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Reebok executives do not like to hear their stylish athletic shoes called "footwear for yu

ppies". They contend that Reebok shoes appeal to diverse market segments, especially now that the company offers basketball and children' s shoes for the under-18 set and walking shoes for older customers not interest ed in aerobics or running. The executives also point out that through recent acquisitions they have added hiking boots, dress and casual shoes, and high-performance athletic footwear to their product lines, all of which should attract new and varied groups of customers.

Still, despite its emphasis on new markets, Reebok plans few changes in the upmarket (高档消费人群的 ) retailing network that helped push sales to $ 1 billion annually, ahead of all other sports shoe marketers. Reebok shoes, which are priced from $ 27 to $ 85, will continue to be sold only in better specialty, sporting goods, and department stores, in accordance with the company ' s view that consumers judge the quality of the brand by the quality of its distribution.

In the past few years, the Massachusetts - based company has imposed limits on the number of its distributors (and the number of shoes supplied to stores), partly out of necessity. At times the unexpected demand for Reebok's exceeded supply, and the company could barely keep up with orders from the dealers it already had. These fulfillment problems seem to be under control now, but the company is still selective about its distributors. At present, Reebok shoes arc available in about five thousand retail stores in the United States.

Reebok has already anticipated that walking shoes will be the next fitness - related craze, replacing aerobics shoes the same way its brightly colored, sot~ leather exercise footwear replaced conventional running shoes. Through product diversification and careful market research, Reebok hopes to avoid the distribution problems Nike came across 'several years ago, when Nike misjudged the strength of the aerobics shoe craze and was forced to unload huge inventories of running shoes through discount stores.

One reason why Reebok's managerial personnel don't like their shoes to be called "footwear for yuppies" is that ______.

A.they believe that their shoes are popular with people of different age groups

B.new production lines have been added to produce inexpensive shoes

C.yuppies usually evokes a negative image

D.the term makes people think of prohibitive prices

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更多“Reebok executives do not like …”相关的问题
Reebok executives do not like to hear their stylish athletic shoes called" footwear for yu
ppies". They contend that Reebok shoes appeal to diverse market segments, especially now that the company offers basketball and children's shoes for the under-18 set and walking shoes for older customers not interested in aerobics(健身操)or running. The executives also point out that through recent acquisitions they have added hiking boots, dress and casual shoes, and high-performance athletic footwear to their product lines, all of which should attract new and varied groups of customers.

Still, despite its emphasis on new markets, Reebok plans few changes in the upmarket(高档消费人群的)retailing network that helped push sales to $1 billion annually, ahead of all other sports shoe marketers. Reebok shoes, which are priced from $27 to $85, will continue to be sold only in better specialty, sporting goods, and department stores, in accordance with the company's view that consumers judge the quality of the brand by the quality of its distribution.

In the past few years, the Massachusetts-based company has imposed limits on the number of its distributors (and the number of shoes supplied to stores), partly out of necessity. At times the unexpected demand for Reebok's exceeded supply, and the company could barely keep up with orders from the dealers it already had. These fulfillment problems seem to be under control now, but the company is still selective about its distributors. At present, Reebok shoes are available in about five thousand retail stores in the United States.

Reebok has already anticipated that walking shoes will be the next fitness-related craze, replacing aerobics shoes the same way its brightly colored, soft leather exercise footwear replaced conventional running shoes. Through product diversification and careful market research, Reebok hopes to avoid the distribution problems Nike came across several years ago, when Nike misjudged the strength of the aerobics shoe craze and was forced to unload huge inventories of running shoes through discount stores.

One reason why Reebok's managerial personnel don't like their shoes to be called "footwear for yuppies' is that ______.

A.they believe that their shoes are popular with people of different age groups

B.new production lines have been added to produce inexpensive shoes

C.yuppies usually evokes a negative image

D.the term makes people think of prohibitive prices

Passage Four:Questions 36 to 40 are based on the following passage.Reebok executives do no
t like to hear their stylish athletic shoes called “footwear for yuppies (雅皮士,少壮高薪职业人士)”. They contend that Reebok shoes appeal to diverse market segments, especially now that the company offers basketball and children’s shoes for the under-18 set and walking shoes for older customers not interested in aerobics (健身操) or running. The executives also point out that through recent acquisitions they have added hiking boots, dress and casual shoes, and high-performance athletic footwear to their product lines, all of which should attract new and varied groups of customers.

Still, despite its emphasis on new markets, Reebok plans few changes in the upmarket (高档消费人群的) retailing network that helped push sales to $1 billion annually, ahead of all other sports shoe marketers. Reebok shoes, which are priced from $27 to $85, will continue to be sold only in better specialty, sporting goods, and department stores, in accordance with the company’s view that consumers judge the quality of the brand by the quality of its distribution.

In the past few years, the Massachusetts-based company has imposed limits on the number of its distributors (and the number of shoes supplied to stores), partly out of necessity. At times the unexpected demand for Reebok’s exceeded supply, and the company could barely keep up with orders from the dealers it already had. These fulfillment problems seem to be under control now, but the company is still selective about its distributors. At present, Reebok shoes are available in about five thousand retail stores in the United States.

Reebok has already anticipated that walking shoes will be the next fitness-related craze, replacing aerobics shoes the same way its brightly colored, soft leather exercise footwear replaced conventional running shoes. Through product diversification and careful market research, Reebok hopes to avoid the distribution problems Nike came across several years ago, when Nike misjudged the strength of the aerobics shoe craze and was forced to unload huge inventories of running shoes through discount stores.

第36题:One reason why Reebok’s managerial personnel don’t like their shoes to be called “footwear for yuppies” is that ________.

A) they believe that their shoes are popular with people of different age groups

B) new production lines have been added to produce inexpensive shoes

C) “yuppies” usually evokes a negative image

D) the term makes people think of prohibitive prices

What lesson has Reebok learned from Nike’s distribution problems? A) A company sho

What lesson has Reebok learned from Nike’s distribution problems?

A) A company should not sell its high quality shoes in discount stores.

B) A company should not limit its distribution network.

C) A company should do follow-up surveys of its products.

D) A company should correctly evaluate the impact of a new craze on the market.

What lesson has Reebok learned from Nike's distribution problems?A.A company should not se

What lesson has Reebok learned from Nike's distribution problems?

A.A company should not sell its high quality shoes in discount stores.

B.A company should not limit its distribution network.

C.A company should do follow-up surveys of its products.

D.A company should correctly evaluate the impact of a new craze on the market.

Why do you think Domino's executives took a wait and see attitude? Why was this response a problem?

It was a moment most business executives would pause to savor: late last year, German spor
ting goods pioneer Adidas learned that after years of declining market share, the company had sprinted past U. S. Reebok International to take second place behind Nike in the race for worldwide sales. But Robert Louis-Dreyfus, the rumpled Frenchman who now runs Adidas, didn't even stop for one of his trade mark Havana cigars in celebration, worried that the company would grow complacent. Instead, he and a group of friends bought French soccer club Olympique de Marseille "Now that's something I have dreamed about since I was a kid, ' Louis-Dreyfus says with an adolescent grin.

A sports addict who claims he hasn't missed attending a soccer World Cup final since the 1970s or the Olympic Games since 1968, the 50-year-old Louis-Dreyfus now is eminently well placed to live out many of his boyhood fantasies. Not only has he turned Adidas into a global company with market capitalization of $ 4 billion (he owns stock worth $ 250 million), but he also has endorsement contracts with a host of sports heroes from tennis great Steffi Graf to track's Donovan Bailey, and considers it part of the job to watch his star athletes per form. on the field, "There are very few chances in life to have such fun," he says.

With sales in the first three quarters of 1996 at $ 2.5 billion, up a blistering 30.7% over 1995, it's hard to recall the dismal shape Adidas was in when Louis-Dreyfus took over as chairman in April 1993. Founded in 1920 by Adi Dassler, the inventor of the first shoes de signed especially for sports, the company enjoyed a near monopoly in athletic shoes until an upstart called Nike appeared in the 1970s and rode the running fad to riches. By the early 1990s Adidas had come under the control of French businessman Bernard Tapie, who was later jailed for bribing three French soccer players. Al though the company tried to spruce up its staid image with a team of American designers, Adidas lost more than $100 million in 1992, prompting the French banks that had acquired control of the company from Tapie to begin a desperate search for a new owner.

Louis-Dreyfus, scion of a prominent French trading dynasty with an M. B. A. from Harvard, earned a reputation as a doctor to sick companies after turning around London-based market research firm IMS--a feat that brought him more than $10 million when the company was eventually sold. He later served as chairman of Saatchi ~ Saatchi, then the world's largest ad agency, which called him in when rapid growth sent profits into a tailspin. With no other company or entrepreneur willing to gamble on Adidas, Louis-Dreyfus got an incredible bargain from the banks., he and a group of friends from his days at IMS contributed just $10, 000 each in cash and signed up for $100 million in loans for 15% of the company, with an option to buy the remainder at a fixed price 18 months later.

The poker-loving Louis-Dreyfus knew he had been dealt a winning hand. Following the lead set by Nike in the 1970s, he moved production to low-wage factories in China, Indonesia and Thailand and sold Adidas' European factories for a token one Deutsche mark apiece. He hired Peter Moore, a former product designer at Nike, as creative director, and set up studios in Germany for the European market and in Portland, Oregon, for the U. S. He then risked everything by doubling his advertising budget. "We went from a manufacturing company to a marketing company, "says Louis-Dreyfus. "It didn't take a genius--you just had to look at what Nike and Reebok were doing. It was easier for someone coming from the outside, with no baggage, to do it, than for somebody from inside the company."

Just as the transition was taking place, Adidas had a run of good luck. The fickle fashion trendsetters decided in early 1993 that they wanted the "retro look, "




听力原文:How do you rise to the top in business? What personal qualities, skills, and back

听力原文: How do you rise to the top in business? What personal qualities, skills, and background arc needed? Such questions are frequently asked by students preparing to enter the work force end by men and women already in the business world.

Some companies want executives who combine administrative ability with a specialty in some branch of knowledge, such as mathematics or engineering. Other companies look for people skilled in human relations. For them, good management is the art of solving "people problems".

These are interesting insights, but what are the specific traits that will help people to climb the ladder of success?

First, drive. Business takes an unusual amount of energy. A successful executive—almost by definition--is a striver. According to one industrial psychologist, 86.5% of top managers have a higher activity level than the average middle managers. Top men get tense when they are not striving.

Second, people sense. Some say being able to judge people is more important than a high IQ. The skill can be instinctual, but in most cases it's learned through hard work.

Third, communication ability. An executive gets things done through other people. That means his communications must come through loud and clear. Different executives make themselves understood in different ways. Some transmit ideas best face to face; others are masters of the telephone call; still others are persuasive writers. One way or another, they all communicate clearly.

Fourth, calm under pressure, or as Hemingway put it, "grace under pressure". No businessman will get very far if he chokes up.






听力原文:In preparing a book, I asked several successful executives to tell me what they t

听力原文: In preparing a book, I asked several successful executives to tell me what they thought students should study if they wanted to succeed in business. They listed only a few technical subjects accounting and finance, for example. But time and again, these executives identified philosophy as one of the most important areas you can study for learning how to think in a disciplined, analytical, and imaginative way.

The way that philosophy helps you see the world is no less real than its practical benefits to your career. Studying philosophy exposes you to a wide range of problems that you wouldn't meet otherwise. It simply lets you see more of the world. It stretches your imagination. It challenges you to come up with your own answers to tough issues that do not have ready-made solutions.

Studying philosophy helps you to develop insight into some of life's great puzzles and to fashion your own vision of what life is all about. As you go through life, you will be challenged all along the way to make decisions about who you are and what's important to you. Philosophy helps you develop a sense of what life is all about and where you're going.

In fact, Socrates, one of the first great philosophers, thought that philosophy is the single most important element in making our lives worthwhile. "The unexamined life," he said, "is not worth living." In Socrates' mind, at least, philosophy makes it possible for us to control our own destiny.


A.A senior executive.

B.A professor.

C.A playwright.

D.A science teacher.

听力原文:How do you rise to the top in business? What personal qualifies, skills, and back

听力原文: How do you rise to the top in business? What personal qualifies, skills, and background are needed? Such questions are frequently asked by students preparing to enter the work force and by men and women already in the business world.

Some companies ware executives who combine administrative ability with a specialty in some branch of knowledge, such as mathematics or engineering. Other companies look for people skilled in human relations. For them, good management is the art of solving "people problems".

These are interesting insights, but what are the specific traits that will help people to climb the ladder of success?

First, drive. Business takes an unusual amount of energy. A successful executive—almost by definition—is a striver. According to one industrial psychologist, 86.5% of top managers have a higher activity level than the average middle managers. Top men get tense when they are not staving.

Second, people sense. Some say being able to judge people is more important than a high IQ. The skill can be instinctual, but in most cases it's learned through hard work.

Third, communication ability. An executive gets things done through other people. That means his communications must come through loud and clear. Different executives make themselves understood in different ways. Some transmit ideas best face to face; others are masters of the telephone call; still others are persuasive writers. One way or another, they all communicate clearly.

Fourth, calm under pressure, or as Hemingway put it, "grace under pressure". No businessman will get very far if he chokes up.






听力原文: How do you rise to the top in business? What personal qualities, skills, and bac
kground are needed? Such questions are frequently asked by students preparing to enter the work force and by men and women already in the business world.

Some companies want executives who combine administrative ability with a specialty in some branch of knowledge, such as mathematics or engineering. Other companies look for people skilled in human relations. For them, good management is the art of solving "people problems".

These are interesting insights, but what are the specific traits that will help people to climb the ladder of success?

First, drive. Business takes an unusual amount of energy. A successful executive—almost by definition—is a striver. According to one industrial psychologist, 86.5% of top managers have a higher activity level than the average middle managers. Top men get tense when they are not striving.

Second, people sense. Some say being able to judge people is more important than a high IQ. The skill can be instinctual, but in most cases it's learned through hard work.

Third, communication ability. An executive gets things done through other people. That means his communications must come through loud and clear. Different executives make themselves understood in different ways. Some transmit ideas best face to face; others are masters of the telephone call; still others are persuasive writers. One way or another, they all communicate clearly.

Fourth, calm under pressure, or as Hemingway put it, "grace under pressure". No businessman will get very far if he chokes up.






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