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We even have no idea__will happen,so we all feel nervous.

A.in which

B.in what

C.of what

D.of which

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更多“We even have no idea__will hap…”相关的问题
Our dreams combine verbal, visual and emotional stimuli into a sometimes broken, nonsensic
al but often entertaining story line. We can sometimes even solve problems in our sleep. Or can we? Many experts disagree on exactly what the purpose of our dreams might be. Are they strictly random brain impulses, or are our brains actually working through issues from our daily life while we sleep--as a sort of coping mechanism? Should we even bother to interpret our dreams? Many say yes, that we have a great deal to learn from our dreams.

Why do we Dream?

For centuries, we've tried to figure out just why our brains play these nightly shows for us. Early civilizations thought dream worlds were real, physical worlds that they could enter only from their dream state. Researchers continue to toss around many theories about dreaming. Those theories essentially fall into two categories:

The idea that dreams are only physiological stimulations

The idea that dreams are psychologically necessary

Physiological theories are based on the idea that we dream in order to exercise various neural connections that some researchers believe affect certain types of learning. Psychological theories are based on the idea that dreaming allows us to sort through problems or events of the day or things that are requiring a lot of our attention. Some of these theorists think dreams might be prophetic. Many researchers and scientists also believe that perhaps it is a combination of the two theories.

Dreaming and the Brain

When we sleep, we go through five sleep stages. The first stage is a very light sleep from which it is easy to wake up. The second stage moves into a slightly deeper sleep, and stages three and four represent our deepest sleep. Our brain activity throughout these stages is gradually slowing down so that by deep sleep, we experience nothing but delta brain waves--the slowest brain waves. About 90 minutes after we go to sleep and after the fourth sleep stage, we begin REM sleep.

Rapid eye movement(REM)was discovered in 1953 by University of Chicago researchers Eugene Aserinsky, a graduate student in physiology, and Nathaniel Kleitman, Ph. D. , chair of physiology. REM sleep is primarily characterized by movements of the eyes and is the fifth stage of sleep.

How to Improve Your Dream Recall

It is said that five minutes after the end of a dream, we have forgotten 50 percent of the dream's content. Ten minutes later, we've forgotten 90 percent of its content. Why is that? We don't forget our daily actions that quickly. The fact that they are so hard to remember makes their importance seem less.

There are many resources both on the Web and in print that will give you tips on how to improve your recall of dreams. Those who believe we have a lot to learn about ourselves from our dreams are big proponents of dream journals. Here are some steps you can take to increase your dream recall:

When you go to bed, tell yourself you will remember your dreams.

Set your alarm to go off every hour and a half so you'll wake up around the times that you leave REM sleep--when you're most likely to remember your dreams.(Or, drink a lot of water before you go to bed to ensure you have to wake up at least once in the middle of the night!)

Keep a pad and pencil next to your bed.

Try to wake up slowly to remain within the "mood" of your last dream.

Common Dream Themes and Their Interpretations

Being naked in public

Most of us have had the dream at some point that we're at school, work or some social event, and we suddenly realize we forgot to put on clothes! Experts say this means:

We're trying to hide something(and without clothes we have a hard time doing that).

We're not prepared for something, like a presenta




Effort is the essence of happiness: there is no happinessexcept as we take on challenges.

Effort is the essence of happiness: there is no happiness

except as we take on challenges. Short of the

impossible, the satisfactions we get from a lifetime depend

on how high we place our difficulties. The mortal flaw in

the advertised version of happiness is in fact that it claims 【S1】______

to be effortless.

We demand difficulty ever in our diversions (娱乐). 【S2】______

We demand it because without difficulty there can be no

game; a game is a way of making something easy for the 【S3】______

fun of it. The rules of the game are an arbitrary addition of

difficulty. It is easier to win a chess if you are flee to change 【S4】______

the rules, but the fun is in winning within the rules. If we

could mint (铸造) our own money, even building a fortune

will become boring. No difficulty, no fun. 【S5】______

Happiness is never more than partial. Whoever else 【S6】______

happiness may be, it is neither in having nor being, but in 【S7】______

becoming. What the writers of the Constitution declared

for us as an inherent right was not happiness but pursuit 【S8】______

of happiness. What the early patriots may have underlined, 【S9】______

could they have foreseen the happiness-market, is the

cardinal fact that happiness is in the pursuit itself, 【S10】______

in the pursuit what is engaging and life-changing, which is to say,

in the idea of becoming. A nation is not measured by what it

possesses or wants to possess, but by what it wants to



Many describe Freud as the most influential psychologistof all time. Yet not everyone reco

Many describe Freud as the most influential psychologist

of all time. Yet not everyone recognize the profound effect of 【S1】______

psychoanalytic theory in the way most of us look at human 【S2】______

behavior, regardless of any formal exposure to Freud's works.

For example, most adults in Western society accept the idea that

behavior. can be influenced by an unconscious part of the mind.

We say things like "I must have done that consciously" or "Even 【S3】______

though I didn't realize it consciously, maybe unconsciously

I did." Although Freud was not the first to talk about the

unconscious, no one ago, or probably since, has placed 【S4】______

so many emphasis upon unconscious processes in explaining 【S5】______

human behavior.

Do you believe that dreams hold important psychological

information, revealing inner fears and desires? If so, you are

backing on an idea that Freud popularized. 【S6】______

As people had been interpreting dreams for thousands of 【S7】______

years, Freud was the first to incorporate dream interpretation

into a larger psychological theory. When we talk about our dreams

and lay to figure it out, we are informally following a therapeutic 【S8】______

procedure outlining by Freud at the turn of the century. 【S9】______

Numerous examples of Freudian thought can be found in our

daily language, as well as in modem literature and in motion

pictures. Thus, an understanding of Freudian psychology

is part of a good liberal arts education; it can aid the observant

student to appreciating subtle and not-so-subtle references 【S10】______


听力原文:A recent report has shown that here in the United States, we've experienced the r

听力原文: A recent report has shown that here in the United States, we've experienced the revolution concerning our attitudes towards the work week and weekend. Although some calendars still mark the beginning of the week "Sunday", more and more of us are coming to regard Monday as the first day of the week with Saturday and Sunday comprising the two- day periods thought of as the weekend. In fact, the word "weekend" didn't even exist in English until about the middle of the last century. In England at that time, Saturday afternoons had just been added to Sundays and holidays as a time for workers to have off from their jobs. This innovation became common in the United States in the 1920s. But as the work weak shortened during the Great Depression of 1930s, the weekend expanded to 2 full days, Saturday and Sunday. Some people thought this trend would continue due to increasing automation and the work week might decrease to 4 days or even fewer. But so far, this hasn't happened. The work week seems to have stabilized at 40 hours made up of 5 eight-hour days. After this commercial, I'll be back to talk about the idea of adding Monday to the weekend.


A.Which days people should work.

B.How the week is divided into days.

C.Which day begins the week.

D.How many weeks there are in a month.

听力原文:Rachel: What enormous twin beds! And look at those huge pillows on them! Let me t
ry the beds. Oh, the mattress feels too soft for my liking!

Lin: Look at the toiletries in the bathroom — shampoo, bath-foam, even a shower hat!

Rachel: Look at that small device on the wall of the bathroom. What's that?

Lin: Oh, it must be a hair drier. I wonder how it works. Oh, it starts when you remove it!

Rachel: You'd better put it back.

Lin: I guess so.

Rachel: Let's go and see the room again. Look, there's a balcony with some chairs on it. Wow! Look, what a wonderful view!

Lin: Yes, —look at that huge container ship! It must be heading for the harbor. And look at that beautiful cruise ship down there, alongside the quay!

Rachel: What's that in the distance, just behind the container ship? Is it the mainland?

Lin: No, that's an island. The mainland is on the other side of the island, to the north.

Rachel: To have a balcony connected to your room is great. I say, Lin, there's a mini-bar under the TV. Shall we have a drink on the balcony and watch the sunset?

Lin: I don't think we should touch the mini-bar—just look at the prices! Let's freshen up, and then go down to the Rainbow Bar and use our vouchers!

Rachel: Good idea!

Lin: Let's go!

Question : Where does the conversation most probably take place?


A.In a hotel.

B.In a restaurant.

C.In a hospital.

D.In a shop.

听力原文:W: Well, we heard some people just now who seem to feel that other people have a
wrong idea about the work they do. Do you think this sort of thing is very widespread?

M: Oh absolutely. Most jobs or professions seem to have an image or a stereotype attached to them, often much to the irritation of the job holders. But there is a serious point to all this, too, that maybe young people actually choose their careers under the influence of these false images. And certainly, there is evidence that they may even avoid certain careers because they have a negative image. Well, on a large scale, as you can imagine, this could cause problems for whole sectors of the economy.

W: Err, you say there's evidence?

M: Oh most definitely. There was a survey recently into children's attitudes to different professions.

W: How was that done, though? Because, after all, children don't know much about the world of work before they get into it.

M: Well, exactly. What the investigators wanted to get at was their impressions and their prejudices. They used a very simple technique. They gave the children twelve pairs of statements. In each pair one statement was positive, the other was its opposite.

W: I see. What professions did they ask about?

M: Do you really want the whole list? It's huge!


A.He is a scientist.

B.He is a sociologist.

C.He is an officer.

D.He is a boss.

听力原文: Our culture is concerned with matters of self-esteem. Self-respect, on the other
hand, may hold the key to achieving the peach of mind we seek. (32)The two concepts seem very similar but the differences between them are crucial.

(29)To esteem anything is to evaluate it positively and hold it high regard, but evaluation gets us into trouble because while we sometimes win, we also sometimes lose. To respect something, on the other hand, is to accept it.

The word acceptance suggests to some readers that our culture does indeed deal with this idea of self-respect; after all, don't we have the concept that it is important to accept our limitations? Aren't many of us encouraged "to change the things we can change, accept the things we cannot change and know the difference between the two?"

(30)The person with self-respect simply likes herself or himself. This self-respect is not dependent on success because there are always failures to contend with, Neither is it a result of comparing ourselves with others because there is always someone better. There are techniques usually employed to increase self-esteem. (31)Self-respect, however, is a given. We simply like ourselves because of who we are and not because of what we can or cannot do.

My recent research, with Judith White and Johnny Walsh at Harvard University, points to the advantage of selfrespect. (32)Compared to those with high self-esteem who are still caught in an evaluative framework, those with self-respect are less prone to blame, guilt, regret, lies, have secrets and stress.


A.It is the same as self-respect.

B.It is totally different from self-respect.

C.It is to think only the positive even when we lose.

D.It is to evaluate positively and hold high regard.

听力原文:W: May I help you?M: Yes, [22] my wife and I want to take a vacation this winter

听力原文:W: May I help you?

M: Yes, [22] my wife and I want to take a vacation this winter to some place warmer.

W: I understand. How much time do you have?

M: Only a week between Christmas and the New Year. That is the problem, you see.

W: Oh, no problem at all. I can get you on a flight to sunny Spain and Portugal leaving on Christmas and coming back New Year's Eve. And it will only cost you $500 a round trip.

M: Only $500? [23] We were thinking of something less. $1,000 is a lot to spend for such a short time. [23] If we had a month maybe, not just a week.

W: [24] Do you know about the Florida Fun tour the airline offers? Everything is reserved for you. Your flight, a reserved hotel room, meals, and they even get you to and from the airport in Miami.

M: Actually we don't go in much for arranged tours. We like to do all that for ourselves.

W: Well, in that case, maybe we could just arrange your flight and the rest to you.

M: What else do you have to offer? Florida is not exactly our idea of a great vacation. What about some place a little different where few tourists go?

W: Oh, some place like Arizona, right? [25] Or maybe New Mexico? Sunny, but quiet, relaxing.

M: Yeah, that sounds better—New Mexico. I'll talk to my wife about it and then return.


A.In a department store.

B.At a travel agency.

C.At an airport ticket counter.

D.At a hotel.

Some men steal out of need or greed; others kill themselves out of sadness. Putting togeth
er, these individual tales will display obvious regularities. As a result, some social scientists who first applied the rules of probability to human affairs even questioned the very notion of free will. "Society prepares the crime," wrote Adolphe Quetelet, a Belgian statistician, in 1835,"and the guilty person is only the instrument."

The findings of those statisticians' successors -- that poor children are more likely to fail at school, poor adults to commit crimes and die young, and so on -- are nowadays uncontroversial. And policymakers mostly avoid metaphysics (形而上学). Instead, they try to break such links by spending to "end child poverty" and by targeting health and education initiatives on the neediest. Yet such attempts are doomed to disappoint, because they conceive of each social ill in isolation, rather than treating their shared root cause. Moreover, they misidentify that cause: it is not poverty as such, but inequality.

The evidence, here painstakingly collected, is hard to dispute. Within the rich world, countries where incomes are more evenly distributed have longer-lived citizens and lower rates of fatness, misbehavior. and teenage pregnancy than richer countries where wealth is more concentrated. Studies of British civil servants find that senior ones enjoy better health than their immediate subordinates, who in turn do better than those further down the ladder.

And the evidence is that the differences in status cause these "gradients (梯度)". Low-status Indian children do worse on tests if they must state their identities beforehand. High-status monkeys grew up in captivity(囚禁) show increased levels of stress hormones and become iii more often when they are moved to groups where they no longer dominate.

What to do about this sickness caused by other people's wealth? Increasing taxes on the rich, or smaller , differences in pay in the first place, say the authors, citing Sweden and Japan as instances of the two choices. A decade ago even left-wing politicians were "intensely relaxed about people getting rich". Now, as it becomes clearer that some of the rich got that way by theft, the idea that they have also caused injury more subtly will gain a readier hearing.

Too ready, perhaps: what if the price of greater equality is lower growth? The .received wisdom is that rich rewards are necessary to stimulate the innovation on which growth depends. "No loss", say the authors," We have got close to the end of what economic growth can do for us." But that is a claim that needs to be supported, rather than simply made in a few sentences. If our ancestors had declared themselves thus satisfied, we would be without many things that we value -- and that they would have valued too, could they have imagined them. Should we be ready to give up joys we have never known?

What can we learn about statisticians' findings on the poor in the passage?

A.It is controversial for it destroys the reputation of the poor.

B.It may be caused by a deep social phenomenon--inequality.

C.They are individual tales with no regularities and special meaning.

D.They totally change the previous rules of social scientists.

听力原文:W: I heard you just got back from a weekend trip to Santa Fe. I have been thinkin
g of going there. How did you like it?

M: Santa Fe is one of the nicest towns I have been to in the U.S. I had no idea there was so much to see there! And I love the southwestern look. All the buildings are built to resemble the adobe architecture of the Pueblo Indians.

W: Wow, that sounds beautiful! Did you get a chance to meet some of the locals while you were there?

M: Yeah, I went to the Indian market in town to shop for some arts and crafts. While I was there, I met a fascinating old woman from a pueblo just outside the city. She was selling beautiful stone jewelry which she had carved herself. She really was an amazing artist. We talked for over an hour, and she told me all about her life on the reservation.

W: Were there many Indian people in Santa Fe?

M: There are a lot of native American people in New Mexico, especially in Santa Fe. Most of the people at the market were Indian, and they represented several different tribes from all over the state: Pueblo Indians, Zuni, Ute, Apache, and even some Navajo and Hopi from Arizona. I also drove to the Taos Pueblo, which is about an hour north of Santa Fe. Did you know that Taos is one of the oldest towns in America? The Pueblo has been continuously inhabited for almost a thousand years.

W: I had no idea that there were any towns that old in the U.S.


A.It's next to Pueblo.

B.It's in the southwest of the U.S.

C.It's a city of India.

D.It's outside the city Pueblo.

The idea that, if your house is built in the right position, this may affect your success
in life seems strange to many people. However, to believers in Feng-Shui, or the art of geomancy, not only the position but also the choice of decorations and even the color of your home can mean the difference between good fortune and disaster. This art has been practiced for centuries in China and is still used all over South East Asia. Even the huge Hong Kong banks call in a geomant if they are planning to build new offices. They have such faith in his knowledge that if he advises them to move, they will alter their plans for even their biggest buildings.

Like many Oriental beliefs the geomant's skill depends on the idea of harmony in nature. If there is no imbalance between the opposing forces of Yin and Yang, the building will bring luck to its inhabitants. This means that the house must be built on the right spot as well as facing the right direction, and also be painted an auspicious color. For instance, if there are mountains to the north, this will protest them from evil influences. If the house is painted red, this will bring happiness to the occupants while green symbolizes youth and will bring long life. Other factors, such as the owner's time and date of birth, are taken into account, too. The geomant believes that unless all these are considered when choosing a site for construction, the fortune of the people using it will be at risk.

Indeed, to ignore the geomant's advice can have fatal results. The death of the internationally famous Kung-Fu star. Brucee Lee, has been used as an example. It is said that when Lee found out that the house he was living in was an unlucky one, he followed a geomant's advice and installed an eight-sided mirror outside his front door to bring him luck. Unfortunately, a storm damaged the mirror and the house was left unprotected from harmful influences. Soon afterwards Lee died in mysterious circumstances.

Not only is Feng-Shui still used in South East Asia, but it has also spread right across the world. Even in modern New York a successful commercial artist called Milton Glaser has found it useful. He was so desperate after his office was broken into six times that be consulted a geomant. He was told to install a fish tank with six back fish and fix a red clock to the ceiling. Since then he has not been burglarized once. It may seem an incredible story, but no other suitable explanation has been offered.

From the passage we can infer that Feng-Shui is NOT used in ______.

A.Hong Kong

B.the United States



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