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听力原文:W: (22)Good morning, sir. What can I do for you?M: (22)Hi, I'm looking into getti

听力原文:W: (22)Good morning, sir. What can I do for you?

M: (22)Hi, I'm looking into getting some furniture and other items moved from the storage into my new home.

W: All right. How far away from the ware house is your home?

M: Only a few hundred yards, but the items are rather large and heady. I was studying overseas for the past two years and just recently returned, so while I was gone I had to put all of my furniture and other major possessions into storage.

W: OK, I just need to get some details first. What kind of house is it?

M: It has three rooms.

W: And how many entrances does it have?

M: Hm, is that actually relevant?

W: (24)Yes, because it usually affects the cost of the labor. It's easier to move items into a house with more entrances. So, the overall time and cost of labor will be cheaper.

M: Well, I hadn't thought of that before. (23)Hm, it has two, no, wait, three doors.

W: OK, three doors. And the location?

M: 1966, Finch Ave.

W: All right. And what are the items you want to move on the first trip?

M: (25)I suppose I'd like to get my bed and refrigerator moved in first. I've got some chairs and my kitchen table and dining set. I want them to be in the house earlier, too. As to the valuables, I think I can move them on my own.

W: No problem. Now we just need to get the weight of each item and then I can tell you how much the cost is.


A.Landlord and tenant.

B.Customer and receptionist.

C.Client and phone operator.

D.Customer and shop assistant.

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更多“听力原文:W: (22)Good morning, sir.…”相关的问题
听力原文:W: Good afternoon, Mr. Peterson. (19) I've drafted a schedule for your business t

听力原文:W: Good afternoon, Mr. Peterson. (19) I've drafted a schedule for your business trip to America and I'm calling to consult with you to get it right.

M: Good, please go ahead.

W: I've managed to book you a flight for New York at the time you wanted. (21) It will take off at 9:00 a. m. next Tuesday and land in New York at 11: 40 p.m. Mr. Anderson will meet you at the airport and drive you to the Welson Hotel. (20) It is said to be the most reputable hotel in New York. I've booked a suite for you there.

M: That sounds great !

W: On Wednesday morning, you'll have an interview with Mr. Smith, the general manager of New York branch. And in the afternoon, you are going to the New Product Exhibition. Next morning, you will visit their factory.

M: OK. (21) Then I shall go to Detroit on Thursday afternoon. Is that right?

W. (21) Yes, in that case, you will have to go there by train. It will take you about six hours from New York to Detroit.

M. All right.

W: OK. You are also invited to attend the banquet at their headquarters on Friday evening. Then on Saturday morning, you will fly straight back at 11:30.

M. Wow, it is really a tight schedule. (22) By the way, what's the weather will be like in New York and Detroit during next week?

W: (22) Well, I will cheek and call you hack, OK?

M: Sure. Thank you!


A.To ask permission to go to America.

B.To confirm his business trip schedule.

C.To ask how to draft a schedule.

D.To consult her business trip.

听力原文:M: (22)I would like to rent a car with a good stereo for a whole month.W: I think

听力原文:M: (22)I would like to rent a car with a good stereo for a whole month.

W: I think you made the right choice. Come to us. We have a wide selection of vehicles you can choose from. All our cars have stereos in them, and also air conditioning.

M: Good. (22)I am here visiting my girlfriend. I want her to have a good time.

W: Oh, is that so? Well, let me show you something she might like. It's on our back lot.

M: This is a Porsche! But I probably can't afford it. It must be really expensive.

W: Well, (23) it's only $ 500 a month. You see, this car has a lot of miles on it. That's why it's so cheap. But it's in nice shape, isn't it?

M: Yes, it almost looks new.

W: Take a seat inside and see what you think.

M: OK. Wow, it's so cool.

W: So you will take the Porsche then, sir?

M: Yes, and I want to buy the insurance too. I think it's necessary.

W: You're smart to buy it. (23)At 45 dollars for three days, it is a good deal.

M: Can I return the car in San Francisco?

W: San Francisco? No, sir. (24)We only have this office here. You will have to return it here.

M: Really? I heard in America you can return rental cars in different cities.

W: No, sir. That's only with the very big companies. I'm sorry, but this car must be returned to this lot. Do you still want the car, sir?

M: Yes. It will be fun. Driving back down the coast. My girlfriend will like it.

W: It would be a beautiful drive.

M: Where are the keys?

W: (25)Just a moment, sir. We have to finish filling out the forms first.


A.Because he will have a month-long business trip in a strange city.

B.Because he needs a car to go to work but he can't afford to buy one.

C.Because he wants to make his girlfriend happy during his stay.

D.Because he wants to pass the driving test and needs practice.

听力原文:M: Excuse me, could you please tell me how to get to the tennis courts?W: They ar

听力原文:M: Excuse me, could you please tell me how to get to the tennis courts?

W: They are right next to the Sports Complex.

M: I am new to the university and I don't know where the Sports Complex is, either.

W: (22) Well, it's about a five-minute walk.

M: Oh.

W: Head down this main road for two blocks. Turn fight at the clock tower and you will be on Bute Avenue. Walk on Bute for a couple of blocks, maybe 3 blocks.

M: You already have me walking about 5 blocks. Are you sure it is only a five-minute walk?

W: (22) Maybe, it is longer—actually, it could be more, like ten minutes. I am not sure.

M: Do you know if there is a bus stop there?

W: Yes, the bus stop is in front of the pool, but bus service is quite slow during the day.

M: Are the tennis courts in good condition?

W: Yes, this university is very lucky to have such sports facilities.

M: That's what I've heard. Did a rich person donate some money?

W: Yes, about 5 or 6 years ago, (23) the rumor is that a famous hockey player left millions of dollars to build a new sports complex, It was an anonymous donation actually. I'm sorry to say, I almost never used it after my first year. Besides studying I took up cards—(24) I love playing bridge.

M: Well, I hope to get in good shape here. (25) I'm meeting a friend at the tennis courts in fifteen minutes, so I'd better be going.

W: Yes, you should. Now that I think about it, (22) it may be close to twenty minutes' walk to get there.

22. What can be inferred about the woman?

23.How did the university probably obtain the new sports facilities?

24.What is the woman's favorite game?

25.What is the man trying to do?


A.She knows nothing about the tennis courts.

B.She does not have a good sense of distance.

C.She is also a stranger to the university.

D.She can serve as a great tourist guide.

听力原文:W: Hi, Professor Higgins.M: Hi, Julia.W: [22] Would you be able to help me organi

听力原文:W: Hi, Professor Higgins.

M: Hi, Julia.

W: [22] Would you be able to help me organize my essay?

M: Certainly. What topic have you chosen?

W: Women in Politics.

M: [23] That topic is very broad. I think you should narrow it down.

W: Do you think I could just do women in English speaking countries—say the United States, Canada, Australia, New Zealand and Britain?

M: Well, that would be better.

W: I am interested in the pattern of political involvement of women in those western democracies. With New Zealand and Australia leading the way, women in those countries had the vote soon after the end of World War I.

M: [24] It would be good to begin with a discussion of when women got the fight to vote and how they use it.

W: The record of women in politics in all those countries has been similar. None of them has women represented more than 10 percent of members of the national legislature.

M: Remember, it is not what you think. [23] You must back up your opinions with facts. Support for all your ideas is essential. I think you should check the statistics on what percentage of women hold political office in the national governments.

W: Okay, I also plan to discuss the role of organized women's fights.

M: That is a good idea, but remember this term-paper is only 5,000 words so [23] you must keep your topic focused.

W: Could I bring you a rough draft next week?

M: [25] I would prefer if you broughht an outline, breaking down your main topics and subtopics. It may be a good idea to bring some of your reference materials along.

W: Sure, I will do that. Thank you very much.


A.Narrow down the topic of her article.

B.Read and revise her essay.

C.Provide some facts for her opinion.

D.Give her some advice on writing a paper.

听力原文:M: (22)Honey, I think this spring is a good time for us to start looking.W: We sh

听力原文:M: (22)Honey, I think this spring is a good time for us to start looking.

W: We should plan to move out of here before July. I'm tired of living in apartments.

M: I know, dear. I am too. But we've just been too busy to look for a house.

W: We need to find a good realtor.

M: Not necessary. (23)If we use a realtor to find a house, it will be more expensive. Realtors always get a commission. If the realtor helps us find something, we have to pay him.

W: But doesn't a realtor help with the contract? I thought they take care of all the legal troubles. We're new in this country. We don't know all the laws of buying a house. And also, the realtor will inspect the house. He can tell us if the house has any problems.

M: Of course we need a home inspector. But we can hire an inspector on our own. (24)And as for the legal problems, I have friends. They can help us.

W: So how can we find a house if we don't have a realtor?

M: It takes a little more time. We have to check the ads in the paper. Probably also there are special real estate magazines with ads. Then we have to drive to the homes and look at them. It's best to find someone who is selling by himself.

W: Well, that will take a long time.

M: It is. But buying a house is very important; you can't be too careful.

W: (25)I want to look in the papers today. Maybe we can see something we like.

M: Alright. (25)I'll buy a newspaper when I go to the drug store.


A.House-buyer and house-seller.

B.House-buyer and realtor.

C.Husband and wife.


听力原文:M: I'm Jack with human resources consultant Sharon Smith, and (19) this week on o

听力原文:M: I'm Jack with human resources consultant Sharon Smith, and (19) this week on our program World master —(20) surviving a job interview! Ms. Smith, what's your advice for an interviewee?

W: Well, (21) firstly avoid a flat monotone voice that people sometimes get when they are nervous. Besides, showing your passion and your eagerness to work for that company will add much.

M: (20) What should the interviewee do for interview questions?

W: Good interviewers will ask you very detailed questions and they'll want to know specifically your role in a particular project. So the key to giving a good answer to an interview question is to do what I call a STAR, S-T-A-R. The S and the T stand for explaining a situation or a task that you were given, the A is the action you took and the R is the results.

M: So what you're saying is that you need to be prepared before you walk in the door.

W: Right. Go through some mock interviews. Practice in the mirror, answering questions. Go in with three or four things you really want to stress about yourself. Then you can bring those out no matter what question is asked.

M: (20) How do you follow up after an interview?

W: Please send a thank-you letter or e-mail. Express sincere appreciation for the time that they spent interviewing you. (22) You have an opportunity tore-emphasize some of your strongest qualities and how your skills match their needs.


A.In a company.

B.In a studio.

C.In a classroom.

D.At the woman's home.

听力原文:W: Hi, Peter. Nice to meet you!M: Hi. You are?W: I'm Lisa, [22] a good friend of

听力原文:W: Hi, Peter. Nice to meet you!

M: Hi. You are?

W: I'm Lisa, [22] a good friend of your young sister Alice. I used to go to your home when you were still home.

M: Yeah, Lisa, I remember, the active girl usually in red. Nice to meet you, too.

W: [22] Alice told me I might meet you here, but I didn't expect it so soon.

M: When did you come here?

W: A couple of days ago. Today I just had my first class.

M: How was your first class?

W: Well, I got lost and I was late as the class was moved to another building.

M: Don't worry about it.[25] It was a freshman class, so I'm sure you weren't the only person who was late. The first day is just going over the syllabus and finding out what will be expected of the students. Still, if you don't want to sit in the front, [23] you'd better go there early to find a seat since the classroom usually fills up.

W: Thank you for telling me. Where are you going?

M: I have an appointment with my advisor. I've been behind in my research for the fellowship, and [24] I am supposed to have an outline ready by today!

W: Oh! What are you going to do?

M: [24] I'll come up with a short outline after biology class and promised him a complete outline early next week. That reminds me. I've got to run. See you later !

W: Ok. Good luck!

M: Ah, yes, I'll call you later when I'm free. What's your phone number?

W: 8887777, easy to remember. Hurry up! Bye!




C.Former classmates.

D.Good Friends.

听力原文:M: Morning. Happy to meet you here. How are you and how is your whole family?W: G

听力原文:M: Morning. Happy to meet you here. How are you and how is your whole family?

W: Good morning, sir. Fine, thank you for your care.

M: Er, did you put that advertisement in yesterday, and did you see it?

W: Yes. I have seen it and also have a try.

M: (22)The junior sales manager. They want someone that could help them to manage the company.

W: Yes, it went into the Standard and the Evening News. That sounds good.

M: Jolly good. And congratulations to you!

W: Erm, what sort of a young man had you got in mind?

M: Oh, you know, a good education, er, (23)what I don't want is one of these young cocks, you know who just walk out of university with, exaggerated ideas of his own importance.

W: And how much he's going to earn, frankly. And only according to your conditions and your wants, we could find and look for more proper people, you know, so many people came here, and I don't want to waste their time. And what we want is just the right one.

M: I mean, (24)I'm not prepared to give him a very big salary to start with. I mean the increases he gets in his salary are going to be dependent on how effective he is. That's hard to say and hard to make so concrete criterion. Nowadays, you know, it's very difficult to find such a good person that can be suited this job. (24)And most of the time, they ask so many salary and, the most important one is that, they really have no ability to do it.


A.Junior Sales Manager Wanted.

B.Personnel Manager Wanted.

C.Secretary Wanted.

D.Managing Director Wanted.

听力原文:W: The weatherman says the storm is getting worse.M: If he's as good as he usuall

听力原文:W: The weatherman says the storm is getting worse.

M: If he's as good as he usually is at making forecasts, we will probably have blue skies tomorrow.

Q: What does the man mean?


A.The weatherman is often wrong.

B.The weatherman is usually good at making forecasts.

C.It is going to be sunny.

D.It is going to rain tomorrow.

听力原文:M: Good evening, everybody. (22)Welcome to Stars. Today we have Emma Thompson her

听力原文:M: Good evening, everybody. (22)Welcome to Stars. Today we have Emma Thompson here as our distinguished guest. Welcome, Emma.

W: Thank you, Edward.

M: What do you most admire in a person?

W: As for me, it is the ability to laugh in the face of disaster.

M: Is there anything that was once fun for you but now isn't?

W: Diving. I loved it. Then I had to have an artificial nose made for me in the movie Nanny McPhee, and while I was inside the mask, I had a panic attack. And interestingly, the next time I went scuba diving, I couldn't breathe through my nose.

M: Five years ago, you took in a former child soldier from Rwanda. (23) He's now not only attending an English university but this year will become a British citizen. You must be excited.

W: Oh, we wept. We were in shock because we had not expected it. (24)He's taking his citizenship exams, which has made us laugh because the questions they ask are so ridiculous.

M: Like what?

W: Things like "What's the second title that the queen holds as the head of the Church of England?" Who knows that? I'll bet even the queen's forgotten.

M: Well, neither do I know it. Ha ha. So you're turning 50 in April. Any plans?

W: (25) We're shooting the second Nanny McPhee, which is a very good way of celebrating because those movies are such heaven to make. For the actual birthday, we're going to Scotland and we're going to make a really stupid film with our friends that I can show to everyone on my birthday, I'm going to celebrate it for a year.


A.Host and guest.

B.Hostess and guest.

C.Interview and interviewee.

D.Reporter and movie star.

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