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题目内容 (请给出正确答案)

A.A complete list of difficult words.B.Contained sentences as examples.C.A 20-volume w

A.A complete list of difficult words.

B.Contained sentences as examples.

C.A 20-volume work.

D.Showing word histories.

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更多“A.A complete list of difficult…”相关的问题
A.A list of software products.B.A picture of the newest computers.C.Information on aft

A.A list of software products.

B.A picture of the newest computers.

C.Information on after-sales service.

D.An introduction about the products.

A.A list of software products.B.A picture of the newest computers.C.An introduction ab

A.A list of software products.

B.A picture of the newest computers.

C.An introduction about the products.

D.Information on after-sales service.

By "a well-oiled cog in the machinery" (Para. 1) the author intends to render the idea tha

By "a well-oiled cog in the machinery" (Para. 1) the author intends to render the idea that man is ______ .

A.a necessary part of the society though each individual's function is negligible

B.working in complete harmony with the rest of society

C.an unimportant part in comparison with the rest of the society, though functioning smoothly

D.a humble component of the society; especially when working smoothly

Complete the Promotion Project with the given Chinese.Promotion mix Email Direct Mail W

Complete the Promotion Project with the given Chinese.

Promotion mix Email Direct Mail Workshop Sales force

Goals To __________________(六个月增加10%的销售)

Target market Businesses that __________________(需求人力资源管理软件处理人力管理职能)

Lunch date __________________(2015年1月)

Key messages to get leads to respond to your offer/call to action Present software's unique features that address users' needs. __________________(邀请销售领军人物参加免费的研讨会)

Activities/Timing Jan 15, send 500 emails to a list of company's target market Feb 15, send direct mail to 50 qualifying sales leads, and register 20 to attend free workshop Mar 15 3 hours of workshop for 20 prospects __________________(三月到五月,向有意向的客户直接销售)

Lunch date

Email Response Rate: 10% of 500 emails (50 sales leads)

Direct Mail Response Rate: 20 prospects out of 50 sales leads

Number of new clients:10 out of 20 prospects

Sales: Increase sales by 10%

听力原文: As a result of rising university costs, many students are finding it necessary t
o take on part-time jobs. To make finding those jobs easier, the placement services put together a listing of what is available locally. For some students these part-time jobs could lead to full-time work after graduation as they may offer experience in their own fields, be that finance, marketing, or even management. For example, National Savings Bank offers work on a half time basis: that's twenty hours a week. Retail stores and restaurants have positions requiring fewer hours, even less time for those providing child care. We have a number of families registered with us who are looking for babysitters for as few as four hours a week. For students who prefer outdoor work, there are seasonal positions right on campus working with the gardening and landscaping teams. Those often require the most time and are. the least flexible in terms of scheduling. To see a complete list of these and other available jobs, including the salary offered and the hours required, stop by our office. In addition, our counselors will give you hints about successful interviewing.

How many hours does National Saving Bank offer the part-timer to do per week?

A.4 hours.

B.20 hours.

C.24 hours.

D.More than 4 hours.

听力原文:A $150 million project to replace all of the vertical suspension cables on the 10

听力原文: A $150 million project to replace all of the vertical suspension cables on the 100-year-old Manhattan Bridge will cause occasional weekend disruptions in subway service and require closings of the bikeway and some traffic lanes for parts of the next four years, city transportation officials said this week.

(29) The city's Department of Transportation is preparing to award a contract for the repair work to Skanska, a Swedish company whose American headquarters are in New York. The department notified Skanska last week that its bid, which was just shy of $150 million, was lower than the other four received.

(30) The contract is one of 14 that make up the final phase of a three-decade effort to rebuild the bridge, which connects Lower Manhattan to Downtown Brooklyn. All told, about $ 830 million has been spent repairing the bridge, which suffered from neglect during the city's financial crisis in the 1970s, said Brian Gill, the chief engineer of Manhattan Bridge reconstruction for the Transportation Department.

(31) Skanska has said that it will complete the work, which includes replacing the necklaces of lights that illuminate the bridge's outer cables, in three and a half, years. Mr. Gill said the city could penalize the company if it did not complete the work on schedule.

During that period, subway service across the bridge on the B, D, N and Q lines will be suspended on as many as eight weekends, Mr. Gill said. The schedule for those suspensions has not yet been determined, said Seth Solomonow, the department's spokesman.

29. To which company will the contract be awarded?

30.How many contracts make up the final phase of a three-decade effort to rebuild the bridge?

31.How many years will Skanska complete the work?


A.A Swedish company.

B.A Russian company.

C.An American company.

D.A Chinese company.

听力原文: As a result of rising university costs, many students are finding it necessary t
o take on part-time jobs. To make finding those jobs easier, the placement service has put together a listing of what is available locally. For some students, these part-time jobs could lead to full-time work after graduation, as they may offer experience in their own field, be that finance, marketing or even management. For example, National Savings Bank offers work on a half time basis. That's 20 hours per week. Retail stores and restaurants have positions requiring fewer hours. Even less time is expected of that providing childcare. We have a number of families registered with us who are looking for baby-sitters for as few as four hours a week. For students who prefer outdoor work, there're seasonal positions right on campus, working with the gardening and landscaping teams. These often require the most time and they are the least flexible in terms of scheduling. To see a complete list of these and other available jobs, including the salary offered and the hours required, stop by our office and be sure to bring a resume with you. When you find something that interests you, we'll put you in touch with the person offering it. In addition, our counselors will give you hints about successful interviewing.


A.To interest students in a career in counseling.

B.To recruit counselors to work in the placement office.

C.To inform. students of a university program.

D.To convince local merchants to hire college students.

Organised volunteering and work experience has long been a vital companion to university d
egree courses. Usually it is left to【C1】______to deduce the potential from a list of extracurricular adventures on a graduate's resume, 【C2】______now the University of Bristol has launched an award to formalise the achievements of students who【C3】______time to activities outside their courses. Bristol PLuS aims to boost students in an increasingly【C4】______job market by helping them acquire work and life skills alongside【C5】______qualifications.

"Our students are a pretty active bunch, but we found that they didn't【C6】______appreciate the value of what they did【C7】______the lecture hall," says Jeff Goodman, director of careers and employability at the university. "Employers are much more【C8】______than they used to be. They used to look for【C9】______and saw it as part of their job to extract the value of an applicant's skills. Now they want students to be able to explain why those skills are【C10】______to the job.

Students who sign【C11】______for the award will be expected to complete 50 hours of work experience or【C12】______work, attend four workshops on employ ability skills, take part in an intensive skills-related activity【C13】______crucially, write a summary of the skills they have gained. 【C14】______efforts will gain an Outstanding Achievement Award. Those who【C15】______best on the sports field can take the Sporting PLuS Award which fosters employer-friendly sports accomplishments.

The experience does not have to be【C16】______organised. "We're not just interested in easily identifiable skills," says Goodman. "【C17】______, one student took the lead ir dealing with a difficult landlord and so【C18】______negotiation skills. We try to make the experience relevant to individual lives.

Goodman hopes the【C19】______will enable active students to fill in any gaps in their experience and encourage their less-active【C20】______to take up activities outside their academic area of work.






听力原文:As my train was not due to leave for another hour, I had plenty of time to spare.

听力原文: As my train was not due to leave for another hour, I had plenty of time to spare. After buying some newspapers to read on the journey, I made my way to the luggage office to collect my suitcase I had left there three days before. There were only a few people waiting. I took out my wallet to find the receipt for my case. Unfortunately, it was nowhere to be found.

When my turn came, I explained the situation sorrowfully to the assistant. He then handed me a form. and told me to make a list of the chief contents of the case. Only when they were correct could I take the case away. I racked my brain trying to remember all the articles I had packed in a hurry. After I had filled out the form, I went to look among the shelves. There were hundreds of cases and for one dreadful moment I began to worry that someone might have already claimed my case. To my great relief, the case was lying on its side high up in a corner. After I had examined the items inside, the assistant told me to take the case away. Again I took out my wallet: this time to pay. I pulled out a ten-shilling note and the "lost" receipt flipped out with it. Blushing, I looked up at the assistant. He was nodding his head knowingly, as if to say that he had often seen this happen.


A.A Trip by Train.

B.The "Lost" Receipt.

C.An Embarrassing Moment.

D.At the Luggage Office.

听力原文:Today I want to help you with a study reading method known as SQ3R. The letters s

听力原文: Today I want to help you with a study reading method known as SQ3R. The letters stand for five steps in the reading process: Survey, Question, Read, Review, Recite. Each of the steps should be done carefully and in the order mentioned.

In all study reading, a survey should be the first step. Survey means to look quickly, Don't stop to read complete sentences. Just look at the important divisions of the material.

The second step is question. Try to form. questions based on your survey. Use the question words who, what, when, where, why, and how.

Now you are ready for the third step--read. You will be rereading the titles and important words that you look at in the survey. But this time you will read the examples and details as well. Sometimes it is useful to take notes while you read. I have had students who preferred to underline important points, and it seems to be just as useful as note- taking. What you should do, whether you take notes or underline, is to read actively. Think about what you are reading as a series of ideas, not just a sequence of words.

The fourth step is review. Remember the questions that you wrote down before you read the material. You should be able to answer them now. You will notice that some of the questions were treated in more detail in the reading. Concentrate on those. Also review material that you did not consider in your questions.

The last step is recite. Try to put the reading into your own words. Summarize it either in writing or orally.


A.A new way to take notes.

B.A short name for survey reading method.

C.The five steps in the reading process.

D.Different ways to study for examinations.

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