.A 20-volume work.

D.Showing word histories.

You should assume that today’s date is 1 March 2014.George, a software developer, was born

You should assume that today’s date is 1 March 2014.

George, a software developer, was born on 11 June 1986. He has accepted a one-year contract to update software for Xpee plc.

(1) The contract will run from 6 April 2014 to 5 April 2015, with a fee of £40,000 payable for the entire year of the contract. A condition of the contract is that George will have to do the work personally and not be permitted to sub-contract the work to anyone else.

(2) George will work from home, but will have to attend weekly meetings at Xpee plc’s offices to receive instructions regarding the work to be performed during the following week.

(3) George will not incur any significant expenses in respect of the contract apart from the purchase of a new laptop computer for £3,600 on 6 April 2014. This laptop will be used 100% for business purposes.

(4) During the term of the contract, George will not be permitted to work for any other clients. He will therefore not have any other income during the tax year 2014–15.

(5) George’s tax liability for the tax year 2013–14 was collected through PAYE, so he will not be required to make any payments on account in respect of the tax year 2014–15.

George has several friends who are also software developers. He understands that his employment status is not clear cut but that his income tax liability for the tax year 2014–15 will be the same regardless of whether he is treated as employed or as self-employed. However, George appreciates that there are advantages to being classed as self-employed.


(a) List FOUR factors which are indicators of George being treated as an employee in relation to his contract with Xpee plc rather than as self-employed. Note: You should confine your answer to the information given in the question. (2 marks)

(b) Calculate George’s income tax liability and national insurance contributions for the tax year 2014–15 if he is treated as self-employed in respect of his contract with Xpee plc. (4 marks)

(c) If George is treated as being an employee of Xpee plc instead of self-employed:

(i) Explain why his income tax liability will be payable earlier. (2 marks)

(ii) Calculate the additional amount of national insurance contributions which he personally will suffer for the tax year 2014–15. (2 marks)

Complete the Promotion Project with the given Chinese.Promotion mix Email Direct Mail W

Complete the Promotion Project with the given Chinese.

Promotion mix Email Direct Mail Workshop Sales force

Goals To __________________(六个月增加10%的销售)

Target market Businesses that __________________(需求人力资源管理软件处理人力管理职能)

Lunch date __________________(2015年1月)

Key messages to get leads to respond to your offer/call to action Present software's unique features that address users' needs. __________________(邀请销售领军人物参加免费的研讨会)

Activities/Timing Jan 15, send 500 emails to a list of company's target market Feb 15, send direct mail to 50 qualifying sales leads, and register 20 to attend free workshop Mar 15 3 hours of workshop for 20 prospects __________________(三月到五月,向有意向的客户直接销售)

Lunch date

Email Response Rate: 10% of 500 emails (50 sales leads)

Direct Mail Response Rate: 20 prospects out of 50 sales leads

Number of new clients:10 out of 20 prospects

Sales: Increase sales by 10%

选词填空:The robotics revolution is set to bring humans face to face with an old fear-man-made creations

Section A(2016年6月英语六级卷二试题)

Directions: In this section, there is a passage with ten blanks. You are required to select one word for each blank from a list of choices given in a word bank following the passage.

The robotics revolution is set to bring humans face to face with an old fear-man-made creations as smart and capable as we are without a moral compass. As robots take on ever more complex roles, the question naturally_____(27). Who will be responsible when they do something wrong? Manufacturers? Users? Software writers? The answer depends on the robot.

Robots already save us time, money and energy. In the future, they will improve our health care, social welfare and standard of living. The _____(28)of computational power and engineering advances will _____(29)enable lower-cost in-home care for the disabled,_____(30)use of driverless cars that may reduce drunk and distracted-driving accidents and countless home and service-industry uses from street cleaning to food preparation.

But there are _____(31)to be problems. Robot cars will crash. A drone (遥控飞行器)operator will _____(32)someone's privacy. A robotic lawn mower(割草机)will run over a neighbor's cat. Juries sympathetic to the _____(33)of machines will punish entrepreneurs with company-crushing _____(34)and damages What should government do to protect people while _____(35), space for innovation?

Big. complicated systems on which much public safety depends, like driverless cars, should be built _____(36)and sold by manufacturers who take responsibility for ensuring safety and are liable for accidents. Governments should set safety requirements and then let insurers price the risk of the robots based on the manufacturer's driving record. not the passenger's.
















Of the many discouraging aspects of computer security, one of the worst is that offenders
are rarely punished at all, let alone seriously. I have to think another disappointment in this regard is imminent.

I refer to the case of Sven Jaschan, who authored the Sasser and Netsky worms, both on the short list for most damaging and long-lasting malware (有害软件) infestations (大批出现), and both still on the charts as active threats.

The news stories give the unmistakable whiff of "community service": Little Svenny was a minor when some of the offences were committed. The maximum sentence is five years, and it's presumably his first offence.

Americans do seem to look differently at this age issue for criminals. I don't want to assert too much, but I think it's unfair to say that Jaschan only superficially committed his crime in Germany. By launching large-scale malware attacks he committed crimes against computer users everywhere. If it's wrong to punish a 17-year-old severely for such crimes, why is it not wrong to punish someone severely who is just a few months, perhaps even days, older?

In any event, there should be no doubt as to the severity of Jaschan's crimes. The Geman police may have found only 130,000 euros' worth of damage so far, but that's obviously a small fraction of the damage, and anyone smart enough to create these attacks is smart enough to conceive of the damage of which they are capable.

But the odds are lining up behind a light sentence, and in fact it's even worse. In the wake of his arrest Jaschan was hired by a German security software firm called Securepoint, which specializes in defenses against viruses and worms, and the company says it will stick with Jaschan regardless of the outcome of the trial. Jaschan is all set to profit for the rest of his life from the notoriety of his offences.

Which of the following is NOT true about Sasser and Netsky?

A.They were created by Jaschan.

B.They are Jaschan's friends.

C.They are computer viruses.

D.They threaten computer security.

听力原文:As my train was not due to leave for another hour, I had plenty of time to spare.

听力原文: As my train was not due to leave for another hour, I had plenty of time to spare. After buying some newspapers to read on the journey, I made my way to the luggage office to collect my suitcase I had left there three days before. There were only a few people waiting. I took out my wallet to find the receipt for my case. Unfortunately, it was nowhere to be found.

When my turn came, I explained the situation sorrowfully to the assistant. He then handed me a form. and told me to make a list of the chief contents of the case. Only when they were correct could I take the case away. I racked my brain trying to remember all the articles I had packed in a hurry. After I had filled out the form, I went to look among the shelves. There were hundreds of cases and for one dreadful moment I began to worry that someone might have already claimed my case. To my great relief, the case was lying on its side high up in a corner. After I had examined the items inside, the assistant told me to take the case away. Again I took out my wallet: this time to pay. I pulled out a ten-shilling note and the "lost" receipt flipped out with it. Blushing, I looked up at the assistant. He was nodding his head knowingly, as if to say that he had often seen this happen.


A.A Trip by Train.

B.The "Lost" Receipt.

C.An Embarrassing Moment.

D.At the Luggage Office.

听力原文:W: Hey Steve, got any plans for tonight?M: Hi, Jane. No, I don't think so. Why? G

听力原文:W: Hey Steve, got any plans for tonight?

M: Hi, Jane. No, I don't think so. Why? Got any suggestions?

W: In fact, I do. I just got two tickets to the opening of the exhibit of the reprints by Julia Margaret Cameron. I would have mentioned it earlier, but I was on the waiting list for these tickets and I wasn't sure I'd even get them.

M: An exhibit, huh? I like such things. But I don't know who Julia...

W: Margaret Cameron! She was a photographer in the 1800s. She is interesting to art-historians in general and students of photography in particular because she...how should I say, changed the aesthetics for photography.

M: What do you mean?

W: Well, her specialty was portraits and instead of just making a factual record of details like most photographers did, you know, just capturing what a person looks like in a dispassionate sort of way. She, like a portrait painter, was interested in capturing her subject's personality.

M: Interesting! How did she do that?

W: She invented a number of techniques that affect the picture. Like one of those things she did was blurring images slightly by using a soft focus on the subject. That's pretty common now.

M: Yeah. Who did she photograph?

W: Famous people of her day, Alfred Lord Tennyson, Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, Charles Darwin... I don't know who else. We'll see at the exhibition.

M: You really pique my curiosity. I am going to enjoy this.


A.A famous photographer.

B.Photographic processes in the 1800s.

C.Photographic equipment used in the 1800s.

D.A new museum.

Which of the following statements about software characteristics is true?()

A.Software can have multiple copies. Software can have multiple copies

B.Software is a kind of concrete physical entity

C.The faults in a software system come from wearing out

D.Software is something mysterious mastered by some geniuses

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