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In warm weather fruit and meat ____ long.

A.don’t keep

B.can’t be kept

C.are not kept

D.are not keeping

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更多“In warm weather fruit and meat…”相关的问题
A.It is supposed to be warm and sunny in terms of the weather forecast.B.It won"t

A.It is supposed to be warm and sunny in terms of the weather forecast.

B.It won"t go like what the man expects according to the weather forecast.

C.She believes it"s suitable for the man to play football.

D.She has no idea of how it will be like.

A.The ride will take all day.B.She knows her way around the harbor.C.The warm weather

A.The ride will take all day.

B.She knows her way around the harbor.

C.The warm weather is quite pleasant.

D.She'd like to come along.

A massive pool of warm ocean water is causing changes in the atmosphere that could produce
unusual weather around ihc world in the next few months. the US National Weather Service reported on Monday.

As a result of this phenomenon. known as El Nino, more rainfall than normal is likely this winter across some areas of the United States, with unusually warm or cold weather in other parts of the country.

Currently the phenomenon is marked by a warm pool of water along the equator extending from the International Date Line nearly to the coast of South America. That water is nearly 4. degrees Fahrenheit above normal. explained Vernon Kousky of the climate center.

This warm water "spreads almost a quarter of the way around the globe. So it&39;s massive and it has an impact on our weather. It has a global influence... because it disturbs the atmosphere", said Dave Rodenhuis. director of the climate center.

"E1 Nino is probably the most important climate event beyond the annual cycle of seasons", he added.

Because the changes tended to be first noticed around Christmas, the phenomenon was given che name El Nino, which is Spanish for child, a term often used to refer to the baby Jesus.

The phenomenon occurs every three to five years, sometimes in a mild form. and sometimes strongly affecting weather patterns worldwide. Details of its cause are not fully understood, but when it occurs. unusually warm air can be pumped into Canada. Alaska and the northern United States. At the same time, conditions tend to be wetter than normal along the US Southeast Coast and the Gulf of Mexico. And the Atlantic and Caribbean hurricane season tends to be milder than usual.

The strong El Nino of 1982-1983 was blamed for worsening the devastating drought in Africa, causing a series or severe winter storms to come ashore in California, spawning the first typhoon to strike French Polynesia m 75 years-followed by five more in Five months-deluging Peru and Ecuador with torrential rains and promoting the worst drought in two centuries in Australia.

Overall damage was estimated at between $2 billion and $8 billion by a United Nations analysis and the death toll topped l,500 worldwide.


El Nino can best be described as_________________.

A.unusually long period of hot or cold weather

B.unusual changes of weather around the world

C.atmospheric change caused by warm ocean water

D.rising temperature of the ocean water and atmosphere

A.It is getting warm these days. Many people want to go out for a walk on the weekend.

B.It is getting warm these days. Many people want to go out for a walk on the weekend.

C.Recently the weather is becoming warm. Quite a few people want to go out to walk during the weekend.

D.As the climate is becoming warmer and warmer, some people want to have a walk in the weekend.

听力原文:M: Helen and I are thinking of renting a house at the beach in June. Are you inte

W: June? I guess it is cheaper then, but do you really think it will be warm enough?

What does the woman mean?


A.She's very interested in the idea.

B.She thinks they should invite more people.

C.She can't afford a holiday in June.

D.She's doubtful about the weather in June.

听力原文:And now for the Monday Morning weather report. Right now the skies over the Chica

听力原文: And now for the Monday Morning weather report. Right now the skies over the Chicago area are sunny and clear. We are expecting warm dry weather to continue throughout the day with temperatures in the middle to upper 80℃. Winds will continue to be slightly variable as high as ten miles per hour. We are going to have fair weather continuing over the next couple of days so that means clear and somewhat cooler weather tonight, Tomorrow will be sunny again and quite warm. No precipitation is expected for at least three or four days.


A.An English reporter.

B.An American reporter.

C.An English scientist.

D.An American scientist.

Hollywood produced more films than any film center in the world.【M1】______The warm weather

Hollywood produced more films than any film center in the world. 【M1】______

The warm weather mid long hours of sunlight meant that filmmaking was 【M2】______

easy and quite cheap. This was also a rich part of America, and there

were many businessmen who wanted to make money for the motion 【M3】______

picture industry. At first short cowboy films were popular because they add

excitement and adventure for people's lives. Later, comedy films were 【M4】______

made so that people could laugh and forget their troubles. Charlie Chap

Chaplin was probably file mostly liked of all comedy actors. 【M5】______

To begin with, all films were silent, and actors showed the story

by acting smaller than life. Charlie Chaplin was the most famous of 【M6】______

these silent film actors. In 1926 some short films were made which the 【M7】______

actors spoke for the first time. Within three years nobody wanted to

watch silent films although some famous actors, including Charlie

Chaplin, refusing to make talking films for many years. 【M8】______

At first all films were in black and white, but in 1932 the first

color film was made. It was until 1938 that a full length color film was 【M9】______

made, and the success of this film made producers everywhere to change 【M10】______

from black and white to color. This first full-length color film was

translated into ten languages and made Hollywood the major center of the

motion picture industry.


听力原文:W: We'd better be looking for sales on down jackets and underwear. It's going to
be really cold this winter.

M: Well, you didn't expect it to be warm, did you?

W: Of course not, but I just heard the National Weather Service's prediction for the next 90 days. They said it's sup- posed to be much colder weather than usual.

M: Yeah, maybe. Personally, I think those long-range forecasts are useless.

W: Not as useless as you think.

M: Oh, come on, when you're talking about what's going to happen three months later, you might as well just pick a forecast out of our hat. W: Well, you are half-right. They aren't very good for the amount of rain. But they are a lot better for temperatures especially for this time of the year.

M: Really, so I should take them seriously about the cold but not count too much on a lot of extra snow?

W: Un-huh.

M: But what did you say about this time of the year? Do some seasons really give them more problems in making forecasts?

W: Autumn is the worst, apparently weather patterns change so much then, just think how variable our weather has been the last three months.

M: Come to think of it. That's true. It probably would have been hard to predict all those changes back in the summer. You know, you're beginning to convince me there is more to forecast than I thought. How come you know so much about it?

W: I get my information from an expert. My sister's a meteorologist.

On what aspect of weather forecasting is the conversation about?


A.How much its accuracy has improved recently.

B.How reliable long-range forecasts are.

C.How difficult it takes to make a good forecast.

D.How the current forecast causes troubles.

Types of Climate Climate is the combination of temperature, moisture, wind, and sunshine a

Types of Climate

Climate is the combination of temperature, moisture, wind, and sunshine at a place over a period of many years. Weather is made up of atmospheric conditions during a few hours or days. The weather may be rainy on a certain day. But that place may usually have a warm, dry, sunny climate. We learn about the climate of a place by studying its temperature, moisture, wind, and sunshine from season to season and year to year.

Temperature and the amount of rainfall are the two most important elements of climate. Others are humidity (air moisture), cloudiness, fog, sunshine, wind, storms, and air pressure.

There are many different types of climate on earth. Climates of the world can be classified according to their latitudes and the plants that grow there. Different kinds of plants need different amounts of heat and moisture for growth. The vegetation of a region tells us about temperature and rainfall conditions over a long period of time.

Tropical Climates

Tropical climates are found in regions between 35N and 35S latitude. In the tropical rain forest (nearest the equator) conditions are warm and rainy all year long, and there is a thick cover of trees. Places farther north and south of the equator have a tropical wet-and-dry climate. There the forests are not so dense, and many trees lose their leaves in the dry season. Along 23.5N and 23.5S latitude there are vast regions of tropical desert climate, where very little vegetation can grow.

Subtropical Climates

Subtropical climates are usually found between 30 and 40 North and South latitudes. The subtropical western coasts of the continents have a Mediterranean climate. Summers are hot and dry; winters are mild and wet. On the subtropical eastern coasts of continents the climate is humid subtropical. Summers are hot, and winters are mild. There is enough rainfall in all seasons for forests.

Mid-latitude Climate

Mid-latitude climates occur between 40 and 60 NS latitudes. Strong westerly winds blow in the mid-latitudes. The climate of the west coast of North America is mild and rainy most of the year. It helps the growth of fine timber forests. Some places in the mid-latitudes do not receive moisture because of mountain barriers or their great distances from the oceans. Humid continental climates cover large mid-latitude area in eastern parts of the continents. They are forest climates with cold winters and warm summers. Most of the rainfall comes in the summer.

High-latitude Climates

High-latitude climates occur from 60 to the poles, North and South. In the high latitudes it is very cold in winter and cool in summer. The short summers are warm enough for forests of evergreen trees. Greenland and Antarctica have a polar climate, where great ice caps exist because of year-round freezing.

High-altitude Climates

Highland climates are cooler than the surrounding lowlands because of the effects of altitude. Highland climates are found on the high mountains of the world, even on the equator. In the tropics and mid-latitudes different kinds of vegetation grow in zones up the slopes of mountains to the permanent snowfields.

The Causes of Different Climates

The differences in the climate from place to place are caused by climate controls. The major climate controls are latitude, altitude, land and water bodies, ocean currents, and storm centers.

Latitudes make climates colder toward the north and south poles (high latitudes) than at the tropics near the equator (low altitudes). Low-latitude regions remain warm throughout the year. At higher latitudes there are greater differences between winter and summer temperatures.

Altitude affects climate by lowering temperatures as the height above sea level increases. At high altitudes the air is less dense and does not absorb and hold as much heat. On the average, the temperature drops about 2 degrees Celsius




听力原文: Climate researchers still do not agree on whether the earth will become warmer d
uring the century. Even more importantly, none of them expect the planet to get very much warmer in the foreseeable future. They say that the earth is likely to warm by no more than 2 degrees Centigrade during this century.

Satellite studies indicated that additional cloud cover would moderate any warming trend. Highly ac curate satellite data for the last nineteen years show a slight cooling of the atmosphere. Most of the one-half-degree Centigrade of warming that has occurred in the last one-hundred years took place before 1940—before humanity put very much CO2 into the air. Thus there is strong evidence that the two are unconnected.

Research has only recently produced a computerized climate model able accurately to mimic the weather the world has accurately had. This more-accurate model projects only a 2-degree Centigrade increase in temperatures.

Between 900 AD and 1300 AD, the earth warmed by some 4 to 7 degrees Fahreheit—almost exactly what the models now predict for this century. History books call it the Little Climate Optimum. Written and oral history tells us that the warming created one of the most favorable periods in human history, crops were plentiful, death rates diminished, and trade and industry expanded—while art and architecture flourished,

Researchers tell us that we need not fear a return of the Little Climate Optimum. If there is any global warming in the 21th century, it will produce milder weather that marked the medieval Little Optimum—with the added benefit of more CO2 in the atmosphere and therefore a more luxuriant natural environment.


A.The earth will get warmer in the next century.

B.Some researchers wish the weather to become warmer.

C.Any warming up of the earth's atmosphere will be limited.

D.The earth's atmosphere will cool significantly.

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