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Which CDU type is used today ,when you wants to have a lot of TRUs in one cell?()





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The new type of advertisement which is appearing in newspaper columns ______.A.promises us

The new type of advertisement which is appearing in newspaper columns ______.

A.promises useful advice to those looking for employment

B.divides avaiable jobs into various types

C.informs employers that people are available for their job vacancise

D.informs job hunters of the job vacancies

听力原文:Narrator: First we heard medical studies saying that caffeine in coffee was proba
bly bad for the heart, but recent research showed that coffee may be good for the cardiovascular system, that left coffee lovers like Corrine Mckillop to wonder.

Corrine Mckillop: I'd like to know which it is. It's very confusing. Is it good or is it not good?

Narrator: Well, a new study may explain the conflicting information. According to the research, coffee can be both good and bad. It all depends on you and which version of a gene you have.

Dr. Sean Kenniff: Researchers believe that about haft of us axe carrying a gene that allows the body to break down caffeine quickly. The rest of us have the type of gene that more slowly metabolizes the stimulant.

Narrator: In the study scientists discovered coffee drinkers with the faster version of the gene had no increased risk of heart disease; however, people with the gene that breaks down caffeine slowly had a significantly higher risk.

Dr. Sean Kenniff: When the caffeine circulates in your body for a long period of time, you might in fact experience adverse health consequences from that. Now all of us want to know the same thing.

Corrine Mckillop: Well. I'd like to find out what gene I have.

Narrator: Well, that's the bad news. There is a test to find out, but it probably won't be readily available for a while. So what to do until then, the answer is, in a word—moderation. The study also found that people with a slower gene can limit their risk if they limit their coffee to one or two cups a day.


A.The influence of coffee on the heart.

B.What kind of gene is beneficial to people.

C.How to find out what gene one has.

D.How many cups of coffee people should have each day.

There is a new type of small advertisement becoming increasingly common in newspa
per classified columns. It is sometimes placed among “situations vacant”, although it does not offer anyone a job, and sometimes it appears among “situations wanted”, although it is not placed by someone looking for a job, either. What it does is to offer help in applying for a job.

“Contact us before writing your application”, or “Make use of our long experience in preparing your curriculum vitae or job history”, is how it is usually expressed. The growth and apparent success of such a specialized service is, of course, a reflection on the current high levels of unemployment. It is also an indication of the growing importance of the curriculum vitae (or job history), with the suggestion that it may now qualify as an art form. in its own right.

There was a time when job seekers simply wrote letters of application. “Just put down your name, address, age and whether you have passed any exams”, was about the average level of advice offered to young people applying for their first jobs when I left school. The letter was really just for openers, it was explained, everything else could and should be saved for the interview. And in those days of full employment the technique worked. The letter proved that you could write and were available for work. Your eager face and intelligent replies did the rest.

Later, as you moved up the ladder, something slightly more sophisticated was called for. The advice then was to put something in the letter which would distinguish you from the rest. It might be the aggressive approach. “Your search is over. I am the person you are looking for”, was a widely used trick that occasionally succeeded. Or it might be some special feature specially designed for the job interview.

There is no doubt, however, that it is increasing number of applicants with university education at all points in the process of engaging staff that has led to the greater importance of the curriculum vitae.

The new type of advertisement which is appearing in newspaper columns .

A.informs job hunters of the opportunities available

B.promises to offer useful advice to those looking for employment

C.divides available jobs into various types

D.informs employers of the people available for work

You hear the same complaint all the time as people get older: 'My memory is terrible.' Is
it all in the mind, or do real changes take place in the brain with age to justify such grumbling(抱怨)? The depressing answer is that the brain's cells, the neurons, die and decline in efficiency with age.

Professor Arthur Shimamura, of the University of California at Berkeley, says there are three main ways in which mental function changes. The first is mental speed, for example how quickly you can react to fast-moving incidents on the road. Drivers in their late teens react quickly but tend to drive too fast, while the over sixties are more cautious but react more slowly. The near-inevitable slowing with age also partly explains why soccer players are seen as old in their thirties, while golf professionals are still in their prime at that age. This type of mental slowing results from a reduction in the efficiency with which the brain's neurons work.

The fact that adults find it harder to learn musical instruments than children points to a second type of mental loss with age—a reduction in learning capacity. The parts of the brain known as the temporal lobes control new learning, and are particularly vulnerable to the effects of aging. This means that, as we get older, we take longer to learn a new language, are slower to master new routines and technologies at work, and we have to rely more on diaries and other mental aids.

'Working memory' is the third brain system which is vulnerable to the effects of aging. Working memory is the brain's 'blackboard', where we juggle from moment to moment the things we have to keep in mind when solving problems, planning tasks and generally organizing our day-to-day life. Absent-mindedness occurs at all ages because of imperfections in the working memory system—so, for instance, you may continually lose your glasses, or find yourself walking into a room of your house only to find that you cannot remember what you came for.

Such absent-mindedness tends to creep up on us as we age and occurs because our plans and intentions, which are chalked up on the mental blackboard, are easily wiped out by stray thoughts and other distractions. Stress and preoccupation can also cause such absent-mindedness, in addition to age-related changes in the brain. The frontal lobes of the brain—located behind the forehead and above the eyes are where the working memory system is located. Like the temporal lobes, which handle new learning, the frontal lobes are more vulnerable to the aging process than other parts of the brain.

The news, however, is not all bleak. Although neurons reduce in number with age, the remaining neurons send out new and longer connecting fibres(dendrites) to maintain connections and allow us to function reasonably well with only relatively small drops in ability.

This and other evidence suggests that the principle 'use it or lose it' might apply to the aging brain. Professor Shimamura studied a group of university professors who were still intellectually active, and compared their performance on neuropsychological tests with that of others of their age group, as well as with younger people. He found that on several tests of memory, the mentally active professors in their sixties and early Seventies were superior to their contemporaries, and as good as the younger people.

Research on animals provides even stronger evidence of the effects of stimulation on the brain structure. Professor Bryan Kolb, of the University of Lethbridge in Canada, has shown that animals kept in stimulating environments show sprouting(生长) and lengthening of the connecting nerve fibres in their brains, in comparison With animals kept in unstimulating environments.

The beneficial effects of continued mental activity are shown by the fact that older contestants in quiz shows are just as fast and accurate in resp




听力原文:W: What type of term paper do you expect us to write and what is the deadline?M:

听力原文:W: What type of term paper do you expect us to write and what is the deadline?

M: Your term paper should be typed, double-spaced, and not less than twenty pages long.

Q: Who are the two speakers?


A.A professor and a student.

B.A hotel manager and a tourist.

C.A salesman and a customer.

D.A store owner and his manager.

听力原文:Many people catch a cold in the spring time or fall. It makes us wonder: if scien

听力原文: Many people catch a cold in the spring time or fall. It makes us wonder: if scientists can send a man to the moon, [33] why can't they find a cure for the common cold? The answer is easy. There're actually hundreds of kinds of cold viruses out there. You never know which one you will get, so there isn't a cure for each one. When a virus attacks your body, your body works hard to get rid of it. Blood rushes to your nose and causes a blockage in it. You feel terrible because you can't breathe well, but your body is actually eating the virus. Your temperature rises and you get a fever, but the heat of your body is killing the virus. You also have a running nose to stop the virus from getting into your cells. [34] You may feel miserable, but actually y9ur wonderful body is doing everything it can to kill the cold. Different people have different remedies for colds. In the United States and some other countries, for example, people might eat chicken soup to feel better. Some people take hot bath and drink warm liquids. Other people take medicines to relieve various symptoms of colds. There is one interesting thing to note. [35] Some scientists say taking medicines when you have a cold is actually bad for you. The virus stays in you longer, because your body doesn't develop a way to fight it and kill it.


A.They haven't devoted as much energy to medicine as to space travel.

B.There are too many kinds of cold viruses for them to identify.

C.It is not economical to find a cure for each type of cold.

D.They believe people can recover without treatment.

According to the passage, it is possible for us to tell one type of person from another be
cause ______.

A.people differ in their behavioral and physical characteristics

B.human fingerprints provide unique information

C.people's behavior. can be easily described in words

D.human faces have complex features

This is a new type of advertisement becoming increasingly common in newspaper classified c
olumns. It is sometimes placed among "situations vacant", although it doesn't offer anyone job, and sometimes it appears "situations wanted", although it is not placed by someone looking for a job either; What it does is to offer help in applying for a job.

"Contact us before writing your application", or "Make use of our long experience in preparing your curriculum vitae (工作简历) or job history", is how it is usually expressed. The growth and apparent success of such a specialized service is, of course, a reflection on the current high levels of unemployment. It is also an indication of the growing importance of the curriculum vitae (or job history), with the suggestion that it may now qualify as an art form. in its own right.

There was a time when job seeker simply wrote letters of application. "Just put down your name, address, age and Whether you have passed any exams", was about the average level of advice offered to young people applying for their first jobs when they left school. The letter was really just for openers, it was explained, and everything else could and should be saved for the interview. And in those days of full employment the technique worked. The letter proved that you could write and were available for work. Your eager face and intelligent replies did the rest.

Later, as you moved up the ladder, something slightly more sophisticated was called for. The advice then was to put something in the letter which would distinguish you from the rest. It might be the aggressive approach. "Your search is over. I am the person you are looking for," was a widely used trick that occasionally succeeded. Or it might be some feature specially designed for the job in view.

There is no doubt, however, that it is the increasing number of applicants with university education at all points in the process of engaging staff that has led to the greater importance of the curriculum vitae.

The new type of advertisement mentioned in the first paragraph is ______.


B.to offer jobs

C.to offer help in applying for a job

D.to offer help in looking for a job

conceptual meaning: is the first type of meaning recognized by Leech, which he define
Which of the following type of class is the smallest in size?()




D.Field trip

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