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Our city has many buildings which __________ those found in the West.





E.are being made of

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After living in the 24-hour city of Las Vegas for years, my family and I decided to 1 . I wanted our family to be more 2 . The property they bought was 3 the grid. It was not connected whatsoever to a

ny 4 . We were confronted with real 5 at the time. But the 6 just made us work harder. While living here for the past four months has been a big 7 , there are many 8 to living off the grid. We have learned how to 9 power and water and to really 10 what the earth gives to us every day.

听力原文:W: We now interrupt our regular scheduled news program to bring you live up-to-da
te coverage on the civil unrest in the newly formed country of Karnak, where our man Stan Fielding is stationed. Stan...

M: This is Stan Fielding reporting live from the suburbs of the capital city. Just 20 minutes ago, rebel forces launched the biggest offensive against the ruling government in the 18-month conflict here in this country.

W: Now Stan, is this a sign that the peace process has been totally abandoned?

M: Well, so far, peace negotiations have failed, and any resolution to end the civil war appears bleak at this moment. As you can see...Whoa.

W: Stan, Stan, are you there?

M: Uh, yes, Shelly. As you can probably hear behind me, rebel forces are also using heavy artillery to pound the positions of government forces around the city center. Rebel forces are closing in, and it's feared that they will be able to take the capital building before daybreak where, it is believed, many government officials are holding out.

W: Now, besides the heavy fighting, what other pressing concerns are there for the citizens of the city?

M: Well, since the beginning of the conflict, starvation, and lack of clean water and adequate shelter have been the biggest daily obstacles facing the citizens of this war-torn country. It is believed that over 40, 000 people, mostly children, have starved to death. Fortunately, no epidemics have broken out, but that is always a concern if this war lingers on,

W: Okay, that was Stan Fielding reporting. And we will keep you up-to-date as this story continues to unfold.


A.Thelatest developments of an armed rebellion in Karnak.

B.The fall of Karnak's capital city into the hands of the rebel forces.

C.The epidemic that has just broken out in the country of Karnak.

D.The peace talks between the rebels and the government in Karnak.

听力原文:W: We now interrupt our regular scheduled news program to (22)bring you live up-t

听力原文:W: We now interrupt our regular scheduled news program to (22)bring you live up-to-date coverage on the civil unrest in the newly formed country of Karnak, where our man Stan Fielding is stationed. Stan...

M: This is Stan Fielding reporting live from the suburbs of the capital city. Just 20 minutes ago, rebel forces launched the biggest offensive against the ruling government in the 18-month conflict here in this country.

W: Now, Stan, is this a sign that the peace process has totally abandoned?

M: Well, so far, (23)peace negotiations have failed, and any resolution to end the civil war appears bleak at this moment. As you can see…whoa

W: Stan, Stan, are you there?

M: Uh, yes. Shelly. As you can probably hear behind me, rebel forces are also using heavy artillery to pound the positions of government forces around the city centre. Rebel forces are closing in, and (24)it's feared that they will be able to take the capital building before daybreak where, it is believed, many government officials are holding out.

W: Now, besides the heavy fighting, what other pressing concerns are there for the citizens of the city?

M: Well, (25)since the beginning of the conflict, starvation and lack of clean water and adequate shelter have been the biggest daffy obstacles facing the citizens of this war torn country. It is believed that over 40 000 people, mostly children, have starved to death. Fortunately, no epidemics have broken out, but that is always a concern if this war lingers on.

W: Okay, that was Stan Fielding reporting. And we will keep you up-to-date as this story continues to unfold.


A.The fall of Karnak's capital city into the hands of the rebel forces.

B.The latest developments of an armed rebellion in Karnak.

C.The epidemic that has just broken out in the country of Karnak.

D.The peace talks between the rebels and the government in Karnak.

听力原文:W: We now interrupt our regular scheduled news program to(22)bring you live up-to

听力原文:W: We now interrupt our regular scheduled news program to(22)bring you live up-to-date coverage on the civil unrest in the newly formed country of Karnak, where our man Stan Fielding is stationed. Stan...

M: This is Stan Fielding reporting live from the suburbs of the capital city. Just 20 minutes ago, rebel forces launched the biggest offensive against the ruling government in the 18-month conflict here in this country.

W: Now, Stan, is this a sign that the peace process has totally abandoned?

M: Well, so far, (23)peace negotiations have failed, and any resolution to end the civil war appears bleak at this moment. As you can see...whoa.

W: Stan, Stan, are you there?

M: Uh, yes. Shelly. As you can probably hear behind me, rebel forces are also using heavy artillery to pound the positions of government forces around the city centrer. Rebel forces are closing in, and(24)it's feared that they will be able to take the capital building before daybreak where, it is believed, many government officials are holding out.

W: Now, besides the heavy fighting, what other pressing concerns are there for the citizens of the city?

M: well, since the beginning of the conflict, (25)starvation, and lack of clean water and adequate shelter have been the biggest daily obstacles facing the citizens of this war-torn country. It is believed that over 40 000 people, mostly children, have starved to death. Fortunately. no epidemics have broken out, but that is always a concern if this war lingers on.

W: Okay, that was Stan Fielding reporting. And we will keep you up-to-date as this story continues to unfold.


A.The latest developments of an armed rebellion in Karnak.

B.The fall of Karnak's capital city into the hands of the rebel forces.

C.The epidemic that has just broken out in the country of Karnak.

D.The peace talks between the rebels and the government in Karnak.

He has been working in this city for many years. So he____________(对这儿的一切很熟悉).

He has been working in this city for many years. So he____________(对这儿的一切很熟悉).

听力原文:For the past few weeks we have been discussing national energy conservation alter

听力原文: For the past few weeks we have been discussing national energy conservation alternatives for the future. Today I am going to talk about what one community is presently doing to conserve energy. The people of Davis, California, have succeeded in cutting their energy consumption by one third since 1973. The first energy-saving action that was taken in the early 70's was the legislation of strict building codes.

All new houses in Davis must have the proper insulation so that heat will not escape unnecessarily during the winter. New houses must also face north or south so that they will not be overheated by the sun in summer. The laws have had a definite effect.

Since 1976 there has been a 50 percent saving in the amount of natural gas and electricity used in heating and air-conditioning. There are other energy-saving features about Davis. Buses, partially supported by the city, transport university students throughout the area. There are 24 miles of bicycle paths, and today there are twice as many bicycles as cars in the city. By reducing the available parking space, the City Council has succeeded in reducing the number of cars in the city every day. Another benefit of the reduced parking is the greater number of small cars.

People are saving gas because they are choosing not to drive or because they are driving fuel economical cars. Davis, California, has become an energy-saving model for other cities. Time is up for today. Next week we'll return to our regular topic of national energy alternatives.


A.Bicycles and cars.

B.Building codes.

C.Energy conservation.

D.New housing construction.

The Most Beautiful City in AmericaIt has been called the most beautiful city in America. I

The Most Beautiful City in America

It has been called the most beautiful city in America. It also is the subject of a very popular book about murder. The story of Savannah, Georgia, is our report today.

Savannah, Georgia, is not huge. It is only the 3rd largest city in this Southern state. It has about 140 thousand people. Yet few American cities have protected their past as well as Savannah. It has beautiful old houses. It hasparks with trees and colorful flowers. A visit to Savannah today shows that life was like in the Southern United States 200 years ago.

English settlers established the city of Savannah in 1733. They were led by General James Oglethorpe. General Oglethorpe and 120 settlers landed at Yamakaroo bluff on the Savannah River. They chose the place for the city of Savannah on a hill above the river. It was 29 kilometers from the Atlantic Ocean.

General Oglethorpe decided to make Savannah as beautiful as a city could be. He designed the streets in anunusual way. Many did not cross each other. Instead, they ended in large open square areas. There are 21 suchpublic squares in Savannah. They have grass, trees, flowers and statues. They also have places for people to sit and enjoy the beauty.

In the 1700s Savannah became a busy port city for exporting farm products. In 1793 Eliwhiteney was teaching on a cotton farm near the city. He invented a machine that removed seeds from the cotton plant. Until then the seed had to be removed by hand. The work was very hard. Eliwhiteney's invention was called the "cotton gin". It greatly improved the ability to produce cotton.

The cotton gin made cotton the most important product in the American South. And it increased importance of Savannah as a port city. Savannah became the world's leading market for cotton. The Savannah Cotton Exchange set the price of cotton around the world. The city became rich. Rich people began to build large beautiful houses. The city continued to grow richer until the early 1860s. That is when America's Nortliem states fought the rebel Southern states in the Civil War.

One of the most famous Northern generals was William Sherman. He led union troops to seize control of rebel territory in the South. General Sherman captured the city of Atlanta. From Atlanta he marched his troops through the heart of Georgia to the Atlantic Ocean. It was known as Sherman's March to the Sea. The Union troops burned all the houses, farms, animals and food supplies on their way. The purpose was to destroy popular support for the rebellion of the Southern states. General Sherman said, "The Union must make old and young, rich and poor feel the hard hand of war."

The people of Savannah learned what General Sherman had done to the rest of Georgia. They did not want the same thing to happen to them. So they offered to surrender their beautiful city ff he promised not to bum it. General Sherman accepted the offer. In December, 1864, he scm a message to President Abraham Lincoln in Washington. It said, "I beg to present you as a Christmas gift—the city of Savannah." Sherman's gift included 150 heavy guns, ammunition and 25 thousand bales of cotton.

The Civil War hurt Savannah's economy. And years of growing nothing but cotton damaged the soil. An insect called the boll weevil destroyed the plant. By 1920, little cotton was left. During the 1900s, manufacturing took the place of cotton farming. Savannah's shipping industry continued to grow. However, many old houses were tearing down, or they fell apart. One visitor said the city was like a beautiful woman with a dirty face.

In the 1950s some citizens of Savannah became angry when more old houses were being threatened by development. One company wanted to destroy a house to build a parking area for cars. A group of 7 women decided to save the house. They asked people for money. They collec




A.It is a city of contrasts.B.It possesses many historical sites.C.It is an important

A.It is a city of contrasts.

B.It possesses many historical sites.

C.It is an important industrial center.

D.It has many big and beautiful parks.

A.It's most beautiful in summer.B.It has many historical buildings.C.It Was greatly ex

A.It's most beautiful in summer.

B.It has many historical buildings.

C.It Was greatly expanded in the 18th century.

D.It's the only French-speaking city in Canada.

听力原文:M: Are you enjoying this tour?W: Yes. It's my first time to visit New York.M: Min

听力原文:M: Are you enjoying this tour?

W: Yes. It's my first time to visit New York.

M: Mine, too. New York is such a big and fascinating place.

W: Do you know how New York came to be the largest city in the United States?

M: Well, I suppose because it is one of the country's oldest cities. Besides that, it has a good harbor.

W: That's true, but there are other old port cities in the U.S. like Boston, Philadelphia, and Baltimore. In fact, in our early history, the first two played a much larger role than New York.

M: The big difference is that New York had a water route to travel to the interior. Other cities lacked that.

W: Do you mean a river?

M: Not a natural one; it was a canal. The Erie Canal, which was completed in 1823, connected New York's port to the Great Lakes in the Midwest.

W: So even before the railroad was invented, goods and supplies could travel via a water route from New York to the West.

M: Yes, and corn and wheat from that area could travel to New York for sale elsewhere.

W: So New York began to grow faster than the other cities.

M: Yes. In fact, within fifteen years after the canal opened in 1823. New York doubled in size. It became the trading capital of the U.S., attracting business, banking and industry, and providing work for thousands of new immigrants.


A.How New York became the largest city in the Unite States.

B.How the Eric Canal is built.

C.Why New York has attracted so many people from the world.

D.Their tour in New York.

What does the author imply about Boston? 查看材料A.It

What does the author imply about Boston? 查看材料

A.It has pleasant weather all year round.

B.It produces wealth as well as high-tech.

C.It is not likely to attract lots of investors and nerds.

D.It is an old city with many sites of historical interest.

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